Palestinian identity ?

From the outset the Palestinians tried heartily to establish a working government, the British stopped them at every turn, even to the point where Churchill and the colonial office would not recognize the Palestinian congress as representing the Palestinian people while recognizing the the "Zionist Organization" as the authoritative representative of the Jews, wherever they lived.

It was a sham. The British were intent on preventing the Palestinians from establishing a governement because they wanted the Jews to rule Palestine.

From the early correspondence of the Palestinian Delegation to the colonial office what they wanted:

"The Delegation requests that the constitution for Palestine should—"

Churchill's answer:

"2. I am to point out in the first place that, while your Delegation is recognised by Mr. Churchill as representing a large section of the Moslem and Christian inhabitants of Palestine, and while the Secretary of State is anxious to discuss his present proposals informally with recognised representatives, such as yourselves, of any important section of the community, he is not in a position to negotiate officially with you or with any other body which claims to represent the whole or, part of the people of Palestine....",

UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization/British policy in Palestine: "Churchill White Paper" - UK documentation Cmd. 1700/Non-UN document (excerpts) (1 July 1922)

So, that bullshit you posted is a bunch of baloney. There is not a shred of truth to the assertions of the Uncle Tom.

Your silly conspiracy theory about the British preventing the Arabs-Moslems from establishing a working government and the British wanting the Jews to rule Palestine is a total hoot.

It's always comical to see you rattle off the loopy conspiracy theories without a single, supportable piece of evidence. But then, that's the stuff of conspiracy theories.
Of course it's the truth. The occupier is always the primary cause of violence against the occupation.

Violence is not "caused" by disagreements or competing narratives. Violence is a choice and a strategy. People CAN actually choose not to be violent.

This is just a way to dump sole responsibility onto Israel.

There is no competing narrative. The Christians and Muslims were living in Palestine. A population of foreigners were transported to Palestine in order to subjugate the Christians and Muslims and establish a colony. What other narrative is there?

What country has ever not used violence against an occupying military/colonial power? I can't think of one.

Who, specifically arranged for, and can you identify when and where your "Jew transportation" took place?

Your post appears to be just another of your goofy conspiracy theories.
Funding Palestinian Jew-hatred.
August 7, 2017

Joseph Puder

Turkey’s dictatorial president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent efforts to mediate between the Saudis, their Arab Gulf allies and Egypt on one side versus his Qatari ally (both are staunch supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood) on the other, have failed to materialize. At the same time, his war of words with Germany, and the European Union’s cold shoulder, has left the arrogant Erdogan with one avenue to make headlines - incite Muslims against Israel. His crude anti-Semitic incitement has gone hand-in-hand with his posturing as the leader of the Sunni-Muslim world.

Erdogan has called on Muslims to show solidarity with the Palestinians by flooding Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. He has used invectives against Israel with such words as “racist and discriminatory.” This comes after the Israeli government backed away from a confrontation with the incited Muslim community, and ordered the removal of the metal detectors and security cameras. The Israeli actions followed a week of Palestinian rioting, and the murders of three Israeli family members by a Palestinian terrorist. Erdogan declared that, “In our religion and historical responsibility for Al-Quds and the fight of our Palestinian brothers for rights and justice is of great importance to us.”


Erdogan is providing money to Palestinians to continue their violent demonstrations against Israel, allegedly to “defend” Al-Aqsa. This is a dangerous game the megalomaniacal Erdogan is playing in order gain influence with the Arab masses, ultimately, at the cost of Palestinian and Israeli blood.

Funding Palestinian Jew-hatred.
August 7, 2017

Joseph Puder

Turkey’s dictatorial president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent efforts to mediate between the Saudis, their Arab Gulf allies and Egypt on one side versus his Qatari ally (both are staunch supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood) on the other, have failed to materialize. At the same time, his war of words with Germany, and the European Union’s cold shoulder, has left the arrogant Erdogan with one avenue to make headlines - incite Muslims against Israel. His crude anti-Semitic incitement has gone hand-in-hand with his posturing as the leader of the Sunni-Muslim world.

