Palestinian identity ?

Perpetrator As Victim: No End To A Self-Inflicted "Tragedy"
What "Nakba" commemorations really disclose.
May 16, 2016
Daniel Mandel

Yesterday, May 15, Palestinians and their supporters, as they have done increasingly over recent years, marked the nakba (Arabic for ā€˜catastropheā€™) ā€“ā€“ the day 68 years ago that Israel came into existence upon the expiry of British rule under a League of Nations mandate.

That juxtaposition of Israel and nakba isnā€™t accidental. Weā€™re meant to understand that Israelā€™s creation caused the displacement of hundreds of thousand of Palestinian Arabs.

But the truth is different. A British document from the scene in early 1948, declassified in 2013, tells the story: ā€œthe Arabs have suffered ... overwhelming defeats ... Jewish victories ā€¦ have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands.ā€

In other words, Jew and Arabs, including irregular foreign militias from neighboring states, were already at war and Arabs were fleeing even before Israel came into sovereign existence on May 15, 1948.

Neighboring Arab armies and internal Palestinian militias responded to Israelā€™s declaration of independence with full-scale hostilities. In fact, the headline for the New York Timesā€™ famous report on that day includes the words, ā€˜Tel Aviv Is Bombed, Egypt Orders Invasion.ā€™ And, indeed, the head of Israelā€™s provisional government, David Ben Gurion, delivered his first radio address to the nation from an air-raid shelter.

Israel successfully resisted invasion and dismemberment ā€“ā€“ the universally affirmed objective of the Arab belligerents ā€“ā€“ and Palestinians came off worst of all from the whole venture. At warā€™s end, over 600,000 Palestinians were living as refugees under neighboring Arab regimes.

As Saudi columnist Abdulateef Al-Mulhim observed on previous anniversary, ā€œIt was a defeat but the Arabs chose to call it a catastrophe.ā€ In fact, the Syrian, Qustantin Zuraiq, in his 1948 pamphlet, Maā€™an al-Nakba (The Meaning of the Catastrophe), was first used the term nakba in this context, and the catastrophe of his description was not an Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but their flight in anticipation of an Arab invasion and destruction of Israel.

Accordingly, the term nakba, as used today, smacks of falsehood, inasmuch as it implies a tragedy inflicted by Israel. The "tragedy," of course, was self-inflicted.

As Israelā€™s UN ambassador Abba Eban was to put it some years later, ā€œOnce you determine the responsibility for that war, you have determined the responsibility for the refugee problem. Nothing in the history of our generation is clearer or less controversial than the initiative of Arab governments for the conflict out of which the refugee tragedy emerged.ā€

However, the Palestinians do not mourn today the ill-conceived choice of going to war to abort Israel. They mourn only that they failed.


Perpetrator As Victim: No End To A Self-Inflicted "Tragedy"

As usual you are full of crap. What the declassified documents actually said before the intervention of the Arab states to try to stop Jewish aggression was:

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'....
After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun,
British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".

British officials predicted war ā€“ and Arab defeat ā€“ in Palestine in 1948
Truth, hitler picked the wrong people to exterminate...:death:

What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.
Indeed, two peas in a pod.
Perpetrator As Victim: No End To A Self-Inflicted "Tragedy"
What "Nakba" commemorations really disclose.
May 16, 2016
Daniel Mandel

Yesterday, May 15, Palestinians and their supporters, as they have done increasingly over recent years, marked the nakba (Arabic for ā€˜catastropheā€™) ā€“ā€“ the day 68 years ago that Israel came into existence upon the expiry of British rule under a League of Nations mandate.

That juxtaposition of Israel and nakba isnā€™t accidental. Weā€™re meant to understand that Israelā€™s creation caused the displacement of hundreds of thousand of Palestinian Arabs.

But the truth is different. A British document from the scene in early 1948, declassified in 2013, tells the story: ā€œthe Arabs have suffered ... overwhelming defeats ... Jewish victories ā€¦ have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands.ā€

In other words, Jew and Arabs, including irregular foreign militias from neighboring states, were already at war and Arabs were fleeing even before Israel came into sovereign existence on May 15, 1948.

Neighboring Arab armies and internal Palestinian militias responded to Israelā€™s declaration of independence with full-scale hostilities. In fact, the headline for the New York Timesā€™ famous report on that day includes the words, ā€˜Tel Aviv Is Bombed, Egypt Orders Invasion.ā€™ And, indeed, the head of Israelā€™s provisional government, David Ben Gurion, delivered his first radio address to the nation from an air-raid shelter.

