Per Capita-Lol!


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Mar 11, 2015
How to Calculate Per Capita (Plus Definition and How It's Used)
November 23, 2020

Per capita is a common calculation used in economics, business and statistics to determine various measurements as they relate to individuals in a population. This term is used in several different settings and can provide different information depending on how it's used. In this article, we discuss what per capita is, how to calculate it and how it is most frequently used.
What is per capita?
The term "per capita" is a Latin phrase that translates to "per person". It's used in various settings to determine the average per person in a given situation. For example, a common way in which per capita is used is to determine the GDP per capita or the gross domestic product of a population per capita. This measurement will provide a comparison of how much a company produces economically compared to how many people live in the country.
The context in which per capita is used will determine how it is interpreted and what it measures. This term is most frequently used in economic, business or statistical settings to produce a report of an average of something per person.

How to Calculate Per Capita (Plus Definition and How It's Used)


How to Calculate Per Capita (Plus Definition and How It's Used)
People who choose to deny that high crime existing in white communities often try justifying their denial by using per capita. This is an excuse and a weak one at that. The term "per capita" is a Latin phrase meaning "per person". It is used to determine the average per person in a given situation. This is the calculation used-Measurement / Population = per capita. When measuring things like the incidence or prevalence of events that occur, per capita is reported as per 100,000. Per Capita has been used to statistically skew events to make a small number of occurrences into a large number that exaggerates certain crimes in non white neighborhoods. The 2019 statistics show the estimated rate of violent crime was 366 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, and the estimated rate of property crime was 2,109.9 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants. Whites led in both these categories relative to actual numbers of cases. Yet due to the larger white population the number per 100,000 was smaller.

Coincidently this argument is not used in such instances as for example, college entrance test scores. The fact that 4-5 times more whites take the test is never thought about being the reason whites would have the most high scores. But that is not the subject of this thread so let me continue on about per capita.

So you divide the number of occurrences by the population and you get a number. Once you get that number you multiply it by 100,000 to come up with per capita. This number twisting is what members of the racist subgroup in the white community use to make claims about the black crime rate. According to the 2019 Uniform Crime Reports Expanded Homicide data, 2594 whites committed 3,299 murders and 2574 blacks committed 2,906 murders. The number clearly shows that 20 more whites committed 393 more murders than did blacks. Instead of facing this problem and working to fix it, you have whites doing this:

3299/234,370,202 x 0.0000140760215 = 1.4 murders per capita.

2906/40,610,815 x 0.0000715572933 = 7.15 murders per capita.

If the amount of crime in your community is so high that you must divide two numbers to get a percentage then multiply it by 100,000 to claim that you don’t have serious problems, you have serious problems. Now since the racist contention is usually based on violent crime most specifically murder, when we look at the rate of such crime per capita, it shows that 99,993 black people will not be murdered out of 100,000 black people. That is just 6 more people than whites out of every 100,000. Therefore the claim of astronomically high crime in the black community is not so, even if you use per capita as a basis to make claims.

It is time some whites started looking at themselves. Work on the violence in the white community.
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How to Calculate Per Capita (Plus Definition and How It's Used)
November 23, 2020

Per capita is a common calculation used in economics, business and statistics to determine various measurements as they relate to individuals in a population. This term is used in several different settings and can provide different information depending on how it's used. In this article, we discuss what per capita is, how to calculate it and how it is most frequently used.
What is per capita?
The term "per capita" is a Latin phrase that translates to "per person". It's used in various settings to determine the average per person in a given situation. For example, a common way in which per capita is used is to determine the GDP per capita or the gross domestic product of a population per capita. This measurement will provide a comparison of how much a company produces economically compared to how many people live in the country.
The context in which per capita is used will determine how it is interpreted and what it measures. This term is most frequently used in economic, business or statistical settings to produce a report of an average of something per person.

How to Calculate Per Capita (Plus Definition and How It's Used)

People who choose to deny that high crime existing in white communities often try justifying their denial by using per capita. This is an excuse and a weak one at that. The term "per capita" is a Latin phrase meaning "per person". It is used to determine the average per person in a given situation. This is the calculation used-Measurement / Population = per capita. When measuring things like the incidence or prevalence of events that occur, per capita is reported as per 100,000. Per Capita has been used to statistically skew events to make a small number of occurrences into a large number that exaggerates certain crimes in non white neighborhoods. The 2019 statistics show the estimated rate of violent crime was 366 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, and the estimated rate of property crime was 2,109.9 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants. Whites led in both these categories relative to actual numbers of cases. Yet due to the larger white population the number per 100,000 was smaller.

Coincidently this argument is not used in such instances as for example, college entrance test scores. The fact that 4-5 times more whites take the test is never thought about being the reason whites would have the most high scores. But that is not the subject of this thread so let me continue on about per capita.

