Paul Ryan and his 'conditions' should go back to Wisconsin

Tea Party

(bring them all together and agree)

not a chance in hell.
Paul Ryan is a nice guy but he supports amnesty and is good buds with Luis Gutierrez....Ryan wants to change the rules that allowed for challenging the speaker....he basically wants to be 'coronated'.......even Harry Reid and the Dimwits support him (wtf?).......what makes anyone think he'd be any better than Boehner....?

Blog: Paul Ryan and his 'conditions' should go back to Wisconsin

Paul Ryan has every right to put conditions to him running for Speaker, and it is the Tea Party Caucus right to accept it or reject it...

I agree with Ryan on this one because why would you want a leadership that mean the death to your political career when you have aspirations to run for President one day?

He wants Bills that can pass the House and Senate and get signed by President Obama and not a bunch of nonsense that he knows would never be signed by Obama and will never get a veto overturned...

So as I wrote I agree with him and now it is the Tea Party Caucus turn to either agree or reject his conditions...
I'm personally hoping for no speaker and a govt shutdown in time for Nov 16.

I would like that as well, would be even better if they decided not to reopen the cesspool in Washington, unfortunately the probability is that Boehner will stay on until a new speaker is found, so the federal fucking of the citizenry will continue unabated. :sad:
Paul Ryan is a nice guy but he supports amnesty and is good buds with Luis Gutierrez....Ryan wants to change the rules that allowed for challenging the speaker....he basically wants to be 'coronated'.......even Harry Reid and the Dimwits support him (wtf?).......what makes anyone think he'd be any better than Boehner....?

Blog: Paul Ryan and his 'conditions' should go back to Wisconsin

Paul Ryan has every right to put conditions to him running for Speaker, and it is the Tea Party Caucus right to accept it or reject it...

I agree with Ryan on this one because why would you want a leadership that mean the death to your political career when you have aspirations to run for President one day?

He wants Bills that can pass the Senate and get signed by President Obama and not a bunch of nonsense that he knows would never be signed by Obama and will never get a veto overturned...

So as I wrote I agree with him and now it is the Tea Party Caucus turn to either agree or reject his conditions...
meh checks and balances.
If we wanted conformity, we would be a dictatorship!
Paul Ryan is a nice guy but he supports amnesty and is good buds with Luis Gutierrez....Ryan wants to change the rules that allowed for challenging the speaker....he basically wants to be 'coronated'.......even Harry Reid and the Dimwits support him (wtf?).......what makes anyone think he'd be any better than Boehner....?

Blog: Paul Ryan and his 'conditions' should go back to Wisconsin

Paul Ryan has every right to put conditions to him running for Speaker, and it is the Tea Party Caucus right to accept it or reject it...

I agree with Ryan on this one because why would you want a leadership that mean the death to your political career when you have aspirations to run for President one day?

He wants Bills that can pass the House and Senate and get signed by President Obama and not a bunch of nonsense that he knows would never be signed by Obama and will never get a veto overturned...

So as I wrote I agree with him and now it is the Tea Party Caucus turn to either agree or reject his conditions...

the Tea Party already rejected Ryan's conditions ..

Normally there is a line of people wanting this job, now there is a noticeable lack of interest. Reading between the lines is not difficult sometimes.
Paul Ryan is a nice guy but he supports amnesty and is good buds with Luis Gutierrez....Ryan wants to change the rules that allowed for challenging the speaker....he basically wants to be 'coronated'.......even Harry Reid and the Dimwits support him (wtf?).......what makes anyone think he'd be any better than Boehner....?

Blog: Paul Ryan and his 'conditions' should go back to Wisconsin

Paul Ryan has every right to put conditions to him running for Speaker, and it is the Tea Party Caucus right to accept it or reject it...

I agree with Ryan on this one because why would you want a leadership that mean the death to your political career when you have aspirations to run for President one day?

He wants Bills that can pass the Senate and get signed by President Obama and not a bunch of nonsense that he knows would never be signed by Obama and will never get a veto overturned...

So as I wrote I agree with him and now it is the Tea Party Caucus turn to either agree or reject his conditions...
meh checks and balances.
If we wanted conformity, we would be a dictatorship!

Get a clue and realize this is nothing new...

Tom " Strong arm " DeLay was Hastert man when needing to get his Party in line, so dictatorship within the party is nothing new!
No one who is even willing to LOOK at Democrats or breathe the same air should be Speaker.

I mean, when have the two parties ever worked together? This just can't happen.

when have the Dimwits ever 'worked together' with Rs....? it always seems to be the reverse....
Paul Ryan is a nice guy but he supports amnesty and is good buds with Luis Gutierrez....Ryan wants to change the rules that allowed for challenging the speaker....he basically wants to be 'coronated'.......even Harry Reid and the Dimwits support him (wtf?).......what makes anyone think he'd be any better than Boehner....?

