Penn U Professor: Carson a Coon


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Obama, Sharpton, BLM and all the usual suspects to demand resignation in 5...4....3.....

University of Pennsylvania Professor Anthea Butler called Presidential Candidate Ben Carson a “coon” for claiming that people have the right to display Confederate flags on private property.

“If only there was a ‘coon of the year’ award…” Professor Butler tweeted in response to another tweet linking to a Sports Illustrated article in which Carson was quoted defended the right of NASCAR fans to fly Confederate flags during races.

“Swastikas are a symbol of hate for some people too … and yet they still exist in our museums and places like that,” Carson observed during the event in North Carolina with NASCAR legend Richard Petty. “If it’s a majority of people in that area who want it to fly, I certainly wouldn’t take it down,” he added, noting that NASCAR races are held on private property.

The word “coon” is an offensive term to slander Africans, deriving from the Portuguese word “barracoos,” which is a hut-like dwelling used to store slaves during auctions, according to Online Etymology.
Obama, Sharpton, BLM and all the usual suspects to demand resignation in 5...4....3.....

University of Pennsylvania Professor Anthea Butler called Presidential Candidate Ben Carson a “coon” for claiming that people have the right to display Confederate flags on private property.

“If only there was a ‘coon of the year’ award…” Professor Butler tweeted in response to another tweet linking to a Sports Illustrated article in which Carson was quoted defended the right of NASCAR fans to fly Confederate flags during races.

“Swastikas are a symbol of hate for some people too … and yet they still exist in our museums and places like that,” Carson observed during the event in North Carolina with NASCAR legend Richard Petty. “If it’s a majority of people in that area who want it to fly, I certainly wouldn’t take it down,” he added, noting that NASCAR races are held on private property.

The word “coon” is an offensive term to slander Africans, deriving from the Portuguese word “barracoos,” which is a hut-like dwelling used to store slaves during auctions, according to Online Etymology.

So we can embarass and hurt people's feelings pointing out their foibles, mistakes, stumbles, lies, and the like, but we can't call them names? Isn't that something we got over way the hell back in kindergarten?
Obama, Sharpton, BLM and all the usual suspects to demand resignation in 5...4....3.....

University of Pennsylvania Professor Anthea Butler called Presidential Candidate Ben Carson a “coon” for claiming that people have the right to display Confederate flags on private property.

“If only there was a ‘coon of the year’ award…” Professor Butler tweeted in response to another tweet linking to a Sports Illustrated article in which Carson was quoted defended the right of NASCAR fans to fly Confederate flags during races.

“Swastikas are a symbol of hate for some people too … and yet they still exist in our museums and places like that,” Carson observed during the event in North Carolina with NASCAR legend Richard Petty. “If it’s a majority of people in that area who want it to fly, I certainly wouldn’t take it down,” he added, noting that NASCAR races are held on private property.

The word “coon” is an offensive term to slander Africans, deriving from the Portuguese word “barracoos,” which is a hut-like dwelling used to store slaves during auctions, according to Online Etymology.

So we can embarass and hurt people's feelings pointing out their foibles, mistakes, stumbles, lies, and the like, but we can't call them names? Isn't that something we got over way the hell back in kindergarten?
Yeah, if any Republican or professor called Obama a coon it would be the only topic in the MSM and a resignation demanded.
The (left/libs/dems/commies) see themselves losing these upcoming elections and they are becoming VICIOUSLY hateful and insane. really we need to be on our toes about some of them. WE THE PEOPLE need to start standing up to this kind of hate.

Disgusting. Far Left Website Salon Calls Conservative Michelle Malkin a “Monkey”

Jim Hoft Oct 5th, 2015 5:14 pm

More hate from the leading liberal website
When they’re not promoting ped*philia their hurling racist slurs at conservative women.

Salon published a hit piece on Second Amendment supporters after the Umpqua College shooting on a gun-free campus.
The far left website called conservative author and pundit Michelle Malkin a monkey.

Author Gary Legum believes it’s acceptable to call conservative women monkeys.


ALL of it here:
Disgusting. Far Left Website Salon Calls Conservative Michelle Malkin a "Monkey" - The Gateway Pundit
The (left/libs/dems/commies) see themselves losing these upcoming elections and they are becoming VICIOUSLY hateful and insane. really we need to be on our toes about some of them. WE THE PEOPLE need to start standing up to this kind of hate.

