Palestinian identity ?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.
What is the official officiating agency charged with officially designating bearded islamo-loons as Islamic terrorists?

The same one that officially designated the ANC and Mandela terrorists.
What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.
What is the official officiating agency charged with officially designating bearded islamo-loons as Islamic terrorists?
Israeli lackeys.
The ADL Turns Anti-Israel
Whitewashing BDS and ignoring anti-Semitism.
May 23, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


A few years ago, the Syrian American Council sponsored a tour by Sheik Mohammad Rateb al-Nabulsi who had called for the murder of all the Jews.

“Allah has made it a duty to fight them and wage Jihad against them,” he had declared. It was not “permissible under Sharia” to make peace with the Jews. Instead the Muslims were obligated to “fight them, to shed their blood, and wage perpetual Jihad.”

“All the Jewish people are combatant,” he ranted. They could all be killed.

The chairman of the SAC, Hussam Ayloush described Jews as “Zionazis” and refused to condemn Hamas.

Despite that, HIAS allied with the Syrian American Council in its push for the migration of Syrian Muslims. And the ADL chose to invite Omar Hossino of the SAC to speak at its National Leadership Summit.


The ADL Turns Anti-Israel
Iran: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Earth'
How post-sanction Iran is publicly threatening Israel’s existence with impunity.
May 20, 2016
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

The Iranian regime has been escalating the advancement of its ballistic missile program ever since the nuclear agreement went into effect in January 2016. Some of Iran’s dangerous ballistic missiles can carry multiple warheads.

In the last four months, Iran has launched ballistic missiles several times. Some of these missiles had a phrase "Israel should be wiped off the Earth” written on them in Hebrew.

The Iranian regime is increasingly provoking other countries in the region and has made it clear that the ballistic missiles are aimed at targeting other nations. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of Iran’s Aerospace forces, said to FARS news agency (Iran’s state-controlled media outlet) that “Iran has built missiles that can hit targets at 2,000 Km. They are designed to hit Israel at such a distance.” He added that Islamic countries have surrounded Israel and “its [Israel’s] life is short. So it will collapse in any given war – long before a missile is even fired.”

This week, an Iranian general acknowledged that Iran has recently launched ballistic missiles again. This means that Iran has breached the nuclear deal and UN resolutions for the third time in the last four months.

Although President Obama and the Iranian regime argue that Iran’s launching of ballistic missiles is not violating anything, the UN resolutions and the nuclear agreement indicate otherwise.

The United Nations Security Council resolution (section 3 of Annex B of resolution 2231, 2015) is crystal clear. The resolution “calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.”

The second United Nations Security Council resolution 1929 states “Iran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology, and that States shall take all necessary measures to prevent the transfer of technology or technical assistance to Iran related to such activities.”

In addition, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Agreement (JCPOA) of the nuclear agreement between P5+1 and Iran states that Iran should not undertake any ballistic missiles activity “until the date eight years after the JCPOA Adoption Day or until the date on which the IAEA submits a report confirming the Broader Conclusion, whichever is earlier.”

But the Iranian leaders have breached both the resolutions and the nuclear agreement several times. Intriguingly, Iran has become more empowered to act militarily since the nuclear agreement. Iran has repeatedly test-fired, long-range ballistic missiles and laser-guided surface-to-surface missiles. In October and November, just after the nuclear deal was reached, Iran tested a new ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple warheads.


Iran: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Earth'

Now they start linking to Nazi publications and to an article by a supporter of the Shah. How extreme are the ZioNazis going to get?

And another islamonazi moron posts an oxymoron. When will one come along and explain how this works being a defender of the Jews and wanting to wipe them all out at the same time ?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.

No by the majority of countries that count, and as there is only one Jewish nation then that is one nation less in the list.

How many islamonazi nations are there that voted for Israel to be seen as terrorists ?
Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.
What is the official officiating agency charged with officially designating bearded islamo-loons as Islamic terrorists?

The same one that officially designated the ANC and Mandela terrorists.

Your stolen country by any chance, the one you invaded and forcibly stole from the indigenous inhabitants.

