Patriots Super Bowl ring

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Hey, they're the Democrats' team. ...

Whoa. Stop right there. The democrats don't get the Pats. Real lefties are opposed to football entirely.

They only like winners, regardless how they win.

Democrats are always on both sides of any issue. They're for something until their opposition is for it, then they're against it.
The saying around New England goes something like this...

They only hate us...because they ain't us!

Stop your whining about cheating and go get yourselves coaches that work hard and players that play hard. As the second half of the AFC Championship game and the Super Bowl proved...the Patriots don't need to "cheat" to win.

You know what's laughable? The amount of "news" that's come from unidentified sources or from sources that supposedly said something...that subsequently turns out to be nothing.

A Patriots ball boy took the balls into a bathroom between the officials room and the field! OMG!!!! It's the smoking gun!!!! We've got them nailed to the wall, those cheating bastards!!!! Oh, wait...he was only in there for 90 seconds? Never mind...

The Colt's defensive back that intercepted Brady in the first half noticed that the ball was under-inflated! OMG!!! It's the smoking gun!!! We've REALLY got the cheating bastards this time!!! No doubt about it!!! Oh, wait...the Colts player said at the Pro Bowl game that he didn't notice anything different about the ball he intercepted and didn't tell anyone he thought they were improperly inflated? OK...that doesn't work...

All of the Patriot's balls were grossly under-inflated! OMG!!! That's we've got them. Can't weasel their way out of this one, by God!!! Brady and Belichick are going DOWN!!! Oh, turns out only one ball was under-inflated more than you would expect to see from changing temperatures and that ball was the one that the Colts had in their possession? It turns out that the others were not far below the low end of what was allowable? God damn! I've got my tar and feathers and I want to use them!!!! How come all these people keep contradicting all the "evidence"!!! Whaaaaaaahhhhhh...Whaaaahhhh...Whaaaahhh! I want my mommy!!!

You know what's laughable? The amount of "news" that's come from unidentified sources or from sources that supposedly said something...that subsequently turns out to be nothing.

A Patriots ball boy took the balls into a bathroom between the officials room and the field! OMG!!!! It's the smoking gun!!!! We've got them nailed to the wall, those cheating bastards!!!! Oh, wait...he was only in there for 90 seconds? Never mind...

The Colt's defensive back that intercepted Brady in the first half noticed that the ball was under-inflated! OMG!!! It's the smoking gun!!! We've REALLY got the cheating bastards this time!!! No doubt about it!!! Oh, wait...the Colts player said at the Pro Bowl game that he didn't notice anything different about the ball he intercepted and didn't tell anyone he thought they were improperly inflated? OK...that doesn't work...

All of the Patriot's balls were grossly under-inflated! OMG!!! That's we've got them. Can't weasel their way out of this one, by God!!! Brady and Belichick are going DOWN!!! Oh, turns out only one ball was under-inflated more than you would expect to see from changing temperatures and that ball was the one that the Colts had in their possession? It turns out that the others were not far below the low end of what was allowable? God damn! I've got my tar and feathers and I want to use them!!!! How come all these people keep contradicting all the "evidence"!!! Whaaaaaaahhhhhh...Whaaaahhhh...Whaaaahhh! I want my mommy!!!

They sources are unidentified cos nobody wants to get blackballed for telling the truth.

Hmmmm, now Schefter is reporting that an NFL official has been fired for stealing AFC Championship game balls with an intent to sell them. Not only that, but according to Schefter, Jim McNally (Pats employee mentioned in the OTL report) was given the unapproved ball by a LEAGUE OFFICIAL, who noticed balls were missing (stolen) and tried to replace them.

More and more I'm feeling like a lot of people owe the Patriots a damn apology.
Gee, ya' think?

All McNally did was unknowingly try to introduce an unapproved ball because an NFL official was stealing the game balls so that he could sell them.

Once again...a swing and a miss...

Hmmmm, now Schefter is reporting that an NFL official has been fired for stealing AFC Championship game balls with an intent to sell them. Not only that, but according to Schefter, Jim McNally (Pats employee mentioned in the OTL report) was given the unapproved ball by a LEAGUE OFFICIAL, who noticed balls were missing (stolen) and tried to replace them.

More and more I'm feeling like a lot of people owe the Patriots a damn apology.

Nobody owes the Patriots an apology. They're cheaters.

Hmmmm, now Schefter is reporting that an NFL official has been fired for stealing AFC Championship game balls with an intent to sell them. Not only that, but according to Schefter, Jim McNally (Pats employee mentioned in the OTL report) was given the unapproved ball by a LEAGUE OFFICIAL, who noticed balls were missing (stolen) and tried to replace them.

More and more I'm feeling like a lot of people owe the Patriots a damn apology.

Nobody owes the Patriots an apology. They're cheaters.

If you had any class at all, Gatsby you'd admit that the ESPN "report" was premature and misleading. Instead of waiting to get the facts ESPN went with a story that it seem like Jim McNally (a Patriots employee) was doing something nefarious. It turns out that McNally was just the guy who the NFL official that was stealing gameballs tried to use to cover his tracks. ESPN owes the Patriots and McNally an apology and so do you.

