Pelosi vs. Warren - Impeach - No or Yes ?


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Representative Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House and from California or the west coast. Senator Elizabeth Warren is a Presidential contender from Massachusetts, the east coast. Both are well-known leaders in the Democratic Party. Pelosi is cautious and for the time being, says no to impeachment. Her focus is on 2020 elections and knows impeachment is like throwing red meat to Trump's base. Warren presents her case as a Constitutional duty and wants Pelosi to begin impeachment proceedings immediately.

So, is Pelosi putting politics over duty? Is Warren just trying to stand out in the crowded field of Democratic contenders?
Exactly. Duty should go ahead of whatever fears you’re imagining for your party. Impeach the motherfucker.
Warren knows she can say it without having to follow up on it.

Pelosi knows that no Pubs in the Senate will vote to impeach, just as Zero Senate dems voted to impeach Clinton, and she doesn't have the luxury of posturing on this as does Warren.
members of Congress get expelled -

Members ofCongress can be expelled by their own respective body.

or voted out every 2 years

Representative Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House and from California or the west coast. Senator Elizabeth Warren is a Presidential contender from Massachusetts, the east coast. Both are well-known leaders in the Democratic Party. Pelosi is cautious and for the time being, says no to impeachment. Her focus is on 2020 elections and knows impeachment is like throwing red meat to Trump's base. Warren presents her case as a Constitutional duty and wants Pelosi to begin impeachment proceedings immediately.

So, is Pelosi putting politics over duty? Is Warren just trying to stand out in the crowded field of Democratic contenders?

Since impeachment has to originate in the House, Warren's call for impeachment hearings to begin from the floor of the Senate is kind of pointless noise.
I say go for impeachment. Let's gut our Country in true Democrat Party fashion!

Then maybe, just maybe, most Americans will wake up to the fact that it's the Democrat Party dividing our Country in more ways than Russia ever could!!!

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