Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.
No..."he" didn't


Shortly after the solar energy company Solyndra filed for bankruptcy — after receiving a $535 million loan from the Department of Energy — we received several emails from readers asking us to look into the claims made in the chain email above. It gets some of the basic facts correct.

It’s true that Tonopah Solar Energy, a subsidiary of SolarReserve, received a $737 million loan from the government to build a new solar facility in Nevada.
It’s also true that the project is expected to create 45 permanent jobs. However, many construction jobs also would be supported. Furthermore, there’s no indication at present that the loan won’t be repaid. So it’s misleading to claim it is costing taxpayers $16 million per job.
And Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, had been the executive director with PCG Asset Management, a subsidiary of PCG, until April 2009. But he was only an “independent director” on the company’s board in September 2011 when the loan guarantee for Tonopah was finalized. As an independent director, Pelosi sat on the board of directors, but did not oversee day-to-day management of the company.
What we can’t say one way or the other is whether the loan the company received from the Energy Department had anything to do with Ron Pelosi, as the email suggests. We spoke to company officials for SolarReserve and PCG, and they denied that Pelosi had any influence on the loan. They also stated to us that Ron Pelosi’s compensation agreement does not allow him to benefit personally from the loan, a statement we are not in a position to confirm or dispute.

Update, Feb. 2, 2012: In a statement to, Ron Pelosi also said that “the loan the company received had nothing to do with me.” He added that he “knew nothing regarding their proposed or actual transactions,” and “did not speak with any person in connection with their plans.” He said that “those who say I did are attempting to smear Nancy Pelosi and me for their own political purposes.”

Pelosi also provided us with email correspondence between him and David Fann, the former president and CEO of PCG Asset Management, indicating that he was only to receive $25,000 annually as a member of the company’s board of directors.
No..."he" didn't


Shortly after the solar energy company Solyndra filed for bankruptcy — after receiving a $535 million loan from the Department of Energy — we received several emails from readers asking us to look into the claims made in the chain email above. It gets some of the basic facts correct.

It’s true that Tonopah Solar Energy, a subsidiary of SolarReserve, received a $737 million loan from the government to build a new solar facility in Nevada.
It’s also true that the project is expected to create 45 permanent jobs. However, many construction jobs also would be supported. Furthermore, there’s no indication at present that the loan won’t be repaid. So it’s misleading to claim it is costing taxpayers $16 million per job.
And Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, had been the executive director with PCG Asset Management, a subsidiary of PCG, until April 2009. But he was only an “independent director” on the company’s board in September 2011 when the loan guarantee for Tonopah was finalized. As an independent director, Pelosi sat on the board of directors, but did not oversee day-to-day management of the company.
What we can’t say one way or the other is whether the loan the company received from the Energy Department had anything to do with Ron Pelosi, as the email suggests. We spoke to company officials for SolarReserve and PCG, and they denied that Pelosi had any influence on the loan. They also stated to us that Ron Pelosi’s compensation agreement does not allow him to benefit personally from the loan, a statement we are not in a position to confirm or dispute.

Update, Feb. 2, 2012: In a statement to, Ron Pelosi also said that “the loan the company received had nothing to do with me.” He added that he “knew nothing regarding their proposed or actual transactions,” and “did not speak with any person in connection with their plans.” He said that “those who say I did are attempting to smear Nancy Pelosi and me for their own political purposes.”

Pelosi also provided us with email correspondence between him and David Fann, the former president and CEO of PCG Asset Management, indicating that he was only to receive $25,000 annually as a member of the company’s board of directors.
What did you expect them to say, that Pelosi got rich off the taxpayers?
This is nothing compared to what her husband and children have sucked off the tax payers for.....just a drop in the bucket to what he rest of her family have stolen....
Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.

If you want to flush money down the toilet on Green Energy, bring back Obama. He flushed not Millions, but Billions down the toilet, spending taxpayer money on so called unviable "Green Energy"

But to give Pelosi's family (Brother In Law) almost a Billion Dollars? Can anybody say WTF? And why isn't there a law against that?
No..."he" didn't


Shortly after the solar energy company Solyndra filed for bankruptcy — after receiving a $535 million loan from the Department of Energy — we received several emails from readers asking us to look into the claims made in the chain email above. It gets some of the basic facts correct.