So when are you going to do what you tell the Jews and give your land and property back to the first nations then move back to the European nation that spawned you. That is if it will have you back now.
Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.
What is the official officiating agency charged with officially designating bearded islamo-loons as Islamic terrorists?
Israeli lackeys.

So Egypt, Saudi, Jordan and a few other muslim nations are Israeli lackeys. I wonder where Israel is getting all this power from as it is the smallest nation in numbers in the whole world.
Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.
What is the official officiating agency charged with officially designating bearded islamo-loons as Islamic terrorists?
Israeli lackeys.
Typically pointless. Theocratic totalitarian Islamist nations define apartheid. From the subjugation of women forced into Shame Sacks and stripped of basic human rights to the status of religious and ethnic minorities who live as second class citizens. The various polluted backwaters of Islamist nations and Islamist terrorist enclaves such as the competing versions of islam'istan in Gaza and the West Bank are an embarrassment to the relevant first world.
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.
What is the official officiating agency charged with officially designating bearded islamo-loons as Islamic terrorists?
Israeli lackeys.

So Egypt, Saudi, Jordan and a few other muslim nations are Israeli lackeys. I wonder where Israel is getting all this power from as it is the smallest nation in numbers in the whole world.
It is called billions in US aid.
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.
What is the official officiating agency charged with officially designating bearded islamo-loons as Islamic terrorists?
Israeli lackeys.

So Egypt, Saudi, Jordan and a few other muslim nations are Israeli lackeys. I wonder where Israel is getting all this power from as it is the smallest nation in numbers in the whole world.
It is called billions in US aid.
Israel is one of many nations that receives US aid. We have mutually beneficial relationships with israel, unlike we have with the islamic terrorists occupying the disputed territories.
Our relationship with Israel is what has put us at odds with more than a 1.6 billion people, especially the common people, if not some of the dictators. It is costing us billions.

Israel is not just one of many nations that receive U.S. aid, it receives 50% of it.

Israel Receives More Than Half of US Global Military Aid

Israel Receives More Than Half of US Global Military Aid
Our relationship with Israel is what has put us at odds with more than a 1.6 billion people, especially the common people, if not some of the dictators. It is costing us billions.

Israel is not just one of many nations that receive U.S. aid, it receives 50% of it.

Israel Receives More Than Half of US Global Military Aid

Israel Receives More Than Half of US Global Military Aid

Your cutting and pasting reflects your profound ignorance of islamist ideology, your koranology and the lessons you're sleeping through at the madrassah.

The gee-had attacks in Belgium and France are a function of the "exploding" Islamist population swarming Europe. Your Islamist heroes are finding strength of numbers and an islamist population that provides cover and support for gee-had.

Those nations provide little aid to Israel. Your stuttering and mumbling might be laughable if it wasn't so pathetically inept.
Our relationship with Israel is what has put us at odds with more than a 1.6 billion people, especially the common people, if not some of the dictators. It is costing us billions.

Israel is not just one of many nations that receive U.S. aid, it receives 50% of it.

Israel Receives More Than Half of US Global Military Aid

Israel Receives More Than Half of US Global Military Aid

Your cutting and pasting reflects your profound ignorance of islamist ideology, your koranology and the lessons you're sleeping through at the madrassah.

The gee-had attacks in Belgium and France are a function of the "exploding" Islamist population swarming Europe. Your Islamist heroes are finding strength of numbers and an islamist population that provides cover and support for gee-had.

Those nations provide little aid to Israel. Your stuttering and mumbling might be laughable if it wasn't so pathetically inept.

Oh dear.
The PLO’s zero-sum game
The time has come for the Israeli government to make some bold moves.
January 3, 2017
Caroline Glick

Since its inception in the late 1970s, the Israeli peace movement has been based on one thing: hope.

Members of the peace movement hoped the PLO’s war with Israel could be resolved through compromise. Proponents of peace with the PLO hoped that Yasser Arafat and his terrorist minions weren’t truly committed to Israel’s destruction.


