Pelosi on statues

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
Nancy Pelosi on Columbus statue toppling: ‘People will do what they do’

isn't she supposed to be creating laws, not telling people to ignore them?

Why is she condoning vandalism?
Nancy Pelosi on Columbus statue toppling: ‘People will do what they do’

isn't she supposed to be creating laws, not telling people to ignore them?

Why is she condoning vandalism?

SHEEEEEESH I wouldn't want to shake her hand either
If there's a Nancy Pelosi statue, somebody should tear it down.

I propose a more "radical" approach----since she advocates the vandalizing of PUBLIC property---how about ripping out her rose bushes (if any) ??
She is truly a disgrace to the position of Speaker.

I assume that (the nominal) President Biden will let her stay for two years and then "suggest" that she retire.

She will go down in the history books for at least two pathetic gestures: Her kneeling in contrition to a certain ethnicity and telling everybody that one of her grandsons regrets that he is Euro-American.
If there's a Nancy Pelosi statue, somebody should tear it down.
Normally I try not to encourage such behavior, but what other option is there when who you are dealing with isn't interested in learning other ways to do things? Sometimes you have to speak to a person in the only language that they care to know of.

God bless you always!!!

Nancy Pelosi on Columbus statue toppling: ‘People will do what they do’

isn't she supposed to be creating laws, not telling people to ignore them?

Why is she condoning vandalism?
When someone in San Fransicko decides to toast Nan's place with a Molotov Cocktail, you can bet that the party of BLM and ANTIFA, will close the bullshit down and have the national guard shoot to kill the vermin....
If there's a Nancy Pelosi statue, somebody should tear it down.
Normally I try not to encourage such behavior, but what other option is there when who you are dealing with isn't interested in learning other ways to do things? Sometimes you have to speak to a person in the only language that they care to know of.

God bless you always!!!

Obammy almost got it right when was showing how manly he was. I guess violence begets violence...

Now that you have heard Nancy tell you about statues, here is Nancy telling us about her favorite word.

It is equally as coherent as her position on statues.
Really? So maybe some "people" should pull down an MLK statue and throw it in the harbor since the Democratic Leader says it's just people doing what they do. What could be wrong with that?

Really? So maybe some "people" should pull down an MLK statue and throw it in the harbor since the Democratic Leader says it's just people doing what they do. What could be wrong with that?

And there's the demtrash double standard rearing it's ugly head again.

I think Nanc was a Hate Ashbury flower child that dropped a hit or two too many hits of ACID. That woman is completely daft low life gutter dweller.
Really? So maybe some "people" should pull down an MLK statue and throw it in the harbor since the Democratic Leader says it's just people doing what they do. What could be wrong with that?

Don't worry. You just keep whining about her. Sooner or later you will find something that doesn't make you look lke you are just whining because that's what you like to do.
When the harridan (a callous, lying traitor, an inauthentic, paranoid crook and a sickly crone who craves power and money) tore up the SOTU speech, I would have loved to see Trump rip off her withered ear and eat it. No such luck.
When the harridan (a callous, lying traitor, an inauthentic, paranoid crook and a sickly crone who craves power and money) tore up the SOTU speech, I would have loved to see Trump rip off her withered ear and eat it. No such luck.

Now that's the mature response we have grown to expect from Trump supporters That didn't make you look like a childishly raving idiot at all.
When the harridan (a callous, lying traitor, an inauthentic, paranoid crook and a sickly crone who craves power and money) tore up the SOTU speech, I would have loved to see Trump rip off her withered ear and eat it. No such luck.
There was no salt available.

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