Part 1 of 3: Congratulations To Our New And Returning MP's Of Canada.

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Part 1 of 3: Congratulations To Our New And Returning MP's Of Canada.

Greetings Canadian Members of Parliament. Congratulations to all of you whom won a seat in Parliament as well to all of you who remain in Parliament from the last term. I am David Jeffrey Spetch, Canada's very own and everyone's favourite Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist who among the many things I have done, shared information in 2006 with Federal M.P.'s, Provincial M.P.P.'s, Provincial and territorial M.L.A.'s regarding First Nations which saved Canadian Tax Payers billions in revenue. Go ahead and ask Members from 2006. In August 2007 I played a key role in setting into motion the worlds first coalition against child exploitation and rape in 2007 having contact about 1000 Canadian Federal, Provincial and Territorial elected and appointed officials as well about 1000 Members of U.K. Parliament and if I recall Members of the House of Lords who all got the shocking email I sent them after I stumbled across a child porn ring, collected all of the links and sent it off with warning not to view the links but to report the links to the proper authorities (I already had all of these contacts from previous years so when I saw the shocking filthy material on-line, I decided to put my resources to good use for the well being and protection of innocent little children.) Exactly one year later in August 2008 a coalition was announced between Canada and the United Kingdom of which in 2012, USA along with almost 50 other countries followed our example and made a coalition against child exploitation and rape of which now there are almost 100 countries in coalition around the world against child exploitation and rape. That is just to mention a couple of things I have played a key role in setting into motion, and things that I myself am very proud of. Unfortunately I found another ring of child exploitation in 2008, but I did round up all of the links and sent it off in an email to all 2000 Canadian and UK Officials only I reminded them one year later that this time it was now their legal obligation to report this to the proper authorities. Go ahead and ask UK and Canadian Officials in office in 2007 and 2008.

Now people must wonder why I was never even given a made mention for that and here is where it gets interesting. First of all I'd like to say too all of you that will ever hear anything about me, notice of everything you will hear, you will never once hear where anyone has contested with so much as a shred of validity the facts I share which back my claims (In many cases reveal many people for the liars deceivers and discriminators that they prove to be) on the foundations of Primary Global Issues I address. Not one person globally has ever contested me on the foundation of a primary global issue that I address even once with so much as a shred of validity as these past couple of years I am now in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appointed and designated officials from almost 200 countries globally of which you are about to get the information currently circulating the globe.

Because our Parliaments are loaded with homosexual activists and religious activists and I am the worlds number one against homosexual activist insanity and religion for I have shared the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies, that the big bang theory as proof of our universes origin isn't even a possibility, and that there is no such thing as a god (you will get that information the next time I contact all of you, but this time you will get part one of what is currently circulating the globe) I have also been sharing the factual evidence that reveals homosexuals and homosexual activists for the obsessive compulsive liars deceivers and discriminators that they prove to be on the foundation of their every issue to do with their bias agenda. Again, you will never hear once where anyone has contested me with so much as a shred of validity on the foundation of any primary issue I address but I highly suspect that if anything take notice, you will hear instead people desperately scrambling to try and make anything else the issue in attempt to confuse the issue to try and make their delusions the issue. This is what the activists I easily best do when they are confronted with facts that reveal them for the liars deceivers and discriminators that they prove to be.

The last Parliaments we have had really dropped the ball by doing such things as forming legislation based upon a bunch of lies and deceptions which have lead to robbing heterosexuals of the liberty and freedom to be heterosexual. That is right, homosexual activists have pulled the rug from under previous parliaments feet which is now allowing homosexuals to discriminate heterosexuals by for now legally having allowed homosexuals to use heterosexuals as homosexual guinea pigs by robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual with these homosexual deceptions.

Homosexuals and homosexual activists don't care if you were born a heterosexual because to them that just means that you are a target for some homosexual to degrade, humiliate, traumatize while homosexuals use their every lie and deception to discriminate heterosexuals right to be heterosexual and proof of this is the Tranny, transsexual and transgender (homosexual who pretend to be the opposite sex) yet they seem to think that they can't help being born homosexual gives them the right not to care that heterosexuals are born heterosexual because they are for now getting away with robbing heterosexuals of that right with these homosexual deceptions.

Being heterosexual describes a person who exclusively has sex with those born with the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with.

Being homosexual describes a person who has sex with exclusively those born with the same sex genital that the homosexual is born with.