The Jewish community’s slavish devotion to the PLO stemmed from two sources. First, by insisting that the PLO is a credible force, the American Jewish community has been able to keep peace in its ranks, which are populated overwhelmingly by leftists.

Second, by promoting a policy at odds with reality, communal leaders have been able to pretend that there is no qualitative distinction between Democratic and Republican support for Israel. This claim, which has become downright implausible during President Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House, is vital for enabling American Jews to pretend that Israel is a voting issue for them and that they aren’t simply motivated by their leftist world views.

It would appear that the jig is up on this position.

Obama’s lame-duck war against Israel and the rise of anti-Jewish forces in the Democratic Party led by Rep. Keith Ellison make it practically impossible to continue to claim that the Democratic Party is a home for pro-Israel forces in America.

On the other hand, President-elect Donald Trump’s full-throated support for Israel and promotion of advisers who openly oppose a PLO state has opened the door for Republican lawmakers to abandon their half-hearted support for the PLO. Beginning this month, they may very well begin ending US recognition of the PLO and cut off taxpayer funds to its terrorism-cultivating autonomy in Judea and Samaria.

In this state of affairs, American Jewish groups will either support Trump and the Republicans or lose their ability to influence events. In either case, for at least the next two years, they have lost their capacity to support the Israeli Left in a significant way.

This is important for Israel to understand because the clock is ticking. Obama’s onslaught has made clear that the Democratic Party no longer supports Israel. Like the PLO, Obama and his advisers view the PLO’s conflict with Israel as a zero-sum game and they have cast their lots with the terrorists against the Jewish state.

It is to be expected that under the leadership of former president Obama and Ellison the Democrats will expand the openness of their hostility to Israel.

Under these circumstance, Israel has but two years – until the mid-term congressional elections when the Democrats may be empowered in Congress – to decide what it wants to do with Judea and Samaria.

Last week the government signaled that its first step will be to apply Israeli law to Ma’ale Adumim. A bill to this effect is expected to be brought before the government shortly after Obama leaves office.

While a good first move, our leaders must recognize that it needs to be quickly followed up by additional administrative changes. The goal of those additional steps is to dismantle the military government which administers Area C – 60% of Judea and Samaria – by 2019 and transfer full administrative responsibility for the area, which includes Israel’s border with Jordan and all the Israeli communities of Judea and Samaria, to the government.

The time has come for the government to move ahead boldly. In their post-Obama, post-2334 state, the Israeli Left and its American Jewish supporters are in no position to stop the government from doing what needs to be done. But, if the government fails to act now, when the Democrats return in two or four years, the opportunity now upon us may be lost forever as the PLO comes back to win its zerosum game against Israel.

The PLO’s zero-sum game
The PLO’s zero-sum game
The time has come for the Israeli government to make some bold moves.
January 3, 2017
Caroline Glick

Since its inception in the late 1970s, the Israeli peace movement has been based on one thing: hope.

Members of the peace movement hoped the PLO’s war with Israel could be resolved through compromise. Proponents of peace with the PLO hoped that Yasser Arafat and his terrorist minions weren’t truly committed to Israel’s destruction.


The Jewish community’s slavish devotion to the PLO stemmed from two sources. First, by insisting that the PLO is a credible force, the American Jewish community has been able to keep peace in its ranks, which are populated overwhelmingly by leftists.

Second, by promoting a policy at odds with reality, communal leaders have been able to pretend that there is no qualitative distinction between Democratic and Republican support for Israel. This claim, which has become downright implausible during President Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House, is vital for enabling American Jews to pretend that Israel is a voting issue for them and that they aren’t simply motivated by their leftist world views.

It would appear that the jig is up on this position.

Obama’s lame-duck war against Israel and the rise of anti-Jewish forces in the Democratic Party led by Rep. Keith Ellison make it practically impossible to continue to claim that the Democratic Party is a home for pro-Israel forces in America.

On the other hand, President-elect Donald Trump’s full-throated support for Israel and promotion of advisers who openly oppose a PLO state has opened the door for Republican lawmakers to abandon their half-hearted support for the PLO. Beginning this month, they may very well begin ending US recognition of the PLO and cut off taxpayer funds to its terrorism-cultivating autonomy in Judea and Samaria.

