Palestinians are not HAMAS!?

Around the world.
Crazy thing is, many of the people that were doing it, and still are, are supporting a group of people that want to either tax them or kill them.
I saw a rally in NYC the other day, where this muslim was talking about how they wont be finished until islam is in every household. And people just cheered.
Yeah, many people in the West (I mean non-Muslims here) attend pro-Palestinian rallies because of 'a just cause' as they perceive it. Oppressed Palestinians and apartheid Israel. This sort of things.

The main question is what the West's policy (first and foremost the US) should be towards the Middle East. The Islamic state, Hamas, Islamic jihad, Hezbollah all the same shit, no matter what names are. You are just not going to eliminate them. There are millions who are ready to fill their ranks.
Ok, so anyone who doesn't automatically believe what we're told by the controlled MSM who has already been proven to be untrustworthy is a bad evil person. Shame on anyone for daring to ask questions!

Got it. I'll leave you be, because clearly there is no point in discussing this topic at all with you.
Oh, yes, those dastardly, conniving Jews are just running a false flag operations by pretending to be Hamas, and then murdering a bunch of kids at a peace concert while beheading a few babies for good measure!

You know, that Geodon can't possibly help if you don't take it.
Oh, yes, those dastardly, conniving Jews are just running a false flag operations by pretending to be Hamas, and then murdering a bunch of kids at a peace concert while beheading a few babies for good measure!

You know, that Geodon can't possibly help if you don't take it.

I didn't say that. This has nothing to do with Judaism. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, that you would be able to have a civil and sincere discussion, but clearly you're only interested in personally attacking anyone who doesn't agree with you and anyone who doesn't automatically jump on board with the MSM version of events. So I'll say this again. There's no point in discussing this with you. You twist people's words and personally attack which shows you have no good will or ability to discuss this in a civil way.
From 2021
The scientific poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research also found plummeting support for President Mahmoud Abbas, who was sidelined by the war but is seen internationally as a partner for reviving the long-defunct peace process.
The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party.
but said it also resembles previous swings toward Hamas during times of confrontation. Those all dissipated within three to six months as Hamas failed to deliver on promises of change.

So, they like HAMAS when they promise to kill Jews. Lolz
No, they shouldnt be conflated at all :rofl:
So, kill them all?
Originally posted by Grumblenuts
Except, you're wrong. Support for retaliatory war goes up when any group perceives themselves as victims of attack from another. The reasoning matters little nor who's in charge. They automatically get a boost simply for pushing war.. at least until they've overplayed the same hand.

I support a one state solution. Tear down the fences. Let all Palestinians mingle together with their Jewish brethren. Choose an entirely new name for the country. Allow all to share national pride and get treated like every day criminals when they break the law. War and violence just beget more war and violence. An eye for an eye only creates epidemics of blindness.

What a wonderful post, Grumblenuts!!

The problem is that you, and aparently, anomalism, are children of the world created by WWII.

The super humanization of the jewish people and the subhumanization of the arab people of Palestine are two fundamental social paradigms of the western society you were born and lived in part of your lives, the United States of the second half of the 20th century.

In 21th century America, you're a radical, an extremist, but 100 years from now, when the world shaped by the shadows of Nazism finally falls apart, your "extremism" will be regarded as common sense.
I didn't say that. This has nothing to do with Judaism. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, that you would be able to have a civil and sincere discussion, but clearly you're only interested in personally attacking anyone who doesn't agree with you and anyone who doesn't automatically jump on board with the MSM version of events. So I'll say this again. There's no point in discussing this with you. You twist people's words and personally attack which shows you have no good will or ability to discuss this in a civil way.
If you want to sound stupid, there's no better way to do it than complain about the MSM, which consists of many thousands of separate sources that represent many opposing views on many subjects.
From 2021
The scientific poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research also found plummeting support for President Mahmoud Abbas, who was sidelined by the war but is seen internationally as a partner for reviving the long-defunct peace process.
The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party.
but said it also resembles previous swings toward Hamas during times of confrontation. Those all dissipated within three to six months as Hamas failed to deliver on promises of change.

So, they like HAMAS when they promise to kill Jews. Lolz
No, they shouldnt be conflated at all :rofl:
But they voted for them. It does not matter. No one in the Middle East is a true friend of the United States, The all use us fir their gain. Just nuke the entire area
So Fox and MSNBC report the same things? Al Jazeera and Jerusalem Post report the same things? Do you see how stupid you sound.

Au contraire. I'm laughing here, that anyone would be dumb enough to actually defend the controlled mainstream media. I wasn't talking about every single news outlet in the entire world :rolleyes: ...In fact, I think Americans would be better informed if they DID listen to news sources outside the US once in a while. But it's not my opinion, it is a fact that the mainstream media is owned and controlled by a small number of corporations. Look at the image I added to my previous post. And that was from several years ago, so it's probably worse now.
I didn't say that. This has nothing to do with Judaism. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, that you would be able to have a civil and sincere discussion, but clearly you're only interested in personally attacking anyone who doesn't agree with you and anyone who doesn't automatically jump on board with the MSM version of events. So I'll say this again. There's no point in discussing this with you. You twist people's words and personally attack which shows you have no good will or ability to discuss this in a civil way.
You poor victim

All you are wanting to do is run interference for Hamas and just look how those bad Americans are treating you!
Yeah, many people in the West (I mean non-Muslims here) attend pro-Palestinian rallies because of 'a just cause' as they perceive it. Oppressed Palestinians and apartheid Israel. This sort of things.

The main question is what the West's policy (first and foremost the US) should be towards the Middle East. The Islamic state, Hamas, Islamic jihad, Hezbollah all the same shit, no matter what names are. You are just not going to eliminate them. There are millions who are ready to fill their ranks.
Au contraire. I'm laughing here, that anyone would be dumb enough to actually defend the controlled mainstream media. I wasn't talking about every single news outlet in the entire world :rolleyes: ...In fact, I think Americans would be better informed if they DID listen to news sources outside the US once in a while. But it's not my opinion, it is a fact that the mainstream media is owned and controlled by a small number of corporations. Look at the image I added to my previous post. And that was from several years ago, so it's probably worse now.
Actually, with the Internet, nearly all the world's media outlets are mainstream media, even if you restrict the issue to US media, there are enormous differences among the various sources which means what they report is not controlled by the corporations that invest in them. Controlled media is what people have in Russia or China or Iran, but here in the US everything is fair game for the media, including the government and corporate America, which you claim controls the media that scorches them in regularly.
Oh, yes, those dastardly, conniving Jews are just running a false flag operations by pretending to be Hamas, and then murdering a bunch of kids at a peace concert while beheading a few babies for good measure!

You know, that Geodon can't possibly help if you don't take it.
(I typically don't take any polls at face value, since as I mentioned on another thread, polls are one of the Establishment's tools for forming public opinion, rather than informing.)

You hit the nail on the head. It's always a Hegelian Dialectic with the PTSB.

And I notice all you do is spin tales of "false flag" operations that take all responsibility away from Hamas and place it on Jews.

This is gaslighting, not asking questions, and you are indulging in obfuscation that acts as propaganda for the murderous group.

conniving Jews are just running a false flag operations

So, kill them all?

In fact, I think Americans would be better informed if they DID listen to news sources outside the US once in a while.

but here in the US everything is fair game for the media, including the government and corporate America



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