Pelosi is single-handedly manhandling the Republican Party

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I tend to agree with Fox Business commentator Charles Payne's assessment that Pelosi is indeed manhandling the Republican party. Rep. Massie adds that more Republicans should consider acting in the manner of a 'dangerous nuisance'

If we recall, Pelosi referred to Rep. Massie as a 'dangerous nuisance' after demanding that Congress come to work and do its job during the corona 3.0 legislation, the largest spending bill in history at 6 trillion dollars. It's a small victory to know that she and the President view at least on Republican as dangerous to their agenda. Apparently Pelosi herself is comfortable not only with the notion that the rest of the Republican party are not in any way a danger to her agenda, but that they're wilfully complicit.


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I tend to agree with Fox Business commentator Charles Payne's assessment that Pelosi is indeed manhandling the Republican party. Rep. Massie adds that more Republicans should consider acting in the manner of a 'dangerous nuisance'

If we recall, Pelosi referred to Rep. Massie as a 'dangerous nuisance' after demanding that Congress come to work and do its job during the corona 3.0 legislation, the largest spending bill in history. It's a small victory to know that she views at least on Republican as dangerous to her agenda. Apparently Pelosi herself is comfortable not only with the notion that the rest of the Republican party are not in any way a danger to her agenda and but that they're wilfully complicit.


democrats have always controlled the repubes,,,just look at their record,,,
Republicans are too much the country gentlemen. They need to become a street gang.

If you fight under your opponent's rules, you will always lose.
rules be damned,,,both parties have the same objectives and that is bigger government and the destruction of the constitution,,,
ones just a little slower at doing it,,,
Republicans are too much the country gentlemen. They need to become a street gang.

If you fight under your opponent's rules, you will always lose.
rules be damned,,,both parties have the same objectives and that is bigger government and the destruction of the constitution,,,
ones just a little slower at doing it,,,
dislike it all you want,,,their record proves it,,,
I tend to agree with Fox Business commentator Charles Payne's assessment that Pelosi is indeed manhandling the Republican party. Rep. Massie adds that more Republicans should consider acting in the manner of a 'dangerous nuisance'

If we recall, Pelosi referred to Rep. Massie as a 'dangerous nuisance' after demanding that Congress come to work and do its job during the corona 3.0 legislation, the largest spending bill in history at 6 trillion dollars. It's a small victory to know that she and the President view at least on Republican as dangerous to their agenda. Apparently Pelosi herself is comfortable not only with the notion that the rest of the Republican party are not in any way a danger to her agenda, but that they're wilfully complicit.


Um, nope...this was not the largest spending bill in history

The Wall Street bailouts which we were told $800 billion dollars

$29 TRILLION DOLLARS and they couldn't invest in re stocking masks,
stockpiling ventilators, gowns, essential medical equipment,
6 million homeowners lost their homes, less than 1 million were helped,
shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, people who turned in their cars
for Cash for Clunkers made out the best, Bush sent $600,
SS, SSI, Veterans and Rail Road retirees got $250 from Obama...BFD
Workers saw an extra 6% on paychecks....BFD and not one mother fucker went to jail
I tend to agree with Fox Business commentator Charles Payne's assessment that Pelosi is indeed manhandling the Republican party. Rep. Massie adds that more Republicans should consider acting in the manner of a 'dangerous nuisance'

If we recall, Pelosi referred to Rep. Massie as a 'dangerous nuisance' after demanding that Congress come to work and do its job during the corona 3.0 legislation, the largest spending bill in history at 6 trillion dollars. It's a small victory to know that she and the President view at least on Republican as dangerous to their agenda. Apparently Pelosi herself is comfortable not only with the notion that the rest of the Republican party are not in any way a danger to her agenda, but that they're wilfully complicit.