Israel successfully resisted invasion and dismemberment ā€“ā€“ the universally affirmed objective of the Arab belligerents ā€“ā€“ and Palestinians came off worst of all from the whole venture. At warā€™s end, over 600,000 Palestinians were living as refugees under neighboring Arab regimes.

As Saudi columnist Abdulateef Al-Mulhim observed on previous anniversary, ā€œIt was a defeat but the Arabs chose to call it a catastrophe.ā€ In fact, the Syrian, Qustantin Zuraiq, in his 1948 pamphlet, Maā€™an al-Nakba (The Meaning of the Catastrophe), was first used the term nakba in this context, and the catastrophe of his description was not an Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but their flight in anticipation of an Arab invasion and destruction of Israel.

Accordingly, the term nakba, as used today, smacks of falsehood, inasmuch as it implies a tragedy inflicted by Israel. The "tragedy," of course, was self-inflicted.

As Israelā€™s UN ambassador Abba Eban was to put it some years later, ā€œOnce you determine the responsibility for that war, you have determined the responsibility for the refugee problem. Nothing in the history of our generation is clearer or less controversial than the initiative of Arab governments for the conflict out of which the refugee tragedy emerged.ā€

However, the Palestinians do not mourn today the ill-conceived choice of going to war to abort Israel. They mourn only that they failed.


Perpetrator As Victim: No End To A Self-Inflicted "Tragedy"

As usual you are full of crap. What the declassified documents actually said before the intervention of the Arab states to try to stop Jewish aggression was:

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'....
After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun,
British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".

British officials predicted war ā€“ and Arab defeat ā€“ in Palestine in 1948
Truth, hitler picked the wrong people to exterminate...:death:

What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?

A lot when you look at the links through islam and Catholicism. The mufti and the Pope were both cuddling up to him during the war years
Perpetrator As Victim: No End To A Self-Inflicted "Tragedy"
What "Nakba" commemorations really disclose.
May 16, 2016
Daniel Mandel

Yesterday, May 15, Palestinians and their supporters, as they have done increasingly over recent years, marked the nakba (Arabic for ā€˜catastropheā€™) ā€“ā€“ the day 68 years ago that Israel came into existence upon the expiry of British rule under a League of Nations mandate.

That juxtaposition of Israel and nakba isnā€™t accidental. Weā€™re meant to understand that Israelā€™s creation caused the displacement of hundreds of thousand of Palestinian Arabs.

But the truth is different. A British document from the scene in early 1948, declassified in 2013, tells the story: ā€œthe Arabs have suffered ... overwhelming defeats ... Jewish victories ā€¦ have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands.ā€

In other words, Jew and Arabs, including irregular foreign militias from neighboring states, were already at war and Arabs were fleeing even before Israel came into sovereign existence on May 15, 1948.

Neighboring Arab armies and internal Palestinian militias responded to Israelā€™s declaration of independence with full-scale hostilities. In fact, the headline for the New York Timesā€™ famous report on that day includes the words, ā€˜Tel Aviv Is Bombed, Egypt Orders Invasion.ā€™ And, indeed, the head of Israelā€™s provisional government, David Ben Gurion, delivered his first radio address to the nation from an air-raid shelter.

Israel successfully resisted invasion and dismemberment ā€“ā€“ the universally affirmed objective of the Arab belligerents ā€“ā€“ and Palestinians came off worst of all from the whole venture. At warā€™s end, over 600,000 Palestinians were living as refugees under neighboring Arab regimes.

As Saudi columnist Abdulateef Al-Mulhim observed on previous anniversary, ā€œIt was a defeat but the Arabs chose to call it a catastrophe.ā€ In fact, the Syrian, Qustantin Zuraiq, in his 1948 pamphlet, Maā€™an al-Nakba (The Meaning of the Catastrophe), was first used the term nakba in this context, and the catastrophe of his description was not an Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but their flight in anticipation of an Arab invasion and destruction of Israel.

Accordingly, the term nakba, as used today, smacks of falsehood, inasmuch as it implies a tragedy inflicted by Israel. The "tragedy," of course, was self-inflicted.

As Israelā€™s UN ambassador Abba Eban was to put it some years later, ā€œOnce you determine the responsibility for that war, you have determined the responsibility for the refugee problem. Nothing in the history of our generation is clearer or less controversial than the initiative of Arab governments for the conflict out of which the refugee tragedy emerged.ā€

However, the Palestinians do not mourn today the ill-conceived choice of going to war to abort Israel. They mourn only that they failed.


Perpetrator As Victim: No End To A Self-Inflicted "Tragedy"

As usual you are full of crap. What the declassified documents actually said before the intervention of the Arab states to try to stop Jewish aggression was:

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'....
After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun,
British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".

