Patriots Super Bowl ring

"In particular, we conclude that it is more probable than not that Jim McNally and John Jastremski participated in a deliberate plan to circumvent the rules by releasing air from Patriots game balls after the examination of the footballs by NFL game officials at the AFC Championship Game. We believe that McNally and Jastremski were aware that the inflation level of the Patriots game balls following pre-game inspection by the game officials would be approximately 12.5 psi and planned for McNally to deflate the balls below that level following the pre-game inspection using a needle provided by Jastremski. Based on the evidence, we also have concluded that it is more probable than not that Tom Brady was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski involving the release of air from Patriots game balls."

NFL investigation determines that the Patriots intentionally deflated footballs used in AFC Championship game - Business Insider

All I know is that I can't wait for football season and for Brady to be back. :D There are some arses that need kicking.
They already had someone who took care of Brady's "ares that need[ed] to be kicked". There should not be anyone left.

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All I know is that I can't wait for football season and for Brady to be back. :D There are some arses that need kicking.
They already had someone who took care of Brady's "ares that need[ed] to be kicked". There should be anyone left.


Just another example of your delusional hatred. Must suck to be you.
Me? I am not the one who hired Hernandez, especially after knowing his gang ties and propensity toward violence.
All I know is that I can't wait for football season and for Brady to be back. :D There are some arses that need kicking.
They already had someone who took care of Brady's "ares that need[ed] to be kicked". There should be anyone left.


Just another example of your delusional hatred. Must suck to be you.
Me? I am not the one who hired Hernandez, especially after knowing his gang ties and propensity toward violence.

You are just a hater and have been dismissed as such.
I know right? :D
I am beginning to think he has a man thing for me. All he wants to do is discuss man private parts. He will not leave me alone to discuss the OP.:eek-52::uhoh3::uhh:

Let me get this straight...
You post your picture of a backpack that looks like some guy's scrotum but it's "me" that keeps bring up man private parts? That's all you DO, Alex...over and over again! I don't know how to break this to you...but you've got a fixation on male genitalia.
Oldstyle: "Let me get...straight..." That is your issue not mine. And now you are saying you "know" me just like you said you know Brady from watching him play.:uhoh3:

Please no more ...I want to talk about the OP.

And one more example of Alex being sleazy...altering quotes to give them new meaning.
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
This never will end.

"Per the [league] source, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is being pushed by a small handful of influential owners to hold firm on the four-game suspension. Working against that pressure, however, is the fear that the four-game suspension would be wiped out by a federal court."

Report Influential NFL Owners Pushing For Full Tom Brady Suspension
The NFL is a monopoly, kind of like the mob, so it doesn't surprise me that they are trying to eliminate the suspension to increase revenue. Thats another reason I'm not a big supporter of the cartel
Indeed.I will never give the NFL a dime of my money.I will watch the future LA Rams and the chargers of course but only to enjoy looking at their cool uniform colors,thats it. the NFL is a joke.If Belicheat did what he did in college,they would kick him out of the universtity.same with Brady.they know they can get away with it in the NFL though.
I am beginning to think he has a man thing for me. All he wants to do is discuss man private parts. He will not leave me alone to discuss the OP.:eek-52::uhoh3::uhh:

Let me get this straight...
You post your picture of a backpack that looks like some guy's scrotum but it's "me" that keeps bring up man private parts? That's all you DO, Alex...over and over again! I don't know how to break this to you...but you've got a fixation on male genitalia.
Oldstyle: "Let me get...straight..." That is your issue not mine. And now you are saying you "know" me just like you said you know Brady from watching him play.:uhoh3:

Please no more ...I want to talk about the OP.

And one more example of Alex being sleazy...altering quotes to give them new meaning.
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:
All I know is that I can't wait for football season and for Brady to be back. :D There are some arses that need kicking.
They already had someone who took care of Brady's "ares that need[ed] to be kicked". There should be anyone left.


Just another example of your delusional hatred. Must suck to be you.
Me? I am not the one who hired Hernandez, especially after knowing his gang ties and propensity toward violence.

that is WHY the cheats went and signed brandon browner from the seahawks,they like players with lack of character.the guy said he wanted to intentionally hurt the seahawk players and is a dope smoker.Murderers like hernandez and dope smokers who intentially try to hurt people like browner,seem to be the kind of people Brady LOVES which is no surprise.
Let me get this straight...
You post your picture of a backpack that looks like some guy's scrotum but it's "me" that keeps bring up man private parts? That's all you DO, Alex...over and over again! I don't know how to break this to you...but you've got a fixation on male genitalia.
Oldstyle: "Let me get...straight..." That is your issue not mine. And now you are saying you "know" me just like you said you know Brady from watching him play.:uhoh3:

Please no more ...I want to talk about the OP.

