Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

Claims that Israel allows humanitarian aid into Gaza is total horseshit!

The most egregious violations of human rights committed by Israel have been in its enforcement using excessive force, of arbitrary access to restricted areas at sea and on land, profoundly affecting the lives of Palestinian fishermen and agricultural farmers and households dependent upon them.

The more pervasive forms of human rights violations also linked to the blockade have been well documented by the Secretary-General (A/68/502), and include inter alia, severe movement restrictions into and out of Gaza from Israel and adverse impacts on the rights of Palestinians in Gaza to education, health and work.

...severe export restrictions (and limitations on imports) undermine the potential of the Gaza economy, and accentuate the impoverished conditions that prevail in Gaza.

The recent refusal of Israel to allow exports from Gaza to the West Bank, despite a Dutch donation of a container security scanner, is emblematic of the denial of the right to development in Gaza, and undercuts Israel’s claims that its actions are taken to serve genuine security concerns.
But the biggest deception of all behind the so-called “Great Return March” is deceiving the Palestinians themselves into thinking that they have any hope of “returning” to any homes or territory in present-day Israel that their ancestors might have occupied before 1948. Have Israeli Jews ever demanded a “return” to the millions of homes their ancestors lost in Europe, during the Holocaust, or in the Arab and Muslim world, from which roughly a million persecuted Jews were displaced between the 1940s and the 1970s? Instead, the Jews accepted the cruelty of history and focused their energies on building a vibrant state in the tiny sliver of land they were given the chance to develop in 1948.

By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building, they opted to turn Gaza into a Somalia rather than a Singapore. Instead of choosing coexistence and cooperation, Hamas has promoted a culture of anti-Israel hatred, while diverting Gaza’s resources to terrorist rockets and attack tunnels, even after launching and losing three wars against Israel in the span of seven years (2008, 2012, and 2014).

(full article online)

The Great Deception March on Gaza’s Border
By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.
Have Israeli Jews ever demanded a “return” to the millions of homes their ancestors lost in Europe, during the Holocaust, or in the Arab and Muslim world, from which roughly a million persecuted Jews were displaced between the 1940s and the 1970s?
Do they have a BDS? I'll join.
You have given this poor answer before. You know darn well that you would never help any Jew, anywhere in the world, for any reason. :)
Where did you get that idea?

By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.

When have Islamo-tunnels used for weapons smuggling become a part of islamic terrorist international trade?

By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.

What you fail to understand is that Arabs-Moslems have no incentive to be productive or to build a functioning society / economy. Yours are a the typical excuses for Arab-Moslem incompetence. With a dedicated, UN sponsored welfare fraud system, Arabs-Moslems have no real interest in advancing their status.

One only needs to pay attention to the energies expelled by the various islamic terrorist franchises to see that the consuming goal of so-called Pal'istanians is Jew hatred. Nothing else matters to them.
By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.
Bullshit. Exports and imports must be inspected by Israel because Hamas would use them to import weapons. The problem is the Gazans would rather be at war with Israel than have a prosperous economy.
By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.
Bullshit. Exports and imports must be inspected by Israel because Hamas would use them to import weapons. The problem is the Gazans would rather be at war with Israel than have a prosperous economy.
Exports must be inspected to stop the import of weapons?

Stupid post of the day!
By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.
Bullshit. Exports and imports must be inspected by Israel because Hamas would use them to import weapons. The problem is the Gazans would rather be at war with Israel than have a prosperous economy.
Exports must be inspected to stop the import of weapons?

Stupid post of the day!
No, that would be your post. For goods to be exported without Israeli inspections, Gaze would have to have a port that was not subject to Israeli control and that would allow them to try to import weapons. There is no way to get around the fact that all of the economic problems the Gazans have comes fron the fact they would rather be at war with Israel than be prosperous.
By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.
Bullshit. Exports and imports must be inspected by Israel because Hamas would use them to import weapons. The problem is the Gazans would rather be at war with Israel than have a prosperous economy.
Exports must be inspected to stop the import of weapons?

Stupid post of the day!
No, that would be your post. For goods to be exported without Israeli inspections, Gaze would have to have a port that was not subject to Israeli control and that would allow them to try to import weapons. There is no way to get around the fact that all of the economic problems the Gazans have comes fron the fact they would rather be at war with Israel than be prosperous.
Are you trying for second place?
[ What would have any other country done to the people who are intent on destroying property in that country? ]

Firefighters on Gaza border work to control blaze from flaring kite

Seven firefighter teams are working to take control of a massive blaze that has broke out in the Be’eri Forest near the Gaza border, from what is believed to have been a kite affixed with flaming materials flown from the Palestinian coastal enclave.

Three hours since the fire was said to have started, emergency crews have yet to take control of the blaze, Hebrew media sites report.

The burning kites are part of a new tactic utilized by Gaza protesters against Israel, and are connected to the ongoing weekly “March of Return” demonstrations on the border encouraged by the Gaza strip’s rulers, Hamas.

Firefighters on Gaza border work to control blaze from flaring kite
[ Idea - For every Dunam of land burnt....Israel should find something to make Hamas pay for it, so that the Israeli farmers can be repaid for the terrorist attack - Any ideas as to what? Would attacking Hamas points be enough?
A metric dönüm is equal to:[citation needed]

Crops were burned and some 800 dunam of farmland destroyed on Wednesday in another eco-terror attack by operatives flying firebomb kites over the security fence on the border from Gaza.

(full article online)

200 Acres of Israeli Farmland Burnt in Gaza’s Eco-Terror Kite Attack (video)
By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.

Sure. We'll go with that. The solution to the problem is Gaza's investment in peace and nation building.


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