So you divide the number of occurrences by the population and you get a number. Once you get that number you multiply it by 100,000 to come up with per capita. This number twisting is what members of the racist subgroup in the white community use to make claims about the black crime rate. According to the 2019 Uniform Crime Reports Expanded Homicide data, 2594 whites committed 3,299 murders and 2574 blacks committed 2,906 murders. The number clearly shows that 20 more whites committed 393 more murders than did blacks. Instead of facing this problem and working to fix it, you have whites doing this:

3299/234,370,202 x 0.0000140760215 = 1.4 murders per capita.

2906/40,610,815 x 0.0000715572933 = 7.15 murders per capita.

If the amount of crime in your community is so high that you must divide two numbers to get a percentage then multiply it by 100,000 to claim that you don’t have serious problems, you have serious problems. Now since the racist contention is usually based on violent crime most specifically murder, when we look at the rate of such crime per capita, it shows that 99,993 black people will not be murdered out of 100,000 black people. That is just 6 more people than whites out of every 100,000. Therefore the claim of astronomically high crime in the black community is not so, even if you use per capita as a basis to make claims.

It is time some whites started looking at themselves. Work on the violence in the white community.
^ jesus fucking christ :cuckoo:
How to Calculate Per Capita (Plus Definition and How It's Used)
November 23, 2020

Per capita is a common calculation used in economics, business and statistics to determine various measurements as they relate to individuals in a population. This term is used in several different settings and can provide different information depending on how it's used. In this article, we discuss what per capita is, how to calculate it and how it is most frequently used.
What is per capita?
The term "per capita" is a Latin phrase that translates to "per person". It's used in various settings to determine the average per person in a given situation. For example, a common way in which per capita is used is to determine the GDP per capita or the gross domestic product of a population per capita. This measurement will provide a comparison of how much a company produces economically compared to how many people live in the country.
The context in which per capita is used will determine how it is interpreted and what it measures. This term is most frequently used in economic, business or statistical settings to produce a report of an average of something per person.

How to Calculate Per Capita (Plus Definition and How It's Used)

People who choose to deny that high crime existing in white communities often try justifying their denial by using per capita. This is an excuse and a weak one at that. The term "per capita" is a Latin phrase meaning "per person". It is used to determine the average per person in a given situation. This is the calculation used-Measurement / Population = per capita. When measuring things like the incidence or prevalence of events that occur, per capita is reported as per 100,000. Per Capita has been used to statistically skew events to make a small number of occurrences into a large number that exaggerates certain crimes in non white neighborhoods. The 2019 statistics show the estimated rate of violent crime was 366 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, and the estimated rate of property crime was 2,109.9 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants. Whites led in both these categories relative to actual numbers of cases. Yet due to the larger white population the number per 100,000 was smaller.

Coincidently this argument is not used in such instances as for example, college entrance test scores. The fact that 4-5 times more whites take the test is never thought about being the reason whites would have the most high scores. But that is not the subject of this thread so let me continue on about per capita.

So you divide the number of occurrences by the population and you get a number. Once you get that number you multiply it by 100,000 to come up with per capita. This number twisting is what members of the racist subgroup in the white community use to make claims about the black crime rate. According to the 2019 Uniform Crime Reports Expanded Homicide data, 2594 whites committed 3,299 murders and 2574 blacks committed 2,906 murders. The number clearly shows that 20 more whites committed 393 more murders than did blacks. Instead of facing this problem and working to fix it, you have whites doing this:

3299/234,370,202 x 0.0000140760215 = 1.4 murders per capita.

2906/40,610,815 x 0.0000715572933 = 7.15 murders per capita.

If the amount of crime in your community is so high that you must divide two numbers to get a percentage then multiply it by 100,000 to claim that you don’t have serious problems, you have serious problems. Now since the racist contention is usually based on violent crime most specifically murder, when we look at the rate of such crime per capita, it shows that 99,993 black people will not be murdered out of 100,000 black people. That is just 6 more people than whites out of every 100,000. Therefore the claim of astronomically high crime in the black community is not so, even if you use per capita as a basis to make claims.

It is time some whites started looking at themselves. Work on the violence in the white community.
^ jesus fucking christ :cuckoo:
You can't handle the truth?
Per head is per person.
Not necessarily. Cattle ranchers count cattle "per head" or “per capita” in Latin.

“Per persona” is a little bit more difficult in Latin, because that's more like the married wife, her husband, and the couple together who as three legally distinct “persons” are each allowed $250,000 in an FDIC-insured bank account at the same institution.
Another white dude that can't handle the truth. This is expected.

math is hard so it must be racist
Math is easy. The truth of what that math showed you is what you're struggling with.

Even though the covid virus has 90% survivability rate, if 100% of 180 million US citizens contracted it, that would be a catastrophic death toll of 18 million.

