Perpetual War: 'Good Friend' Saudi Arabia Poised To Start More Middle East Wars...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
More war, more Debt. The vicious circle of Perpetual War drags on. When will Americans say enough is enough on endless war?

Saudi Escalation: Lebanon And Yemen In The Crosshairs

The Saudi crown prince is rumored to soon take over as king. He has moved against possible rivals within his own family and seized billions of dollars. Meanwhile he's threatened Lebanon and his government has ordered Saudi citizens to leave Lebanon.

This while blaming Iran for a Yemeni missile that hit near an airport in Riyadh. The US is backing Saudi moves against Yemen and Lebanon to the hilt. Is something big about to happen? We suspect it is. More today in the Liberty Report:

Lebanon has a lot of problems in it and running through it to infect the rest. Looks like a house cleaning may be going down there soon to me.
For many centuries now, it has been the custom for Muslims to kill Muslims when there is a scarcity of Infidels to kill.

What about the word "Barbarians" do you liberals not understand?

They are living in the 8th century, and that is apparently where they want to be.

They need to stay in the desert and NOT come to America until they separate their religion from their politics---they way Thomas Jefferson did for us with the Wall of Separation between Church and State. That should take about another 300 years, during which a "pause" in Immigration from Barbaric Countries--Arabia, Persia, North Africa---would be a grand idea.
For many centuries now, it has been the custom for Muslims to kill Muslims when there is a scarcity of Infidels to kill.

What about the word "Barbarians" do you liberals not understand?

They are living in the 8th century, and that is apparently where they want to be.

They need to stay in the desert and NOT come to America until they separate their religion from their politics---they way Thomas Jefferson did for us with the Wall of Separation between Church and State. That should take about another 300 years, during which a "pause" in Immigration from Barbaric Countries--Arabia, Persia, North Africa---would be a grand idea.

It's the Middle East, warring for centuries...the beat goes on
Lebanon has a lot of problems in it and running through it to infect the rest. Looks like a house cleaning may be going down there soon to me.

Saudi Arabia is a very dangerous country. Looks like it's planning to invade Lebanon at some point. Will our Government support it? I would say, probably. It's such a bloody chaotic mess over there. We need to disengage from the Middle East.

We need to reassess our close ties with an evil country like Saudi Arabia too. I mean, most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis for God sake. I don't feel comfortable with my Government calling Saudi Arabia a 'Good Friend.' It's time to dramatically scale things back in the Middle East. Time to come home.
Lebanon has a lot of problems in it and running through it to infect the rest. Looks like a house cleaning may be going down there soon to me.

its gettin, it's gettin, its gettin kinda hectic...
Probably wasn't a good idea Yemen lobbing a bottle rocket into Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia has massacred Thousands with missiles in Yemen. It's currently committing crimes against humanity on a daily basis there. Yet the UN and US have sat back and allowed it.

It just goes to show you who owns the UN and international justice system. Saudi leadership should stand trial for War Crimes. But will they? I doubt it. The US is backing their War Crimes. Our foreign policy is such a tragic debacle.
Lebanon has a lot of problems in it and running through it to infect the rest. Looks like a house cleaning may be going down there soon to me.

Saudi Arabia is a very dangerous country. Looks like it's planning to invade Lebanon at some point. Will our Government support it? I would say, probably. It's such a bloody chaotic mess over there. We need to disengage from the Middle East.

We need to reassess our close ties with an evil country like Saudi Arabia too. I mean, most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis for God sake. I don't feel comfortable with my Government calling Saudi Arabia a 'Good Friend.' It's time to dramatically scale things back in the Middle East. Time to come home.
In light of some house cleaning recently in their own house I believe that they may be headed in a new direction.

Queen Esther and hang ten is what it all brings to mind for me.
Lebanon has a lot of problems in it and running through it to infect the rest. Looks like a house cleaning may be going down there soon to me.

Saudi Arabia is a very dangerous country. Looks like it's planning to invade Lebanon at some point. Will our Government support it? I would say, probably. It's such a bloody chaotic mess over there. We need to disengage from the Middle East.

We need to reassess our close ties with an evil country like Saudi Arabia too. I mean, most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis for God sake. I don't feel comfortable with my Government calling Saudi Arabia a 'Good Friend.' It's time to dramatically scale things back in the Middle East. Time to come home.
In light of some house cleaning recently in their own house I believe that they may be headed in a new direction.

Queen Esther and hang ten is what it all brings to mind for me.

Its 'new direction' is a very dangerous direction. And our own Government is complicit. Arresting and imprisoning the Prime Minister of Lebanon? What an awful mess.
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How could the US Government allow Saudi Arabia to oust the Christian Prime Minister of Lebanon? How could it support that? What a damn mess. Let's get the hell out of the Middle East. Haven't we done enough damage over there?
For many centuries now, it has been the custom for Muslims to kill Muslims when there is a scarcity of Infidels to kill.

What about the word "Barbarians" do you liberals not understand?

They are living in the 8th century, and that is apparently where they want to be.

They need to stay in the desert and NOT come to America until they separate their religion from their politics---they way Thomas Jefferson did for us with the Wall of Separation between Church and State. That should take about another 300 years, during which a "pause" in Immigration from Barbaric Countries--Arabia, Persia, North Africa---would be a grand idea.

Then why is the US Government supporting Saudi Arabian Muslims arresting and imprisoning the Christian Prime Minister of Lebanon? See how insane your Government's foreign policy is? It obviously doesn't care about Christians, or the law. What a mess.
Liberal butthurt because the Saudis won't roll over for Iran.

Why is the US Government supporting Saudi Arabia arresting and imprisoning the Christian Prime Minister of Lebanon? And why are you supporting that? So crazy. What a mess our Government has made of the Middle East. When does it end?

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