In this state of affairs, American Jewish groups will either support Trump and the Republicans or lose their ability to influence events. In either case, for at least the next two years, they have lost their capacity to support the Israeli Left in a significant way.

This is important for Israel to understand because the clock is ticking. Obama’s onslaught has made clear that the Democratic Party no longer supports Israel. Like the PLO, Obama and his advisers view the PLO’s conflict with Israel as a zero-sum game and they have cast their lots with the terrorists against the Jewish state.

It is to be expected that under the leadership of former president Obama and Ellison the Democrats will expand the openness of their hostility to Israel.

Under these circumstance, Israel has but two years – until the mid-term congressional elections when the Democrats may be empowered in Congress – to decide what it wants to do with Judea and Samaria.

Last week the government signaled that its first step will be to apply Israeli law to Ma’ale Adumim. A bill to this effect is expected to be brought before the government shortly after Obama leaves office.

While a good first move, our leaders must recognize that it needs to be quickly followed up by additional administrative changes. The goal of those additional steps is to dismantle the military government which administers Area C – 60% of Judea and Samaria – by 2019 and transfer full administrative responsibility for the area, which includes Israel’s border with Jordan and all the Israeli communities of Judea and Samaria, to the government.

The time has come for the government to move ahead boldly. In their post-Obama, post-2334 state, the Israeli Left and its American Jewish supporters are in no position to stop the government from doing what needs to be done. But, if the government fails to act now, when the Democrats return in two or four years, the opportunity now upon us may be lost forever as the PLO comes back to win its zerosum game against Israel.

The PLO’s zero-sum game
The PLO’s zero-sum game
The time has come for the Israeli government to make some bold moves.
January 3, 2017
Caroline Glick

Since its inception in the late 1970s, the Israeli peace movement has been based on one thing: hope.

Members of the peace movement hoped the PLO’s war with Israel could be resolved through compromise. Proponents of peace with the PLO hoped that Yasser Arafat and his terrorist minions weren’t truly committed to Israel’s destruction.


The Jewish community’s slavish devotion to the PLO stemmed from two sources. First, by insisting that the PLO is a credible force, the American Jewish community has been able to keep peace in its ranks, which are populated overwhelmingly by leftists.

Second, by promoting a policy at odds with reality, communal leaders have been able to pretend that there is no qualitative distinction between Democratic and Republican support for Israel. This claim, which has become downright implausible during President Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House, is vital for enabling American Jews to pretend that Israel is a voting issue for them and that they aren’t simply motivated by their leftist world views.

It would appear that the jig is up on this position.

Obama’s lame-duck war against Israel and the rise of anti-Jewish forces in the Democratic Party led by Rep. Keith Ellison make it practically impossible to continue to claim that the Democratic Party is a home for pro-Israel forces in America.

On the other hand, President-elect Donald Trump’s full-throated support for Israel and promotion of advisers who openly oppose a PLO state has opened the door for Republican lawmakers to abandon their half-hearted support for the PLO. Beginning this month, they may very well begin ending US recognition of the PLO and cut off taxpayer funds to its terrorism-cultivating autonomy in Judea and Samaria.

In this state of affairs, American Jewish groups will either support Trump and the Republicans or lose their ability to influence events. In either case, for at least the next two years, they have lost their capacity to support the Israeli Left in a significant way.

This is important for Israel to understand because the clock is ticking. Obama’s onslaught has made clear that the Democratic Party no longer supports Israel. Like the PLO, Obama and his advisers view the PLO’s conflict with Israel as a zero-sum game and they have cast their lots with the terrorists against the Jewish state.

It is to be expected that under the leadership of former president Obama and Ellison the Democrats will expand the openness of their hostility to Israel.

Under these circumstance, Israel has but two years – until the mid-term congressional elections when the Democrats may be empowered in Congress – to decide what it wants to do with Judea and Samaria.