Erdogan has called on Muslims to show solidarity with the Palestinians by flooding Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. He has used invectives against Israel with such words as “racist and discriminatory.” This comes after the Israeli government backed away from a confrontation with the incited Muslim community, and ordered the removal of the metal detectors and security cameras. The Israeli actions followed a week of Palestinian rioting, and the murders of three Israeli family members by a Palestinian terrorist. Erdogan declared that, “In our religion and historical responsibility for Al-Quds and the fight of our Palestinian brothers for rights and justice is of great importance to us.”


Erdogan is providing money to Palestinians to continue their violent demonstrations against Israel, allegedly to “defend” Al-Aqsa. This is a dangerous game the megalomaniacal Erdogan is playing in order gain influence with the Arab masses, ultimately, at the cost of Palestinian and Israeli blood.

This whacked-out Muzzie Jihadist in a suit-and-tie may not be long for this world.
New threats -- and new opportunities -- lie ahead for Israel.
August 9, 2017

Caroline Glick

PLO chief and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas scored a victory against Israel at the Temple Mount. But it was a Pyrrhic one.

Days after the government bowed to his demand and voted to remove the metal detectors from the Temple Mount, Abbas checked into the hospital for tests. The 82-year-old dictator has heart disease and a series of other serious health issues. And he has refused to appoint a successor.

It is widely assumed that once he exits the stage, the situation in the PA-ruled areas in Judea and Samaria – otherwise known as Areas A and B – will change in fundamental ways.

This week, two prominent Palestinian advocates, Hussein Agha and Ahmad Samih Khalidi, published an article in The New Yorker entitled “The end of this road: The decline of the Palestinian national movement.”


New threats -- and new opportunities -- lie ahead for Israel.
August 9, 2017

Caroline Glick

PLO chief and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas scored a victory against Israel at the Temple Mount. But it was a Pyrrhic one.

Days after the government bowed to his demand and voted to remove the metal detectors from the Temple Mount, Abbas checked into the hospital for tests. The 82-year-old dictator has heart disease and a series of other serious health issues. And he has refused to appoint a successor.

It is widely assumed that once he exits the stage, the situation in the PA-ruled areas in Judea and Samaria – otherwise known as Areas A and B – will change in fundamental ways.

This week, two prominent Palestinian advocates, Hussein Agha and Ahmad Samih Khalidi, published an article in The New Yorker entitled “The end of this road: The decline of the Palestinian national movement.”


Indeed, the old guard who sold out decades ago are coming to an end.
The 82-year-old dictator has heart disease and a series of other serious health issues. And he has refused to appoint a successor.
He is not supposed to appoint a successor. There is a constitutional procedure for replacing a president. It will be interesting to see who runs. Whoever it is will take over Palestine's vast security service that consumes about 30% of Palestine's budget. Under Abbas, these services work for Israel. I can't think of one instance where any of them stepped up to the plate to defend a Palestinian. Even members of parliament and cabinet ministers are kidnapped off the streets or yanked out of their homes without a cop in sight. What would happen under new leadership?

Needless to say that the US/Israel will not allow the Palestinians to choose their own leader. They will just install another dictator like Abbas.
New threats -- and new opportunities -- lie ahead for Israel.
August 9, 2017

Caroline Glick

PLO chief and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas scored a victory against Israel at the Temple Mount. But it was a Pyrrhic one.

Days after the government bowed to his demand and voted to remove the metal detectors from the Temple Mount, Abbas checked into the hospital for tests. The 82-year-old dictator has heart disease and a series of other serious health issues. And he has refused to appoint a successor.

It is widely assumed that once he exits the stage, the situation in the PA-ruled areas in Judea and Samaria – otherwise known as Areas A and B – will change in fundamental ways.

This week, two prominent Palestinian advocates, Hussein Agha and Ahmad Samih Khalidi, published an article in The New Yorker entitled “The end of this road: The decline of the Palestinian national movement.”


Indeed, the old guard who sold out decades ago are coming to an end.
The 82-year-old dictator has heart disease and a series of other serious health issues. And he has refused to appoint a successor.
He is not supposed to appoint a successor. There is a constitutional procedure for replacing a president. It will be interesting to see who runs. Whoever it is will take over Palestine's vast security service that consumes about 30% of Palestine's budget. Under Abbas, these services work for Israel. I can't think of one instance where any of them stepped up to the plate to defend a Palestinian. Even members of parliament and cabinet ministers are kidnapped off the streets or yanked out of their homes without a cop in sight. What would happen under new leadership?