British officials predicted war ā€“ and Arab defeat ā€“ in Palestine in 1948
Truth, hitler picked the wrong people to exterminate...:death:
Truth, the Zionists picked the wrong people to colonize.

How so what nation do Zionists come from ? And the arab muslims had already lost the land because they refused to colonise in 1850
Perpetrator As Victim: No End To A Self-Inflicted "Tragedy"
What "Nakba" commemorations really disclose.
May 16, 2016
Daniel Mandel

Yesterday, May 15, Palestinians and their supporters, as they have done increasingly over recent years, marked the nakba (Arabic for ā€˜catastropheā€™) ā€“ā€“ the day 68 years ago that Israel came into existence upon the expiry of British rule under a League of Nations mandate.

That juxtaposition of Israel and nakba isnā€™t accidental. Weā€™re meant to understand that Israelā€™s creation caused the displacement of hundreds of thousand of Palestinian Arabs.

But the truth is different. A British document from the scene in early 1948, declassified in 2013, tells the story: ā€œthe Arabs have suffered ... overwhelming defeats ... Jewish victories ā€¦ have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands.ā€

In other words, Jew and Arabs, including irregular foreign militias from neighboring states, were already at war and Arabs were fleeing even before Israel came into sovereign existence on May 15, 1948.

Neighboring Arab armies and internal Palestinian militias responded to Israelā€™s declaration of independence with full-scale hostilities. In fact, the headline for the New York Timesā€™ famous report on that day includes the words, ā€˜Tel Aviv Is Bombed, Egypt Orders Invasion.ā€™ And, indeed, the head of Israelā€™s provisional government, David Ben Gurion, delivered his first radio address to the nation from an air-raid shelter.

Israel successfully resisted invasion and dismemberment ā€“ā€“ the universally affirmed objective of the Arab belligerents ā€“ā€“ and Palestinians came off worst of all from the whole venture. At warā€™s end, over 600,000 Palestinians were living as refugees under neighboring Arab regimes.

As Saudi columnist Abdulateef Al-Mulhim observed on previous anniversary, ā€œIt was a defeat but the Arabs chose to call it a catastrophe.ā€ In fact, the Syrian, Qustantin Zuraiq, in his 1948 pamphlet, Maā€™an al-Nakba (The Meaning of the Catastrophe), was first used the term nakba in this context, and the catastrophe of his description was not an Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but their flight in anticipation of an Arab invasion and destruction of Israel.

Accordingly, the term nakba, as used today, smacks of falsehood, inasmuch as it implies a tragedy inflicted by Israel. The "tragedy," of course, was self-inflicted.

As Israelā€™s UN ambassador Abba Eban was to put it some years later, ā€œOnce you determine the responsibility for that war, you have determined the responsibility for the refugee problem. Nothing in the history of our generation is clearer or less controversial than the initiative of Arab governments for the conflict out of which the refugee tragedy emerged.ā€

However, the Palestinians do not mourn today the ill-conceived choice of going to war to abort Israel. They mourn only that they failed.


Perpetrator As Victim: No End To A Self-Inflicted "Tragedy"

As usual you are full of crap. What the declassified documents actually said before the intervention of the Arab states to try to stop Jewish aggression was:

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'....
After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun,
British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".

British officials predicted war ā€“ and Arab defeat ā€“ in Palestine in 1948
Truth, hitler picked the wrong people to exterminate...:death:

What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
As usual you are full of crap. What the declassified documents actually said before the intervention of the Arab states to try to stop Jewish aggression was:

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'....
After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun,
British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".

British officials predicted war ā€“ and Arab defeat ā€“ in Palestine in 1948
Truth, hitler picked the wrong people to exterminate...:death:

What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.
Indeed, two peas in a pod.

Who Hitler and the Mufti both monte's hero's that he worships. Are you a member of the same hero worship club
Truth, hitler picked the wrong people to exterminate...:death:

What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.
Indeed, two peas in a pod.

Who Hitler and the Mufti both monte's hero's that he worships. Are you a member of the same hero worship club
What elected office did the Mufti hold that he could act on the behalf of the Palestinians?
What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.
Indeed, two peas in a pod.

Who Hitler and the Mufti both monte's hero's that he worships. Are you a member of the same hero worship club
What elected office did the Mufti hold that he could act on the behalf of the Palestinians?

Grand mufti of Jerusalem, and the muslims did not elect their leaders back then

Want to try another deflection
As usual you are full of crap. What the declassified documents actually said before the intervention of the Arab states to try to stop Jewish aggression was:

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'....
After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun,
British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".

