Biden Getting A Dose Of The Treatment Trump Has Been Putting Up With For 8 Years

Biden is too far gone to get a dose of anything....:cuckoo: know what I mean

And maybe that's a good thing.

"Let's Go Brandon'

"Biden is a pedo"

And so on.

The Trump cultists have all been absolute shit humans towards Biden. No US president has ever taken such abuse before. The Trump cult breaks all records of awfulness. They treated Clinton bad, Obama worse, and Biden even worse than that. Their shit human behavior is constantly escalating.

There's been nothing like it against Trump. Not even close. That's just Trump cult snowflakes blubbering.

Mud here is just trying to justify being such an irredeemable shit human. He may tell himself lies to justify it to himself in this lifetime, but Hell awaits him if he doesn't repent.
We are a deeply divided country

You think MAGAs are the enemy and we think the same about you

I dont think its going to end well
Because Trump can be beaten.
CRY BABY TRANSLATION: The Left have thrown the kitchen sink at him for SEVEN Years, and they have FAILED 10 out of 10 times! :lmao:

Got shot at.
CRY BABY TRANSLATION: Shot at by a deranged kook infected with leftwing hate and propaganda, and HE MISSED! :laugh:

Still only up by 5-7 points in the swing states.
CRY BABY TRANSLATION: Biden is LOSING by 5-7 points to a twice impeached convicted FELON!
Except he hasn't. Trump has been an abortion for a decade. His political career should have been over the moment he took his foot off the golden escalator....but...sadly, you "conservatives" and "Republicans" have no sack. Not an ounce. :auiqs.jpg:
While Biden is an aged career politician who needs to retire...Trump got sent to the showers in 2020...and Republicans should have made sure he stayed gone. :)
Trump has been relentlessly attacked. Trump has been framed. Trump was almost killed and he is kicking ass. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
No..they didn't stop counting. Again, at the risk of constantly repeating myself, you were warned well in advance that there would be "red" and "blue" swings in the vote count.
And you really need to see the Republican legislatures in those swing states for an explanation. Mail-in ballots couldn't be counted ahead of time and election day ballots got counted first.
Almost as if they knew their states would help decide the election and decided to do everything they could to slant the count in their favor. :)

Funny how Florida and Texas (two red states) have had zero problems getting their mail in votes counted prior to election day and posting their state results early next day at the latest.
Progs cheated.
Except he hasn't. Trump has been an abortion for a decade. His political career should have been over the moment he took his foot off the golden escalator....but...sadly, you "conservatives" and "Republicans" have no sack. Not an ounce. :auiqs.jpg:
While Biden is an aged career politician who needs to retire...Trump got sent to the showers in 2020...and Republicans should have made sure he stayed gone. :)
Why? So RINO Jeb can have his ass handed to him by you Communists?
"Let's Go Brandon'

"Biden is a pedo"

And so on.

The Trump cultists have all been absolute shit humans towards Biden. No US president has ever taken such abuse before. The Trump cult breaks all records of awfulness. They treated Clinton bad, Obama worse, and Biden even worse than that. Their shit human behavior is constantly escalating.

There's been nothing like it against Trump. Not even close. That's just Trump cult snowflakes blubbering.

Mud here is just trying to justify being such an irredeemable shit human. He may tell himself lies to justify it to himself in this lifetime, but Hell awaits him if he doesn't repent.
/—-/ Biden was impeached twice on bullshyt charges and dragged through the mud by the media?
Give me a fuc*ing break.
Trump was winning the 2020 election......and at the last minute they stopped counting. And when they restarted the count Trump was all of the sudden losing.

The same people that got rid of Trump are trying to get rid of Biden now.
Trump was NEVER WINNING in the 2020 presidential election....not in May polling, not in June, not in July, not in August, not in September, not in October, and finally... not in November 2020! Thank the Good Lord!

Trump was always behind Biden in the polling.

That's why Trump began full force in May/June to begin his scam of claiming the election would be STOLEN from him if he didn't win.... To mentally brainwash you in to believing the election was stolen when he lost in November 2020.

His BIG LIE.....began its preparation 6 months earlier, before the first vote was cast!

Those are FACTS!

(Mud, please wake-up! Pretty, pretty, please!)
Trump was NEVER WINNING in the 2020 presidential election....not in May polling, not in June, not in July, not in August, not in September, not in October, and finally... not in November 2020! Thank the Good Lord!

Trump was always behind Biden in the polling.

That's why Trump began full force in May/June to begin his scam of claiming the election would be STOLEN from him if he didn't win.... To mentally brainwash you in to believing the election was stolen when he lost in November 2020.

His BIG LIE.....began its preparation 6 months earlier, before the first vote was cast!

Those are FACTS!

(Mud, please wake-up! Pretty, pretty, please!)
The fact is Trump lost because of mail-in voting in PA, AZ, GA, as well as several other states.

This is why Trump was winning at 12am election night and eventually ended up losing by the evening of the next day. Maracopa county AZ knew most of the Trump votes would be cast on election day, so they started claiming that their vote counting machines were broke in 58% of the counties. They ended up sending most of the Trump votes to a central counting facility rather then counting them on site as was required by law. Many states that went to Biden disregarded election laws and counted ballots that were received after the cut-off and didn't even have signatures. Signature verification wasn't even done in PA. Trump was winning PA by over 100,000 votes until they cut off counting on election night and then restarted the count.

Biden won by winning the fewest number of counties in US election history, meaning that he swung states by winning in only one or two counties in the entire state. Fulton Co alone swung Georgia to Biden.

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