Perry /Rubio vs. Perry /Someone else


Platinum Member
Sep 5, 2011
Oak Run Ca.
Perry /Rubio is a Great Ticket but (Perry / DeMint) (Perry / Coburn) (Perry / West) (Perry / Palin) (Perry/ Issa) sound pretty good too
So we're picking our VP candidate eleven months before our candidate is nominated? Talk about getting ahead of yourself.
Perry /Rubio is a Great Ticket but (Perry / DeMint) (Perry / Coburn) (Perry / West) (Perry / Palin) (Perry/ Issa) sound pretty good too

Marko Rubio is a FRESHMAN senator--can't we learn from past experience yet? While I expect him to SOMEDAY become something great--let's let him build up some major accomplishments and experience FIRST--before we boot him up to the front of the line.

Perry--is going to have some serious problems attracting the independent vote in this country--and as we all KNOW if you can't win independents you can't win elections.
Why not? People were speculating about 2012 candidates right after the 2008 election.

Anyway, the VP typically "balances" the ticket. Perry ought to pick someone who knows Congress and can negotiate legislation through there, like LBJ did for Kennedy.
Sen Lamar Alexander might be an outstanding choice. He is conservative but not radically so. And he has tremendous experience in gov't.
Sen Rob Portman of OH might eb a good candidate as well.

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