Pelosi Calls House Back on Saturday but Ignores Needed Stimulus and Unemployment

Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

Well if Americans who love freedom for all according to the Constitution, they will not be supporting the lies Nancy and her trolls told on our hard-working President and blithely handed out pure gold pens to celebrate their fake impeachment in their jealousy against him for working for getting high-paying jobs for all, until the socialist communists in China sent victims of coronavirus-19 to kill elderly here and make millions sick in the USA, their worst rivals. Pelosi plays dead about the virus.
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

Pelosi only cares about herself, zero concern for Americans.

It's the irony that Pelosi is holding unemployed benefits over Trumps head to make him negotiate. She's saying he cares about the unemployed more than she does. It's fascinating, Democrats show yet again that they are partisan and the poor, blacks and other groups are fodder to them, not who they care about

Why don't you listen to the arguments on both sides, and try to be non partisan. And not join the usual circle jerk wherein the same fools who blindly attack the character of all Democrats post hateful echoes of each other.

LOL. Again, Nancy is holding unemployment benefits over Trump's head. You're the partisan hack that you are saying that somehow she's still the one who cares about the unemployed.

Do you understand or not really? Does the Democrat party kool-aid give you a buzz or is it more of a numbing sensation?

Yeah, you speak the partisan talking point which only the usual simple simons believe and echo. Trump&Co. want to reduce the weekly aid to $400 from $600 and to make already fiscally in trouble states to pick up 25% of the UE Insurance.

The Speaker is putting We the People first, and Trump is using the double crisis to kill Social Security and Medicare.

Anyone who has an open mind and some education understands we will face another Housing Crisis, and this time no one will be able to fix it. As more renters and those who hold a mortgage default, and banks & leander's are stuck they will need to let their workers go. Wake up, a depression is on its way.

Another brainless simp. Pelosi says no to a so called skinny bill extending unemployment benefits.

I know your brain gets virtually no use since you're a Democrat, but think about it.

That means she's using unemployment to try to pressure Trump to sign an agreement.

That only works if he cares about the unemployed more than she does.

Maybe you should put some gas in the carburetor of your brain to see if you can fire it up after all these years of no use

Nice use of illogic. Did you ever finish high school?

So you think Nancy refusing to extend unemployment benefits unless she gets other concessions is NOT her trying to use Trump caring more about unemployment benefits than she does against him and I'm the one who didn't finish high school?

OMG, you're an imbecile.

If she cares about unemployment benefits more than he does and he's offering them to her with no strings, why the hell wouldn't she take them? Explain
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

Pelosi only cares about herself, zero concern for Americans.

It's the irony that Pelosi is holding unemployed benefits over Trumps head to make him negotiate. She's saying he cares about the unemployed more than she does. It's fascinating, Democrats show yet again that they are partisan and the poor, blacks and other groups are fodder to them, not who they care about

Why don't you listen to the arguments on both sides, and try to be non partisan. And not join the usual circle jerk wherein the same fools who blindly attack the character of all Democrats post hateful echoes of each other.

LOL. Again, Nancy is holding unemployment benefits over Trump's head. You're the partisan hack that you are saying that somehow she's still the one who cares about the unemployed.

Do you understand or not really? Does the Democrat party kool-aid give you a buzz or is it more of a numbing sensation?

Yeah, you speak the partisan talking point which only the usual simple simons believe and echo. Trump&Co. want to reduce the weekly aid to $400 from $600 and to make already fiscally in trouble states to pick up 25% of the UE Insurance.

The Speaker is putting We the People first, and Trump is using the double crisis to kill Social Security and Medicare.

Anyone who has an open mind and some education understands we will face another Housing Crisis, and this time no one will be able to fix it. As more renters and those who hold a mortgage default, and banks & leander's are stuck they will need to let their workers go. Wake up, a depression is on its way.

Another brainless simp. Pelosi says no to a so called skinny bill extending unemployment benefits.

I know your brain gets virtually no use since you're a Democrat, but think about it.

That means she's using unemployment to try to pressure Trump to sign an agreement.

That only works if he cares about the unemployed more than she does.

Maybe you should put some gas in the carburetor of your brain to see if you can fire it up after all these years of no use

Nice use of illogic. Did you ever finish high school?

So you think Nancy refusing to extend unemployment benefits unless she gets other concessions is NOT her trying to use Trump caring more about unemployment benefits than she does against him and I'm the one who didn't finish high school?

OMG, you're an imbecile.