On a similar note. If the black US population was 70% instead of 13%, the total number of murders would drastically increase. That's because the black murder rate is 10 times higher than that of whites.

Therefore, math is racist.
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Even though the covid virus has 90% suitability rate, if 100% of 180 million US citizens contracted it, that would be a catastrophic death toll of 18 million.
That will assuredly happen over 13.5 years, if 180 million people with an average life expectancy of 75 years or so are dying at an average rate. A general encouragement or societal engineering toward a healthier lifestyle of more independence and self-sufficiency would save or add years to a lot more lives than all the doctoring, needles and masks in the world.

The couch potato who visits the doctor once a year for a check-up isn't going to save his life from the average bills of mortality here -- you can talk to your life insurance salesman for the numbers these people are running.
How to Calculate Per Capita (Plus Definition and How It's Used)
November 23, 2020

Per capita is a common calculation used in economics, business and statistics to determine various measurements as they relate to individuals in a population. This term is used in several different settings and can provide different information depending on how it's used. In this article, we discuss what per capita is, how to calculate it and how it is most frequently used.
What is per capita?
The term "per capita" is a Latin phrase that translates to "per person". It's used in various settings to determine the average per person in a given situation. For example, a common way in which per capita is used is to determine the GDP per capita or the gross domestic product of a population per capita. This measurement will provide a comparison of how much a company produces economically compared to how many people live in the country.
The context in which per capita is used will determine how it is interpreted and what it measures. This term is most frequently used in economic, business or statistical settings to produce a report of an average of something per person.

How to Calculate Per Capita (Plus Definition and How It's Used)

People who choose to deny that high crime existing in white communities often try justifying their denial by using per capita. This is an excuse and a weak one at that. The term "per capita" is a Latin phrase meaning "per person". It is used to determine the average per person in a given situation. This is the calculation used-Measurement / Population = per capita. When measuring things like the incidence or prevalence of events that occur, per capita is reported as per 100,000. Per Capita has been used to statistically skew events to make a small number of occurrences into a large number that exaggerates certain crimes in non white neighborhoods. The 2019 statistics show the estimated rate of violent crime was 366 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, and the estimated rate of property crime was 2,109.9 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants. Whites led in both these categories relative to actual numbers of cases. Yet due to the larger white population the number per 100,000 was smaller.

Coincidently this argument is not used in such instances as for example, college entrance test scores. The fact that 4-5 times more whites take the test is never thought about being the reason whites would have the most high scores. But that is not the subject of this thread so let me continue on about per capita.

So you divide the number of occurrences by the population and you get a number. Once you get that number you multiply it by 100,000 to come up with per capita. This number twisting is what members of the racist subgroup in the white community use to make claims about the black crime rate. According to the 2019 Uniform Crime Reports Expanded Homicide data, 2594 whites committed 3,299 murders and 2574 blacks committed 2,906 murders. The number clearly shows that 20 more whites committed 393 more murders than did blacks. Instead of facing this problem and working to fix it, you have whites doing this:

3299/234,370,202 x 0.0000140760215 = 1.4 murders per capita.

2906/40,610,815 x 0.0000715572933 = 7.15 murders per capita.

If the amount of crime in your community is so high that you must divide two numbers to get a percentage then multiply it by 100,000 to claim that you don’t have serious problems, you have serious problems. Now since the racist contention is usually based on violent crime most specifically murder, when we look at the rate of such crime per capita, it shows that 99,993 black people will not be murdered out of 100,000 black people. That is just 6 more people than whites out of every 100,000. Therefore the claim of astronomically high crime in the black community is not so, even if you use per capita as a basis to make claims.

It is time some whites started looking at themselves. Work on the violence in the white community.

7.15 murders per capita.

Over 7 murders per person? Damn, blacks are violent!!

And really bad at math.....durr
7.15 murders per capita.

Over 7 murders per person? Damn, blacks are violent!!

And really bad at math.....durr
He can't even understand how the rates are calculated. How you report the rate per isn't important as long as it's the same for every group. It doesn't matter if the rate is per ten, per hundred, per thousand or per million. Calculating per capita is simple. Take the number of occurances and the number of people in the group calculate that and you have the number of occurances per person. That gives you the per capita figure.
If the ten members of group a buy ten cans of paint that's one can of paint per capita . If the hundred members of group b buy fifty cans of paint, that's one half can of paint per capita. It's not complicated.
I don't think there is any disagreement most crimes are committed at basically the same rates.....?

It's violent crime that is vastly disproportionate in the black community.

Drug use as an obvious example seems to be even across most Americans...I know that through per capita stats lol

IDK what the fuck the attack on per capita stats is about. But stop it. You remove black America from the numbers and we have a murder rate very similar to most other western nations....Huge part of that is age. Whites are old all over the world. But part of that is no doubt culture. And maybe slightly genetic but I doubt it. Beyond being a dumbass makes you less in control of your urges anyway.

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