A Healthcare Patriot Act?

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Same basic psyop we saw with 9/11. A good dose of manufactured hero worship, feel good storyline of 'patriotism' in order to create the illusion of unity and a war storyline.

Guess we all know how that ended. We're still getting arbitrarily fondled at the airport.


According to a story in Politico, the White House Coronavirus Task Force is considering creating a national surveillance system to track Americans’ health information.

Of course, it is unlikely that this system would be limited to only tracking coronavirus patients. The government may eventually keep track of every hospital admission — or even all visits to doctors’ offices — in the United States. This system could, and likely would, be used to violate privacy and harass and intimidate those challenging existing government policies.

A major part of the plan to give government access to and control of our medical records is assigning every American a “unique patient identifier.” Fortunately, in 1998 an appropriations “rider” I drafted forbidding the use of federal funds to develop a unique patient identifier passed Congress and has been renewed ever since. However, last year the House of Representative voted to lift the prohibition. After my Campaign for Liberty and other health freedom advocates pressured Congress, the funding ban was restored. Those favoring this Orwellian scheme will no doubt use the coronavirus panic as an excuse to seek to repeal the funding ban.

Bill Gates has suggested that when a coronavirus vaccine is developed individuals should be issued digital certificates proving they received the vaccine. Similarly, coronavirus fearmonger-in-chief Dr. Anthony Fauci has floated the idea that Americans who have been vaccinated for coronavirus or have in the past contracted the virus be issued “coronavirus immunity cards.”

Implementing Gates’ or Fauci’s suggestions could lead to people being forced to receive a coronavirus vaccine or suffer legal penalties. The power to force individuals to receive medical treatment would likely be expanded to apply to other communicable diseases as well as behaviors and conditions such as smoking or obesity. Those who value liberty must do all they can to ensure authoritarians like Gates and Fauci do not make respect for our right to control our healthcare a casualty of the coronavirus panic.

Continued - A Healthcare PATRIOT Act?

"Never let a crisis go to waste." Big tech is getting into bed with big government to build a massive surveillance superstructure that will monitor all of our movements - in the name of fighting coronavirus, of course. As Edward Snowden recently warned, these mechanisms of surveillance and oppression are not going to be dismantled once the virus is gone. They will remain.
People never learn. Or maybe they just learn very, very slowly... and by the time they do, it's too late.

How many times does it have to be said that corrupt powers use FEAR and PANIC as their best tool for manipulating the public into going along with whatever agenda they want to achieve?

How many times does it have to be repeated that the tactic they use over and over is Problem- Reaction -Solution?

Once again, that means if they have a specific agenda that they know won't go over with the public, they create a "Problem" or co-opt an existing problem, and that causes the "Reaction" (fear, panic, "Do something!!!") and then the government comes to the rescue with the "Solution" which of course was pre-planned and their agenda in the first place. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It works every freakin time.

(I'm getting tired of repeating this.)

And yes, I've noticed how they are using the same feel-good hero stories that they used after 9/11, and a "war" storyline. We went from the "war on terror," now to another elusive boogeyman enemy, the war on a deadly virus!
In other words, there's always an "emergency" waiting to take away our freedom.

Since most of us are not bad people, we don't think the same way that devious evil people think. That's why it works for them, people are too trusting and therefore easily deceived. But the bottom line is, we should never trade our freedom and rights for the illusion of safety and security.

I saw someone put it this way, and I liked how it was phrased: giving up freedom for false safety is always a faustian bargain.
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Same basic psyop we saw with 9/11. A good dose of manufactured hero worship, feel good storyline of 'patriotism' in order to create the illusion of unity and a war storyline.

Guess we all know how that ended. We're still getting arbitrarily fondled at the airport.


According to a story in Politico, the White House Coronavirus Task Force is considering creating a national surveillance system to track Americans’ health information.

Of course, it is unlikely that this system would be limited to only tracking coronavirus patients. The government may eventually keep track of every hospital admission — or even all visits to doctors’ offices — in the United States. This system could, and likely would, be used to violate privacy and harass and intimidate those challenging existing government policies.

A major part of the plan to give government access to and control of our medical records is assigning every American a “unique patient identifier.” Fortunately, in 1998 an appropriations “rider” I drafted forbidding the use of federal funds to develop a unique patient identifier passed Congress and has been renewed ever since. However, last year the House of Representative voted to lift the prohibition. After my Campaign for Liberty and other health freedom advocates pressured Congress, the funding ban was restored. Those favoring this Orwellian scheme will no doubt use the coronavirus panic as an excuse to seek to repeal the funding ban.

Bill Gates has suggested that when a coronavirus vaccine is developed individuals should be issued digital certificates proving they received the vaccine. Similarly, coronavirus fearmonger-in-chief Dr. Anthony Fauci has floated the idea that Americans who have been vaccinated for coronavirus or have in the past contracted the virus be issued “coronavirus immunity cards.”

Implementing Gates’ or Fauci’s suggestions could lead to people being forced to receive a coronavirus vaccine or suffer legal penalties. The power to force individuals to receive medical treatment would likely be expanded to apply to other communicable diseases as well as behaviors and conditions such as smoking or obesity. Those who value liberty must do all they can to ensure authoritarians like Gates and Fauci do not make respect for our right to control our healthcare a casualty of the coronavirus panic.

Continued - A Healthcare PATRIOT Act?

You've been posting some excellent stuff.


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Thank you, this should be obvious by now to anyone who has been paying attention. But we still have ignoramuses who either ignore or deny it. And on top of that, WE (or at least I) get attacked for pointing out what is undeniably true. Sigh. People are blind, I'm beginning to realize that's all there is to it.
Thank you, this should be obvious by now to anyone who has been paying attention. But we still have ignoramuses who either ignore or deny it. And on top of that, WE (or at least I) get attacked for pointing out what is undeniably true. Sigh. People are blind, I'm beginning to realize that's all there is to it.

Mass media simply doesn't discuss this kind of stuff. They're part of the problem. Always have been, really.

Seems like they just wanna creat stories of people singing praise out of their windows during home confinement. They're really only interested in glorifying it.

It's gonna have to be up to grassroots reporting.
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Thank you, this should be obvious by now to anyone who has been paying attention. But we still have ignoramuses who either ignore or deny it. And on top of that, WE (or at least I) get attacked for pointing out what is undeniably true. Sigh. People are blind, I'm beginning to realize that's all there is to it.
Blind and most of all eager to be stupid. Drooling masses of morons.

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