Hmmmm, now Schefter is reporting that an NFL official has been fired for stealing AFC Championship game balls with an intent to sell them. Not only that, but according to Schefter, Jim McNally (Pats employee mentioned in the OTL report) was given the unapproved ball by a LEAGUE OFFICIAL, who noticed balls were missing (stolen) and tried to replace them.

More and more I'm feeling like a lot of people owe the Patriots a damn apology.

Nobody owes the Patriots an apology. They're cheaters.

If you had any class at all, Gatsby you'd admit that the ESPN "report" was premature and misleading. Instead of waiting to get the facts ESPN went with a story that it seem like Jim McNally (a Patriots employee) was doing something nefarious. It turns out that McNally was just the guy who the NFL official that was stealing gameballs tried to use to cover his tracks. ESPN owes the Patriots and McNally an apology and so do you.

I was speaking of the Pats cheating in general recently and over the years. Just because ESPN may not have gotten a story right doesn't absolve the Pats of their cheating ways.

Hmmmm, now Schefter is reporting that an NFL official has been fired for stealing AFC Championship game balls with an intent to sell them. Not only that, but according to Schefter, Jim McNally (Pats employee mentioned in the OTL report) was given the unapproved ball by a LEAGUE OFFICIAL, who noticed balls were missing (stolen) and tried to replace them.

More and more I'm feeling like a lot of people owe the Patriots a damn apology.

Nobody owes the Patriots an apology. They're cheaters.

If you had any class at all, Gatsby you'd admit that the ESPN "report" was premature and misleading. Instead of waiting to get the facts ESPN went with a story that it seem like Jim McNally (a Patriots employee) was doing something nefarious. It turns out that McNally was just the guy who the NFL official that was stealing gameballs tried to use to cover his tracks. ESPN owes the Patriots and McNally an apology and so do you.

I was speaking of the Pats cheating in general recently and over the years. Just because ESPN may not have gotten a story right doesn't absolve the Pats of their cheating ways.

Why don't you elaborate on the "Pats cheating in general recently and over the years"?

Hmmmm, now Schefter is reporting that an NFL official has been fired for stealing AFC Championship game balls with an intent to sell them. Not only that, but according to Schefter, Jim McNally (Pats employee mentioned in the OTL report) was given the unapproved ball by a LEAGUE OFFICIAL, who noticed balls were missing (stolen) and tried to replace them.

More and more I'm feeling like a lot of people owe the Patriots a damn apology.

Nobody owes the Patriots an apology. They're cheaters.

If you had any class at all, Gatsby you'd admit that the ESPN "report" was premature and misleading. Instead of waiting to get the facts ESPN went with a story that it seem like Jim McNally (a Patriots employee) was doing something nefarious. It turns out that McNally was just the guy who the NFL official that was stealing gameballs tried to use to cover his tracks. ESPN owes the Patriots and McNally an apology and so do you.

I was speaking of the Pats cheating in general recently and over the years. Just because ESPN may not have gotten a story right doesn't absolve the Pats of their cheating ways.

Recently? Dude, this firestorm over ball inflation is the biggest crock of shit I've ever seen in the sports world! Outlets like ESPN went with stories insinuating that the Patriots had deliberately under-inflated those game balls and every single one of them has either been proven to be totally false or hasn't been subsequently proven! ESPN got the McNally story about as wrong as you possibly could and you STILL won't admit that the Patriots were wrongly accused!

Major breaking story! The Colts DB who intercepted Brady felt the ball was soft and alerted his coaches who alerted the NFL officials. Proof positive that the Patriots were cheating! Oh, wait...the DB says at the Pro Bowl that he didn't notice anything different about the ball and didn't tell his coaches anything. Whoops...

Major breaking story! Unnamed sources report that the Patriot's game balls were under-inflated far below the allowable limit!!! Proof positive that the Patriots were caught red handed cheating! Oh, unnamed sources are reporting that only one ball was under-inflated far below the allowable limit and that was the ball that the Colts had in THEIR possession...all of the other balls were only slightly under-inflated, something that would naturally occur taking them from a 70 degree room inside to a 40 degrees and wet outside. Whoops...

Major breaking story! Patriots employee took the balls from the officials room to another room before taking them to the field!!! PROOF positive that they were up to something nefarious!!! Oh, was just the ball boy going to the bathroom for 90 seconds before heading up to the field. Whoops...

Major breaking story! A Patriots employee tried to slip an unconforming ball into the game!!! PROOF positive that they were up to something nefarious!!! Oh was someone else, an NFL official, that was up to no good. He was stealing game balls to sell and the Patriot's employee was totally not involved. Whoops...

All outlets like ESPN have gone with stories based on leaks that turned out not to be credible. Why? Because people like YOU eat that shit up with a spoon because you hate the Patriots! ESPN should be ashamed of themselves for the way they've handled this.
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