Last week the government signaled that its first step will be to apply Israeli law to Ma’ale Adumim. A bill to this effect is expected to be brought before the government shortly after Obama leaves office.

While a good first move, our leaders must recognize that it needs to be quickly followed up by additional administrative changes. The goal of those additional steps is to dismantle the military government which administers Area C – 60% of Judea and Samaria – by 2019 and transfer full administrative responsibility for the area, which includes Israel’s border with Jordan and all the Israeli communities of Judea and Samaria, to the government.

The time has come for the government to move ahead boldly. In their post-Obama, post-2334 state, the Israeli Left and its American Jewish supporters are in no position to stop the government from doing what needs to be done. But, if the government fails to act now, when the Democrats return in two or four years, the opportunity now upon us may be lost forever as the PLO comes back to win its zerosum game against Israel.

The PLO’s zero-sum game
You ZERO,do not have the intelligence to write such prose above>>>>>>>>>You have lifted this from some Banal Zionist HATE are yet another Synthetic Zionist Wannabee.....Moron
Our relationship with Israel is what has put us at odds with more than a 1.6 billion people, especially the common people, if not some of the dictators. It is costing us billions.

Israel is not just one of many nations that receive U.S. aid, it receives 50% of it.

Israel Receives More Than Half of US Global Military Aid

Israel Receives More Than Half of US Global Military Aid

Your cutting and pasting reflects your profound ignorance of islamist ideology, your koranology and the lessons you're sleeping through at the madrassah.

The gee-had attacks in Belgium and France are a function of the "exploding" Islamist population swarming Europe. Your Islamist heroes are finding strength of numbers and an islamist population that provides cover and support for gee-had.

Those nations provide little aid to Israel. Your stuttering and mumbling might be laughable if it wasn't so pathetically inept.

Good, and the US should quit aid to the Israelis.
Iran: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Earth'
How post-sanction Iran is publicly threatening Israel’s existence with impunity.
May 20, 2016
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

The Iranian regime has been escalating the advancement of its ballistic missile program ever since the nuclear agreement went into effect in January 2016. Some of Iran’s dangerous ballistic missiles can carry multiple warheads.

In the last four months, Iran has launched ballistic missiles several times. Some of these missiles had a phrase "Israel should be wiped off the Earth” written on them in Hebrew.

The Iranian regime is increasingly provoking other countries in the region and has made it clear that the ballistic missiles are aimed at targeting other nations. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of Iran’s Aerospace forces, said to FARS news agency (Iran’s state-controlled media outlet) that “Iran has built missiles that can hit targets at 2,000 Km. They are designed to hit Israel at such a distance.” He added that Islamic countries have surrounded Israel and “its [Israel’s] life is short. So it will collapse in any given war – long before a missile is even fired.”

This week, an Iranian general acknowledged that Iran has recently launched ballistic missiles again. This means that Iran has breached the nuclear deal and UN resolutions for the third time in the last four months.

Although President Obama and the Iranian regime argue that Iran’s launching of ballistic missiles is not violating anything, the UN resolutions and the nuclear agreement indicate otherwise.

The United Nations Security Council resolution (section 3 of Annex B of resolution 2231, 2015) is crystal clear. The resolution “calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.”

The second United Nations Security Council resolution 1929 states “Iran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology, and that States shall take all necessary measures to prevent the transfer of technology or technical assistance to Iran related to such activities.”

In addition, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Agreement (JCPOA) of the nuclear agreement between P5+1 and Iran states that Iran should not undertake any ballistic missiles activity “until the date eight years after the JCPOA Adoption Day or until the date on which the IAEA submits a report confirming the Broader Conclusion, whichever is earlier.”

But the Iranian leaders have breached both the resolutions and the nuclear agreement several times. Intriguingly, Iran has become more empowered to act militarily since the nuclear agreement. Iran has repeatedly test-fired, long-range ballistic missiles and laser-guided surface-to-surface missiles. In October and November, just after the nuclear deal was reached, Iran tested a new ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple warheads.


