Patrick Leahy tries to intimidate Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
How about the limited role of the federal government?...Leahy is pathetic

[ame=]Patrick Leahy tries to intimidate Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts into upholding Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
Psh, Leahy knows what real intimidation looks like. He's not intimidated by thugs!

[ame=]Leahy stands up to the Joker[/ame]
He just can't accept that they might adhere to the constitution. First Obama, now him, wants to say that the Supreme Court shouldn't overrule the power of congress.

Considering the way Obamacare was passed without giving anyone time to read it, you can't really say that congress passed it. They slide it through without the final vote because it did not have enough support. It was a matter of some blindly voting for it and, like Pelosi said, finding out what was in it later. Others, namely Republicans, weren't going to vote for a mystery bill that they knew was full of things that had nothing to do with health care and served only to transfer more power from the people to government.

No where in the consitution does it allow government to force us to purchase something from a third party. If this stands, the government can force us to buy anything they deem necessary. Mandating the purchase of insurance is not covered by the commerce clause. They are supposed to regulate and ensure that companies can freely participate in commerce across the country. There is no provision that allows them to force participation.

The argument from the beginning has been that too many people are uninsured. Even if this monstrosity of a bill holds up, there will still be millions of uninsured. Obamacare doesn't ensure people are covered, nor does it bring costs down. The reality is the exact opposite of the lies told to garner support.

While the quality of health care declines, the prices rise. The reason for passing it is to hand more power to the government. They will get a large percent of the profit if you sell your house. They will have real time access to all your financial information and accounts. The bill contains more power grabs than anything and they have nothing to do with health care.
Considering the way Obamacare was passed without giving anyone time to read it, you can't really say that congress passed it.

Eight months is usually enough time to read almost anything, even for slow readers. Throw in staff assistance and it's just embarrassing if they can't make it through in that timeframe.
Leahy should be in jail for supporting Bin Laden.

Yes, he helped save Bin Laden's life for a couple years when he told his buds in the media Top Secret information that we were picking up Bin Laden's cell phone signals. Once the NYTimes ran the story....Bin Laden then started using the runners to send messages and that 1 runner caught during the Bush Admin eventually led back to Bin Laden.

Leahy is a traitor and a criminal.
Liberals put the squeeze to Justice Roberts - The Washington Post
Leahy intimated that overturning Obamacare would be as momentous, as divisive of the nation and as damaging to the court as was Bush v. Gore, which he asserts “shook the confidence of the American people in the Supreme Court.” But surely a striking fact about that decision is how equably Americans accepted it. This testified to the court’s durable prestige, which is a function of the court’s immunity to pressures from politicians. Public approval of the court is above 50 percent, that of Congress below 20 percent.

Why, exactly, would it be less “divisive” for the court to uphold the broadly disliked Obamacare 5 to 4 than to overturn it 5 to 4? But whether Obamacare is liked or detested is entirely irrelevant. The public’s durable deference toward the Supreme Court derives from the public’s recognition that the court is deferential not to Congress but to the Constitution.

Like a boss.
What I dont get is, where was this liberal thought in the 60s when the supreme court was overuling everything passed by elected legislatures? Again liberals dont like their own tactics used against them (see gas price blaming) and welll this is a great illustration....Karma is a bitch aint it liberals. I guess Wright was correct, those chickens are comming home to roost.
From what I read, the more they do this, the more Roberts is want to shove it up their asses.

Keep it up Pat. Given the chance, I'd like to personally repeate Dick Cheney's words to you with my nose about 1/10th of an inch away from yours.
Considering the way Obamacare was passed without giving anyone time to read it, you can't really say that congress passed it.

Eight months is usually enough time to read almost anything, even for slow readers. Throw in staff assistance and it's just embarrassing if they can't make it through in that timeframe.

8 months? There were so many last minute deals and cronyism in that bill, plus most of those idiots in congress wouldn't understand it anyway. Bureaucracy on top of bureaucracy, a bunch of unelected officials behind the scenes controlling our lives. That’s exactly what the framers envisioned

[ame=]John Conyers on Reading the Healthcare Bill - YouTube[/ame]
The liberal mob is out against the court. I just watched this video again...Is this guy presidential? He's a joke...

[ame=]Justice Grimaces As Obama Criticizes Court - YouTube[/ame]

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