Pence finally tells the truth as to why the GOP wants to stay in Power

The RWNJs are blind to one very important fact about taking money from someone else. Those multi-trillions-of-dollars Congress borrows to feed the billionaires' greed is coming out of the pockets of those yet unborn.

It seems the money of the unborn is open to anyone who can steal it by the RWNJs' reckoning.

The same with our wars.
What the he11 does that have to do with the billionaires stealing money from those not yet born?


Bankrupting the future is wrong in all forms. It's not OK to just be against some of it.
So, you're against average Americans receiving help from the government, but OK if the billionaires steal trillions.

RWNJ thinking following the exact course laid out by the Republicans' five decades of brainwashing. The next thing you'll be saying is you're a libertarian.


That's a sad response because you won't condemn the Democrats support of war in the same way you condemn Republicans.
The Democrats, except for the progressives opposed to war, do and say whatever pleases their wealthy political contributors. The compliant Democrats haven't had an original idea in decades. Any positive legislation they propose must first be guaranteed to fall short in the votes needed to pass.

The long-serving Democrats much prefer to be the helpless minority party. so they needn't explain themselves to their constituents with anything more than "they didn't have the votes."


The argument a couple of us already made. There is very little difference in the majority of the two parties.
Not much anymore. Of the new blood in the Democratic Party, many are young progressives. They are hated by the RWNJs, the congressional Republicans, and the Old Guard Democrats.

These young progressives are fighting the status quo and rocking a boat the Republican Party, in service to the ruling billionaire class, spent decades building. All average Americans should appreciate their efforts. But the GOP need only whisper the word "socialism" and the RWNJs and most centrists start running in circles, frantically shouting "the sky is falling," and the status quo settles quietly back into place.


There are a few but the facts that Pelosi can hold her position shows they are still few. Twice now Pelosi has been speaker and twice the Democrats have lost seats but, meh, give her another shot.

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.
There is no such thing as trickle down economic theory. Name the distinguished economist that proposed it? Andrew Mellon (circa 1920’s)understood excessive taxation reduced tax dollars collected, furthermore, those that invested in job creation and possessed risk capital would reallocate liquidity to the bond market and tax shelters resulting in economic contraction. The concept that increased private sector job creation increased tax revenues was understood by JFK and the basis for reducing tax rates. RR, a student of economic history understood the relationship between taxation and job creation. But go ahead continue to make a fool of yourself. FYI during King Obama the divide between those with and without expanded at unprecedented rates.
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The wealth does trickle down. The problem is that the dumb stay poor, and do not appreciate the minimal services that they receive - new playgrounds, new housing projects, new jails, continued food and cash supplements, more efficient emergency services, etc..

This is typical..."I GOT MINE...YOU DON'T....SCREW YOU!" republican thinking. And they call themselves the party of God....and they preach ME FIRST attitude.
Conservatism is turning this planet into a toilet. Where the RWNJs plan to go when this world can no longer feed the greed of their billionaire gods is a question they never answer. It's certain they cannot survive in their RWNJ fantasy reality, but their denial protects them from such thoughts.
I'm an atheist, and I am homeless; and I know why the poor are poor - they are dumb and do not practice contraceptives or abortion options often enough, and they do not know how to raise their children to be reasonable thinkers and responsible adults.

Thx for just admitting that u r dumb!!

Donald care about normal middle class people? Yer kidding Amiright ?
How many should the government employ? You have set yourself up as an expert, explain, using facts and numbers. These will be facts and numbers you have arrived at using logic and considering all factors. Not right-wing bullsh!t you pulled out of your a$$.
Don't take an expert to know that our gov't. is bloated and is wasting most of the money they steal, after they take their cut of course.

We could easily cut our gov't. in half and not miss a beat.

Expand on this thought....or are you just bloviating?
The RWNJs are blind to one very important fact about taking money from someone else. Those multi-trillions-of-dollars Congress borrows to feed the billionaires' greed is coming out of the pockets of those yet unborn.

It seems the money of the unborn is open to anyone who can steal it by the RWNJs' reckoning.

The same with our wars.
What the he11 does that have to do with the billionaires stealing money from those not yet born?


Bankrupting the future is wrong in all forms. It's not OK to just be against some of it.

I hear the rumblings of the Deficit Hawks. A Democrat is about to be seated in White House. Time for Deficit spending to be a real concern for Republicans, after eight years of handing out deficit causing cash to corporations and the super wealthy. Yup...I expect the GOP already has a plan to whine about more stimulus spending. Then they can blame the Biden Administration when the economy is slow in recovery.
Because Nancy Pelosi needs a 3rd sub-zero fridge? Democrats are ruled by billionaires and millionaires and they dare even speak on this issue? :talk2hand:
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The wealth does trickle down. The problem is that the dumb stay poor, and do not appreciate the minimal services that they receive - new playgrounds, new housing projects, new jails, continued food and cash supplements, more efficient emergency services, etc..