Um, nope...this was not the largest spending bill in history

The Wall Street bailouts which we were told $800 billion dollars

$29 TRILLION DOLLARS and they couldn't invest in re stocking masks,
stockpiling ventilators, gowns, essential medical equipment,
6 million homeowners lost their homes, less than 1 million were helped,
shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, people who turned in their cars
for Cash for Clunkers made out the best, Bush sent $600,
SS, SSI, Veterans and Rail Road retirees got $250 from Obama...BFD
Workers saw an extra 6% on paychecks....BFD and not one mother fucker went to jail

gotta link to back that up???
I tend to agree with Fox Business commentator Charles Payne's assessment that Pelosi is indeed manhandling the Republican party. Rep. Massie adds that more Republicans should consider acting in the manner of a 'dangerous nuisance'

If we recall, Pelosi referred to Rep. Massie as a 'dangerous nuisance' after demanding that Congress come to work and do its job during the corona 3.0 legislation, the largest spending bill in history at 6 trillion dollars. It's a small victory to know that she and the President view at least on Republican as dangerous to their agenda. Apparently Pelosi herself is comfortable not only with the notion that the rest of the Republican party are not in any way a danger to her agenda, but that they're wilfully complicit.


Um, nope...this was not the largest spending bill in history

The Wall Street bailouts which we were told $800 billion dollars

$29 TRILLION DOLLARS and they couldn't invest in re stocking masks,
stockpiling ventilators, gowns, essential medical equipment,
6 million homeowners lost their homes, less than 1 million were helped,
shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, people who turned in their cars
for Cash for Clunkers made out the best, Bush sent $600,
SS, SSI, Veterans and Rail Road retirees got $250 from Obama...BFD
Workers saw an extra 6% on paychecks....BFD and not one mother fucker went to jail

gotta link to back that up???

$29,000,000,000,000: A Detailed Look at the Fed’s Bailout by Funding Facility and Recipient

The Size of the Bank Bailout: $29 Trillion

Turns Out That Trillion-Dollar Bailout Was, in Fact, Real

Bernanke’s Obfuscation Continues:
The Fed’s $29 Trillion Bail-Out Of Wall Street

Sullivan & Cromwell’s Rodge Cohen:
The Untold Story of the Fed’s $29 Trillion Bailout

Bank bailout math: It was actually $29 trillion

ETA: 1 person went to jail for 10 months
Republicans are too much the country gentlemen. They need to become a street gang.

If you fight under your opponent's rules, you will always lose.
They have never learned that. Trump had to show them the way and they still have not. Pelosi and the Progs have the advantage of near all the media/entertainment industry on their side. They and she ride a 20 foot wave while the Repubs are at the end of wave on a beach as it is ready to retreat back into the ocean. That is a lot to climb. It is amazing our nation did not fall into a new government by now. At this point Trump is only a delay to the inevitable unless we become more astute to common sense.
Republicans are too much the country gentlemen. They need to become a street gang.

If you fight under your opponent's rules, you will always lose.

On thinking back, that ended up being Reagan's great weakness. On more than one occasion, he and the Democrat-controlled Congress came to agreements involving certain compromises, where each side supposedly gave in on what the other wanted. Congress then went ahead with legislation, taking what Reagan compromised in giving them, but not making good on what they agreed to compromise in return. And Reagan kept falling into that same trap.

Bush the first also got stung that way, at least once. He gave in on his “Read my lips—no new taxes!” pledge, in exchange for a compromise from Congress, that Congress failed to make good on as they took the tax hike.

Going the other way, after the Republicans took majorities in both houses for the first time in forty years, in 1996, for the rest of his time in office, President Clinton was pretty much Congress' submissive bitch, caving in on nearly everything he ever stood for before that point, just to get things done and be able to claim credit for the results.
I tend to agree with Fox Business commentator Charles Payne's assessment that Pelosi is indeed manhandling the Republican party. Rep. Massie adds that more Republicans should consider acting in the manner of a 'dangerous nuisance'

If we recall, Pelosi referred to Rep. Massie as a 'dangerous nuisance' after demanding that Congress come to work and do its job during the corona 3.0 legislation, the largest spending bill in history at 6 trillion dollars. It's a small victory to know that she and the President view at least on Republican as dangerous to their agenda. Apparently Pelosi herself is comfortable not only with the notion that the rest of the Republican party are not in any way a danger to her agenda, but that they're wilfully complicit.