If she cares about unemployment benefits more than he does and he's offering them to her with no strings, why the hell wouldn't she take them? Explain

The String is cutting the UE to $400 and making the State pick up 25% of that. Most states are broke, and states cannot by their charter deficit spend, the Federal Gov't can. And your president has over spent the budget a trillion times. That last figure is why real conservatives and Democrats like me who are fiscally responsible have come to the realization that Donald Trump is unfit to serve in the office of trust, and office he continues to abuse [the latest foolish and abuse of power was when he wanted to boycott Goodyear tire}.

The speaker cares about people, Trump only cares about himself. If you haven't yet figured that out yet, you are the imbecile.
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

The House passed the stimulus bill back in May. The GOP controlled Senate has done nothing.
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

Pelosi only cares about herself, zero concern for Americans.

It's the irony that Pelosi is holding unemployed benefits over Trumps head to make him negotiate. She's saying he cares about the unemployed more than she does. It's fascinating, Democrats show yet again that they are partisan and the poor, blacks and other groups are fodder to them, not who they care about

Why don't you listen to the arguments on both sides, and try to be non partisan. And not join the usual circle jerk wherein the same fools who blindly attack the character of all Democrats post hateful echoes of each other.

LOL. Again, Nancy is holding unemployment benefits over Trump's head. You're the partisan hack that you are saying that somehow she's still the one who cares about the unemployed.

Do you understand or not really? Does the Democrat party kool-aid give you a buzz or is it more of a numbing sensation?

Yeah, you speak the partisan talking point which only the usual simple simons believe and echo. Trump&Co. want to reduce the weekly aid to $400 from $600 and to make already fiscally in trouble states to pick up 25% of the UE Insurance.

The Speaker is putting We the People first, and Trump is using the double crisis to kill Social Security and Medicare.

Anyone who has an open mind and some education understands we will face another Housing Crisis, and this time no one will be able to fix it. As more renters and those who hold a mortgage default, and banks & leander's are stuck they will need to let their workers go. Wake up, a depression is on its way.

Another brainless simp. Pelosi says no to a so called skinny bill extending unemployment benefits.

I know your brain gets virtually no use since you're a Democrat, but think about it.

That means she's using unemployment to try to pressure Trump to sign an agreement.

That only works if he cares about the unemployed more than she does.

Maybe you should put some gas in the carburetor of your brain to see if you can fire it up after all these years of no use

Nice use of illogic. Did you ever finish high school?

So you think Nancy refusing to extend unemployment benefits unless she gets other concessions is NOT her trying to use Trump caring more about unemployment benefits than she does against him and I'm the one who didn't finish high school?

OMG, you're an imbecile.

If she cares about unemployment benefits more than he does and he's offering them to her with no strings, why the hell wouldn't she take them? Explain

The String is cutting the UE to $400 and making the State pick up 25% of that. Most states are broke, and states cannot by their charter deficit spend, the Federal Gov't can. And your president has over spent the budget a trillion times. That last figure is why real conservatives and Democrats like me who are fiscally responsible have come to the realization that Donald Trump is unfit to serve in the office of trust, and office he continues to abuse [the latest foolish and abuse of power was when he wanted to boycott Goodyear tire}.

The speaker cares about people, Trump only cares about himself. If you haven't yet figured that out yet, you are the imbecile.

OMG, you people are such intellectual children.

So Nancy could accept that then ask for more in negotiations. Instead Nancy is giving them nothing.

And that still doesn't contradict that she's giving them nothing to put pressure on Trump. She's counting on that he cares more about the unemployed than she does. Something which is clearly true. She's holding up payments to the unemployed for trillions in socialism that has nothing to do with the Biden virus.

I can't imagine only caring about party like you people do. You'll run your own country into a ditch before you let anyone else behind the steering wheel. That isn't caring about the car
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

Pelosi only cares about herself, zero concern for Americans.

It's the irony that Pelosi is holding unemployed benefits over Trumps head to make him negotiate. She's saying he cares about the unemployed more than she does. It's fascinating, Democrats show yet again that they are partisan and the poor, blacks and other groups are fodder to them, not who they care about

Why don't you listen to the arguments on both sides, and try to be non partisan. And not join the usual circle jerk wherein the same fools who blindly attack the character of all Democrats post hateful echoes of each other.

LOL. Again, Nancy is holding unemployment benefits over Trump's head. You're the partisan hack that you are saying that somehow she's still the one who cares about the unemployed.

Do you understand or not really? Does the Democrat party kool-aid give you a buzz or is it more of a numbing sensation?

