Interesting question: Who will cave first in regard to the COVID Relief Bill?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
The Dems have loaded up their $3.4 trillion Bill with a bailout of almost a trillion dollars to the states and also the repeal of the SALT deduction, in addition to other stuff that isn't really related to the Coronavirus. Here's the thing: if the Repubs agree to that or anything close to it then they're fucked in the November elections. And they would deserve to be screwed and booted out of office, and they might take Trump with them. IMHO, in Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate and keep the House then for the next 2 years at least this country is going to make a very hard turn to the Left, far more than we did under Obama.

But what if the Dems cave? How much control and power does the Far Left really have in their Party? The more moderate Dems pretty much forced the Party to accept Biden as the nominee, knowing that Sanders or any other Far Lefty had no chance to beat Trump. But what if the Dems cave on the latest Relief Bill, what then? That could hurt them in November too. Or both sides could wait until after the election, even though a lot of people need help RIGHT NOW. It should be clear to everyone by now that what we need is not the highest priority to them. It'd be nice if both sides could just agree to send out the checks to go the neediest people and let the other stuff go to after the election. But again, that hands a victory to the GOP, so probably that won't happen.
The Dems have loaded up their $3.4 trillion Bill with a bailout of almost a trillion dollars to the states and also the repeal of the SALT deduction, in addition to other stuff that isn't really related to the Coronavirus. Here's the thing: if the Repubs agree to that or anything close to it then they're fucked in the November elections. And they would deserve to be screwed and booted out of office, and they might take Trump with them. IMHO, in Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate and keep the House then for the next 2 years at least this country is going to make a very hard turn to the Left, far more than we did under Obama.

But what if the Dems cave? How much control and power does the Far Left really have in their Party? The more moderate Dems pretty much forced the Party to accept Biden as the nominee, knowing that Sanders or any other Far Lefty had no chance to beat Trump. But what if the Dems cave on the latest Relief Bill, what then? That could hurt them in November too. Or both sides could wait until after the election, even though a lot of people need help RIGHT NOW. It should be clear to everyone by now that what we need is not the highest priority to them. It'd be nice if both sides could just agree to send out the checks to go the neediest people and let the other stuff go to after the election. But again, that hands a victory to the GOP, so probably that won't happen.

Democrats claim to care about the unemployed, yet they're the ones denying the unemployed benefits specifically to put pressure on Trump. They show over and over how disingenuous they are to anyone with a critical mind
The Dems have loaded up their $3.4 trillion Bill with a bailout of almost a trillion dollars to the states and also the repeal of the SALT deduction, in addition to other stuff that isn't really related to the Coronavirus. Here's the thing: if the Repubs agree to that or anything close to it then they're fucked in the November elections. And they would deserve to be screwed and booted out of office, and they might take Trump with them. IMHO, in Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate and keep the House then for the next 2 years at least this country is going to make a very hard turn to the Left, far more than we did under Obama.

But what if the Dems cave? How much control and power does the Far Left really have in their Party? The more moderate Dems pretty much forced the Party to accept Biden as the nominee, knowing that Sanders or any other Far Lefty had no chance to beat Trump. But what if the Dems cave on the latest Relief Bill, what then? That could hurt them in November too. Or both sides could wait until after the election, even though a lot of people need help RIGHT NOW. It should be clear to everyone by now that what we need is not the highest priority to them. It'd be nice if both sides could just agree to send out the checks to go the neediest people and let the other stuff go to after the election. But again, that hands a victory to the GOP, so probably that won't happen.
Now is the best time to cut our worth-less under Capitalism, alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. How many schools could have been built or upgraded with those tax monies in the last twenty years?
STUPID fucks (read political hacks/godvernment acolytes) don't realize, or care, (the most likely case) the money (that eventually is put into the system from numbers on a computer screen) are taken from wealth creators by wealth confiscators- fucking idiots. I swear to my time. ORANGE MAN BAD! That's all these STUPID fucks care about. Never mind the 100's of thousands who have lost their job to the STUPIDity- and, BTW, the Texas "gov't" is Republican controlled- and businesses here are shuttering- small and large alike- this STUPID shit is a BI PARTISAN effort, an absolute affront to civility and the necessities of life- never mind Liberty, or Justice-

STUPID political godvernment acolyte people make me sick to my stomach.
Now is the best time to cut our worth-less under Capitalism
Capitalism has nothing to do with it- capitalism is merely a form of exchanging goods and services valuing process.
It's the STUPID fucks that don't know any better who succumb to the not so STUPID fucks in the District of Criminals that cause ALL the problems- yes, ALL the problems.
Pelosi is grandstanding and the MSM is worshipping her because Orange Man Bad!

She, like most of her co-horts, on BOTH sides are drunks- on booze and power. Period.
It's the Rotting Cities run by Bolsheviks (Pelosi) versus the We the People (Trump).
Texas State gov't is Republican controlled- how do you explain that? Abbott (and Republican) are not spelled, Pelosi and/or whatever you think is cute, but not applicable.

This shit is BI partisan- make no mistake. A JOINT effort.
Now is the best time to cut our worth-less under Capitalism
Capitalism has nothing to do with it- capitalism is merely a form of exchanging goods and services valuing process.
It's the STUPID fucks that don't know any better who succumb to the not so STUPID fucks in the District of Criminals that cause ALL the problems- yes, ALL the problems.
In other words, you acknowledge the right is nothing but socialists on a national basis who can't seem to win their wars.

We need a Party of Capitalists for the sake of Capitalism not republican national socilalism!
It's the Rotting Cities run by Bolsheviks (Pelosi) versus the We the People (Trump).
Texas State gov't is Republican controlled- how do you explain that? Abbott (and Republican) are not spelled, Pelosi and/or whatever you think is cute, but not applicable.

This shit is BI partisan- make no mistake. A JOINT effort.

I am responding even though you are a bit rude, and your post was non-responsive to the one it was replying to.

Austin and Houston belong to Pelosi. The rest of the State is mostly sane.
Texas governor Greg Abbott is not going to allow continued rioting anywhere in Texas. He has no qualms about activating the Texas National Guard if necessary, and has done so a couple of times already.
The Dems have loaded up their $3.4 trillion Bill with a bailout of almost a trillion dollars to the states and also the repeal of the SALT deduction, in addition to other stuff that isn't really related to the Coronavirus. Here's the thing: if the Repubs agree to that or anything close to it then they're fucked in the November elections. And they would deserve to be screwed and booted out of office, and they might take Trump with them. IMHO, in Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate and keep the House then for the next 2 years at least this country is going to make a very hard turn to the Left, far more than we did under Obama.

But what if the Dems cave? How much control and power does the Far Left really have in their Party? The more moderate Dems pretty much forced the Party to accept Biden as the nominee, knowing that Sanders or any other Far Lefty had no chance to beat Trump. But what if the Dems cave on the latest Relief Bill, what then? That could hurt them in November too. Or both sides could wait until after the election, even though a lot of people need help RIGHT NOW. It should be clear to everyone by now that what we need is not the highest priority to them. It'd be nice if both sides could just agree to send out the checks to go the neediest people and let the other stuff go to after the election. But again, that hands a victory to the GOP, so probably that won't happen.

Nothing will get done without a compromise on both sides. However given all the pork, there would have to be much more compromise by the Democrats than the Republicans.

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