Needless to say that the US/Israel will not allow the Palestinians to choose their own leader. They will just install another dictator like Abbas.

Great points Tinmore. I say Hamas has earned the right to lead the Palestinians. Just look at all the wonderful things Hamas has done for them. Will you help me list some to educate those Zionists?
New threats -- and new opportunities -- lie ahead for Israel.
August 9, 2017

Caroline Glick

PLO chief and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas scored a victory against Israel at the Temple Mount. But it was a Pyrrhic one.

Days after the government bowed to his demand and voted to remove the metal detectors from the Temple Mount, Abbas checked into the hospital for tests. The 82-year-old dictator has heart disease and a series of other serious health issues. And he has refused to appoint a successor.

It is widely assumed that once he exits the stage, the situation in the PA-ruled areas in Judea and Samaria – otherwise known as Areas A and B – will change in fundamental ways.

This week, two prominent Palestinian advocates, Hussein Agha and Ahmad Samih Khalidi, published an article in The New Yorker entitled “The end of this road: The decline of the Palestinian national movement.”


Indeed, the old guard who sold out decades ago are coming to an end.
The 82-year-old dictator has heart disease and a series of other serious health issues. And he has refused to appoint a successor.
He is not supposed to appoint a successor. There is a constitutional procedure for replacing a president. It will be interesting to see who runs. Whoever it is will take over Palestine's vast security service that consumes about 30% of Palestine's budget. Under Abbas, these services work for Israel. I can't think of one instance where any of them stepped up to the plate to defend a Palestinian. Even members of parliament and cabinet ministers are kidnapped off the streets or yanked out of their homes without a cop in sight. What would happen under new leadership?

Needless to say that the US/Israel will not allow the Palestinians to choose their own leader. They will just install another dictator like Abbas.

Great points Tinmore. I say Hamas has earned the right to lead the Palestinians. Just look at all the wonderful things Hamas has done for them. Will you help me list some to educate those Zionists?

Farewell Abbas. You had Israel by the balls placating Palestinian demands. LONG LIVE THE DULY ELECTED PALESTINIAN GOVERNMENT OF HAMAS!

Hamas Is Destroying Gaza
Fantasies about the Palestinians' “commitment” to peace.
August 11, 2017

Bruce Thornton

If a reactionary is someone who stubbornly opposes change, the State Department is a prime example of an institution mired in fossilized paradigms and narratives. Unable to discard received institutional wisdom in the face of historical facts both new and old, Foggy Bottom continues to live up to its moniker, blind to the historical realities and ideologies that should be determining our foreign policy.

The State Department’s recently released, and suitably criticized, Country Report on Terrorism 2016 is filled with examples of rote adherence to exploded analytic clichés. It takes a monumental effort of willful blindness to write of Mahmoud Abbas and the PA that “explicit calls for violence against Israelis are rare and the leadership does not generally tolerate it.” You have to go back to September 1938 and Neville Chamberlain saying that Hitler “was speaking the truth” and “would not deliberately deceive a man whom he respected” to find such a preposterous misreading of plain facts.

But such myopia is endemic in the foreign policy establishment. Another example comes from a recent column by CNN talking-head and long-time Middle East hand Aaron David Miller. Writing in Politico, Miller analyzes the leaked (of course) transcript of some remarks by Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, who’s been charged with working on an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. Miller, at least in this essay, is no knee-jerk anti-Trumpian, and treats Kushner with respect. But this makes his repetition of long-exploded “expert” comments about the conflict even more depressing than if they came from a wild-eyed partisan.


Our Reactionary State Department
Fantasies about the Palestinians' “commitment” to peace.
August 11, 2017

Bruce Thornton

If a reactionary is someone who stubbornly opposes change, the State Department is a prime example of an institution mired in fossilized paradigms and narratives. Unable to discard received institutional wisdom in the face of historical facts both new and old, Foggy Bottom continues to live up to its moniker, blind to the historical realities and ideologies that should be determining our foreign policy.