Here we have previous parliaments clearly aiding homosexuals with legally deceiving heterosexuals while robbing heterosexuals of the freedom and liberty to be heterosexual thus discriminate heterosexuals from having the right to be heterosexual. Here we have previous Parliaments dropping the ball to homosexual activist false claims of discrimination, threats of crying wolf with such lies as hater bigot homophobe being streamed in our corrupted main stream media against any valid opposition to make valid opposition in office cower while homosexual activists force homosexual activist lies and deception through legislation all the while evading the foundation of each and every issue while they continue to merely confuse each issue with their every lie and deceptions to for now get away with making their delusions the issue. It's called very dirty pool. They quite obviously set us all back millions in revenue and lots of lost time and confusion circulated with homosexual activist lies over a corrupted main stream media aimed towards aiding homosexuals pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born legally being allowed to discriminate heterosexuals right to be heterosexual with these homosexual deceptions. They obviously do not care that you are born heterosexual, to them that just means that if you are not willing to have sex with someone born with the same sex genital that you yourself are born with then you are a homophobe, a bigot, a hater, a discriminator and every other obvious lie and deception that they have been getting away with passing off for quite some time now. I'm glad to see as of late that the public is becoming aware and are starting t become outraged aside from the garbage that the main stream media still feeds the public. Homosexual activists show absolutely no concern or consideration for what being heterosexual means, All that this means to them is to use their every lie and deception to try and confuse the issue in attempt to brainwash the public into thinking that you have no right to be heterosexual otherwise they feed you the lie that you are discriminating homosexuals right to be homosexual.

Yes I am aware that these activists exemplify insanity as I now share with all of you one of the compositions I have written that is currently circulating the world and yes that does mean tens of thousands of elected appointed and designated officials from almost 200 countries globally. Again, show me one person anywhere on the globe that contests with so much as a shred of validity the facts I share on the foundations of primary issues I address which in this case reveal homosexuals and homosexual activists for the compulsive obsessive liars deceiver's and discriminators that they prove to be. You never will find one, but what you will find if anything are homosexual activists whom will evade the foundation of primary issues I address, but instead like the bunch of cowards that they prove to be, will desperately scramble to instead try and make anything else the issue compulsively and obsessively in attempt to try and dupe you into making their delusions the issue because that is what homosexual activists do.

Which also reveals a great deal as to why I haven't gotten any made mentions for my accomplishment as they seek to try and hide me from the public, even having me banned off of hundreds of web sites of which now if you join an on-line discussion forum here in Canada for example, part of the agreement upon joining is that you can't discuss sexual orientation now that homosexual activists have spent the last half century forcing their one sided bias rhetoric about sexual orientation down everyone's throats, to force their lies and deceptions through legislation along with false claims of discrimination and crying wolf with such lies as hater bigot and homohpobe towards their every valid opposition. They seem to think that if they cover up their lies and deceptions while denying the public the right to expose their lies and deceptions will have their lies and deceptions concealed and protected. Our current and future generations deserve far better than to be governed by a bunch of lies and deceptions that also supports homosexuals robbing heterosexuals of the freedom and liberty to be heterosexual.

This is a 3 part introduction of which you will be getting in 3 parts. The first is the insane homosexual activist mentality manifestation of lies, deceptions and discrimination being removed from legislation and school boards globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. The second is the destruction of religion because after thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death over millions if not billions of people over factually proven foundations of religious lies it's time that religion is destroyed permanently and globally for the well being of the future of the life on this planet and the third can only be properly implemented and successfully accomplished after the first two are removed permanently and globally and the third is called Mandatory Education of Governing ways kindergarten throughout high school. Don't worry it will be explained quite thoroughly in part 3 of this introduction.

Enjoy the following composition which is currently circulating the globe (Well over half the world already has this most recently and I took pause in this global project to take the time to greet all of you here in Canada):

Homosexuals Don't Choose To Be Born That Way Is Irrelevant

The mentality of the homosexual activist is absolutely ridiculous.

Here they are attempting to make the issue about claiming that homosexuals don't choose to be born that way.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be homosexual doesn't detract from the fact that thousands of years since marriage was created proves that marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence and that sexual unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions, and that thanks to heterosexual unions each and every single human being even exists makes heterosexual unions quite obviously well above any other sexual union worth honouring with something called marriage. It is a distinction most worthy of acknowledgement which is why this pathetic modern day mockery homosexual activists have made of marriage will soon be short lived as marriage will soon be restored to the respectful state it was created for and in honour of.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual doesn't detract from the fact that if it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and there is quite obviously not anything to honour in that in equal distinction to heterosexual unions, and no matter how much homosexuals and homosexuals refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are, that still does not change this fact.

Homosexual unions do not equal heterosexual unions no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are. Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not doesn't detract from this fact and nor does it carry so much as a shred of validity to do with the foundation of this primary issue no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are!

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not doesn't detract from the fact that heterosexuals have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not doesn't detract from the fact that homosexuals are those who have sex with those born with the same sex genital that they themselves are born with.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not and whether or not someone chooses to be born with a penis or not doesn't detract from the fact that what it takes to be male is to be born with a sex genital called a penis.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not and whether or not someone chooses to be born with a vagina or not doesn't detract from the fact that what it takes to be female is to be born with a sex genital called a vagina.

