PBD podcast -"Nobody Gives A Sh*t About Ukraine!" - Reaction To Biden's Surprise Visit To Ukraine


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May 12, 2022

And on Tucker Carlson last night they had Glenn Greenwald brought on the show. The same Glenn Greenwald who was loved admired by liberals and Democrats that’s a long ago but how do you think about him today?… Tucker Carlson asked Greenwald a great question of what about these people in America who want nothing to do with the Ukraine situation..? They are getting very much fed up with things what if they turn to politicians who are even more radical then what the media says about Donald Trump? . This is certainly a concern. I can’t even imagine how the people of East Palestine are feeling right now when they haven’t gotten a single penny from Biden …not a single penny.

Patrick Bet David was saying we could use $40 billion of the 110 billion we gave Ukraine to end the homelessness issue in America.
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And on Tucker Carlson last night they had Glenn Greenwald brought on the show. The same Glenn Greenwald who was loved admired by liberals and Democrats that’s a long ago but how do you think about him today?… Tucker Carlson asked Greenwald a great question of what about these people in America who want nothing to do with the Ukraine situation..? They are getting very much fed up with things what if they turn to politicians who are even more radical then what the media says about Donald Trump? . This is certainly a concern. I can’t even imagine how the people of East Palestine are feeling right now when they haven’t gotten a single penny from Biden …not a single penny.

Patrick Bet David was saying we could use $40 billion of the 110 billion we gave Ukraine to end the homelessness issue in America.

Personally, I get fed up with Republicans and supposed conservative that support Russia and are unwilling to aid a country fighting against Putin trying to take over a foreign country, trying to stand for it's own freedom against the tyranny of that Russian leader, trying to reassemble the Cold War Soviet.
Personally, I get fed up with Republicans and supposed conservative that support Russia and are unwilling to aid a country fighting against Putin trying to take over a foreign country, trying to stand for it's own freedom against the tyranny of that Russian leader, trying to reassemble the Cold War Soviet.
nobody on the right supports Russia .... the question is why arent European countries providing the bulk of the support to Ukraine whos at war in their own backyard ?

And on Tucker Carlson last night they had Glenn Greenwald brought on the show. The same Glenn Greenwald who was loved admired by liberals and Democrats that’s a long ago but how do you think about him today?… Tucker Carlson asked Greenwald a great question of what about these people in America who want nothing to do with the Ukraine situation..? They are getting very much fed up with things what if they turn to politicians who are even more radical then what the media says about Donald Trump? . This is certainly a concern. I can’t even imagine how the people of East Palestine are feeling right now when they haven’t gotten a single penny from Biden …not a single penny.

Patrick Bet David was saying we could use $40 billion of the 110 billion we gave Ukraine to end the homelessness issue in America.

So you found another crazy MAGA that has a podcast? Big deal. They spout crazy crap all the time.
Personally, I get fed up with Republicans and supposed conservative that support Russia and are unwilling to aid a country fighting against Putin trying to take over a foreign country, trying to stand for it's own freedom against the tyranny of that Russian leader, trying to reassemble the Cold War Soviet.
I think it’s mostly Democrats and neocons these days who support funding Ukraine. I don’t really see anyone in America supporting Russia. Republicans are out there saying for example that they want to help Americans first. Now we can perhaps disagree or agree with that but it’s not the same thing as saying that they support Russia. If we or they supported Russia we would be sending our money and weapons to Russia to help them fight Ukraine.

Some of the points brought up in the PD podcast above was that Americans are really upset here and some people don’t understand that $100 billion is truly a ton of money. Some people hear that number and say oh it’s America we’re super super rich it doesn’t really matter ….but that really does matter. All that money going to Ukraine that could be used to help poor people in America for example.

But there’s a lot of reasons that Americans are against funding Ukraine. One thing that I would bring up though is this idea that we are somehow morally angels but Russia is not. America has been involved in 60 wars of aggressions and the Soviet union has been involved in wars of aggressions too. Throughout human history the major powers of the world go on militaristic affairs if you will. So I’m not going to throw stones in glass houses that’s the way I look at it.

The other major point of criticism is that Ukraine is not viewed as a democracy by many people. So we as Americans used to be the Arsenal democracy that’s what we were known as during World War II. Right now that seems to not be the case

Ukraine is also sort of a Civil War there’s large swaths of Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine according to a general from India a neutral source who says that these folks support Russia. So it is in a sense of civil war.

And on Tucker Carlson last night they had Glenn Greenwald brought on the show. The same Glenn Greenwald who was loved admired by liberals and Democrats that’s a long ago but how do you think about him today?… Tucker Carlson asked Greenwald a great question of what about these people in America who want nothing to do with the Ukraine situation..? They are getting very much fed up with things what if they turn to politicians who are even more radical then what the media says about Donald Trump? . This is certainly a concern. I can’t even imagine how the people of East Palestine are feeling right now when they haven’t gotten a single penny from Biden …not a single penny.

Patrick Bet David was saying we could use $40 billion of the 110 billion we gave Ukraine to end the homelessness issue in America.

Obviously the last sentence is false.
Personally, I get fed up with Republicans and supposed conservative that support Russia and are unwilling to aid a country fighting against Putin trying to take over a foreign country, trying to stand for it's own freedom against the tyranny of that Russian leader, trying to reassemble the Cold War Soviet.

Literally no one on the right supports Russia.
No one.
nobody on the right supports Russia .... the question is why arent European countries providing the bulk of the support to Ukraine whos at war in their own backyard ?
This is another massive concern. These rich European countries are not donating their share. Take Germany for example they have given $4 billion to Ukraine and they are the second closest country to America which has given $110, billion. Why don’t we see France and Germany give 50 billion each and just take over this whole operation? They are after all much closer to Russia than we are.

