Pelosi Lied / Spreads Propaganda To Discredit Trump....Shocking


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trump goes after Pelosi, has White House officials confirm he was calm at meeting

"President Trump said at a freewheeling news conference Thursday that reports of his behavior during a meeting the previous day with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called “Crazy Nancy,” were untrue -- and he called on other White House officials to back him up."

"White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said he was “very calm, no temper tantrum." Others spoke in his defense as well."

"You were very calm," White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said during the briefing."

Pelosi described President Trump as unpredictable and unstable, even bringing up the 25th Amendment again and the idea of removing him from office. She called in his family to do an 'intervention' to help remove him from office.

Afterwards, D-Chuck Schumef, who attended the meeting, refused to back Pelosi's wild accusations, stating his opinion of the President's demeanor was that the President was 'agitated', hardly the unstable psycho Pelosi falsely attempted to make the President sound like.

Pelosi is left looking like a desperate lying democrat willing to stoop to anything to undermine the President.

What else would you expect from an unbalanced partisan democrat who votes to held the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW?!

If any intervention is needed to remove someone from office it is the Democrats who need to hold one to get lying / mentally unstable Nancy out of office!
Problem is the whole world knows trump is lying scumbag by now. He has no credibility among normal intelligent people.
Trump goes after Pelosi, has White House officials confirm he was calm at meeting

"President Trump said at a freewheeling news conference Thursday that reports of his behavior during a meeting the previous day with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called “Crazy Nancy,” were untrue -- and he called on other White House officials to back him up."

"White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said he was “very calm, no temper tantrum." Others spoke in his defense as well."

"You were very calm," White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said during the briefing."

Pelosi described President Trump as unpredictable and unstable, even bringing up the 25th Amendment again and the idea of removing him from office. She called in his family to do an 'intervention' to help remove him from office.

Afterwards, D-Chuck Schumef, who attended the meeting, refused to back Pelosi's wild accusations, stating his opinion of the President's demeanor was that the President was 'agitated', hardly the unstable psycho Pelosi falsely attempted to make the President sound like.

Pelosi is left looking like a desperate lying democrat willing to stoop to anything to undermine the President.

What else would you expect from an unbalanced partisan democrat who votes to held the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW?!

If any intervention is needed to remove someone from office it is the Democrats who need to hold one to get lying / mentally unstable Nancy out of office!

If anyone needs to be removed from office it is lying Trump. You are as ignorant as he is. The Constitution gives Congress the power of oversight and takes precedent over laws. If what you said were true then Democrats could pass a LAW banning private ownership of guns and that would override the 2nd Amendment.

Trump tweeted a doctored video of Pelosi supposedly stammering. Trump is dishonest and a lying weasel.
President Trump pwns Cryin' Chuck and Crazy Nancy again as usual! :p

Problem is the whole world knows trump is lying scumbag by now. He has no credibility among normal intelligent people.

Don't you think enough is enough?

Luke 15:1-7 The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

Trump goes after Pelosi, has White House officials confirm he was calm at meeting

"President Trump said at a freewheeling news conference Thursday that reports of his behavior during a meeting the previous day with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called “Crazy Nancy,” were untrue -- and he called on other White House officials to back him up."

"White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said he was “very calm, no temper tantrum." Others spoke in his defense as well."

"You were very calm," White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said during the briefing."

Pelosi described President Trump as unpredictable and unstable, even bringing up the 25th Amendment again and the idea of removing him from office. She called in his family to do an 'intervention' to help remove him from office.

Afterwards, D-Chuck Schumef, who attended the meeting, refused to back Pelosi's wild accusations, stating his opinion of the President's demeanor was that the President was 'agitated', hardly the unstable psycho Pelosi falsely attempted to make the President sound like.

Pelosi is left looking like a desperate lying democrat willing to stoop to anything to undermine the President.

What else would you expect from an unbalanced partisan democrat who votes to held the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW?!

If any intervention is needed to remove someone from office it is the Democrats who need to hold one to get lying / mentally unstable Nancy out of office!

Yawn. Like anyone believes anything that comes out of Trump's mouth at this point. As for White House staff, as the Mueller Report proved, Trump's staffers are like trained seals, lining up to clap and cheer his every lie.

Trump is the guy who looks more and more desperate every day. His Rose Garden tirade was certainly very agitated.
Trump goes after Pelosi, has White House officials confirm he was calm at meeting

"President Trump said at a freewheeling news conference Thursday that reports of his behavior during a meeting the previous day with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called “Crazy Nancy,” were untrue -- and he called on other White House officials to back him up."

"White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said he was “very calm, no temper tantrum." Others spoke in his defense as well."

"You were very calm," White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said during the briefing."

Pelosi described President Trump as unpredictable and unstable, even bringing up the 25th Amendment again and the idea of removing him from office. She called in his family to do an 'intervention' to help remove him from office.

Afterwards, D-Chuck Schumef, who attended the meeting, refused to back Pelosi's wild accusations, stating his opinion of the President's demeanor was that the President was 'agitated', hardly the unstable psycho Pelosi falsely attempted to make the President sound like.

