Osama Bin Laden Tied To Iran - Glad Obama Made That Treaty W/Iran

"I’m old enough to recall when those who suggested an Iran/IRGC link to al-Qaeda got nothing but laughter. “Radical Sunnis and radical Shi’ites hate each other!” we’d be reminded. “They want to wipe each other out!” Well, it turns out that they hate something more than each other — and that’s the United States. As many of us suspected."

Osama papers released: Guess who partnered with al-Qaeda? - Hot Air
I'm glad Obama had him killed, instead of giving him a pass like Baby Bush did.
I'm glad Obama had him killed, instead of giving him a pass like Baby Bush did.
I'm not convinced Obama had much to do with it.

Of course you would not. As for al Qaeda and Iran, Iran is majority Shia, Saudi Arabia, majority Sunni, the branch Wahbbism evolved from. Osama bin Laden has been dead for over six years also. Try again. This is news from 1998, Bush I was President, it was reported as believed but not confirmed since 2002, the relationship broke down over religious differences.
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Iran is not living up to their bargain, too bad we had to pay them billions of dollars to improve their nuclear weapon program.
I'm glad Obama had him killed, instead of giving him a pass like Baby Bush did.
So you have seen the body?

As far as you know, Barry turned OBL over to the Shah as part of the treaty, much like he set the Taliban 5 free...

If only we would have had some warning that Iran was disingenuous and a threat, maybe like...

The Shah leading crowds calling for the US' destruction...

Iran's air force practicing attacks on a mock US aircraft carrier

Iran mocking Obama, saying he was desperate for the deal for his 'Legacy...

Every other nation walking away from the table (like everyone else pulled their people out of Benghazi)...

Iran is not living up to their bargain, too bad we had to pay them billions of dollars to improve their nuclear weapon program.
Iran violated the temporary agreement while the main treaty Obama wanted was being negotiated...

That should have been a deal breaker... what Obama, obviously wanted to help out okay. And I ran wow working on his 'Legacy'...

This is why what Obama did, negotiating his own personal treaty, is unconstitutional...
I'm glad Obama had him killed, instead of giving him a pass like Baby Bush did.
So you have seen the body?

As far as you know, Barry turned OBL over to the Shah as part of the treaty, much like he set the Taliban 5 free...


The military MEN involved have testified differently. I will take the word of the guys who risked their lives to take him out over Buttpimple babble. Druggies like Buttpimple babble on. Read up on Shia v. Sunni and you MIGHT understand why Iran could be partners with al qaeda. It has to due with one branch believing their leaders are descendants of the Prophet, and the other looking for the "most holy". Neuther nranch, nor Sufis, accept wanton killing of "people of the Book"* AND followers of the Prophet (many Muslems died 9/11/01 in NYC.)

*People of the Book include Christians and Jews, but not Hindus. True Muslims hold the Old Testament & first four books of the New Testament as Holy.
Iran has had no Shah for decades. READ up on the subject.
Iran relationship with al-Qaeda revealed in newly-released trove of bin Laden documents

"A newly released trove of documents recovered from Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan compound have revealed “secret dealings” between Iran and al-Qaeda."

After he is gone, evidence is still coming out how Barry worked to benefit Al Qaeda and other US enemies.

His Un-Constitutional treaty is just another chapter discovered...
Glad Former President Obama got Osama bin Laden.
I'm no expert on the Iran deal, I do believe some sort of agreement in place is better than war, on the same note though, I find it to be a restriction to give Iran a 24 day advance notice before an inspection. Why not a 48-72 hour heads up? It would seem to me that 24 days is a great deal of time for a state to hide it's activities and even provide explanations for any trace elements found by inspectors.

Peaceful resolutions are always better than war. The money give to Iran is also problematic. At best, it should have been released in long stages, as a form of an incentive for them to walk the straight and narrow.

Other than this, I would love to hear an experts opinion of it, because those in the know who I have heard of are really not happy with the terms.
Barry Un-Constitutionally negotiated his own treaty with a nation who openly called for our destruction while secretly partnered with the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11/01 ... and murdered 4 more Americans on 9/11/12...

He gave them millions of dollars, lifted trade sanctions, and helped Iran get to further its nuclear weapons program almost completely un-opposed
-- meanwhile today Iran is threatening to strike the US with its missiles

Barry dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help Al Qaeda murder and replace Qadaffi and to take over Libya as their own country...

Barry attempted to sectetly pay Iran a ransom for US Hostages ... because he didn't have the balls to make their release part of his Un-Constitutional treaty...

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, & protected terrorists The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and ISIS...

He helped put the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda in charge of their iwn countries...tried to help ISIS do so in Syria...

...and snowflakes still 'worship' the man...
I'm no expert on the Iran deal, I do believe some sort of agreement in place is better than war...
No, what you believe is that Obama negotiating an Un-Constitutional personal deal with a nation that has openly called for our destruction, that has allied itself with the terrorists who murdeted 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and 4 more on 9/11/12, is perfectly acceptable to you.

And if you think Iran is now our friends because of what Barry did, that they still don't want our destruction (again today threatening to strike us with their missiles) you are an idiot.

You're not an idiot, are you?
Glad Former President Obama got Osama bin Laden.
Yes, it was exceptional how he used the process Bush established to find UBL and then give the go-ahead for SEAL Team 6 to go after him...the 3rd time he was asked to do so....

...not as good as Un-Constitutionally making his own deal with Al Qaeda's partner, Iran, but...

Al-Qaeda.broke the agreement & Iran arrested their terrorist thugs. Bin Laden is dead, the Iranian president is gone & Bush is gone. Problem solved!
Glad Former President Obama got Osama bin Laden.
Yes, it was exceptional how he used the process Bush established to find UBL and then give the go-ahead for SEAL Team 6 to go after him...the 3rd time he was asked to do so....

...not as good as Un-Constitutionally making his own deal with Al Qaeda's partner, Iran, but...


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