Overactive immune systems.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Is what RA is all about. So I am wondering, will an OVERACTIVE immune system attack not only the joints, but maybe take a break and attack a different attacker....i.e. a virus? You get where I am going with this, right?
Is what RA is all about. So I am wondering, will an OVERACTIVE immune system attack not only the joints, but maybe take a break and attack a different attacker....i.e. a virus? You get where I am going with this, right?
Does that happen with all the other vaccines we take? No? Well...
Is what RA is all about. So I am wondering, will an OVERACTIVE immune system attack not only the joints, but maybe take a break and attack a different attacker....i.e. a virus? You get where I am going with this, right?
Like many immune system diseases, RA is not very well understood yet.
Correct. No clue what causes it. No cure. BUT...logic says...if it is over active and attacks joints which is considered an "enemy" of the body, wouldn't that same attack go against a virus? Seems so, to me. But I am no scientist or doctor, so who knows. RA sucks, but if it protects me from invasion as well as attacking my joints...then be my guest. Attack. Whatever enters, kill it. Except my joints, lol. Go easy on those. :spinner:
Correct. No clue what causes it. No cure. BUT...logic says...if it is over active and attacks joints which is considered an "enemy" of the body, wouldn't that same attack go against a virus?
It would be nice if RA was that simple. But, unfortunately, it isn't that simple. It's much more complicated than that. :(

Not every problem has a simple answer.

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