The State Department’s recently released, and suitably criticized, Country Report on Terrorism 2016 is filled with examples of rote adherence to exploded analytic clichés. It takes a monumental effort of willful blindness to write of Mahmoud Abbas and the PA that “explicit calls for violence against Israelis are rare and the leadership does not generally tolerate it.” You have to go back to September 1938 and Neville Chamberlain saying that Hitler “was speaking the truth” and “would not deliberately deceive a man whom he respected” to find such a preposterous misreading of plain facts.

But such myopia is endemic in the foreign policy establishment. Another example comes from a recent column by CNN talking-head and long-time Middle East hand Aaron David Miller. Writing in Politico, Miller analyzes the leaked (of course) transcript of some remarks by Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, who’s been charged with working on an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. Miller, at least in this essay, is no knee-jerk anti-Trumpian, and treats Kushner with respect. But this makes his repetition of long-exploded “expert” comments about the conflict even more depressing than if they came from a wild-eyed partisan.


Our Reactionary State Department

Maybe Louie will be a good guy & start a thread for us called "Palestinian commitment to peace." Heh Heh!
a thread for us called "Palestinian commitment to peace." !

Dear MJB -- this is an issue I have studied extensively, and below you will find a deep and in depth dissertation regarding all the ways in which those Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians" have engaged so as to foster peace. I have left no stone unturned, have not left out even the tiniest detail and will provide you ALL the rich historical evidence of these proud people's long quest for peace since their invention in the 1960's.

here goes:

a thread for us called "Palestinian commitment to peace." !

Dear MJB -- this is an issue I have studied extensively, and below you will find a deep and in depth dissertation regarding all the ways in which those Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians" have engaged so as to foster peace. I have left no stone unturned, have not left out even the tiniest detail and will provide you ALL the rich historical evidence of these proud people's long quest for peace since their invention in the 1960's.

here goes:


Oh dear, Palestinian martyrs before the 5th century. Another idiocy debunked.

"Palestinian martyrs in the Latin West. The cases of Passio Theodosiae virginis ( BHL 8090) and of the Roman Passion monachi ( BHL 7298)
"The De martyribus Palestinae of Eusebius of Caesarea is an apologetic pamphlet telling the martyrs suffered by some Christians during the Diocletian's persecution 1 . There are two editors of different lengths, both authors. The shortest one is inserted by some manuscripts in the VIII or X books of Ecclesiastical History , while the long editorial is evidenced by some fragments handed down in hagiographic collections and the Syriac translation preserved in a manuscript dated 411..."

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theo...
a thread for us called "Palestinian commitment to peace." !

Dear MJB -- this is an issue I have studied extensively, and below you will find a deep and in depth dissertation regarding all the ways in which those Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians" have engaged so as to foster peace. I have left no stone unturned, have not left out even the tiniest detail and will provide you ALL the rich historical evidence of these proud people's long quest for peace since their invention in the 1960's.

here goes:


Oh dear, Palestinian martyrs before the 5th century. Another idiocy debunked.

"Palestinian martyrs in the Latin West. The cases of Passio Theodosiae virginis ( BHL 8090) and of the Roman Passion monachi ( BHL 7298)
"The De martyribus Palestinae of Eusebius of Caesarea is an apologetic pamphlet telling the martyrs suffered by some Christians during the Diocletian's persecution 1 . There are two editors of different lengths, both authors. The shortest one is inserted by some manuscripts in the VIII or X books of Ecclesiastical History , while the long editorial is evidenced by some fragments handed down in hagiographic collections and the Syriac translation preserved in a manuscript dated 411..."

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theo...

It speaks about the Region of Palestine, after the Romans renamed Judea into Palestinae.

It is about the martyrdom of the followers of Christianity who were living there at the time and being persecuted.

There were no Arabs there at the time, who then would be the ancestors to the modern Arab Palestinians.
And no group in the area called themselves Palestinae.

Try again.
It speaks of the Palestinians who were persecuted before Christianity became the state religion of Rome. They called themselves Palestinians.

The Palestinians are "Arabs" because they speak Arabic and have adopted certain Arabian customs. The ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are the descendants of the native people of Palestine that converted to Christianity from Judaism, Samaritanism and Paganism among other religions. Most of the these Christian ancestors converted to Islam during the centuries of Muslim rule.

The Palestinians are no more Arabian than Tunisians are Arabian, But, like the Palestinians, the Tunisians are Arabs. Tunisians are about 4% Arabian.

