Patriot Woman shot by DC Police - Video

Storming the capital is a good way to get shot. The DC police and capital security has shown amazing restraint already.
It's all a win for the democrats

1. Damage done to Capital requires more spending

2. News coverage will all paint them as loons threatening democracy

3. One of them is dead.

This is a loss for the country, it's not about Democrat or Republican.
Storming the capital is a good way to get shot. The DC police and capital security has shown amazing restraint already.
so far thats not an issue except for the one where the cops shot an unarmed women that was rightfully in the capital building,,

So you are saying she was authorized to try and storm the chamber where US Senators and House Members were convening.
it was a public building and she had a right to be there under the 1st amendment,,,

So why did she storm the building instead of paying the fee and walking in.

Winterborn summed it up.

When you cross a police barricade, storm the capital, and cause elected officials and federal employees to barricade themselves in, it is not some peaceful 1st amendment thing.
Storming the capital is a good way to get shot. The DC police and capital security has shown amazing restraint already.
It's all a win for the democrats

1. Damage done to Capital requires more spending

2. News coverage will all paint them as loons threatening democracy

3. One of them is dead.

This is a loss for the country, it's not about Democrat or Republican.
its specifically about dems and repubes,, what did they expect after yrs of their boots on our necks,,,,
Storming the capital is a good way to get shot. The DC police and capital security has shown amazing restraint already.
so far thats not an issue except for the one where the cops shot an unarmed women that was rightfully in the capital building,,

So you are saying she was authorized to try and storm the chamber where US Senators and House Members were convening.
it was a public building and she had a right to be there under the 1st amendment,,,

So why did she storm the building instead of paying the fee and walking in.
we could ask her but she was murdered,,,
The woman was an unarmed protester, and is deceased..

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I can tell by looking at her shes not an ANTIFA nut. In this case I hope the cop/gunman goes to prison for life

So now you want the police to go to jail, if she were black you would be claiming that is what happens when you try to storm the Capitol. WAF hypocrite.

If this woman was one of your BLM water buffalo your response would be different
Door to what and where dumbshit?
Thanks for only murdering one of the protestors and not shooting them all dead.

Have a nice day.

See, we can get along.

Have they arrested the assailant yet? This would seem to be the initial first step.

I don't know if they are guilty of murder yet, they may have an excuse. But for law enforcement to slaughter peaceful protesters in cold blood is a bit much for the Deep State. Has Biden condemned the Deep State operative that committed this atrocity?

Truly you are kidding, right? How much tear gas was fired? How many rubber bullets were fired? How many horses were used to drive back the crowd? WAFing joke.
Storming the capital is a good way to get shot. The DC police and capital security has shown amazing restraint already.
so far thats not an issue except for the one where the cops shot an unarmed women that was rightfully in the capital building,,

So you are saying she was authorized to try and storm the chamber where US Senators and House Members were convening.
it was a public building and she had a right to be there under the 1st amendment,,,

So why did she storm the building instead of paying the fee and walking in.
we could ask her but she was murdered,,,

Yea that is the same thing we thought about Trayvon, Amadou, Eric, etc., but you didn't have a problem that they were dead.
How noble of the DC police.

So sad that not every one of the terrorists that invaded our capital did not share the same fate.

Another opportunity lost.

Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
but its mostly peaceful,,,
Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But tell us more about the "Law and Order" party again?
you cant blame everyone for a few bad apples when their numbers are so few,,,

and when the damage costs reach 2 billion you let me know,,,

I can certainly blame your ilk for trying to justify violence against cops at the Capitol building.

Your 'whataboutry' doesn't mean shit anymore. Your ilk are attacking cops. So much for the 'law and order' party.
all I can think to say is laughing,,,

But you couldn't think to condemn the violence against cops in the Capitol, could you?

As I've said before, conservatives don't give a shit about the constitution. And openly collaborate and justify attempts to thwart it.
maybe you havent been listening to all my comments,,

I said several times that its sad to see and wouldnt it have been easier to allow those audits on the contested election issues than this happening???