British officials predicted war ā€“ and Arab defeat ā€“ in Palestine in 1948
Truth, hitler picked the wrong people to exterminate...:death:

What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?
What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.
Indeed, two peas in a pod.

Who Hitler and the Mufti both monte's hero's that he worships. Are you a member of the same hero worship club
What elected office did the Mufti hold that he could act on the behalf of the Palestinians?
What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.
Indeed, two peas in a pod.

Who Hitler and the Mufti both monte's hero's that he worships. Are you a member of the same hero worship club
What elected office did the Mufti hold that he could act on the behalf of the Palestinians?

Why would an islamo-mufti need to be bothered by such things as elections? The vast majority of the Islamist world knows nothing of Western societal precepts such as rule of law, separation of church and state and principles such as the rights of the few are not usurped by the force of the majority. Equality under the law is unknown where muhammedans rule.

The theocratic dictatorships in Gaza'istan and Fatah'istan are common examples of the islamic thugs / misfits that have always gripped the islamist Middle East. Moslems by and large want to be ruled by Islamist regimes, this, in spite of their propensity for economic malaise, social inequities, denigration of religious / secular minorities and gender apartheid!
A Fake Museum for a Fake Palestine
The Palestinian Museum is as empty as its soul.
May 20, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

150 years ago, Mark Twain visited Muslim-occupied Israel and wrote of ā€œunpeopled desertsā€ and ā€œmounds of barrenness,ā€ of ā€œforlornā€ and ā€œuntenantedā€ cities.

Palestine is ā€œdesolate,ā€ he concluded. ā€œOne may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings.ā€

The same is true of the Palestinian Museum which opened with much fanfare and one slight problem. While admission is free, thereā€™s nothing inside for any of the visitors to see except the bare walls.

The Palestinian Museum had been in the works since 1998, but has no exhibits. The museum cost $24 million. All it has to show for it are a few low sloping sandy buildings indistinguishable from the dirt and a ā€œgardenā€ of scraggly bushes and shrubs. The Palestinian Museum is open, but thereā€™s nothing inside.

Itā€™s hard to think of a better metaphor for Palestine than a bunch of empty buildings designed by Irish and Chinese architects whose non-existent exhibits were the brainchild of its former Armenian-American director. Itā€™s as Palestinian as bagels and cream cheese. Or skiing, hot cocoa and fjords.

Over the Palestinian Museum flies the proud flag of Palestine, which was originally the flag of the Iraqi-Jordanian Federation before the PLO ā€œborrowedā€ it, and visitors might be greeted by the Palestinian anthem composed by Greek Communist Mikis Theodorakis. If it sounds anything like the soundtrack from Zorba the Greek, thatā€™s because they both share the same composer.

All of Palestine is so authentically Palestinian that it might as well be made in China. At least thatā€™s where the stained Keffiyahs worn by the stone throwers hurling rocks at passing Jewish families while posing heroically for Norwegian, Canadian and Chilean photojournalists are made.

Palestine is an empty building with nothing in it. Itā€™s a political Potemkin village. Thereā€™s a flag, an anthem, a museum and all the trappings of a country. But if you look closer, thereā€™s nothing inside.


A Fake Museum for a Fake Palestine
Iran: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Earth'
How post-sanction Iran is publicly threatening Israelā€™s existence with impunity.
May 20, 2016
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

The Iranian regime has been escalating the advancement of its ballistic missile program ever since the nuclear agreement went into effect in January 2016. Some of Iranā€™s dangerous ballistic missiles can carry multiple warheads.

In the last four months, Iran has launched ballistic missiles several times. Some of these missiles had a phrase "Israel should be wiped off the Earthā€ written on them in Hebrew.

The Iranian regime is increasingly provoking other countries in the region and has made it clear that the ballistic missiles are aimed at targeting other nations. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of Iranā€™s Aerospace forces, said to FARS news agency (Iranā€™s state-controlled media outlet) that ā€œIran has built missiles that can hit targets at 2,000 Km. They are designed to hit Israel at such a distance.ā€ He added that Islamic countries have surrounded Israel and ā€œits [Israelā€™s] life is short. So it will collapse in any given war ā€“ long before a missile is even fired.ā€

This week, an Iranian general acknowledged that Iran has recently launched ballistic missiles again. This means that Iran has breached the nuclear deal and UN resolutions for the third time in the last four months.

Although President Obama and the Iranian regime argue that Iranā€™s launching of ballistic missiles is not violating anything, the UN resolutions and the nuclear agreement indicate otherwise.

