Patriots Super Bowl ring

No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

How can you even come here and whine about a lack of "honesty" by ANYONE with the way you conduct yourself on this board? Explain to me how you can demand honesty from Tom Brady when you're so obviously incapable of honesty!

It is because he and others lack integrity. THAT is what I'm trying to tell you. I have found it to be quite typical of the people who frequent this board. Psychopaths.
The poor butt hurt lush is crying again.

I know, that is pretty much all you do here on this thread is cry about Brady. Feeling just a bit like a pathetic loser yet? You should because that is what you are.
And one more example of Alex being sleazy...altering quotes to give them new meaning.
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

How can you even come here and whine about a lack of "honesty" by ANYONE with the way you conduct yourself on this board? Explain to me how you can demand honesty from Tom Brady when you're so obviously incapable of honesty!
Brady is a cheater and you worship him. Kraft hires murderers, tugs and cheaters and you sound like you would take a bullet for that guy.

You're a loser. The Patriots won the Super Bowl. Get over it, druggie.
Oldstyle: "Let me get...straight..." That is your issue not mine. And now you are saying you "know" me just like you said you know Brady from watching him play.:uhoh3:

Please no more ...I want to talk about the OP.

And one more example of Alex being sleazy...altering quotes to give them new meaning.
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

How can you even come here and whine about a lack of "honesty" by ANYONE with the way you conduct yourself on this board? Explain to me how you can demand honesty from Tom Brady when you're so obviously incapable of honesty!

Alex must be hitting the meth again. :D He's a meth head, you know. He has rotten teeth and is disgustingly filthy.
"Brady, it would seem, has more to lose. He’d have to turn over that cell phone data to the courts and it would eventually go public. He might have to sit on the stand and answer, under oath, whether he ever instructed “The Deflator” to deflate footballs. He’d be the one playing a season under the specter of a looming trial. He’d be the one keeping the Deflategate story alive, likely into 2016. And, most importantly, he’s the one who still has a positive image to lose."

Tom Brady would be a fool to sue the NFL For The Win


"If Brady is in legacy mode (and he should be) then taking the NFL to trial over something he’s likely guilty of is the wrong move."

Lay off the meth, Alex. It's really starting to affect your mind.
Poor loser Alex. I guess we should have some pity on him due to his meth habit and is unhealthy obsession with Tom Brady. :( Must suck to be Alex.
You sure sound pretty mad chrissy but those bottles are for drinking not smashing yourself in the head.

<<<<butt hurt ChrisL.
Poor loser Alex. I guess we should have some pity on him due to his meth habit and is unhealthy obsession with Tom Brady. :( Must suck to be Alex.
You sure sound pretty mad chrissy but those bottles are for drinking not smashing yourself in the head.

<<<<butt hurt ChrisL.

I think it's obvious who is the one with the issue here, and it certainly is not me. The Patriots won the Super Bowl. They beat your team. End of story. End of thread. Maybe more methamphetamine will help you deal with your sorrow and anger. Good luck with your problems.
Poor loser Alex. I guess we should have some pity on him due to his meth habit and is unhealthy obsession with Tom Brady. :( Must suck to be Alex.
You sure sound pretty mad chrissy but those bottles are for drinking not smashing yourself in the head.

<<<<butt hurt ChrisL.

Oh, and BTW, Brady WILL be playing. He is still here and is not going anywhere. :D That must really make your butt hole hurt. If only you could stop spewing diarrhea . . .
No new meanings, you just get caught with your pants down.

You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

How can you even come here and whine about a lack of "honesty" by ANYONE with the way you conduct yourself on this board? Explain to me how you can demand honesty from Tom Brady when you're so obviously incapable of honesty!

It is because he and others lack integrity. THAT is what I'm trying to tell you. I have found it to be quite typical of the people who frequent this board. Psychopaths.
The poor butt hurt lush is crying again.

Why should anyone listen to a word you say regarding "honesty", Alex... when every post that you make here...ends with two deliberate attempts to distort the truth? You've branded yourself a liar and an unethical poster and then you reinforce that brand with your banners.
You deliberately alter people's quotes to give them other meanings. How does my pointing that out in anyway equate with being caught with my pants down?

You come here and rail about Tom Brady's honesty but every single post you make here have those two banners across the bottom that are glaring examples of your LACK of honesty!
You support a team that hires a murderer and a thug, that gives a blind eye to organized crime and cheats at every turns and you attempt to sit on the mantle of honesty. :uhoh3::rofl:

How can you even come here and whine about a lack of "honesty" by ANYONE with the way you conduct yourself on this board? Explain to me how you can demand honesty from Tom Brady when you're so obviously incapable of honesty!

It is because he and others lack integrity. THAT is what I'm trying to tell you. I have found it to be quite typical of the people who frequent this board. Psychopaths.
The poor butt hurt lush is crying again.

Why should anyone listen to a word you say regarding "honesty", Alex... when every post that you make here...ends with two deliberate attempts to distort the truth? You've branded yourself a liar and an unethical poster and then you reinforce that brand with your banners.