Because homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are they have claimed that they believe that what sex you are is determined by how you feel or how you perceive one self and so they came up with the term sexual identity to perpetuate a confusion to the issue of what a male is and what a female is to aid homosexuals who refuse to accept themselves for what sex that they themselves are born in pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born, and from birth always will be the sex that they are born no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are.

Beliefs are not what falsifies or verifies fact. Facts are what falsify or verify belief. A lesson that homosexual activists have quite obviously never learned.

Homosexuals who refuse to accept themselves for what they themselves are and pretend to be the opposite sex that they are born and always will be no matter how much homosexuals refuse to accept themselves for what they themselves are leads to homosexuals robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual with these homosexual deceptions.

Interacting with thousands of homosexuals activists for well over a decade now I have noticed upon leaving such factually based statements as the last paragraph, upon homosexual activists seeing those statements, many of them carry on about how is some guy for example in a beard wearing a dress going to deceive thus rob unsuspecting heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual. What they are doing when it seems convenient to them is ignoring the fact that there are homosexuals that undergo a whole list of altercations, procedures, surgeries etc. in attempt to help perfect the deception of a male looking like a female and a female looking like a male. Then to further aid homosexuals in discriminating heterosexuals right to be heterosexual with these homosexual deceptions, they try telling you that if you are a heterosexual and you are attracted to someone born with the same sex genital that you are born with, because they are deceiving you by pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born, that it makes it ok for homosexuals to rob you of the right to be heterosexual and claim that it is your fault for being conned by a homosexual deceiving you.

I am a heterosexual male. I do not fantasize about men having sex. The thought of men having sex I find to be repulsive because again I am a heterosexual male and being a heterosexual male does not include having sex with other males nor does it include the interest of other males having sex whether they are pretending to be a female or not. When a man pretends to be a woman to deceive a man into having sex with him, I find this to be extremely offensive and unacceptable because these are homosexuals males robbing heterosexual males of the right and freedom to be heterosexual thus discriminating heterosexuals right and freedom to be heterosexual and because homosexual activists obviously have no respect for what it means to be a heterosexual male they try and pass me off as a homophobe, a bigot or a hater while making up false claims of discrimination about the heterosexual males to try and hide that homosexuals are the ones discriminating the heterosexual male. (Same applies in retrospect to heterosexual females and homosexual females pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born and always will be no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals themselves are.

I was born in 1971. I understand that in North America back in the 60's that there were homosexuals males for example pretending to be the opposite sex that they were born and always were, which are referred to as the tranny. Some tranny's would obviously be more successful in pulling off the deception than others. Homosexual males are attracted to and have sex with other males. It doesn't make sense that a homosexual male would be attracted to another homosexual male pretending to be a female because homosexual males are not sexually attracted to have sex with females. So who does that leave as the victim? That leaves heterosexual males who are attracted to have sex with females the victim to this homosexual deception. Of course when heterosexual males find out that they were or are being deceived, made a fool of, made a mockery of, being humiliated, traumatized and degraded while being robbed of the right and freedom to be heterosexual thus being discriminated from having the right and freedom to be heterosexual the heterosexual male has every right to get angry. Some humans take their anger out with violence and yes these types of homosexuals likely gave allot of heterosexuals a great deal of resentment towards all homosexuals and understandably justified.

(Before homosexual activists even attempt to try and make their delusions the issue in lieu of the previous paragraph, I'd like to point out that yes I am aware that if a homosexual male was aware that another homosexual male was pretending to be a female, they then might still have sex with them knowing that they are a male in the first place)

So back in the 60's here we have for example two homosexual males, we'll call them homosexual Johnny who just wants to be with homosexual Jimmy who are both males that are not pretending to be females and just want to be together (There is quite obviously no threat to me being robbed of the right to be a heterosexual male in that and therefore I am not trying to criminalize that) getting punched out because people were carrying around a great deal of animosity towards homosexuals.

So homosexual Johnny and homosexual Jimmy's families and friends start getting together and making and issue of it through the media and that part is understandable. They are telling the public that they are being discriminated against and they just want to be left alone so that they can live there lives and that is understandable as well.