Actually no, the Courts didn't see a reason for an audit or is it the Courts don't matter when they don't rule in your favor.
Just like most Republicans who President Trump worked his ass off to win elections or get on the Supreme Court, the cops turned on those who supported them throughout the year in which the cops let savages destroy public and private property, a cop shot and killed an unarmed girl who was simply exercise her right to free speech.

So when someone white breaks into a building they are not authorized to be in it is exercising their right to free speech, but when folks whom you disagree with do the same it is breaking the law. Smfh.
eh, you twats are allowed to shoot intruders and trespassers in your home. just pretend it was a black man jogging in your neighborhood.

Trump is still calling for violence.

Storming the capital is a good way to get shot. The DC police and capital security has shown amazing restraint already.
so far thats not an issue except for the one where the cops shot an unarmed women that was rightfully in the capital building,,

So you are saying she was authorized to try and storm the chamber where US Senators and House Members were convening.
it was a public building and she had a right to be there under the 1st amendment,,,

So why did she storm the building instead of paying the fee and walking in.

Winterborn summed it up.

When you cross a police barricade, storm the capital, and cause elected officials and federal employees to barricade themselves in, it is not some peaceful 1st amendment thing.
What that means is it is possible to breach the building. There are many trained Deplorables that were in special forces and advance military units.. There are many Deplorables that can shoot well, no matter what you say. Now if anything comes from this, I do not know. But they will get more and more people on their side because they saw it possible to send a message just like Antifa/BLM have done.
Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
but its mostly peaceful,,,
Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But tell us more about the "Law and Order" party again?
you cant blame everyone for a few bad apples when their numbers are so few,,,

and when the damage costs reach 2 billion you let me know,,,

I can certainly blame your ilk for trying to justify violence against cops at the Capitol building.

Your 'whataboutry' doesn't mean shit anymore. Your ilk are attacking cops. So much for the 'law and order' party.
all I can think to say is laughing,,,

But you couldn't think to condemn the violence against cops in the Capitol, could you?

As I've said before, conservatives don't give a shit about the constitution. And openly collaborate and justify attempts to thwart it.

Go take your bullshit somewhere else. They shot an unarmed female protester. And that was after all the leftist riots, arson, and looting from last year in which hardly anyone was shot by the police. They didn't shoot the looters, they didn't shoot the arsonists who were burning down the neighborhoods, but they shot an unarmed a woman who was protesting a stolen election in a government building that she owned.

So go fuck yourself, dickhead. I will see you Marxist pieces of shit on the field when this all comes to a head. Be ready for it.

The broke windows , fired guns and rushed the legislators. One rappelled down into to the chamber.. Gas masks were deployed by the legislators.

Pence evacuated, Capitol locked down as protesters push ...
Protesters walk as U.S. Capitol Police officers watch in a hallway near the Senate chamber at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, near the Ohio Clock.

No protester fired a weapon. They weren't even allowed to posess weapons, as per DC law.

A woman died after being shot in the Capitol on Wednesday as violent and armed supporters of President Donald Trump stormed and occupied the building, law enforcement officials told NBC News and DC police told the Washington Post.
Woman shot dead after armed Trump supporters stormed the Capitol as lawmakers gathered to certify Biden's win (

I thought white, conservatives were NEVER violent that is only what others do.
Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
but its mostly peaceful,,,
Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But tell us more about the "Law and Order" party again?
you cant blame everyone for a few bad apples when their numbers are so few,,,

and when the damage costs reach 2 billion you let me know,,,

I can certainly blame your ilk for trying to justify violence against cops at the Capitol building.

Your 'whataboutry' doesn't mean shit anymore. Your ilk are attacking cops. So much for the 'law and order' party.
all I can think to say is laughing,,,

But you couldn't think to condemn the violence against cops in the Capitol, could you?

As I've said before, conservatives don't give a shit about the constitution. And openly collaborate and justify attempts to thwart it.