Disgusting. Far Left Website Salon Calls Conservative Michelle Malkin a “Monkey”

Jim Hoft Oct 5th, 2015 5:14 pm

More hate from the leading liberal website
When they’re not promoting ped*philia their hurling racist slurs at conservative women.

Salon published a hit piece on Second Amendment supporters after the Umpqua College shooting on a gun-free campus.
The far left website called conservative author and pundit Michelle Malkin a monkey.

Author Gary Legum believes it’s acceptable to call conservative women monkeys.


ALL of it here:
Disgusting. Far Left Website Salon Calls Conservative Michelle Malkin a "Monkey" - The Gateway Pundit

Yep. Mocking the appearance of famous people has never happened before. American leftists are a scourge. Something must be done. What do you propose for a final solution?
The (left/libs/dems/commies) see themselves losing these upcoming elections and they are becoming VICIOUSLY hateful and insane. really we need to be on our toes about some of them. WE THE PEOPLE need to start standing up to this kind of hate.

Disgusting. Far Left Website Salon Calls Conservative Michelle Malkin a “Monkey”

Jim Hoft Oct 5th, 2015 5:14 pm

More hate from the leading liberal website
When they’re not promoting ped*philia their hurling racist slurs at conservative women.

Salon published a hit piece on Second Amendment supporters after the Umpqua College shooting on a gun-free campus.
The far left website called conservative author and pundit Michelle Malkin a monkey.

Author Gary Legum believes it’s acceptable to call conservative women monkeys.


ALL of it here:
Disgusting. Far Left Website Salon Calls Conservative Michelle Malkin a "Monkey" - The Gateway Pundit

Yep. Mocking the appearance of famous people has never happened before. American leftists are a scourge. Something must be done. What do you propose for a final solution?

go back to Salon
The (left/libs/dems/commies) see themselves losing these upcoming elections and they are becoming VICIOUSLY hateful and insane. really we need to be on our toes about some of them. WE THE PEOPLE need to start standing up to this kind of hate.

Disgusting. Far Left Website Salon Calls Conservative Michelle Malkin a “Monkey”

Jim Hoft Oct 5th, 2015 5:14 pm

More hate from the leading liberal website
When they’re not promoting ped*philia their hurling racist slurs at conservative women.

Salon published a hit piece on Second Amendment supporters after the Umpqua College shooting on a gun-free campus.
The far left website called conservative author and pundit Michelle Malkin a monkey.

Author Gary Legum believes it’s acceptable to call conservative women monkeys.


ALL of it here:
Disgusting. Far Left Website Salon Calls Conservative Michelle Malkin a "Monkey" - The Gateway Pundit

Yep. Mocking the appearance of famous people has never happened before. American leftists are a scourge. Something must be done. What do you propose for a final solution?

i for one urge left-wingers to honor their committment to reducing overpopulation by continuig to agree not to breed.
left-wing nutjobs demand all Black people think one way; the way THEY want them to think.

idiots and hypocrites
Other things Anthea Butler has said ...

Ivy League professor calls God a 'racist' after Zimmerman verdict

Yep clearly she identifies with the white man and hates blacks. And in addition she has a history of saying things greatly representative of the views of all Democrats and liberals. Time to ban the Democrat party and arrest all alleges liberals. We are at a time of unprecedented national crisis.
Uh ... Anthea Butler is black. How is she a racist against blacks?


I doubt if she's "racist" against blacks, but she's purposely using an inflammatory, derogatory name to describe another negro...and the purpose is to cause uncertainty and portray him negatively by using terms that she knows are offensive to blacks...

they do it all the time...they call blacks who try to succeed and follow the law "Uncle Tom"'s not a vulgar term but it triggers negative emotions in negroes against the person being called that.....and that's the point...
Uh ... Anthea Butler is black. How is she a racist against blacks?
You need to understand racism. A person can identify with any group, even though they do not technically belong to that group. Using racist name calling has only one purpose.
So you're saying Anthea Butler identifies with white people then?

Progressive nutjobs "identify" with whatever advances their failed ideology

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