Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

[ Idea - For every Dunam of land burnt....Israel should find something to make Hamas pay for it, so that the Israeli farmers can be repaid for the terrorist attack - Any ideas as to what? Would attacking Hamas points be enough?
A metric dönüm is equal to:[citation needed]

Crops were burned and some 800 dunam of farmland destroyed on Wednesday in another eco-terror attack by operatives flying firebomb kites over the security fence on the border from Gaza.

(full article online)

200 Acres of Israeli Farmland Burnt in Gaza’s Eco-Terror Kite Attack (video)
Israel has already destroyed much more than that in Gaza.
By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.

Sure. We'll go with that. The solution to the problem is Gaza's investment in peace and nation building.

That can't happen until the siege is lifted.
By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.

Sure. We'll go with that. The solution to the problem is Gaza's investment in peace and nation building.

That can't happen until the siege is lifted.

You are wrong. All the elements of peace and nation building can and should occur first.
By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.

Sure. We'll go with that. The solution to the problem is Gaza's investment in peace and nation building.

That can't happen until the siege is lifted.

You are wrong. All the elements of peace and nation building can and should occur first.
Really? Everything they need Israel won't let them have.
[ Idea - For every Dunam of land burnt....Israel should find something to make Hamas pay for it, so that the Israeli farmers can be repaid for the terrorist attack - Any ideas as to what? Would attacking Hamas points be enough?
A metric dönüm is equal to:[citation needed]

Crops were burned and some 800 dunam of farmland destroyed on Wednesday in another eco-terror attack by operatives flying firebomb kites over the security fence on the border from Gaza.

(full article online)

200 Acres of Israeli Farmland Burnt in Gaza’s Eco-Terror Kite Attack (video)
Israel has already destroyed much more than that in Gaza.

By contrast, when Gazans received a historic opportunity, after Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to prove that they can engage in responsible and peaceful state-building,
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.

Sure. We'll go with that. The solution to the problem is Gaza's investment in peace and nation building.

That can't happen until the siege is lifted.

You are wrong. All the elements of peace and nation building can and should occur first.
Really? Everything they need Israel won't let them have.

You people are the epitome of emotionally and intellectually stunted juveniles who simply cannot cope in an environment that requires them to make decisions typically required of mature, responsible adults.
You keep missing the fact that part of the so called disengagement was initiating a system of closure. This restricted exports that were a critical part of Gaza's economy. Gaza's economy has spiraled down since then because they are not allowed to earn foreign capital or engage in international trade.

Sure. We'll go with that. The solution to the problem is Gaza's investment in peace and nation building.

That can't happen until the siege is lifted.

You are wrong. All the elements of peace and nation building can and should occur first.
Really? Everything they need Israel won't let them have.

You people are the epitome of emotionally and intellectually stunted juveniles who simply cannot cope in an environment that requires them to make decisions typically required of mature, responsible adults.
Stupid post.
Sure. We'll go with that. The solution to the problem is Gaza's investment in peace and nation building.

That can't happen until the siege is lifted.

You are wrong. All the elements of peace and nation building can and should occur first.
Really? Everything they need Israel won't let them have.

You people are the epitome of emotionally and intellectually stunted juveniles who simply cannot cope in an environment that requires them to make decisions typically required of mature, responsible adults.
Stupid post.

Absent a YouTube video to cut and paste, this again is a tactic you employ ;(your silly one-liners), as you’re left with really no ability to form a coherent thought.
That can't happen until the siege is lifted.

You are wrong. All the elements of peace and nation building can and should occur first.
Really? Everything they need Israel won't let them have.

You people are the epitome of emotionally and intellectually stunted juveniles who simply cannot cope in an environment that requires them to make decisions typically required of mature, responsible adults.
Stupid post.

Absent a YouTube video to cut and paste, this again is a tactic you employ ;(your silly one-liners), as you’re left with really no ability to form a coherent thought.

Embrace your Pal’Istanian Mentality™️ and embrace the fact that I won’t let you have an opinion. You’re an eternal victim.

You understand the term submission, right?
[ Idea - For every Dunam of land burnt....Israel should find something to make Hamas pay for it, so that the Israeli farmers can be repaid for the terrorist attack - Any ideas as to what? Would attacking Hamas points be enough?
A metric dönüm is equal to:[citation needed]

Crops were burned and some 800 dunam of farmland destroyed on Wednesday in another eco-terror attack by operatives flying firebomb kites over the security fence on the border from Gaza.

(full article online)

200 Acres of Israeli Farmland Burnt in Gaza’s Eco-Terror Kite Attack (video)
Israel has already destroyed much more than that in Gaza.

Gaza's economy will take years to recover from the devastating impact of the war, in which more than 360 factories have been destroyed or badly damaged and thousands of acres of farmland ruined by tanks, shelling and air strikes, according to analysts.

And this was only the last attack on Gaza.
[ Idea - For every Dunam of land burnt....Israel should find something to make Hamas pay for it, so that the Israeli farmers can be repaid for the terrorist attack - Any ideas as to what? Would attacking Hamas points be enough?
A metric dönüm is equal to:[citation needed]

Crops were burned and some 800 dunam of farmland destroyed on Wednesday in another eco-terror attack by operatives flying firebomb kites over the security fence on the border from Gaza.

(full article online)

200 Acres of Israeli Farmland Burnt in Gaza’s Eco-Terror Kite Attack (video)
Israel has already destroyed much more than that in Gaza.

Gaza's economy will take years to recover from the devastating impact of the war, in which more than 360 factories have been destroyed or badly damaged and thousands of acres of farmland ruined by tanks, shelling and air strikes, according to analysts.

Gaza counts cost of war as more than 360 factories destroyed or damaged

And this was only the last attack on Gaza.

You will have run for the safety of the dedicated Islamic terrorist endowment fund otherwise known as UNRWA.

I suppose you will have to find a way to resolve acts of war perpetrated by Islamics as provoking a response from Israel.

You began a war you were ill-prepared to fight. Islamics have a history of that behavior.
Some frank and direct observations on the Tire Riots being waged by Arabs-Moslems is refreshing.

Palestinians: The Real Gaza Blockade

Palestinians: The Real Gaza Blockade

  • The Rafah border crossing is the Gaza Strip's single opening to Egypt and the rest of the Arab world. That border crossing is where the real suffering of the Palestinians has been taking place.

  • The Gaza Strip could be a livable environment if the Egyptians opened the Rafah terminal to allow the world to come and help the Palestinians living there.

  • As Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and other organizers of the campaign have clearly stated in recent weeks, the Palestinian protests are aimed at thwarting US President Donald Trump's yet-to-be-announced plan for peace in the Middle East.

    I think the first and last bullet points, while accurate, don’t drill down on the difficult position the Egyptian government faces. They know from experience that their border and territory is threatened by Pal’istanian terrorists. The Egyptians, like Israel, are faced with an elaborate network of tunnels that obviously brings risks to their borders and beyond.

    But, as the article later describes, the Pal’Istanians and their supporters have an obvious agenda to promote and that doesn’t (yet) require attacking the Egyptian border. I suspect if that attack happens, we’re going to see none of the restraint that the IDF has shown. That scenario could leave Pal’Istanian bodies several deep if the Peaceful Inner Struggle moves to the Rafah crossing area.

You waged war, you got war, sweetie.

What purpose is served by these silly YouTube infomercials for Islamist whiners?


You are on the wrong thread, discussing the wrong topic.
So long. Time for you to go.

Do you think Israel's war against the Palestinians is not the reason for the protests?

No, the cause is the Palestinian war against Israel.

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