And one more example of Alex being sleazy...altering quotes to give them new meaning.
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

old fartstyle lacks morals obviously so he obviously has a mancrush on those kind of people.:biggrin: It all makes sense now WHY he worshipped Reagan so much,he loves mass murderers.:biggrin:
"Brady, it would seem, has more to lose. He’d have to turn over that cell phone data to the courts and it would eventually go public. He might have to sit on the stand and answer, under oath, whether he ever instructed “The Deflator” to deflate footballs. He’d be the one playing a season under the specter of a looming trial. He’d be the one keeping the Deflategate story alive, likely into 2016. And, most importantly, he’s the one who still has a positive image to lose."

Tom Brady would be a fool to sue the NFL For The Win


"If Brady is in legacy mode (and he should be) then taking the NFL to trial over something he’s likely guilty of is the wrong move."
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Which is why you are here.

So...did you want to take a crack at explaining "I PURPOSELY MISLEAD PEOPLE!!!", Alex? What makes you think you can so obviously misquote people in a string where you're criticizing the honesty of Tom Brady? Do you really not "get" how hypocritical that is?

Like I told you, no integrity and no class.

ChrisL.: "Like I told you, no integrity and no class."
While admirable, these self confessions of yours are testament to the evils of alcohol and how a person feels the next morning. I will say a prayer for you in your journey to get sober and stay sober.

In the meantime how do you like them Patriots? I am looking forward to next season, I may have Brady be my QB in fantasy football, of he is playing that is.:oops:

What? You think what you do around here is classy? Lol. :lol: Purposefully misquoting people, lying about them, making up stories about them because you disagree with their positions on politics or sports? Another internet psycho is what you are.
Get Sober

I know you had it once after your stay at McLean's you can do it again!:clap:;)
yeah Chrissy. Put down the Cheatriots kool aid :alcoholic:
Let me get this straight...
You post your picture of a backpack that looks like some guy's scrotum but it's "me" that keeps bring up man private parts? That's all you DO, Alex...over and over again! I don't know how to break this to you...but you've got a fixation on male genitalia.
Oldstyle: "Let me get...straight..." That is your issue not mine. And now you are saying you "know" me just like you said you know Brady from watching him play.:uhoh3:

Please no more ...I want to talk about the OP.

And one more example of Alex being sleazy...altering quotes to give them new meaning.
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

How can you even come here and whine about a lack of "honesty" by ANYONE with the way you conduct yourself on this board? Explain to me how you can demand honesty from Tom Brady when you're so obviously incapable of honesty!
Oldstyle: "Let me get...straight..." That is your issue not mine. And now you are saying you "know" me just like you said you know Brady from watching him play.:uhoh3:

Please no more ...I want to talk about the OP.

And one more example of Alex being sleazy...altering quotes to give them new meaning.
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

How can you even come here and whine about a lack of "honesty" by ANYONE with the way you conduct yourself on this board? Explain to me how you can demand honesty from Tom Brady when you're so obviously incapable of honesty!

It is because he and others lack integrity. THAT is what I'm trying to tell you. I have found it to be quite typical of the people who frequent this board. Psychopaths.
And one more example of Alex being sleazy...altering quotes to give them new meaning.
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

How can you even come here and whine about a lack of "honesty" by ANYONE with the way you conduct yourself on this board? Explain to me how you can demand honesty from Tom Brady when you're so obviously incapable of honesty!

It is because he and others lack integrity. THAT is what I'm trying to tell you. I have found it to be quite typical of the people who frequent this board. Psychopaths.
The poor butt hurt lush is crying again.
Oldstyle: "Let me get...straight..." That is your issue not mine. And now you are saying you "know" me just like you said you know Brady from watching him play.:uhoh3:

Please no more ...I want to talk about the OP.

And one more example of Alex being sleazy...altering quotes to give them new meaning.
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

How can you even come here and whine about a lack of "honesty" by ANYONE with the way you conduct yourself on this board? Explain to me how you can demand honesty from Tom Brady when you're so obviously incapable of honesty!
Brady is a cheater and you worship him. Kraft hires murderers, tugs and cheaters and you sound like you would take a bullet for that guy.

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