My other point and I brought this up in many different threads is that when America has launched wars at least in the 21st-century… Russia did not come to the aid of our enemies like we are coming to the aid of Ukraine. It’s a massive difference. It is a glaring fact that is staring us in the face

And on Tucker Carlson last night they had Glenn Greenwald brought on the show. The same Glenn Greenwald who was loved admired by liberals and Democrats that’s a long ago but how do you think about him today?… Tucker Carlson asked Greenwald a great question of what about these people in America who want nothing to do with the Ukraine situation..? They are getting very much fed up with things what if they turn to politicians who are even more radical then what the media says about Donald Trump? . This is certainly a concern. I can’t even imagine how the people of East Palestine are feeling right now when they haven’t gotten a single penny from Biden …not a single penny.

Patrick Bet David was saying we could use $40 billion of the 110 billion we gave Ukraine to end the homelessness issue in America.

No oil in the Ukraine, who cares? Not the Republicans.... they're "pro-life" kind of people..
Obviously the last sentence is false.
It’s a point of contention. It’s been said by Patrick bet David he did a calculation for it and he came to that conclusion. $40 billion would end the homelessness issue in America…. And I would imagine that included in that number would be money that is used for drug counseling and drug rehab centers that would be the biggest challenge of all. How to get these homeless drug addicts into the rehab centers.
nobody on the right supports Russia .... the question is why arent European countries providing the bulk of the support to Ukraine whos at war in their own backyard ?
fake news eh Candycorn ? tell us which country has sent Ukraine the most in money and weapons combined ?
It’s a point of contention. It’s been said by Patrick bet David he did a calculation for it and he came to that conclusion. $40 billion would end the homelessness issue in America…. And I would imagine that included in that number would be money that is used for drug counseling and drug rehab centers that would be the biggest challenge of all. How to get these homeless drug addicts into the rehab centers.

Well he is an idiot on that point.
Well he is an idiot on that point.
I don’t know if you’ve seen any of Patrick Bet David’s work but the guy is pretty darn good at what he does…. it appears he is very much conservative oriented by the way he has a very large following online. He’s one of the informative Youtubers in a sea of mindless zombies on YouTube and TikTok where they are providing us videos with no value.

Either way I will say that we are sending well giving away all this money to Ukraine we don’t even know where it’s going. And in the USA when we have homeless people addicted to fentanyl shooting up heroin by school children that’s a serious concern. One of the points brought up in the broadcast was what we’re doing by giving all this money to Ukraine is Aiken to a son or daughter realizing that their father is super sick and they have the money to help there father ….but instead of doing it they give it to some charity hundreds of miles away.

It’s like Biden giving all the money to Ukraine when he could be giving that money to the people of Palestine or the homeless people in America or just doing something to help out Americans in need.
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Does that count people like Tucker or Donny or are they not considered to be on the right, anymore?
Tucker doesnt support Russia ... he's concerned about the money the US is spending compared to Ukraine's so called European allies and if Donny is supposed to be Donald Trump ... Trump sent weapons while Joe and Obama sent blankets to Ukraine during the first invasion that was coincidentally when a dem was in the WH just like the most recent invasion ... it appears the Ruskies like to invade when the left is in the WH .
I don’t know if you’ve seen any of Patrick that David’s work but the guy is pretty darn good at what he does

Either way I will say that we are sending well giving away all this money to Ukraine we don’t even know where it’s going. And when we have homeless people addicted to fentanyl shooting up heroin by school children that’s a serious concern. What are the points brought up in the broadcast was what we’re doing by giving all this money to Ukraine is Aiken to a son or daughter realizing that their father is super sick and they have the money to help your father but instead of doing it they give them I need some charity hundreds of miles away.

There is no amount of money that ends homelessness.
This is another massive concern. These rich European countries are not donating their share. Take Germany for example they have given $4 billion to Ukraine and they are the second closest country to America which has given $110, billion. Why don’t we see France and Germany give 50 billion each and just take over this whole operation? They are after all much closer to Russia than we are.

My other point and I brought this up in many different threads is that when America has launched wars at least in the 21st-century… Russia did not come to the aid of our enemies like we are coming to the aid of Ukraine. It’s a massive difference. It is a glaring fact that is staring us in the face

Because Germany, unlike the US, relies on Russian gas. Also, Germany has a lot of history with Russia and the Ukraine it wants to forget.

And on Tucker Carlson last night they had Glenn Greenwald brought on the show. The same Glenn Greenwald who was loved admired by liberals and Democrats that’s a long ago but how do you think about him today?… Tucker Carlson asked Greenwald a great question of what about these people in America who want nothing to do with the Ukraine situation..? They are getting very much fed up with things what if they turn to politicians who are even more radical then what the media says about Donald Trump? . This is certainly a concern. I can’t even imagine how the people of East Palestine are feeling right now when they haven’t gotten a single penny from Biden …not a single penny.

Patrick Bet David was saying we could use $40 billion of the 110 billion we gave Ukraine to end the homelessness issue in America.


Look at all the wet pants.
Tucker doesnt support Russia ... he's concerned about the money the US is spending compared to Ukraine's so called European allies and if Donny is supposed to be Donald Trump ... Trump sent weapons while Joe and Obama sent blankets to Ukraine during the first invasion that was coincidentally when a dem was in the WH just like the most recent invasion ... it appears the Ruskies like to invade when the left is in the WH .

These ignorant fucks will ever quit the Russian Hoax
Their Cult bored it into what used to be their brains.

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