It’s true that Tonopah Solar Energy, a subsidiary of SolarReserve, received a $737 million loan from the government to build a new solar facility in Nevada.
It’s also true that the project is expected to create 45 permanent jobs. However, many construction jobs also would be supported. Furthermore, there’s no indication at present that the loan won’t be repaid. So it’s misleading to claim it is costing taxpayers $16 million per job.
And Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, had been the executive director with PCG Asset Management, a subsidiary of PCG, until April 2009. But he was only an “independent director” on the company’s board in September 2011 when the loan guarantee for Tonopah was finalized. As an independent director, Pelosi sat on the board of directors, but did not oversee day-to-day management of the company.
What we can’t say one way or the other is whether the loan the company received from the Energy Department had anything to do with Ron Pelosi, as the email suggests. We spoke to company officials for SolarReserve and PCG, and they denied that Pelosi had any influence on the loan. They also stated to us that Ron Pelosi’s compensation agreement does not allow him to benefit personally from the loan, a statement we are not in a position to confirm or dispute.

Update, Feb. 2, 2012: In a statement to, Ron Pelosi also said that “the loan the company received had nothing to do with me.” He added that he “knew nothing regarding their proposed or actual transactions,” and “did not speak with any person in connection with their plans.” He said that “those who say I did are attempting to smear Nancy Pelosi and me for their own political purposes.”

Pelosi also provided us with email correspondence between him and David Fann, the former president and CEO of PCG Asset Management, indicating that he was only to receive $25,000 annually as a member of the company’s board of directors.
What did you expect them to say, that Pelosi got rich off the taxpayers?

I'd expect them to be honest...unlike you folks
Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.

And we subsidize the fossil fuel industry. Yeah, our system is utterly corrupt. Who knew.
No..."he" didn't


Shortly after the solar energy company Solyndra filed for bankruptcy — after receiving a $535 million loan from the Department of Energy — we received several emails from readers asking us to look into the claims made in the chain email above. It gets some of the basic facts correct.

It’s true that Tonopah Solar Energy, a subsidiary of SolarReserve, received a $737 million loan from the government to build a new solar facility in Nevada.
It’s also true that the project is expected to create 45 permanent jobs. However, many construction jobs also would be supported. Furthermore, there’s no indication at present that the loan won’t be repaid. So it’s misleading to claim it is costing taxpayers $16 million per job.
And Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, had been the executive director with PCG Asset Management, a subsidiary of PCG, until April 2009. But he was only an “independent director” on the company’s board in September 2011 when the loan guarantee for Tonopah was finalized. As an independent director, Pelosi sat on the board of directors, but did not oversee day-to-day management of the company.
What we can’t say one way or the other is whether the loan the company received from the Energy Department had anything to do with Ron Pelosi, as the email suggests. We spoke to company officials for SolarReserve and PCG, and they denied that Pelosi had any influence on the loan. They also stated to us that Ron Pelosi’s compensation agreement does not allow him to benefit personally from the loan, a statement we are not in a position to confirm or dispute.

Update, Feb. 2, 2012: In a statement to, Ron Pelosi also said that “the loan the company received had nothing to do with me.” He added that he “knew nothing regarding their proposed or actual transactions,” and “did not speak with any person in connection with their plans.” He said that “those who say I did are attempting to smear Nancy Pelosi and me for their own political purposes.”

Pelosi also provided us with email correspondence between him and David Fann, the former president and CEO of PCG Asset Management, indicating that he was only to receive $25,000 annually as a member of the company’s board of directors.
What did you expect them to say, that Pelosi got rich off the taxpayers?

I'd expect them to be honest...unlike you folks
They're not honest about anything, like you.
This is nothing compared to what her husband and children have sucked off the tax payers for.....just a drop in the bucket to what he rest of her family have stolen....

Peanuts compared to what the Trump family is getting away with .
Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.

If you want to flush money down the toilet on Green Energy, bring back Obama. He flushed not Millions, but Billions down the toilet, spending taxpayer money on so called unviable "Green Energy"

But to give Pelosi's family (Brother In Law) almost a Billion Dollars? Can anybody say WTF? And why isn't there a law against that?

Unviable ? Seems to be quite viable . Very interesting tech , not surprised the government is involved .

Are you such a big oil hack that you can’t stand to see any alt energy succeed ?
Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.

And we subsidize the fossil fuel industry. Yeah, our system is utterly corrupt. Who knew.

And we subsidize the fossil fuel industry.

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.

And we subsidize the fossil fuel industry. Yeah, our system is utterly corrupt. Who knew.

And we subsidize the fossil fuel industry.


Of course we do . How much gas, oil,coal comes from public property ?
Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.

And we subsidize the fossil fuel industry. Yeah, our system is utterly corrupt. Who knew.

And we subsidize the fossil fuel industry.


Of course we do . How much gas, oil,coal comes from public property ?

An oil company buying a lease is "subsidizing the fossil fuel industry"?
No..."he" didn't


Shortly after the solar energy company Solyndra filed for bankruptcy — after receiving a $535 million loan from the Department of Energy — we received several emails from readers asking us to look into the claims made in the chain email above. It gets some of the basic facts correct.