Iran: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Earth'

I am beginning to think Iran is right about Israel's regime, it is a threat to the world. I have listened and read non stop Bibi's obsession about Iran since 1992 when he created his nice little poster of the bomb. He is a joke, until he masterminded the Twin Towers jig, so he is a huge dangerous joke. Israel probably has a nuclear head sub from Germany pointed right at us. Has to be something that we put up with their BS for so long. We don't want another 911.
American_Jihad, et al,

We general agree on most points (I'm happy to say.) But there are a few points that we might (I'm not sure.) agree upon.

In the last couple of posting I've presented, there has been a strong emphasis placed on the necessity of understanding the practical aspects of "extending sovereignty." I did this in such a way as to intentionally NOT speak to the issues surrounding the pledge made by several Israeli Ministers and certain Members of the Knesset to support bill extending full Israeli sovereignty over the City of Ma'aleh Adumim; an Area "C" settlement.

In firefighting, there conditions called a "backdraft." This is where a new oxygen source is unexpectedly introduced into fire causing an extremely dangerous and rapid re-ignition of combustable. The political conditions surrounding the City of Ma'aleh Adumim might just create a new military flashover.

That would not be productive.

January 3, 2017
• It is to be expected that under the leadership of former president Obama and Ellison the Democrats will expand the openness of their hostility to Israel.

Under these circumstance, Israel has but two years – until the mid-term congressional elections when the Democrats may be empowered in Congress – to decide what it wants to do with Judea and Samaria.

This I do not understand. The practical ground considerations is a Israeli matter; not one for the US Congress should be concerned with. The US Foreign Policy for the Middle East Regions has an extremely poor track record in attaining positive results in the Arab-Israeli Conflict. And as for UN involvement, the consolidate body has not got the politics right since 1922.

January 3, 2017
• Last week the government signaled that its first step will be to apply Israeli law to Ma’ale Adumim. A bill to this effect is expected to be brought before the government shortly after Obama leaves office.

While a good first move, our leaders must recognize that it needs to be quickly followed up by additional administrative changes. The goal of those additional steps is to dismantle the military government which administers Area C – 60% of Judea and Samaria – by 2019 and transfer full administrative responsibility for the area, which includes Israel’s border with Jordan and all the Israeli communities of Judea and Samaria, to the government.

Again, this is something that the Israelis must come to grips with, and resolve. If the US applies political pressures on either party (Israels of Palestinians) it will just come back apart.

Both sides must want a peaceful settlement.

The Palestinian crybaby whining about Israel did this and Israel did that --- trying to cite violations of international law, will get them nowhere. The Arab Palestinians argue that they have every right to conduct such operations against sovereign Israel.

Kidnappings and Hostage-Takings
Armed Attacks and Assassinations
Arsons and Firebombings
Hijackings and Skyjackings

Fatalities from Terrorism 1948-2014.png

January 3, 2017
• The time has come for the government to move ahead boldly. In their post-Obama, post-2334 state, the Israeli Left and its American Jewish supporters are in no position to stop the government from doing what needs to be done. But, if the government fails to act now, when the Democrats return in two or four years, the opportunity now upon us may be lost forever as the PLO comes back to win its zerosum game against Israel.

Caroline Glick > The PLO’s zero-sum game

Israel cannot not afford to play a "Zero-Sum" game. The Area "C" issues are just about the future of the West Bank, but the ability to at least have some chance of defending Israel in a political climate that the Arab Palestinians have set. Remember the end-state; the dismantlement of Israel and every Jewish institution.

Palestinian Authority, celebrated its 52nd anniversary on Saturday. They used the occasion to heap praise on some of the most vicious Islamist terrorists in Israeli history, despite being ostensibly a secular organization.

Just last Saturday, Hostile Arab Palestinians praised Islamist Terrorist and Organizations in their work against Israel; this was at the New Year's Day celebration and 52nd Anniversary of Fatah.

Yes, the Zero Sum Game can be healthy as long as Israel does not suffer and setbacks. The Arab Palestinians usually has lost more then it gained. But Israel could in trouble with just one loss.

Most Respectfully,

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