That Didn’t Take Long, Most Already Hate the Next President


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
They’ll have to try to keep Joe in office until at least after the midterms. She’s totally alienated the Dems base of support.

Two recent polls both showed 46 per cent of Americans approved of Ms Harris, with 47 per cent and 48 per cent disapproving.

By contrast Joe Biden's approval rating in an average of polls is 51.3 per cent, and disapproval is 44.9 per cent. One of the most concerning elements for the White House is Ms Harris's unpopularity among young people.
Pence is not going to ever make it to president because of his failures to suck up to Trump and overthrow the govt. What a l-o-s-e-r.
Trump get's brought into this by post #3.

BTW, the job of the VP is to talk a lot and cast a deciding vote. That's pretty much it. So what is there to approve to disapprove?
Xiden gave her the border disaster to solve, voting rights, space, and broadband internet, she failed miserably.
Could be, she's still way above the Trumpyberra average.

There was no way the two in power now was elected. They are owed nothing. And we all will watch the destruction of the United States then submit to your tyranny. And the beauty of it is, is that that is the agenda of the Progs and RINOS with the deep state.
Trump get's brought into this by post #3.

BTW, the job of the VP is to talk a lot and cast a deciding vote. That's pretty much it. So what is there to approve to disapprove?
How she talks and how she votes. You kinda answered your own question.
Xiden gave her the border disaster to solve, voting rights, space, and broadband internet, she failed miserably.

There's only one thing she's good at. Apparently.
They’ll have to try to keep Joe in office until at least after the midterms. She’s totally alienated the Dems base of support.

Two recent polls both showed 46 per cent of Americans approved of Ms Harris, with 47 per cent and 48 per cent disapproving.

By contrast Joe Biden's approval rating in an average of polls is 51.3 per cent, and disapproval is 44.9 per cent. One of the most concerning elements for the White House is Ms Harris's unpopularity among young people.

She has been a politician for so long and I believe is a person of so little character that she doesn't even know her own principles, mind or opinions. And it clearly shows, which is why no one really likes her. Not even her own people, apparently. This was obvious from the beginning but somehow the Dems still chose her.

Oh well. Their problem.
Meh, she is never going to be president. That is not a problem for the left unless they make the same error they did with Hillary. I am fairly certain they learned their lesson with that travesty already. Harris is done as a politician and, to be quite frank, ending as a VP is a pretty big fucking deal as it is.
She has been a politician for so long and I believe is a person of so little character that she doesn't even know her own principles, mind or opinions. And it clearly shows, which is why no one really likes her. Not even her own people, apparently. This was obvious from the beginning but somehow the Dems still chose her.

Oh well. Their problem.
By the time Biden, Pelosi, and Schmucky get done, anyone with a D next to their name will be lucky to be elected dog catcher…

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