It’s true that Tonopah Solar Energy, a subsidiary of SolarReserve, received a $737 million loan from the government to build a new solar facility in Nevada.
It’s also true that the project is expected to create 45 permanent jobs. However, many construction jobs also would be supported. Furthermore, there’s no indication at present that the loan won’t be repaid. So it’s misleading to claim it is costing taxpayers $16 million per job.
And Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, had been the executive director with PCG Asset Management, a subsidiary of PCG, until April 2009. But he was only an “independent director” on the company’s board in September 2011 when the loan guarantee for Tonopah was finalized. As an independent director, Pelosi sat on the board of directors, but did not oversee day-to-day management of the company.
What we can’t say one way or the other is whether the loan the company received from the Energy Department had anything to do with Ron Pelosi, as the email suggests. We spoke to company officials for SolarReserve and PCG, and they denied that Pelosi had any influence on the loan. They also stated to us that Ron Pelosi’s compensation agreement does not allow him to benefit personally from the loan, a statement we are not in a position to confirm or dispute.

Update, Feb. 2, 2012: In a statement to, Ron Pelosi also said that “the loan the company received had nothing to do with me.” He added that he “knew nothing regarding their proposed or actual transactions,” and “did not speak with any person in connection with their plans.” He said that “those who say I did are attempting to smear Nancy Pelosi and me for their own political purposes.”

Pelosi also provided us with email correspondence between him and David Fann, the former president and CEO of PCG Asset Management, indicating that he was only to receive $25,000 annually as a member of the company’s board of directors.
What did you expect them to say, that Pelosi got rich off the taxpayers?

The OP is a LIE. The loan was not given to "Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law" and he received no benefit from the loan.

Ron Pelosi was an "outside director", of the parent company of the solar company, meaning that he didn't work for the company or participate in the day to operations or decisions of the company.

As usual, the right takes a small grain of truth - Pelosi's brother-in-law sits on the board of directors of a company which got a government loan, and makes it sound like a massive corruption scam, which is not the case at all. If the right didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.
That's part of the scam...picking winners who just happen to be friends and relatives who in turn are ever so grateful......
Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.
That's what criminal politicians do - help themselves to our money.

She's as Criminal as they come.
Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.

And we subsidize the fossil fuel industry. Yeah, our system is utterly corrupt. Who knew.

And we subsidize the fossil fuel industry.


Of course we do . How much gas, oil,coal comes from public property ?

An oil company buying a lease is "subsidizing the fossil fuel industry"?

It is if the oil company is paying less than full market rates for that lease.
Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project'

Pelosi's Brother-in-Law Received $737m Taxpayer Money for Failed 'Green' Project | Neon Nettle
By Jay Greenberg ~~ While Democrats are pushing the "Green New Deal" - requiring unprecedented funding - while simultaneously rejecting Donald Trump's requests for increased border security funds, details of a "loan" that was granted to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law have emerged, further highlighting the Dems' hypocritical use of taxpayer money. When it comes to liberal causes, it seems that the pot of taxpayers funds is never-ending, as Pelosi's husband's brother, Ron Pelosi received $737 million (737,000,000 US dollars!) in 2011 from the Obama Administration as a "Green Energy Loan" to build a solar energy power plant in the Nevada desert which has since failed. The $737m handed to Ron Pelosi's Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for a 110-megawatt desert solar power plant, was approved by the Obama administration just days after the failed Solyndra project filed for bankruptcy before it was due to be completed.

Not that there was any insider talk or anything. No way related to her position in Congress Of course not. Pelosi liberally availed herself of insider knowledge to make millions off the stock market before Congress made insider trading illegal for members of Congress. Since she was voting on issues affecting how corporations conducted business, she was in a very good position to profit. Her net worth actually decreased once she could no longer engage in insider trading.
Sure, it's old news, it happened years ago.
Why were these Dem grifters allowed to loot the US Treasury for Fake Green Deals? It was truly a Porkulus and Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats like Pelosi gorged themselves at the trough. If we taxpayers could have all the money back that was stolen by the Democrats during the Obama Reign of Error, we could easily build the President’s wall to protect our country.
Insider dealing by members of Congress never stopped. Look it up. Legislation was passed and quietly amended to death. It is going on full bore, ironically benefiting the Trump haters in Congress who are cashing in on his stock market boom. How many politicians in Congress and the Senate start out as just making ends meet and by the end of their first term become millionaires?
Were false government reports filed?
Keep in mind...falsifying official documents is the preferred criminal method to cover-up larger crimes. It falls under RICO.

Naturally pelosi didnt influence him getting that kind of money lol hahahahahha I cant lie like that of course she did close to a billion bucks lol

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