Not to mention, these are the people who can't stop thinking or talking about Tom Brady, and yet they accuse others of being butt hurt? Bwa-ha-ha! Can people honestly be THIS stupid is what I must ask myself day in and day out being here. I think it's about time I took another LOOONG vacation from this place and the "people" here.
Don't know how some of you can stand posting day in and day out without a vacation. :D Most of the people here are a few cards short of a deck, IMO. The one good thing is I can come here and say, well at least I can feel really GOOD about myself and I do. Lol.
Don't know how some of you can stand posting day in and day out without a vacation. :D Most of the people here are a few cards short of a deck, IMO. The one good thing is I can come here and say, well at least I can feel really GOOD about myself and I do. Lol.
ChrisL.: "Most of the people here are a few cards short of a deck"

This is why you fit in so well.
Don't know how some of you can stand posting day in and day out without a vacation. :D Most of the people here are a few cards short of a deck, IMO. The one good thing is I can come here and say, well at least I can feel really GOOD about myself and I do. Lol.
ChrisL.: "Most of the people here are a few cards short of a deck"

This is why you fit in so well.

Keep crying about the Patriots. It suits you, as we laugh and laugh at how foolish you are. As you know, nothing has changed here in NE. We still have Brady. We still have Belichick. We are still going to win games. Now, enjoy your whine fest.
NFL s latest deflate-gate move could make its punishment of Tom Brady Pats laughable - Yahoo Sports

Lots of talk that the both sets of footballs during the Colts, Pats game deflated the same percentage during the game. The Colts were fill at the upper end of the PSI limit and the Pats at the lower end.

With the new rules in place, the NFL is going to measure PSI before, during and after the game. If they deflate in colder weather, naturally. Brady may have a defamation lawsuit.

The NFL has screwed it's self, this could be embarrassing.
NFL s latest deflate-gate move could make its punishment of Tom Brady Pats laughable - Yahoo Sports

Lots of talk that the both sets of footballs during the Colts, Pats game deflated the same percentage during the game. The Colts were fill at the upper end of the PSI limit and the Pats at the lower end.

With the new rules in place, the NFL is going to measure PSI before, during and after the game. If they deflate in colder weather, naturally. Brady may have a defamation lawsuit.

The NFL has screwed it's self, this could be embarrassing.
Funny. My wife always tells me she thinks she has a leak in her tires in the winter cause the car's computer tells her the pressure is low. She's like but it was ok last week. I just tell her it's one of her co-workers pulling a prank on her and add a couple pounds of air for her.
NFL s latest deflate-gate move could make its punishment of Tom Brady Pats laughable - Yahoo Sports

Lots of talk that the both sets of footballs during the Colts, Pats game deflated the same percentage during the game. The Colts were fill at the upper end of the PSI limit and the Pats at the lower end.

With the new rules in place, the NFL is going to measure PSI before, during and after the game. If they deflate in colder weather, naturally. Brady may have a defamation lawsuit.

The NFL has screwed it's self, this could be embarrassing.
This is not anything, just fodder for the media.
NFL s latest deflate-gate move could make its punishment of Tom Brady Pats laughable - Yahoo Sports

Lots of talk that the both sets of footballs during the Colts, Pats game deflated the same percentage during the game. The Colts were fill at the upper end of the PSI limit and the Pats at the lower end.

With the new rules in place, the NFL is going to measure PSI before, during and after the game. If they deflate in colder weather, naturally. Brady may have a defamation lawsuit.

The NFL has screwed it's self, this could be embarrassing.
This is not anything, just fodder for the media.

So the fact that all the balls lost pressure from the start of the game to half time by about the same percentage is media fodder?

Sounds like facts to me.
NFL s latest deflate-gate move could make its punishment of Tom Brady Pats laughable - Yahoo Sports

Lots of talk that the both sets of footballs during the Colts, Pats game deflated the same percentage during the game. The Colts were fill at the upper end of the PSI limit and the Pats at the lower end.

With the new rules in place, the NFL is going to measure PSI before, during and after the game. If they deflate in colder weather, naturally. Brady may have a defamation lawsuit.

The NFL has screwed it's self, this could be embarrassing.
This is not anything, just fodder for the media.

So the fact that all the balls lost pressure from the start of the game to half time by about the same percentage is media fodder?

Sounds like facts to me.
Sounds like science to me.
NFL s latest deflate-gate move could make its punishment of Tom Brady Pats laughable - Yahoo Sports

Lots of talk that the both sets of footballs during the Colts, Pats game deflated the same percentage during the game. The Colts were fill at the upper end of the PSI limit and the Pats at the lower end.

With the new rules in place, the NFL is going to measure PSI before, during and after the game. If they deflate in colder weather, naturally. Brady may have a defamation lawsuit.

The NFL has screwed it's self, this could be embarrassing.
This is not anything, just fodder for the media.

So the fact that all the balls lost pressure from the start of the game to half time by about the same percentage is media fodder?

Sounds like facts to me.
Sounds like science to me.

Me too, I always pick up a few pounds of pressure when I drive my car and warm them up.

When my wife drives and the tire air pressure light goes on, she will drive and then goes off, I just tell her the tires have auto fill. :)

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