Pelosi Admits That $3.5 T Bill Contains Program That Spies On Our Bank Accounts


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Democrats are coming after our bank accounts:

The GOP and Dems have made laws over the last fifty years that allow them to spy on us and you idiots just think it's the Dems, how stupid can you be?
Anything over $600....but in reality...ANY transaction will be made reportable within a couple years....cause...turrrrism.

You see, it's not enough that they tax you for everything.

It's not enough they take those tax dollars and make wars for the benefit of huge conglomerates.

It's not enough that they take those tax dollars and use them to pay off, and fund other nations.

'Bail ins' are coming...that means ALL of your money.
The GOP and Dems have made laws over the last fifty years that allow them to spy on us and you idiots just think it's the Dems, how stupid can you be?

What is your point?

That people incorrectly condemn one side?

So why do YOU still pick one over the other?

"muh social ishews"


You are a bigger tool than any of the blinded normies.

You actually know the game is rigged and still play along.

Do you wear a ball gag when you post?
Anything over $600....but in reality...ANY transaction will be made reportable within a couple years....cause...turrrrism.

You see, it's not enough that they tax you for everything.

It's not enough they take those tax dollars and make wars for the benefit of huge conglomerates.

It's not enough that they take those tax dollars and use them to pay off, and fund other nations.

'Bail ins' are coming...that means ALL of your money.
If you have $600 coming or going in your bank account, why that means you are a one percenter.

No one should ever have that much money in a democrat economy, but if they do, they need to be reported.
What is your point?

That people incorrectly condemn one side?

So why do YOU still pick one over the other?

"muh social ishews"


You are a bigger tool than any of the blinded normies.

You actually know the game is rigged and still play along.

Do you wear a ball gag when you post?
You project well you just are not accurate, but don't stop I enjoy laughing at yous. I pick neither you dope and I have been that way since I made the mistake of voting for Reagan.
The IRS knows how much money we have in our bank accounts.

Has known for decades.
That's called an illegal search. They have to have probable-cause to access our private accounts.
You can't even screen prospective tenants on a background check anymore....but you're claiming the IRS can just roam thru our accounts looking for dirt without notifying us? They have to ask your permission....and if you don't give it to them....they have to obtain a warrant. They can't just look thru your account if they are a government agency.
That's an illegal search.

"The Right to Financial Privacy Act (RFPA) of 1978 requires federal government agencies to notify individuals before obtaining their personal financial information from banks and other financial institutions. It also generally prohibits financial institutions from disclosing account information to governmental agencies without the customer’s consent, or a court order, subpoena, search warrant, or other formal demand, such as a national security letter (NSL). The law has been amended to permit law enforcement and intelligence agencies to postpone notification when pursuing suspects of drug trafficking, espionage and terrorism. Significantly, however, the ‘right to financial privacy’ established under this statute solely applies to demands by government agencies."

If you have $600 coming or going in your bank account, why that means you are a one percenter.

No one should ever have that much money in a democrat economy, but if they do, they need to be reported.
I'm tellin ya...'bail ins' are comin.

When the chickens come home to roost on this shit show they are gonna take everything they can.

They have done it in every economy that has taken a dive.

They want every red cent.
That's called an illegal search. They have to have probable-cause to access our private accounts.
You can't even screen prospective tenants on a background check anymore....but you're claiming the IRS can just roam thru our accounts looking for dirt without notifying us? They have to ask your permission....and if you don't give it to them....they have to obtain a warrant. They can't just look thru your account if they are a government agency.
That's an illegal search.

"The Right to Financial Privacy Act (RFPA) of 1978 requires federal government agencies to notify individuals before obtaining their personal financial information from banks and other financial institutions. It also generally prohibits financial institutions from disclosing account information to governmental agencies without the customer’s consent, or a court order, subpoena, search warrant, or other formal demand, such as a national security letter (NSL). The law has been amended to permit law enforcement and intelligence agencies to postpone notification when pursuing suspects of drug trafficking, espionage and terrorism. Significantly, however, the ‘right to financial privacy’ established under this statute solely applies to demands by government agencies."

Correct. For many of us, we have double that amount in just deposits on a weekly basis.

The IRS has access to that information through the filing of a tax return, which is already far to invasive.
You project well you just are not accurate, but don't stop I enjoy laughing at yous. I pick neither you dope and I have been that way since I made the mistake of voting for Reagan.
You're laughin at us?

Only from a fop's mind could such blabber spew.
I believe there's a lotta shit in that bill that we don't know about. And won't like either. But that bill is gonna get down-sized cuz it can't pass the way it is now, not even close. So, I guess we'll see what they wind up with, if anything.
You're laughin at us?

Only from a fop's mind could such blabber spew.
:auiqs.jpg:You kill me stop it! The banks have been telling on yous for forty years over large transactions due to Ricco statues, then Drug War anti-money laundering laws and finally the Patriot Act can pretty much follow you around like bad breathe.
The Democrats are coming after our bank accounts:

Here's what it's really about. See post #86...

Consider the course of history over the last year and a half. Recall that the brown-shirts were free to destroy property while socialist leaning governors like Kate Brown et al forced the police to stand down and watch. Now phase II of that is beginning. Except it's likely a means to impose unconstitutional taxes on people who do not comply with his medical decrees.

It's no irony that Biden has taken to blaming people who do not consent to his vaccine mandates for the crumbling economy. Even though everyone with half a functional brain cell understands why the dollar is almost worthless and the economy is shot. The whole covid thing ended up being just a convenient look the other way kind of excuse for the Fed to continue doing what it was already doing, except it went into overdrive.

See ''atonement contribution'' referenced within.

Biden and fellow dems are basically running their own Krisallnacht, predictably.

It was clear the very moment he hinted toward it in his speech last month.

At the time it appeared that he was just sendng out the signal. Now here we are a month later and folks are finally talking about the bank angle.

Ultimately, the bank spying and reporting of such low transactions are going to be targeted to a certain demographic who refuse to comply with his decrees.

These are the building blocks for Biden's Judenvermögensabgabe.

Just remember who precisely he is blaming for the poor economy. It's the wrong people, of course. But that's not stopping him from doing it. There's a different agenda at play here.

Unfortunately, the people will love him for it. It's the reason they've instigated so much division over the whole vacine thing in the first place.
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I believe there's a lotta shit in that bill that we don't know about. And won't like either. But that bill is gonna get down-sized cuz it can't pass the way it is now, not even close. So, I guess we'll see what they wind up with, if anything.
Downsized.....but all of the poison will stay in.
They want to make it seem like a victory for us....but they'll still be screwing my link in the OP stated.
Its a lousy bill. About 45% is for actual infrastructure. The rest is a Hodge podge of green shit and more social programs that we sure don't need.

I hope it gets kicked to the curb. Its ONE LOUSY BILL.

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