Per GOP - COVID19 was made in a lab and covered up by China

Are Michigan deer infected, or not? A reverse zoonotic event whereby it jumps into animal reservoirs means that apart from the lab virus, there was already another population mutating in communist China. Go directly to page 25-6 to read UK SAGE report:

Nah. Trump was a thorn in the side for China. Especially how he protected Taiwan and Hong Kong
You must be joking. He did nothing to protect them. We have Chinese officials on record saying the CCP wanted Trump reelected. His nonexistent knowledge of governing or diplomacy appealed to China's ambitions in east asia and around the world. His vain trade war that he lost bigly was an embarrassing joke. His extreme unpopularity worldwide only helped China look better.

Last May, the editor of the party run newspaper tweeted this:

The Chinese "wish for your reelection because you can make America eccentric and thus hateful for the world. You help promote unity in China",

Followed by

"Chinese netizens call you 'Jianguo', meaning 'help to construct China'"

So you can go with your hopes and dreams on this one, or you can go with all of the evidence. You can't do both.
You must be joking. He did nothing to protect them. We have Chinese officials on record saying the CCP wanted Trump reelected. His nonexistent knowledge of governing or diplomacy appealed to China's ambitions in east asia and around the world. His vain trade war was an embarrassing joke. His extreme unpopularity worldwide only helped China look better.

Last May, the editor of the party run newspaper tweeted this:

The Chinese "wish for your reelection because you can make America eccentric and thus hateful for the world. You help promote unity in China",

Followed by

"Chinese netizens call you 'Jianguo', meaning 'help to construct China'"

So you can go with your hopes and dreams on this one, or you can go with all of the evidence. You can't do both.
I work with companies who work with China and they sing a different tune completely. But I respect your opinion.
Apparently Trump did his best to stop the funds from going to the Wuhan lab.

Odd, Obama could stop it but Trump couldn't. As bad as Obama was he was still able to do what Trump couldn't. What good is a president unable to actually do anything? Surely he called someone names?
You must be joking. He did nothing to protect them. We have Chinese officials on record saying the CCP wanted Trump reelected. His nonexistent knowledge of governing or diplomacy appealed to China's ambitions in east asia and around the world. His vain trade war that he lost bigly was an embarrassing joke. His extreme unpopularity worldwide only helped China look better.

Last May, the editor of the party run newspaper tweeted this:

The Chinese "wish for your reelection because you can make America eccentric and thus hateful for the world. You help promote unity in China",

Followed by

"Chinese netizens call you 'Jianguo', meaning 'help to construct China'"

So you can go with your hopes and dreams on this one, or you can go with all of the evidence. You can't do both.

No link??

Your anecdote is funny because the links below point to the fact that the Chinese preferred Biden:


Shocked to see Yahoo! post this. Granted it is one sided but the CIA/FBI isn't denying it. Their silence is deafening. To me, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a is a duck. Only place in the China that could create such a virus was Wuhan and their lab and to me it is not a coincidence that this was where the virus originated. In January, the Chinese were force locking apartment buildings to people could not get out and spread it. This was on 60 Minutes last night. The Chinese created it, knew how deadly it was and still spread it.
Wait, you're saying the party of rabid conspiracy theorists believes a conspiracy theory?

Whoda thunkit?

No link??
To what, specifically?

I don't think you know what the word anecdote means.

So the opinion of our intelligence agencies vs. Words from chinese officials and the editor of the party run paper.

To what, specifically?

I don't think you know what the word anecdote means.

So the opinion of our intelligence agencies vs. Words from chinese officials and the editor of the party run paper.


You didn't provide a link for what you claim was a quote. Without a link it's just an anecdote.

Thanks - I watched the first segment last night about the Mars rover and helicopter.
Will finish my recording tonight.
saw that too! how great that trump got our space program back after Barry and Xiden destroyed it…snd on top of that got us to Mars!
Oddly the Trump supporters are also unwilling to acknowledge that the funding started back up under Trump.

(Here is where you add your excuses)
I can only attest to my own personal experience about that as a non-Biden, Trump supporter the second time around (wrote a name in when he was up against Hillary in 2012 as I am a clan leader of the “never Hillary tribe” lol)

I did not know that gain-of-function was even a “thing” before 1.5 years ago. I did not know that GoF was something extremely risky in which the US helped fund, and then stopped, and then started again until I read your link about it. So, not all pro-Trump types are unwilling to acknowledge that the funding started back up under Trump.

Most likely, a majority of Americans from various political persuasions were unaware, that is of course outside of a much smaller admirable group of “exceptional seekers of knowledge” in which I can only strive but never belong.
As bad as Obama was he was still able to do what Trump couldn't. What good is a president unable to actually do anything? Surely he called someone names?
The Democratic Party, the government bureaucracy, the MSM and the Deep State worked with Obama. Everybody, including the establishment Republican Party, was working against Trump.

The amazing thing is that Trump was able to accomplish as much as he did. If he had been a little less obnoxious we would still have him as president and we wouldn’t have illegals with COVID-19 being released all over our nation to kill thousands more and ruin our economy once again.

Perhaps your wonderful Joe Biden and his super VP, Kamala Harris, will find a way to solve our current Mexican border problem which they created by inviting everybody in the world to cross.

The Democratic Party, the government bureaucracy, the MSM and the Deep State worked with Obama. Everybody, including the establishment Republican Party, was working against Trump.
A stupid excuse. Trump controlled the leadership of all the agencies involved. Look at the childish, inane shit you have to invent to cover for the mentally ill slob.

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