Go take your bullshit somewhere else. They shot an unarmed female protester. And that was after all the leftist riots, arson, and looting from last year in which hardly anyone was shot by the police. They didn't shoot the looters, they didn't shoot the arsonists who were burning down the neighborhoods, but they shot an unarmed a woman who was protesting a stolen election in a government building that she owned.

So go fuck yourself, dickhead. I will see you Marxist pieces of shit on the field when this all comes to a head. Be ready for it.

People, including cops, had barricaded themselves in the senate. These "peaceful protesters" were attempting to gain access by force. Do that at my house or my business and I will shoot you. And I would be exonerated by a Stand Your Ground law.

In a building she owned?? lol You own the presidential limousine too. But if someone tries to attack the president, you just try to catch a ride in YOUR car.
dont they call the capital the peoples house??

it sure isnt your house,,,

Doesn't that apply to the WH as well and what would happen if you tried to run into it while armed?
Storming the capital is a good way to get shot. The DC police and capital security has shown amazing restraint already.
so far thats not an issue except for the one where the cops shot an unarmed women that was rightfully in the capital building,,

So you are saying she was authorized to try and storm the chamber where US Senators and House Members were convening.
it was a public building and she had a right to be there under the 1st amendment,,,

So why did she storm the building instead of paying the fee and walking in.
we could ask her but she was murdered,,,

Yea that is the same thing we thought about Trayvon, Amadou, Eric, etc., but you didn't have a problem that they were dead.
not true,, those were completely different events,,,
Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
but its mostly peaceful,,,
Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But tell us more about the "Law and Order" party again?
you cant blame everyone for a few bad apples when their numbers are so few,,,

and when the damage costs reach 2 billion you let me know,,,

I can certainly blame your ilk for trying to justify violence against cops at the Capitol building.

Your 'whataboutry' doesn't mean shit anymore. Your ilk are attacking cops. So much for the 'law and order' party.
all I can think to say is laughing,,,

But you couldn't think to condemn the violence against cops in the Capitol, could you?

As I've said before, conservatives don't give a shit about the constitution. And openly collaborate and justify attempts to thwart it.
maybe you havent been listening to all my comments,,

I said several times that its sad to see and wouldnt it have been easier to allow those audits on the contested election issues than this happening???

Actually no, the Courts didn't see a reason for an audit or is it the Courts don't matter when they don't rule in your favor.
they never looked at or spoke to the evidence and dismissed on procedure,,,
Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
but its mostly peaceful,,,
Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But tell us more about the "Law and Order" party again?
you cant blame everyone for a few bad apples when their numbers are so few,,,

and when the damage costs reach 2 billion you let me know,,,

I can certainly blame your ilk for trying to justify violence against cops at the Capitol building.

Your 'whataboutry' doesn't mean shit anymore. Your ilk are attacking cops. So much for the 'law and order' party.
all I can think to say is laughing,,,

But you couldn't think to condemn the violence against cops in the Capitol, could you?

As I've said before, conservatives don't give a shit about the constitution. And openly collaborate and justify attempts to thwart it.

Go take your bullshit somewhere else. They shot an unarmed female protester. And that was after all the leftist riots, arson, and looting from last year in which hardly anyone was shot by the police. They didn't shoot the looters, they didn't shoot the arsonists who were burning down the neighborhoods, but they shot an unarmed a woman who was protesting a stolen election in a government building that she owned.

So go fuck yourself, dickhead. I will see you Marxist pieces of shit on the field when this all comes to a head. Be ready for it.

People, including cops, had barricaded themselves in the senate. These "peaceful protesters" were attempting to gain access by force. Do that at my house or my business and I will shoot you. And I would be exonerated by a Stand Your Ground law.

In a building she owned?? lol You own the presidential limousine too. But if someone tries to attack the president, you just try to catch a ride in YOUR car.
dont they call the capital the peoples house??

it sure isnt your house,,,

Doesn't that apply to the WH as well and what would happen if you tried to run into it while armed?
when that happens we can talk about it,,,

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