Yeah, you speak the partisan talking point which only the usual simple simons believe and echo. Trump&Co. want to reduce the weekly aid to $400 from $600 and to make already fiscally in trouble states to pick up 25% of the UE Insurance.

The Speaker is putting We the People first, and Trump is using the double crisis to kill Social Security and Medicare.

Anyone who has an open mind and some education understands we will face another Housing Crisis, and this time no one will be able to fix it. As more renters and those who hold a mortgage default, and banks & leander's are stuck they will need to let their workers go. Wake up, a depression is on its way.

Another brainless simp. Pelosi says no to a so called skinny bill extending unemployment benefits.

I know your brain gets virtually no use since you're a Democrat, but think about it.

That means she's using unemployment to try to pressure Trump to sign an agreement.

That only works if he cares about the unemployed more than she does.

Maybe you should put some gas in the carburetor of your brain to see if you can fire it up after all these years of no use

Nice use of illogic. Did you ever finish high school?

So you think Nancy refusing to extend unemployment benefits unless she gets other concessions is NOT her trying to use Trump caring more about unemployment benefits than she does against him and I'm the one who didn't finish high school?

OMG, you're an imbecile.

If she cares about unemployment benefits more than he does and he's offering them to her with no strings, why the hell wouldn't she take them? Explain

The String is cutting the UE to $400 and making the State pick up 25% of that. Most states are broke, and states cannot by their charter deficit spend, the Federal Gov't can. And your president has over spent the budget a trillion times. That last figure is why real conservatives and Democrats like me who are fiscally responsible have come to the realization that Donald Trump is unfit to serve in the office of trust, and office he continues to abuse [the latest foolish and abuse of power was when he wanted to boycott Goodyear tire}.

The speaker cares about people, Trump only cares about himself. If you haven't yet figured that out yet, you are the imbecile.

OMG, you people are such intellectual children.

So Nancy could accept that then ask for more in negotiations. Instead Nancy is giving them nothing.

And that still doesn't contradict that she's giving them nothing to put pressure on Trump. She's counting on that he cares more about the unemployed than she does. Something which is clearly true. She's holding up payments to the unemployed for trillions in socialism that has nothing to do with the Biden virus.

I can't imagine only caring about party like you people do. You'll run your own country into a ditch before you let anyone else behind the steering wheel. That isn't caring about the car

You are a true believer of a fantasy. Donald Trump doesn't give a damn about you, or me or anyone but himself. Your metaphor is true, 'cept the car is the boat Captained by Trump who has set the course directly at the rocks; rocks which have a lighthouse to warn all the seaman, yet the Captain has the gut feeling that the lighthouse is a hoax.
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

Pelosi only cares about herself, zero concern for Americans.

It's the irony that Pelosi is holding unemployed benefits over Trumps head to make him negotiate. She's saying he cares about the unemployed more than she does. It's fascinating, Democrats show yet again that they are partisan and the poor, blacks and other groups are fodder to them, not who they care about

Why don't you listen to the arguments on both sides, and try to be non partisan. And not join the usual circle jerk wherein the same fools who blindly attack the character of all Democrats post hateful echoes of each other.

LOL. Again, Nancy is holding unemployment benefits over Trump's head. You're the partisan hack that you are saying that somehow she's still the one who cares about the unemployed.

Do you understand or not really? Does the Democrat party kool-aid give you a buzz or is it more of a numbing sensation?

Yeah, you speak the partisan talking point which only the usual simple simons believe and echo. Trump&Co. want to reduce the weekly aid to $400 from $600 and to make already fiscally in trouble states to pick up 25% of the UE Insurance.

The Speaker is putting We the People first, and Trump is using the double crisis to kill Social Security and Medicare.

Anyone who has an open mind and some education understands we will face another Housing Crisis, and this time no one will be able to fix it. As more renters and those who hold a mortgage default, and banks & leander's are stuck they will need to let their workers go. Wake up, a depression is on its way.

Another brainless simp. Pelosi says no to a so called skinny bill extending unemployment benefits.

I know your brain gets virtually no use since you're a Democrat, but think about it.

That means she's using unemployment to try to pressure Trump to sign an agreement.

That only works if he cares about the unemployed more than she does.

Maybe you should put some gas in the carburetor of your brain to see if you can fire it up after all these years of no use

Nice use of illogic. Did you ever finish high school?

So you think Nancy refusing to extend unemployment benefits unless she gets other concessions is NOT her trying to use Trump caring more about unemployment benefits than she does against him and I'm the one who didn't finish high school?