Try again.
It speaks of the Palestinians who were persecuted before Christianity became the state religion of Rome. They called themselves Palestinians.

The Palestinians are "Arabs" because they speak Arabic and have adopted certain Arabian customs. The ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are the descendants of the native people of Palestine that converted to Christianity from Judaism, Samaritanism and Paganism among other religions. Most of the these Christian ancestors converted to Islam during the centuries of Muslim rule.

The Palestinians are no more Arabian than Tunisians are Arabian, But, like the Palestinians, the Tunisians are Arabs. Tunisians are about 4% Arabian.

Try again.

No it does not speak of the "Palestinians", as in the "Palestinians" today.

The Palestinians are no more Arabian, from Arabia then the Copts are from Egypt, or the Berbers are from Morocco ?

Try this logic above which is a far more truer one than the one you trying to pass on.

Try it because the Palestinians will tell anyone who will listen how they are Arabs from Arabia.With an Arabian culture, language and history. Thousands of years of history before Mohammad created Islam and they spread all over the world after that.

Palestinians are no more Arabians. Ha!

Jews are from Europe! Ha !
They have even done an analysis:

In 2007

"We’ll focus on Judea and Samaria, not counting Jerusalem.

Pop. 956,000

Descendants of Israel: 580,000 or 61 per cent.

Brethren of Israel: 259,000 or 27 per cent of which 158,000 Edomites and 101,000 Moabites.

Arabs 43,000 or 4.5 per cent.

Roman Army 44,000.

Christians from afar 24,000.

Kurds 6,000. (They came in with Saladin’s army.)"

Most Palestinians Are Descendants Of Jews

The Arabian component is similar to Tunisia.

It speaks of the Palestinians who were persecuted before Christianity became the state religion of Rome. They called themselves Palestinians.

The Palestinians are "Arabs" because they speak Arabic and have adopted certain Arabian customs. The ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are the descendants of the native people of Palestine that converted to Christianity from Judaism, Samaritanism and Paganism among other religions. Most of the these Christian ancestors converted to Islam during the centuries of Muslim rule.

The Palestinians are no more Arabian than Tunisians are Arabian, But, like the Palestinians, the Tunisians are Arabs. Tunisians are about 4% Arabian.

Try again.

No it does not speak of the "Palestinians", as in the "Palestinians" today.

The Palestinians are no more Arabian, from Arabia then the Copts are from Egypt, or the Berbers are from Morocco ?

Try this logic above which is a far more truer one than the one you trying to pass on.

Try it because the Palestinians will tell anyone who will listen how they are Arabs from Arabia.With an Arabian culture, language and history. Thousands of years of history before Mohammad created Islam and they spread all over the world after that.

Palestinians are no more Arabians. Ha!

Jews are from Europe! Ha !

THere is a very famous letter from King Abdullah written around the time of the formation of Israel called "How the Arabs see the Jews". It contained the usual long laundry list of grievances, but not ONCE did it mention any "Palestinian" people.

I am not that old, but even when I was a child in the 50s and 60s, all the emphasis was on Arab identity. It strikes me as odd how some of these extremely stupid and dishonest children can claim otherwise to those who have actually lived long enough to know better.
It speaks of the Palestinians who were persecuted before Christianity became the state religion of Rome. They called themselves Palestinians.

The Palestinians are "Arabs" because they speak Arabic and have adopted certain Arabian customs. The ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are the descendants of the native people of Palestine that converted to Christianity from Judaism, Samaritanism and Paganism among other religions. Most of the these Christian ancestors converted to Islam during the centuries of Muslim rule.

The Palestinians are no more Arabian than Tunisians are Arabian, But, like the Palestinians, the Tunisians are Arabs. Tunisians are about 4% Arabian.

Try again.

No it does not speak of the "Palestinians", as in the "Palestinians" today.

The Palestinians are no more Arabian, from Arabia then the Copts are from Egypt, or the Berbers are from Morocco ?

Try this logic above which is a far more truer one than the one you trying to pass on.

Try it because the Palestinians will tell anyone who will listen how they are Arabs from Arabia.With an Arabian culture, language and history. Thousands of years of history before Mohammad created Islam and they spread all over the world after that.

Palestinians are no more Arabians. Ha!

Jews are from Europe! Ha !