Um, nope...this was not the largest spending bill in history

The Wall Street bailouts which we were told $800 billion dollars

$29 TRILLION DOLLARS and they couldn't invest in re stocking masks,
stockpiling ventilators, gowns, essential medical equipment,
6 million homeowners lost their homes, less than 1 million were helped,
shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, people who turned in their cars
for Cash for Clunkers made out the best, Bush sent $600,
SS, SSI, Veterans and Rail Road retirees got $250 from Obama...BFD
Workers saw an extra 6% on paychecks....BFD and not one mother fucker went to jail

gotta link to back that up???

It’s in the history books Asshat. Google it.

Stupid, lazy and conservative is no way to go through life asshole.
I tend to agree with Fox Business commentator Charles Payne's assessment that Pelosi is indeed manhandling the Republican party. Rep. Massie adds that more Republicans should consider acting in the manner of a 'dangerous nuisance'

If we recall, Pelosi referred to Rep. Massie as a 'dangerous nuisance' after demanding that Congress come to work and do its job during the corona 3.0 legislation, the largest spending bill in history at 6 trillion dollars. It's a small victory to know that she and the President view at least on Republican as dangerous to their agenda. Apparently Pelosi herself is comfortable not only with the notion that the rest of the Republican party are not in any way a danger to her agenda, but that they're wilfully complicit.


Um, nope...this was not the largest spending bill in history

The Wall Street bailouts which we were told $800 billion dollars

$29 TRILLION DOLLARS and they couldn't invest in re stocking masks,
stockpiling ventilators, gowns, essential medical equipment,
6 million homeowners lost their homes, less than 1 million were helped,
shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, people who turned in their cars
for Cash for Clunkers made out the best, Bush sent $600,
SS, SSI, Veterans and Rail Road retirees got $250 from Obama...BFD
Workers saw an extra 6% on paychecks....BFD and not one mother fucker went to jail

gotta link to back that up???

It’s in the history books Asshat. Google it.

Stupid, lazy and conservative is no way to go through life asshole.

so you dont have a link,,,got it,,,
I tend to agree with Fox Business commentator Charles Payne's assessment that Pelosi is indeed manhandling the Republican party. Rep. Massie adds that more Republicans should consider acting in the manner of a 'dangerous nuisance'

If we recall, Pelosi referred to Rep. Massie as a 'dangerous nuisance' after demanding that Congress come to work and do its job during the corona 3.0 legislation, the largest spending bill in history at 6 trillion dollars. It's a small victory to know that she and the President view at least on Republican as dangerous to their agenda. Apparently Pelosi herself is comfortable not only with the notion that the rest of the Republican party are not in any way a danger to her agenda, but that they're wilfully complicit.


Um, nope...this was not the largest spending bill in history

The Wall Street bailouts which we were told $800 billion dollars

$29 TRILLION DOLLARS and they couldn't invest in re stocking masks,
stockpiling ventilators, gowns, essential medical equipment,
6 million homeowners lost their homes, less than 1 million were helped,
shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, people who turned in their cars
for Cash for Clunkers made out the best, Bush sent $600,
SS, SSI, Veterans and Rail Road retirees got $250 from Obama...BFD
Workers saw an extra 6% on paychecks....BFD and not one mother fucker went to jail

gotta link to back that up???

It’s in the history books Asshat. Google it.

Stupid, lazy and conservative is no way to go through life asshole.

so you dont have a link,,,got it,,,


The initial exchange was between you and I
I left you PLENTY of links almost a month ago now

Post #9
Republicans are too much the country gentlemen. They need to become a street gang.

If you fight under your opponent's rules, you will always lose.
We're likely to win the Presidency and both houses next time both on our merits and Democrat demerits. <giggle> We're a win-win party for the American people, and we're not going to let them down.

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