Blog: Paul Ryan and his 'conditions' should go back to Wisconsin

Paul Ryan has every right to put conditions to him running for Speaker, and it is the Tea Party Caucus right to accept it or reject it...

I agree with Ryan on this one because why would you want a leadership that mean the death to your political career when you have aspirations to run for President one day?

He wants Bills that can pass the House and Senate and get signed by President Obama and not a bunch of nonsense that he knows would never be signed by Obama and will never get a veto overturned...

So as I wrote I agree with him and now it is the Tea Party Caucus turn to either agree or reject his conditions...

the Tea Party already rejected Ryan's conditions ..

I don't blame them. It is called sticking to your oath.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God
Paul Ryan is a nice guy but he supports amnesty and is good buds with Luis Gutierrez....Ryan wants to change the rules that allowed for challenging the speaker....he basically wants to be 'coronated'.......even Harry Reid and the Dimwits support him (wtf?).......what makes anyone think he'd be any better than Boehner....?

Blog: Paul Ryan and his 'conditions' should go back to Wisconsin

Paul Ryan has every right to put conditions to him running for Speaker, and it is the Tea Party Caucus right to accept it or reject it...

I agree with Ryan on this one because why would you want a leadership that mean the death to your political career when you have aspirations to run for President one day?

He wants Bills that can pass the House and Senate and get signed by President Obama and not a bunch of nonsense that he knows would never be signed by Obama and will never get a veto overturned...

So as I wrote I agree with him and now it is the Tea Party Caucus turn to either agree or reject his conditions...

the Tea Party already rejected Ryan's conditions ..


They did?

Then which leader from the Tea Party Caucus has been selected to lead the House?

Because a few radicals are upset that Ryan wants them to act like normal humans is not real rejection, but little brats throwing a a tantrum...

The best thing the Tea Party Caucus could do is actually work and stop the silly nonsense, but why do that when their supporters elected them not to do anything but pass bills they know will be veto...
Paul Ryan is a nice guy but he supports amnesty and is good buds with Luis Gutierrez....Ryan wants to change the rules that allowed for challenging the speaker....he basically wants to be 'coronated'.......even Harry Reid and the Dimwits support him (wtf?).......what makes anyone think he'd be any better than Boehner....?

Blog: Paul Ryan and his 'conditions' should go back to Wisconsin

Paul Ryan has every right to put conditions to him running for Speaker, and it is the Tea Party Caucus right to accept it or reject it...

I agree with Ryan on this one because why would you want a leadership that mean the death to your political career when you have aspirations to run for President one day?

He wants Bills that can pass the Senate and get signed by President Obama and not a bunch of nonsense that he knows would never be signed by Obama and will never get a veto overturned...

So as I wrote I agree with him and now it is the Tea Party Caucus turn to either agree or reject his conditions...
meh checks and balances.
If we wanted conformity, we would be a dictatorship!

Get a clue and realize this is nothing new...

Tom " Strong arm " DeLay was Hastert man when needing to get his Party in line, so dictatorship within the party is nothing new!
So you just accept that? Especially being so fuckin blunt about it? Pathetic
Paul Ryan is a nice guy but he supports amnesty and is good buds with Luis Gutierrez....Ryan wants to change the rules that allowed for challenging the speaker....he basically wants to be 'coronated'.......even Harry Reid and the Dimwits support him (wtf?).......what makes anyone think he'd be any better than Boehner....?

Blog: Paul Ryan and his 'conditions' should go back to Wisconsin

Paul Ryan has every right to put conditions to him running for Speaker, and it is the Tea Party Caucus right to accept it or reject it...

I agree with Ryan on this one because why would you want a leadership that mean the death to your political career when you have aspirations to run for President one day?

He wants Bills that can pass the House and Senate and get signed by President Obama and not a bunch of nonsense that he knows would never be signed by Obama and will never get a veto overturned...

So as I wrote I agree with him and now it is the Tea Party Caucus turn to either agree or reject his conditions...

the Tea Party already rejected Ryan's conditions ..


They did?

Then which leader from the Tea Party Caucus has been selected to lead the House?

Because a few radicals are upset that Ryan wants them to act like normal humans is not real rejection, but little brats throwing a a tantrum...

The best thing the Tea Party Caucus could do is actually work and stop the silly nonsense, but why do that when their supporters elected them not to do anything but pass bills they know will be veto...

since when has following the Constitution become 'radical'.....?

and putting together bills that will get BO's approval are bills we DON'T's time for the White House Radical to sign some decent bills....