THere is a very famous letter from King Abdullah written around the time of the formation of Israel called "How the Arabs see the Jews". It contained the usual long laundry list of grievances, but not ONCE did it mention any "Palestinian" people.

I am not that old, but even when I was a child in the 50s and 60s, all the emphasis was on Arab identity. It strikes me as odd how some of these extremely stupid and dishonest children can claim otherwise to those who have actually lived long enough to know better.

Of course there is an Arab identity as there is an Hispanic identity. Mexicans are Hispanic, but are not very Spanish, DNA wise. The ignorance of some is astounding. The Palestinian Delegation in London represented the People of Palestine in 1921-1922. You're bullshit is so easy to debunk. LOL



Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.
JUNE, 1922.

To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE, at the
following address:
Adastra House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2; 120, George Street, Edinburgh:
York Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andre's Crescent, Cardiff;
15, Donegall Square West, Belfast; or through any Bookseller

[Reprinted 1929]
Price 1s.


No. 1.
The Palestine Arab Delegation to the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

London, W.C.,
February 21st, 1922.

  • We would, therefore, submit the following observations:—

Whilst the position in Palestine is, as it stands to-day, with the British Government holding authority by an occupying force, and using that authority to impose upon the people against their wishes a great immigration of alien Jews, many of them of a Bolshevik revolutionary type, no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable.
If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration......"

UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization/British policy in Palestine: "Churchill White Paper" - UK documentation Cmd. 1700/Non-UN document (excerpts) (1 July 1922)
It speaks of the Palestinians who were persecuted before Christianity became the state religion of Rome. They called themselves Palestinians.

The Palestinians are "Arabs" because they speak Arabic and have adopted certain Arabian customs. The ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are the descendants of the native people of Palestine that converted to Christianity from Judaism, Samaritanism and Paganism among other religions. Most of the these Christian ancestors converted to Islam during the centuries of Muslim rule.

The Palestinians are no more Arabian than Tunisians are Arabian, But, like the Palestinians, the Tunisians are Arabs. Tunisians are about 4% Arabian.

Try again.

No it does not speak of the "Palestinians", as in the "Palestinians" today.

The Palestinians are no more Arabian, from Arabia then the Copts are from Egypt, or the Berbers are from Morocco ?

Try this logic above which is a far more truer one than the one you trying to pass on.

Try it because the Palestinians will tell anyone who will listen how they are Arabs from Arabia.With an Arabian culture, language and history. Thousands of years of history before Mohammad created Islam and they spread all over the world after that.

Palestinians are no more Arabians. Ha!

Jews are from Europe! Ha !

THere is a very famous letter from King Abdullah written around the time of the formation of Israel called "How the Arabs see the Jews". It contained the usual long laundry list of grievances, but not ONCE did it mention any "Palestinian" people.

I am not that old, but even when I was a child in the 50s and 60s, all the emphasis was on Arab identity. It strikes me as odd how some of these extremely stupid and dishonest children can claim otherwise to those who have actually lived long enough to know better.

Of course there is an Arab identity as there is an Hispanic identity. Mexicans are Hispanic, but are not very Spanish, DNA wise. The ignorance of some is astounding. The Palestinian Delegation in London represented the People of Palestine in 1921-1922. You're bullshit is so easy to debunk. LOL



Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.
JUNE, 1922.

To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE, at the
following address:
Adastra House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2; 120, George Street, Edinburgh:
York Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andre's Crescent, Cardiff;
15, Donegall Square West, Belfast; or through any Bookseller

[Reprinted 1929]
Price 1s.


No. 1.
The Palestine Arab Delegation to the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

London, W.C.,
February 21st, 1922.

    • We would, therefore, submit the following observations:—
Whilst the position in Palestine is, as it stands to-day, with the British Government holding authority by an occupying force, and using that authority to impose upon the people against their wishes a great immigration of alien Jews, many of them of a Bolshevik revolutionary type, no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable.
If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration......"

UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization/British policy in Palestine: "Churchill White Paper" - UK documentation Cmd. 1700/Non-UN document (excerpts) (1 July 1922)

We have said this before:

Find something from the Arabs where they call themselves Palestinians, a Palestinian People, with a Palestinian history, with a Palestinian Heritage, with Palestinian education, etc.

Post Palestine Mandate does not count.

Forum List