The United Nations Security Council resolution (section 3 of Annex B of resolution 2231, 2015) is crystal clear. The resolution ā€œcalls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.ā€

The second United Nations Security Council resolution 1929 states ā€œIran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology, and that States shall take all necessary measures to prevent the transfer of technology or technical assistance to Iran related to such activities.ā€

In addition, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Agreement (JCPOA) of the nuclear agreement between P5+1 and Iran states that Iran should not undertake any ballistic missiles activity ā€œuntil the date eight years after the JCPOA Adoption Day or until the date on which the IAEA submits a report confirming the Broader Conclusion, whichever is earlier.ā€

But the Iranian leaders have breached both the resolutions and the nuclear agreement several times. Intriguingly, Iran has become more empowered to act militarily since the nuclear agreement. Iran has repeatedly test-fired, long-range ballistic missiles and laser-guided surface-to-surface missiles. In October and November, just after the nuclear deal was reached, Iran tested a new ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple warheads.


Iran: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Earth'
Truth, hitler picked the wrong people to exterminate...:death:

What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Yeah, yeah, anyone can call names.

israel is a terrorist state - YouTube
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Yeah, yeah, anyone can call names.

israel is a terrorist state - YouTube

And all you have is some islamonazi propagandists and a failed British politician as your evidence. What have you got that is official and recognised by the world at large
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Yeah, yeah, anyone can call names.

israel is a terrorist state - YouTube

It is NOT a terrorist state.

Get it?
Iran: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Earth'
How post-sanction Iran is publicly threatening Israelā€™s existence with impunity.
May 20, 2016
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

The Iranian regime has been escalating the advancement of its ballistic missile program ever since the nuclear agreement went into effect in January 2016. Some of Iranā€™s dangerous ballistic missiles can carry multiple warheads.

In the last four months, Iran has launched ballistic missiles several times. Some of these missiles had a phrase "Israel should be wiped off the Earthā€ written on them in Hebrew.

The Iranian regime is increasingly provoking other countries in the region and has made it clear that the ballistic missiles are aimed at targeting other nations. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of Iranā€™s Aerospace forces, said to FARS news agency (Iranā€™s state-controlled media outlet) that ā€œIran has built missiles that can hit targets at 2,000 Km. They are designed to hit Israel at such a distance.ā€ He added that Islamic countries have surrounded Israel and ā€œits [Israelā€™s] life is short. So it will collapse in any given war ā€“ long before a missile is even fired.ā€

This week, an Iranian general acknowledged that Iran has recently launched ballistic missiles again. This means that Iran has breached the nuclear deal and UN resolutions for the third time in the last four months.

Although President Obama and the Iranian regime argue that Iranā€™s launching of ballistic missiles is not violating anything, the UN resolutions and the nuclear agreement indicate otherwise.

The United Nations Security Council resolution (section 3 of Annex B of resolution 2231, 2015) is crystal clear. The resolution ā€œcalls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.ā€

The second United Nations Security Council resolution 1929 states ā€œIran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology, and that States shall take all necessary measures to prevent the transfer of technology or technical assistance to Iran related to such activities.ā€

In addition, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Agreement (JCPOA) of the nuclear agreement between P5+1 and Iran states that Iran should not undertake any ballistic missiles activity ā€œuntil the date eight years after the JCPOA Adoption Day or until the date on which the IAEA submits a report confirming the Broader Conclusion, whichever is earlier.ā€

But the Iranian leaders have breached both the resolutions and the nuclear agreement several times. Intriguingly, Iran has become more empowered to act militarily since the nuclear agreement. Iran has repeatedly test-fired, long-range ballistic missiles and laser-guided surface-to-surface missiles. In October and November, just after the nuclear deal was reached, Iran tested a new ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple warheads.


Iran: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Earth'

Now they start linking to Nazi publications and to an article by a supporter of the Shah. How extreme are the ZioNazis going to get?
What does Hitler have to do with Christians and Muslims of the Middle East?
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.
Do you mean the Christians of the Islamist Middle East who have largely been exterminated by your Islamist heroes?

What Islamist heroes? I despise Islamists as much as Zionists.

Then why do you defend their illegal weapons and claim they have the right to mass murder children of Israel. All you ever do on here is defend and support hamas and its terrorism
Are you still playing the terrorism card?

Is that all you have?

Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist. If they have then I am not playing the terrorist card but speaking truthfully and accurately. It is you trying to deflect and derail away from the truth that is playing the terrorist card and failing every time.

I would have thought that illegal weapons, war crimes and terrorism would be enough to show you are batting for the wrong side
Have they or have they not been officially classified as terrorist.​

By a minority of countries.
What is the official officiating agency charged with officially designating bearded islamo-loons as Islamic terrorists?

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