Peaceful, loving Canadians...Unvaccinated? Meet the Unsympathetic: Most inoculated Canadians indifferent to whether the non-jabbed get sick


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
No sympathy for the unvaccinated who get sick. Not a good way to live when this virus is no ones fault but the CCP. I won't celebrate anyones suffering from the Wuhan Virus.

Part Two: Little sympathy for the unvaccinated

Recent Angus Reid Institute data reveals increasing tension between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Even if Canada’s world-leading vaccination progress has recently slowed, the size of the latter group has diminished week over week. Still, recent public health data suggests that the overwhelming majority of cases and hospitalizations are now occurring among those who choose not to receive their jab or have yet to be fully immunized.

Related: Half of vaccinated Canadians say they’re ‘unlikely’ to spend time around those who remain unvaccinated

With a higher propensity of those now sick likely to be unvaccinated, patience among the vaccinated is running out. Overall, three-quarters of Canadians (75%) say they have “no sympathy” for unvaccinated individuals who contract COVID-19. This rises to 83 per cent among fully vaccinated Canadians. Those who will not be vaccinated have sympathy for anyone who makes the same choice and does, indeed, become ill:


*Small sample size, interpret with caution
No sympathy for the unvaccinated who get sick. Not a good way to live when this virus is no ones fault but the CCP. I won't celebrate anyones suffering from the Wuhan Virus.

Part Two: Little sympathy for the unvaccinated

Recent Angus Reid Institute data reveals increasing tension between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Even if Canada’s world-leading vaccination progress has recently slowed, the size of the latter group has diminished week over week. Still, recent public health data suggests that the overwhelming majority of cases and hospitalizations are now occurring among those who choose not to receive their jab or have yet to be fully immunized.

Related: Half of vaccinated Canadians say they’re ‘unlikely’ to spend time around those who remain unvaccinated

With a higher propensity of those now sick likely to be unvaccinated, patience among the vaccinated is running out. Overall, three-quarters of Canadians (75%) say they have “no sympathy” for unvaccinated individuals who contract COVID-19. This rises to 83 per cent among fully vaccinated Canadians. Those who will not be vaccinated have sympathy for anyone who makes the same choice and does, indeed, become ill:


*Small sample size, interpret with caution
The fact of the matter is that I don't recall asking anyone for sympathy. But if you want it, it is in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphilis.
The fact of the matter is that I don't recall asking anyone for sympathy. But if you want it, it is in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphilis.

It's not the point. I'm not concerned about what someone who knows it all thinks of me or anyone elses health decisions. It's the broader message about Canadians empathy for others.

"Oh sorry for your loss man, you should have had the vaccination". No anger about who shipped it to the world, nor seeing another citizen die, under any circumstances. Just, "I was right, you were wrong".

What of those who died from the vaccine? Should we expect the unvaccinated to lack empathy for ones death? It's a poor reflection on who we are as a people. Probably who we are as a species of late.
It's not the point. I'm not concerned about what someone who knows it all thinks of me or anyone elses health decisions. It's the broader message about Canadians empathy for others.

"Oh sorry for your loss man, you should have had the vaccination". No anger about who shipped it to the world, nor seeing another citizen die, under any circumstances. Just, "I was right, you were wrong".

What of those who died from the vaccine? Should we expect the unvaccinated to lack empathy for ones death? It's a poor reflection on who we are as a people. Probably who we are as a species of late.
Sympathy, empathy all nice touchy feely traits and, don't get me wrong, I think they are beneficial to society. However, I do not live my life worrying about what someone thinks or says about me. They have their lives and I have mine. As long as they don't try to control mine, we won't have a problem, when they start "treading on me" the result may be more than what they bargained for.
Sympathy, empathy all nice touchy feely traits and, don't get me wrong, I think they are beneficial to society. However, I do not live my life worrying about what someone thinks or says about me. They have their lives and I have mine. As long as they don't try to control mine, we won't have a problem, when they start "treading on me" the result may be more than what they bargained for.

Well, the more apt question should have followed which probably would have provided more context "do you have sympathy for a vaccinated person who catches covid"?

I suppose we are all drained from this B.S virus for which China has been rewarded thus far. We need to as humans, care for one another where warranted. Some people are POS and I won't ever support them. The average person should at least receive a "I feel sorry for that guy".
It's not the point. I'm not concerned about what someone who knows it all thinks of me or anyone elses health decisions. It's the broader message about Canadians empathy for others.

"Oh sorry for your loss man, you should have had the vaccination". No anger about who shipped it to the world, nor seeing another citizen die, under any circumstances. Just, "I was right, you were wrong".

What of those who died from the vaccine? Should we expect the unvaccinated to lack empathy for ones death? It's a poor reflection on who we are as a people. Probably who we are as a species of late.
I tried to tell a few people at work about the covid virus being a hoax how it’s not dangerous as the media claims and it’s the vaccine that’s dangerous,it just went through one ear and out the other,they were trying to tell me to take the vaccine even when I told them the best doctors in the world were the ones saying this not me,idiot sheep like that I have no sympathy for when they go six feet under within 3 years.

there was one guy who has taken the vaccine who DID listen to me and appreciate the information I was giving him,now HE I DO have sympathy fir on taking it and I’m sorry there is nothing I can do to help him.
It's not the point. I'm not concerned about what someone who knows it all thinks of me or anyone elses health decisions. It's the broader message about Canadians empathy for others.