Pelosi is left looking like a desperate lying democrat willing to stoop to anything to undermine the President.

What else would you expect from an unbalanced partisan democrat who votes to held the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW?!

If any intervention is needed to remove someone from office it is the Democrats who need to hold one to get lying / mentally unstable Nancy out of office!

Sooooooooo where's the "lied" part? Is this a "tune in tomorrow for another exciting adventure" kinda deal?
our founders designed the constitution especially for a moment like this. our nation is gonna be ok...thanks to our founders!
Trump goes after Pelosi, has White House officials confirm he was calm at meeting

"President Trump said at a freewheeling news conference Thursday that reports of his behavior during a meeting the previous day with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called “Crazy Nancy,” were untrue -- and he called on other White House officials to back him up."

"White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said he was “very calm, no temper tantrum." Others spoke in his defense as well."

"You were very calm," White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said during the briefing."

Pelosi described President Trump as unpredictable and unstable, even bringing up the 25th Amendment again and the idea of removing him from office. She called in his family to do an 'intervention' to help remove him from office.

Afterwards, D-Chuck Schumef, who attended the meeting, refused to back Pelosi's wild accusations, stating his opinion of the President's demeanor was that the President was 'agitated', hardly the unstable psycho Pelosi falsely attempted to make the President sound like.

Pelosi is left looking like a desperate lying democrat willing to stoop to anything to undermine the President.

What else would you expect from an unbalanced partisan democrat who votes to held the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW?!

If any intervention is needed to remove someone from office it is the Democrats who need to hold one to get lying / mentally unstable Nancy out of office!


Watching several of Pelosie's last few public statements and she is rambling and stuttering incoherently. As #3 in line for POTUS she needs to be psychiatricly evaluated for competency and fitness for duties. She is showing signs of early onset dementia..
Trump goes after Pelosi, has White House officials confirm he was calm at meeting

"President Trump said at a freewheeling news conference Thursday that reports of his behavior during a meeting the previous day with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called “Crazy Nancy,” were untrue -- and he called on other White House officials to back him up."

"White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said he was “very calm, no temper tantrum." Others spoke in his defense as well."

"You were very calm," White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said during the briefing."

Pelosi described President Trump as unpredictable and unstable, even bringing up the 25th Amendment again and the idea of removing him from office. She called in his family to do an 'intervention' to help remove him from office.

Afterwards, D-Chuck Schumef, who attended the meeting, refused to back Pelosi's wild accusations, stating his opinion of the President's demeanor was that the President was 'agitated', hardly the unstable psycho Pelosi falsely attempted to make the President sound like.

Pelosi is left looking like a desperate lying democrat willing to stoop to anything to undermine the President.

What else would you expect from an unbalanced partisan democrat who votes to held the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW?!

If any intervention is needed to remove someone from office it is the Democrats who need to hold one to get lying / mentally unstable Nancy out of office!

Sooooooooo where's the "lied" part? Is this a "tune in tomorrow for another exciting adventure" kinda deal?
Pelosi claimed Trump was angry, ranting, and unstable. Even Schumer wouldn't back her on this lie...
"Pelosi's gonna lose her job, because the people she's in charge of have lost their minds!" - Senator Graham
Does anyone REALLY think a life long New Yorker would have a "melt down" because of Nancy Pelosi? Come on...get real! San Fran Nan is trying to impress her base by claiming to have agitated Trump.
Trump goes after Pelosi, has White House officials confirm he was calm at meeting

"President Trump said at a freewheeling news conference Thursday that reports of his behavior during a meeting the previous day with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called “Crazy Nancy,” were untrue -- and he called on other White House officials to back him up."

"White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said he was “very calm, no temper tantrum." Others spoke in his defense as well."

"You were very calm," White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said during the briefing."

Pelosi described President Trump as unpredictable and unstable, even bringing up the 25th Amendment again and the idea of removing him from office. She called in his family to do an 'intervention' to help remove him from office.

Afterwards, D-Chuck Schumef, who attended the meeting, refused to back Pelosi's wild accusations, stating his opinion of the President's demeanor was that the President was 'agitated', hardly the unstable psycho Pelosi falsely attempted to make the President sound like.

Pelosi is left looking like a desperate lying democrat willing to stoop to anything to undermine the President.

What else would you expect from an unbalanced partisan democrat who votes to held the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW?!

If any intervention is needed to remove someone from office it is the Democrats who need to hold one to get lying / mentally unstable Nancy out of office!

Yawn. Like anyone believes anything that comes out of Trump's mouth at this point. As for White House staff, as the Mueller Report proved, Trump's staffers are like trained seals, lining up to clap and cheer his every lie.

Trump is the guy who looks more and more desperate every day. His Rose Garden tirade was certainly very agitated.
Lol, if anyone disagreed with Obama was a racist. You're a hoot!

Republicans have to make a fake video to attack someone. Because that’s all they have.

Republicans think they’re funny putting out those videos. And then people find out that they put out fake videos that were doctored because that’s all they have.

They can’t run on their policies. What are they going to say? Fist pumping - we screwed America?

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