Paul Ryan Quivers as Bernie Sanders Outs Dirty Secret Behind His Poverty Propaganda


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Sen. Sanders said, “You have folks out there now who have virtually no income coming in. They have families. They have kids. How are they going to eat? We have veterans out there trying to get into the food stamp program. To me, what you’re looking at is an ugly kind of class warfare where the people on top want more and more and more, and they’re pushing down in an incredibly terrible way the most vulnerable people in our country.”

Later Sen. Sanders ripped Republicans for claiming that the problem is that children get too much help from the federal government, “These are the same people who want to eliminate the estate tax, which applies to only the top three tenths of one percent of all Americans, which is the richest of the rich, then they are going after kids. The politics of this, Al, is what they are trying to do is deflect attention away from income and wealth inequality. Attention away from the fact that the rich are doing extraordinarily well, and tell their supporters that the real problem in America is that children are getting too much help from the federal government, and that’s the kind of mentality that we have got to fight back against.”

Sen. Sanders nailed it. This is a classic case of Republicans trying to blame the victims of their policies. Republicans crashed the economy, threw millions out of work, then blamed the unemployed, and their children for needing assistance. While the GOP tries to take the food out of the mouths of those who are struggling, the rich continue to get richer.

The Koch brothers won’t have less money if children continue to get free school lunches. The issue is that the people at the very top continue to see their wealth grow while nearly everyone else is struggling to survive.

That’s the dirty little secret that Bernie Sanders exposed.

Republicans refuse to limit themselves to encouraging the wealthy. They are on a mission to take everything away from everyone else, and give it to the rich. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has been leading this new smokescreen with a war against the poor that has been disguised as budget cuts and poverty studies.

Ryan and his millionaire Republican brothers are running a shell game. They are trying to convince the American people that the income inequality that is obvious to everyone isn’t a problem. Instead, they want the country to focus on the fact that poor people need to eat.

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Paul Ryan Quivers as Bernie Sanders Outs the Dirty Secret Behind His Poverty Propaganda
my gawd, who takes something serious with a stupid title like that?

that site is commie propaganda 101 folks

don't support it
Bernie Sanders is a fucking dirty commie shitbag now playing the same class warfare game as the administration. All of his facts are wrong, half truths or distortions.
and the OP is a lying simp.
we are in deep trouble in this country when the people fall for this kind of hate propaganda being put out by a party...

wake up folks

they don't run on idea, they run on, smears, dirt, and slander
we are in deep trouble in this country when the people fall for this kind of hate propaganda being put out by a party...

wake up folks

they don't run on idea, they run on, smears, dirt, and slander

It's all they've got. The Left is unable to govern.
Bernie Sanders kind of destroyed him right there.
Paul Ryan can't fight the truth.

Fail. Total fail.
Have some sympathy for the right wing apologists.

They have to convince people who are growing poorer while they see a very small group growing stupidly wealthy, that somehow that is good for this nation.

And its even worse than that, really.

The more the MASTERS control the government and get richer, the harder it becomes to convince the little people who are slowly going down that everything is okay.
Have some sympathy for the right wing apologists.

They have to convince people who are growing poorer while they see a very small group growing stupidly wealthy, that somehow that is good for this nation.

And its even worse than that, really.

The more the MASTERS control the government and get richer, the harder it becomes to convince the little people who are slowly going down that everything is okay.

oh goody, you have now become another rightwinger, rdean, Billygoat, ludnuts, etc
There's no such thing as a honest socialist. They lie and distort to gain power and control over others and their lemmings march right along behind them. Their policies enrichen the few and teach their lemmings to blame their enemies so they can do more of the same.
Paul Ryan can't fight the truth.

Neither can some rw's. Note that not one of them posted any facts - just the usual hate.


Some rw's despise children. Along with the elderly, vets families, the disabled, they want children to starve to death. That's why they idolize Repub slime like Lyin Ryan.
Taking food outta the mouths of children who would starve otherwise?

How did that turn out for the wealthy French aristocracy in the 1790's?

The über wealthy right wing is playing a very dangerous game.

Let them continue on amassing a stupid amount of wealth at the expense of the 99% and heads will roll.

Regards from Rosie
Have some sympathy for the right wing apologists.

They have to convince people who are growing poorer while they see a very small group growing stupidly wealthy, that somehow that is good for this nation.

And its even worse than that, really.

The more the MASTERS control the government and get richer, the harder it becomes to convince the little people who are slowly going down that everything is okay.

That's the problem. They are running out of people to lie to.
Taking food outta the mouths of children who would starve otherwise?

How did that turn out for the wealthy French aristocracy in the 1790's?

The über wealthy right wing is playing a very dangerous game.

Let them continue on amassing a stupid amount of wealth at the expense of the 99% and heads will roll.

Regards from Rosie

oh so that is it..

WE will be THREATENED into submission by our own country men and women

this country has went to hell we have come to this and you libs and Democrats have been pushing this on us
take this post as an is you people who are evil in my book
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Taking food outta the mouths of children who would starve otherwise?

How did that turn out for the wealthy French aristocracy in the 1790's?

The über wealthy right wing is playing a very dangerous game.

Let them continue on amassing a stupid amount of wealth at the expense of the 99% and heads will roll.

Regards from Rosie

And you fell for it!
You know what another name for "courtesan" is, right?
Taking food outta the mouths of children who would starve otherwise?

How did that turn out for the wealthy French aristocracy in the 1790's?

The über wealthy right wing is playing a very dangerous game.

Let them continue on amassing a stupid amount of wealth at the expense of the 99% and heads will roll.

Regards from Rosie

I don't think so.

There's nothing new about great power being in the hands of a very few who rule the rest of us with iron fists. LyinRyan and most other Rs are in office because of gerrymandering and vote theft and that's not going to change any time soon.

As long as there are ignorant anti-Americans who will vote against their own best self-interests, the 1-2% will stay in power and children will be hungry - just as they want.

Funny though that Ryan benefited from the very program he wants to take from others.

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