OMG, you're an imbecile.

If she cares about unemployment benefits more than he does and he's offering them to her with no strings, why the hell wouldn't she take them? Explain

The String is cutting the UE to $400 and making the State pick up 25% of that. Most states are broke, and states cannot by their charter deficit spend, the Federal Gov't can. And your president has over spent the budget a trillion times. That last figure is why real conservatives and Democrats like me who are fiscally responsible have come to the realization that Donald Trump is unfit to serve in the office of trust, and office he continues to abuse [the latest foolish and abuse of power was when he wanted to boycott Goodyear tire}.

The speaker cares about people, Trump only cares about himself. If you haven't yet figured that out yet, you are the imbecile.

OMG, you people are such intellectual children.

So Nancy could accept that then ask for more in negotiations. Instead Nancy is giving them nothing.

And that still doesn't contradict that she's giving them nothing to put pressure on Trump. She's counting on that he cares more about the unemployed than she does. Something which is clearly true. She's holding up payments to the unemployed for trillions in socialism that has nothing to do with the Biden virus.

I can't imagine only caring about party like you people do. You'll run your own country into a ditch before you let anyone else behind the steering wheel. That isn't caring about the car

You are a true believer of a fantasy. Donald Trump doesn't give a damn about you, or me or anyone but himself. Your metaphor is true, 'cept the car is the boat Captained by Trump who has set the course directly at the rocks; rocks which have a lighthouse to warn all the seaman, yet the Captain has the gut feeling that the lighthouse is a hoax.

Trump doesn't care about me? So the fuck what? And Nancy, Chuck and Joe don't give a shit about you.

Where do you come up with this useless, retarded shit?

Did you like the last Will Smith movie? He doesn't care about you, you know.

Poor dear


Oy vey. Who gives a shit?
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

The house passed a bill months ago and the senate isn't there.

Next fauxrage please.

A $3.4 Trillion socialist giveaway program. Your point?
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

The house passed a bill months ago and the senate isn't there.

Next fauxrage please.

A $3.4 Trillion socialist giveaway program. Your point?
I made my point. If you missed it that's not my problem.
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

The house passed a bill months ago and the senate isn't there.

Next fauxrage please.

A $3.4 Trillion socialist giveaway program. Your point?
I made my point. If you missed it that's not my problem.

Republicans came back with a $1T proposal. Nancy said increase it to $2T or she won't even talk, and she didn't.

The fauxrage is coming from the left. Why would the Senate sit there when Nancy won't negotiate?
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

The house passed a bill months ago and the senate isn't there.

Next fauxrage please.

A $3.4 Trillion socialist giveaway program. Your point?
I made my point. If you missed it that's not my problem.

Republicans came back with a $1T proposal. Nancy said increase it to $2T or she won't even talk, and she didn't.

The fauxrage is coming from the left. Why would the Senate sit there when Nancy won't negotiate?
Lies and projection is all you've got?

You're gonna hafta do better if you want to have a serious discussion.
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

The house passed a bill months ago and the senate isn't there.

Next fauxrage please.

A $3.4 Trillion socialist giveaway program. Your point?
I made my point. If you missed it that's not my problem.

Republicans came back with a $1T proposal. Nancy said increase it to $2T or she won't even talk, and she didn't.

The fauxrage is coming from the left. Why would the Senate sit there when Nancy won't negotiate?
Lies and projection is all you've got?

You're gonna hafta do better if you want to have a serious discussion.

Lies? So if I show a link that shows Pelosi said $2T or she won't negotiate you'll admit you were wrong, correct?
Despite nearly 200 DEMOCRATS demanding she negotiate

This is the most POLITICAL and partisan creature ever to lead the House. Time for the old dinosaur to retire -- or be thrown out

The house passed a bill months ago and the senate isn't there.

Next fauxrage please.

A $3.4 Trillion socialist giveaway program. Your point?
I made my point. If you missed it that's not my problem.

Republicans came back with a $1T proposal. Nancy said increase it to $2T or she won't even talk, and she didn't.

The fauxrage is coming from the left. Why would the Senate sit there when Nancy won't negotiate?
Lies and projection is all you've got?

You're gonna hafta do better if you want to have a serious discussion.

Lies? So if I show a link that shows Pelosi said $2T or she won't negotiate you'll admit you were wrong, correct?
She doesnt even want a deal as long as she thinks the people will blame Republicans. She wont do a thing until she thinks it'll go bad for her party
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