Palin in good standing as Rapture approaches


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Sep 29, 2005
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Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Palin was raised as a Roman Catholic before being saved and baptized at Wasilla Assembly of God. In 2002, the year she first ran for statewide office, unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor, she left her childhood church and joined the Wasilla Bible Church, a nondenominational evangelical church that "believe in the Bible as the only inspired inerrant Word of God authoritative for faith and practice," according to its statement of faith. In contrast to Assemblies of God, the Wasilla Bible Church's statement of faith contains no reference to such Pentecostal requirements as speaking in tongues, divine healing or belief in the rapture. When she's in the state capital, Palin attends the Juneau Christian Center, an Assemblies of God church, although it doesn't advertise that in its name.

"All of us in the business know that 'Christian Center' is an Assemblies of God church trying to rebrand itself to people who are not necessarily Pentecostal," says Anthea Butler, a religion professor at the University of Rochester and an expert on Pentecostalism. "You don't put Assemblies of God on the door because people think, 'Oh, those are the holy rollers.'" ...

Belief in the rapture and end-times is part of the official position of the Assemblies of God. That puts the church in tune with the 90 percent of Pentecostals who believe in the rapture, compared to 59 percent of other Christians. (During the rapture, believers will be whisked off to heaven to sit out the bloody tribulation period and final battle before Jesus returns.) John Hagee, the white evangelical pastor of a Texas mega-church, who endorsed John McCain, believes that war against Iran is a necessary fulfillment of biblical prophecy of how the end-times scenario will unfold. (McCain later rejected Hagee's endorsement over Hagee's controversial statements that the Holocaust was God's will.)

Sarah Palin Assemblies of God | Salon News

It had been a whopping four days since anyone started a Sarah Palin thread, so I thought it was about time...
PDS: Until there is a cure, just continue to laugh at the Libruls who claim they're not infected.

An article from 9/11/08. Nothing like current events to start a new PDS thread
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Why is it that you liberals feel the need to continue to rag on and on about Sarah Palin? Is she that much of a threat to you and your kind? Is it out of fear? If she is such an "non-entity" why is she continually discussed so much? For somebody who is supposed to be so "un-important" to all of humanity she sure is discussed a lot by the liberal left. I smell FEAR!:lol:
It had been a whopping four days since anyone started a Sarah Palin thread, so I thought it was about time...

It's important to keep her in the news. Otherwise, people might start questioning what our elected officials are doing.
Discussing Sarah reminds all readers the diaster the GOP tried to foster on the Republic last November.

Yes, she is an embarassment to the GOP and will always be so.
Discussing Sarah reminds all readers the diaster the GOP tried to foster on the Republic last November.

Yes, she is an embarassment to the GOP and will always be so.

I'll have to take that with a grain of salt as its coming from the Party that's got itself all wee weed up over the Palin induced collapse of ObamaCare
CrusaderFrank, there will Health Care Reform. The GOP doesn't get on board? The Dems will pass it anyway. GOP whiny stuff is good, though, because it increases the power of the mod and conservative Dems, particularly in the Senate.

But, yeah, buddy, it's coming, and if you stand in the way of the final passage, you will have tire tracks metaphorically right over your face.
CrusaderFrank, there will Health Care Reform. The GOP doesn't get on board? The Dems will pass it anyway. GOP whiny stuff is good, though, because it increases the power of the mod and conservative Dems, particularly in the Senate.

But, yeah, buddy, it's coming, and if you stand in the way of the final passage, you will have tire tracks metaphorically right over your face.

I think the people, ordinary, well really extraordinary people, who are finally finding their voice and are speaking up at the Town Halls are telling a totally different story.

You keep running with your spew and hatred and desire to run everything, see how that works out for you
Discussing Sarah reminds all readers the diaster the GOP tried to foster on the Republic last November.

Yes, she is an embarassment to the GOP and will always be so.

If that pans out to be true then many will be leaving the GOP.
CrusaderFrank, there will Health Care Reform. The GOP doesn't get on board? The Dems will pass it anyway. GOP whiny stuff is good, though, because it increases the power of the mod and conservative Dems, particularly in the Senate.

But, yeah, buddy, it's coming, and if you stand in the way of the final passage, you will have tire tracks metaphorically right over your face.

I think the people, ordinary, well really extraordinary people, who are finally finding their voice and are speaking up at the Town Halls are telling a totally different story.

You keep running with your spew and hatred and desire to run everything, see how that works out for you

The spewing and hating is coming from your side, CF, because you know you can't stop Health Care reform anymore than you can stop the sun from rising.

Now stand there like a whiny, pouty child, and you are still not going to make any difference.
Discussing Sarah reminds all readers the diaster the GOP tried to foster on the Republic last November.

Yes, she is an embarassment to the GOP and will always be so.

If that pans out to be true then many will be leaving the GOP.

Those who consider themselves the sane part of the GOP certainly hope so, JenT, that your side creates your own party. That would certainly me more clear and balanced for all concerned.
CrusaderFrank, there will Health Care Reform. The GOP doesn't get on board? The Dems will pass it anyway. GOP whiny stuff is good, though, because it increases the power of the mod and conservative Dems, particularly in the Senate.

But, yeah, buddy, it's coming, and if you stand in the way of the final passage, you will have tire tracks metaphorically right over your face.

I think the people, ordinary, well really extraordinary people, who are finally finding their voice and are speaking up at the Town Halls are telling a totally different story.

You keep running with your spew and hatred and desire to run everything, see how that works out for you

The spewing and hating is coming from your side, CF, because you know you can't stop Health Care reform anymore than you can stop the sun from rising.

Now stand there like a whiny, pouty child, and you are still not going to make any difference.

We'll see in September when the Congress and WH phone systems shut down from call volume protesting the ObamaCare Final Solution Pogrom
Go for it, then the rest of America will laugh at your failure.
For the idiots who keep saying the left fears Palin...we don't, we laugh at her and her "fans" who actually think she is credible. It is amazing when people actually back her and support her.

SHE IS AN IDIOT AND WE LAUGH AT YOU. Every time she springs up in the news...let me repeat that, every time SHE springs up in the news, its fun to laugh and bring these dumb stunts to light.

People who say we fear her are idiots.

The spewing and hating is coming from your side, CF, because you know you can't stop Health Care reform anymore than you can stop the sun from rising.

Now stand there like a whiny, pouty child, and you are still not going to make any difference.

Another way to look at it is that if the conservatives and Republicans hadn't fucking sucked so bad for the prior eight years, there wouldn't be a gazillion Democrats in Congress who can ram down their throats anything they pretty much please.
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