This is typical..."I GOT MINE...YOU DON'T....SCREW YOU!" republican thinking. And they call themselves the party of God....and they preach ME FIRST attitude.
Where do they call themselves that?

You only need to view at their policies and listen to their words, and you know what their goal is. They care little for the poor and the down trodden. That is probably the one aspect of trump that neatly conforms to the GOP mantra. He also cares little for the poor and needy, expect to ask for money with one of his patently false campaign letters. And his mindless cult has rewarded him with over 200,000,000 which he will find a way to pocket. You trumpsters and cult minded repubs are the most gullible people in the world.
Because Nancy Pelosi needs a 3rd sub-zero fridge? Democrats are ruled by billionaires and millionaires and they dare even speak on this issue? :talk2hand:

Right....that is why the GOP is always handing the wealthy big tax cuts....right.....

Are you dumb? Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer have all vowed to get rid of the SALT cap which is a huge tax cut for the rich you blithering idiot. Now run home and hide under your bedcovers snowflake.
Because Nancy Pelosi needs a 3rd sub-zero fridge? Democrats are ruled by billionaires and millionaires and they dare even speak on this issue? :talk2hand:

Right....that is why the GOP is always handing the wealthy big tax cuts....right.....

Yep, as mentioned, Democrats are pushing to eliminate the SALT tax cap...that sure ought to help out all you poor folk, dumbass.
Expand on this thought....or are you just bloviating?

You don't think our gov't. could be cut significantly? Example.........

The Department of Energy is comprised of approximately 14,000 federal employees and over 95,000 management and operating contractor and other contractor employees at the Department’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. and 83 field locations.

Do they produce energy? What do they produce????
It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.
Who signs your checks? A poor man or a rich man?
Who does the labor that makes the rich people capable of writing checks??
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The Horse And Sparrow Theory

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once dubbed trickle-down economics the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory:‭ “‬If you feed the horse enough oats,‭ ‬some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.‭”

All Republican politicians and way too many Democrats subscribe to this theory,‭ ‬and have had average Americans living on the horsesh!t the ruling billionaire class sh!ts out since Reagan first sold the average Americans his‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬snake oil.

Like the good,‭ ‬Reagan-loving sparrows they are,‭ ‬conservatives have enthusiastically lived on the horsesh!t billionaires have trickled down on them since the‭ ‬1980s.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the majority have known all along that‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬is exactly that...,‭ ‬horsesh!t.

As history has shown,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬any bandwagon the right-wingers leap onto,‭ ‬it’s certain to be a financial disaster for average Americans.‭ ‬And the right-wingers have been riding the‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬and living vicariously through the prosperity of ruling billionaire class for so long,‭ ‬they are terrified of finding themselves truly prosperous.

There are several reasons our politicians are unwilling to challenge this perception of the right-wingers,‭ ‬which is,‭ ‬sadly,‭ ‬shared by many centrists.‭ ‬One,‭ ‬promoting the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory maintains the ultra-wealthy political contributors‭’ ‬generosity.‭ ‬Two,‭ ‬many of the so-called‭ “‬progressives‭” ‬in Congress are corporate stooges,‭ ‬and regularly stab their constituents in the back,‭ ‬voting with the congressional Republicans to feed the greed of America’s‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires.‭ ‬Three,‭ ‬the honoraria for serving the financial interests of corporate America and those‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires is addictive,‭ ‬and makes the recipients‭’ ‬ethics increasingly flexible‭ ‬as time and reelections pass.‭

.‭ ‬

Yep, the mythical trickle-down enabled Paris Hilton to add a Sous-chef and an additional gardener.
Republicans say "well, that's TWO jobs created!"
Normal folks just laugh :laugh:
Paris Hilton can pump more money into the American economy in a weekend shopping trip than you can in a year.
More numbers and "facts" emanating from a RWNJs a$$.

She has a net worth of $300 million. Do you really think she can't drop over a hundred grand in a weekend? Please do tell where you get that information.
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The Horse And Sparrow Theory

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once dubbed trickle-down economics the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory:‭ “‬If you feed the horse enough oats,‭ ‬some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.‭”

All Republican politicians and way too many Democrats subscribe to this theory,‭ ‬and have had average Americans living on the horsesh!t the ruling billionaire class sh!ts out since Reagan first sold the average Americans his‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬snake oil.

Like the good,‭ ‬Reagan-loving sparrows they are,‭ ‬conservatives have enthusiastically lived on the horsesh!t billionaires have trickled down on them since the‭ ‬1980s.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the majority have known all along that‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬is exactly that...,‭ ‬horsesh!t.

As history has shown,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬any bandwagon the right-wingers leap onto,‭ ‬it’s certain to be a financial disaster for average Americans.‭ ‬And the right-wingers have been riding the‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬and living vicariously through the prosperity of ruling billionaire class for so long,‭ ‬they are terrified of finding themselves truly prosperous.

There are several reasons our politicians are unwilling to challenge this perception of the right-wingers,‭ ‬which is,‭ ‬sadly,‭ ‬shared by many centrists.‭ ‬One,‭ ‬promoting the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory maintains the ultra-wealthy political contributors‭’ ‬generosity.‭ ‬Two,‭ ‬many of the so-called‭ “‬progressives‭” ‬in Congress are corporate stooges,‭ ‬and regularly stab their constituents in the back,‭ ‬voting with the congressional Republicans to feed the greed of America’s‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires.‭ ‬Three,‭ ‬the honoraria for serving the financial interests of corporate America and those‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires is addictive,‭ ‬and makes the recipients‭’ ‬ethics increasingly flexible‭ ‬as time and reelections pass.‭

.‭ ‬

Yep, the mythical trickle-down enabled Paris Hilton to add a Sous-chef and an additional gardener.
Republicans say "well, that's TWO jobs created!"
Normal folks just laugh :laugh:
Paris Hilton can pump more money into the American economy in a weekend shopping trip than you can in a year.

Paris is an idiot - And so are YOU
Wow, I see what you did there. You were flummoxed by what I said because it was factual and true, so you resorted to an attempt at the worst, most mature sounding insult you could imagine, and I'm sure it works very well on your fellow 5 year old's in the sandbox. Not so much in the adult world, though.

Now, Paris is worth $300 million and can easily spend over a hundred grand on a weekend if she wants to. How much do you pump into the economy by comparison? Judging by the maturity level of your response, I'd say not a whole lot.
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The Horse And Sparrow Theory

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once dubbed trickle-down economics the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory:‭ “‬If you feed the horse enough oats,‭ ‬some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.‭”

All Republican politicians and way too many Democrats subscribe to this theory,‭ ‬and have had average Americans living on the horsesh!t the ruling billionaire class sh!ts out since Reagan first sold the average Americans his‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬snake oil.

Like the good,‭ ‬Reagan-loving sparrows they are,‭ ‬conservatives have enthusiastically lived on the horsesh!t billionaires have trickled down on them since the‭ ‬1980s.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the majority have known all along that‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬is exactly that...,‭ ‬horsesh!t.

As history has shown,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬any bandwagon the right-wingers leap onto,‭ ‬it’s certain to be a financial disaster for average Americans.‭ ‬And the right-wingers have been riding the‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬and living vicariously through the prosperity of ruling billionaire class for so long,‭ ‬they are terrified of finding themselves truly prosperous.

There are several reasons our politicians are unwilling to challenge this perception of the right-wingers,‭ ‬which is,‭ ‬sadly,‭ ‬shared by many centrists.‭ ‬One,‭ ‬promoting the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory maintains the ultra-wealthy political contributors‭’ ‬generosity.‭ ‬Two,‭ ‬many of the so-called‭ “‬progressives‭” ‬in Congress are corporate stooges,‭ ‬and regularly stab their constituents in the back,‭ ‬voting with the congressional Republicans to feed the greed of America’s‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires.‭ ‬Three,‭ ‬the honoraria for serving the financial interests of corporate America and those‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires is addictive,‭ ‬and makes the recipients‭’ ‬ethics increasingly flexible‭ ‬as time and reelections pass.‭

.‭ ‬

Raise taxes, government oats are yummy!!!
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The wealth does trickle down. The problem is that the dumb stay poor, and do not appreciate the minimal services that they receive - new playgrounds, new housing projects, new jails, continued food and cash supplements, more efficient emergency services, etc..

This is typical..."I GOT MINE...YOU DON'T....SCREW YOU!" republican thinking. And they call themselves the party of God....and they preach ME FIRST attitude.
Where do they call themselves that?

You only need to view at their policies and listen to their words, and you know what their goal is. They care little for the poor and the down trodden. That is probably the one aspect of trump that neatly conforms to the GOP mantra. He also cares little for the poor and needy, expect to ask for money with one of his patently false campaign letters. And his mindless cult has rewarded him with over 200,000,000 which he will find a way to pocket. You trumpsters and cult minded repubs are the most gullible people in the world.
IOW, they don't call themselves that and you were lying about them, again.
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