"Oh sorry for your loss man, you should have had the vaccination". No anger about who shipped it to the world, nor seeing another citizen die, under any circumstances. Just, "I was right, you were wrong".

What of those who died from the vaccine? Should we expect the unvaccinated to lack empathy for ones death? It's a poor reflection on who we are as a people. Probably who we are as a species of late.
I would have the same sympathy for an idiot who stuck his dick in a light socket. Both were warned what would happen, but were too arrogant to pay attention. Fuck em.
No sympathy for the unvaccinated who get sick. Not a good way to live when this virus is no ones fault but the CCP. I won't celebrate anyones suffering from the Wuhan Virus.

Part Two: Little sympathy for the unvaccinated

Recent Angus Reid Institute data reveals increasing tension between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Even if Canada’s world-leading vaccination progress has recently slowed, the size of the latter group has diminished week over week. Still, recent public health data suggests that the overwhelming majority of cases and hospitalizations are now occurring among those who choose not to receive their jab or have yet to be fully immunized.

Related: Half of vaccinated Canadians say they’re ‘unlikely’ to spend time around those who remain unvaccinated

With a higher propensity of those now sick likely to be unvaccinated, patience among the vaccinated is running out. Overall, three-quarters of Canadians (75%) say they have “no sympathy” for unvaccinated individuals who contract COVID-19. This rises to 83 per cent among fully vaccinated Canadians. Those who will not be vaccinated have sympathy for anyone who makes the same choice and does, indeed, become ill:


*Small sample size, interpret with caution

This is probably true in America as well--we have lost our souls. That's first.

Secondly--what to say about Canada? Given up there too. Long ago.
I would have the same sympathy for an idiot who stuck his dick in a light socket. Both were warned what would happen, but were too arrogant to pay attention. Fuck em.

What do you think it means about the Precious Vaccines that you need a booster after 8 months?

One thing

We tried to tell you
I would have the same sympathy for an idiot who stuck his dick in a light socket. Both were warned what would happen, but were too arrogant to pay attention. Fuck em.
Well that kind of sounds exactly what you experimental vaxxers are doing, except you’re on the receiving end of Big Pharma’s dick.
No sympathy for the unvaccinated who get sick. Not a good way to live when this virus is no ones fault but the CCP. I won't celebrate anyones suffering from the Wuhan Virus.

Part Two: Little sympathy for the unvaccinated

Recent Angus Reid Institute data reveals increasing tension between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Even if Canada’s world-leading vaccination progress has recently slowed, the size of the latter group has diminished week over week. Still, recent public health data suggests that the overwhelming majority of cases and hospitalizations are now occurring among those who choose not to receive their jab or have yet to be fully immunized.

Related: Half of vaccinated Canadians say they’re ‘unlikely’ to spend time around those who remain unvaccinated

With a higher propensity of those now sick likely to be unvaccinated, patience among the vaccinated is running out. Overall, three-quarters of Canadians (75%) say they have “no sympathy” for unvaccinated individuals who contract COVID-19. This rises to 83 per cent among fully vaccinated Canadians. Those who will not be vaccinated have sympathy for anyone who makes the same choice and does, indeed, become ill:


*Small sample size, interpret with caution

Still chanting the hatred for the Chinese?
Feel better now?
What do you think it means about the Precious Vaccines that you need a booster after 8 months?

One thing

We tried to tell you
I think that is mch better than letting the virus run rampant, and mutating into something worse. I see the virus as the enemy, my choice isn't based on political reasons.
I think that is mch better than letting the virus run rampant, and mutating into something worse. I see the virus as the enemy, my choice isn't based on political reasons.

The vaccine does not stop transmission and in fact is prolonging the pandemic. Natural infection is better than vaccine immunity. We should have saved the vaccines for only the VERY old and VERY sick and let the rest of us acquire natural immunity. But the media panicked all of you and here we all....breeding worse and worse variants.

That's not on the unvaccinated
Still chanting the hatred for the Chinese?
Feel better now?

I have no hatred for the Chinese. I do want answers from their government though. I know I'm not alone.

I'm sure there are some good CCP members who want to do well for their citizens and their honour. Hell, even Xi surprised me when he accepted criticism as long as it was "constructive".

As it were, until we see a full investigation and details of the origin of the Wuhan Virus, there will be no Goodwill extended to their government.
I have no hatred for the Chinese. I do want answers from their government though. I know I'm not alone.

I'm sure there are some good CCP members who want to do well for their citizens and their honour. Hell, even Xi surprised me when he accepted criticism as long as it was "constructive".

As it were, until we see a full investigation and details of the origin of the Wuhan Virus, there will be no Goodwill extended to their government.

You will never get an apology not will the cause ever be found.
As for good will, there was never any because you hate communism.
You're pissing against the wind.
It's always the vaccinated trying to prevail over the unvaccinated. So if vaccinations are the answer, why should the vaccinated worry about the unvaccinated? Let them get COVID and whatever happens...happens. What effin business is it to you busy body, pea brains? After all, you think you're protected, don't you?.

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