overnight the people now love obamacare


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Over night Obamacare has become a success. People love it now. Last week the people hated it but today the Federal media has kicked into gear and is telling us about a new poll and telling us that 7 million people have signed up. They are so happy on MSNBC...We all know we can trust the Obama administration and the federal media to tell us the truth.....
They are trying all the tricks in the trade.
None of it will work though.
Too many people are getting hurt by this terrible bill.
Over night Obamacare has become a success. People love it now. Last week the people hated it but today the Federal media has kicked into gear and is telling us about a new poll and telling us that 7 million people have signed up. They are so happy on MSNBC...We all know we can trust the Obama administration and the federal media to tell us the truth.....

Ceptin' pahdna it was Canadian Cruz's poll, my little emo buddy
Well, at least the immigrants at the Mexican consulates like Obamacare.
Over night Obamacare has become a success. People love it now. Last week the people hated it but today the Federal media has kicked into gear and is telling us about a new poll and telling us that 7 million people have signed up. They are so happy on MSNBC...We all know we can trust the Obama administration and the federal media to tell us the truth.....

I wonder if Chris Matthews will be able to do his show tonight after all the multiple orgasms
he no doubt had after his guy Obama announced that 7 million are now signed up.

I wonder what the breakdown will be as to who paid,how many young people,how many are newly insured,how many were dumped and needed to sign up...On and on...

Will Sebelius be able to announce any of this at some point or will we be treated to more
I don't know answers from her.
Appropriate they announce that 7 million people have signed up for Obama Care on April 1st!
I've never witnessed anything as creepy as the American press' obsession with the Magic Negro Messiah...

other than the fact that half the country does not see the insanity right in front of their eyes.
The data was also all fudged in 2012, when those dirty liberals skewed the polls for Obama. Mitt Romney's glorious landslide victory proved how correct the ODSers were. No liberal number-fudging ever gets past the flawless bullshit sensors of that crowd.
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7 million people have signed up for Obama Care on April 1st!
However and it is a big however:

Numbers from a RAND Corporation study that has been kept under wraps suggest that barely 858,000 previously uninsured Americans – nowhere near 7.1 million – have paid for new policies and joined the ranks of the insured by Monday night.

Read more: White House says 7 MILLION Obamacare enrollments, but study shows 858,000 | Mail Online
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Over night Obamacare has become a success. People love it now. Last week the people hated it but today the Federal media has kicked into gear and is telling us about a new poll and telling us that 7 million people have signed up. They are so happy on MSNBC...We all know we can trust the Obama administration and the federal media to tell us the truth.....

Like most things, it's not as great as it sounds and it's not as bad as it sounds. There are many issues, mostly ones that can be resolved, with the ACA, but there are also many really good things that the ACA has brought about. Given time and some tweaks, the ACA could turn out to be the beginning of a really good thing.
7 million people have signed up for Obama Care on April 1st!
However and it is a big however:

Numbers from a RAND Corporation study that has been kept under wraps suggest that barely 858,000 previously uninsured Americans – nowhere near 7.1 million – have paid for new policies and joined the ranks of the insured by Monday night.

Read more: White House says 7 MILLION Obamacare enrollments, but study shows 858,000 | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I highly doubt that all 7.1 million have paid their premiums. I also highly doubt that the number us anywhere near as low as 858,000. That sounds to me more like the number who have not paid a premium. BTW, I just paid my fourth month's premium.
I've never witnessed anything as creepy as the American press' obsession with the Magic Negro Messiah...

other than the fact that half the country does not see the insanity right in front of their eyes.

I have never understood the right's fascination with Obama being a Messiah. It's like they really want him to be one.
Like you guys never waited til the last minute do do something you're required to do.

Remember homework?

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