What the media avoided addressing, to nip the whole problem in the bud before it escalated into this modern day mockery made of heterosexuality, were the homosexuals pretending to be the opposite sex which leads to homosexuals robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual with these homosexual deceptions which quite obviously creates a great deal of animosity towards homosexuals in general. Instead of addressing this problem along the way the media pushed out discrimination against homosexuality in general, of which is a false accusation when it comes to homosexuals pretending to be the opposite sex because they are the kinds of homosexuals that are discriminating heterosexuals right to be heterosexual. This is when the homosexual activist insane mentality began to manifest in North America. Which then escalated into words being devised and falsely used to be directed towards heterosexuals such as homophobe bigot and again were falsely used when it comes to the homosexuals pretending to be the opposite sex discriminating heterosexuals right and freedom to be heterosexual. Which then escalated into this modern day extreme mockery known as homosexuals pretending to be the opposite sex who are now referred to as the transgender, transsexual and still we are disdained with the tranny.

Time has come to correct this problem. Time has come to eliminate these types of homosexuals legally getting away with discriminating heterosexuals right to be heterosexual for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. Time has come for homosexuals and homosexual activists to accept themselves for what they are and time for them to start having respect for heterosexuals right to be heterosexual!

Heterosexuals deserve the right and freedom to be heterosexual without having homosexuals pretending to be the opposite sex robbing us of that right as should have been done long ago for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. I am so very disappointed that our so called leaders here in North America helped this problem escalate while even fooling themselves into thinking that what they were doing by supporting discrimination against heterosexuality was ever appropriate in the first place and all because the problem went ignored back in the 60's and continued to escalate.

Which brings me back to what needs to be done to free our innocent little children as well as society as a whole from this homosexual insanity is simply undo everything homosexual activists have done (legislation corrupted etc.) over the past few decades and start from scratch such as restoring marriage to a respectable state. Make it so all procedures, surgeries and altercations must be made illegal for being used to make a person appear the opposite sex that they are born, as well discrimination against heterosexuality needs to be criminalized for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. Which quite obviously means that tranny, transgender and transsexual needs to be criminalized. Homosexuals wanting to have sex with other homosexuals or even bisexuals are one thing, but homosexuals that discriminate heterosexuals with homosexual deceptions is unacceptable for it is quite obviously robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexuals. Anyone pretending to be the opposite sex encourages homosexuals to think that it is ok to do it as well which again leads to more heterosexual victims which is why pretending to be the opposite sex needs to be criminalized for everyone. This type of homosexual behaviour being forced upon innocent little children in the school system or upon citizens through government is unacceptable!

Yeah I know, you are all lucky to have me here to open your eyes to what has been going on behind the ignorance and veils of lies and deceptions being forced upon the public for decades and generations now. As for me, it has been a bit of a nightmare being discriminated while being hidden from the public for years now for simply raising awareness to these issues. I have been banned off of so many political and news discussion forums I lost count years ago while also being falsely labelled every name in the book and made out to be a hater by homosexual activists that are unable to contest with so much as a shred of validity what I share, especially the facts to do with the foundations of primary issues I address. I look forward to the day I complete my goals so I can hopefully move on with my life because for now this is what I do and I do it for the well being and sanity of current and future generations, for the well being of the future of the life on this planet.

Even though I suffer through poverty, discrimination and pretty much treated like an outcast piece of feces mostly because of this homosexual activist insanity manifestation infecting out governments, media and even the general public so profoundly for now, it is my pleasure to do what needs to be done until I complete my tasks. You are all worth it and don't ever forget that no matter how infuriated some of you with your displays of ignorance may inspire me to feel from time to time.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

That is what everyone is getting around the world Canada. That is only a chip off of the old block when it comes these issues. I have dissected the homosexual activist mentality quite thoroughly exposing them on their every angle that they used by evading the foundation of each issue while they have been getting away with confusing the issue with their lies and deceptions along with false claims of discrimination and crying wolf with such lies as hater bigot and homophobe to forge corrupted legislation based upon homosexual activist lies and deceptions which in the end betrays everyone involved. That's beside the fact that they have been attempting to hide me from the public in attempt to prevent the public from becoming aware of their lies and deceptions so that they can continue to try to makes fools out of the public with their every lie and deception.

Also congratulations to Prime Minister Trudeau, and even though I didn't vote for you I certainly hope you surprise me as Prime Minister in a positive fashion and perhaps then have the potential to win my vote if he runs in the next election. Also realize that what your father said about what a person does in the privacy of their own bedroom decades ago is irrelevant because it certainly doesn't make rape acceptable, paedophilia acceptable, or homosexuals robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual acceptable. At the time of your father stating such, he obviously didn't take into consideration rape, paedophilia or homosexuals robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual which are 3 things that prove that his speech about what people do in the privacy of their own bedroom is irrelevant because is rape legally acceptable or paedophilia legally acceptable? Soon the right to be heterosexual will be respected globally and permanently and I vow to continue the good fight until I succeed no matter between now and then how many parliaments are voted in. Hopefully the current members of Parliament have the good sense to show reason instead of absolute ignorance and cowardice that the previous parliaments exemplified.


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