Orthodox Jews and Zionism

When I posted my list of Jewish individuals, organizations, and publications who have opposed Zionism, several people responded that Orthodox Jews were not opposed to Zionism per se, but only to Israel's secular existence.

I was fairly sure that some at least were definitively anti-Zionist. So, you know me, I went to You Tube to hear it from orthodox Jews themselves.

There are differences among individuals and groups here, but there are definitely some seriously anti-Zionist orthodox Jews, and lots of them, make no mistake.
And it doesn't sound like they are having it any easier in Israel than the Palestinians are, actually:

Rabbi Josef Antebbi:

Rabbi Dovid Weiss (Neturei Karta):


Rabbi Yakov Mermelstein and others:

10,000+ Jews Against Israel (U.S. Media Blackout):

(by the way .... can it be?? Yes!! Yes !!!!! he is speaking Yiddish!!! and 10,000 people right there understand him)

Jews Against Zionism:

Shocking! How Jews are Treated in Israel:

Orthodox Jews Protest Israel "con job":

Haredi: The ultra orthodox society in Israel (part 1 of 5):

this is making me want to go watch Ushpizin one of my favorite movies!

Rabbi Weiss is of Neturei Karta. Neturei Karta and Satmar are two minor communities who reject Zionism

They are not accepted in the house of Israel in general.

Those two communities, besides being hateful towards Zionism, are hateful toward one enother.

In Jerusalem, fight over territory almost caust a massive disaster, women and children were almost burned to death at one occasion, because of the rival movements of Satmar and Neturei Karta.

They're crazy and any sane Jew will stay away from them.
Amity, ever heard about "Own Goal"?

I think that before posting videos of "How Jews are treated in Israel" you should double check what you post, mate:D

You put this video

Where you trying to show are badly we treat orthodox Jews?

If you checked what you've posted you see a bunch of Palestinian terrorist try to beat up Jewish kids, and the wicked Zionist protecting them.

Is that your message?

Ok, we've got it!
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Hey, like I said, I do NOT make these videos. I was watching the video and totally shocked to see members of the public and the police abusing them. I guess ANYONE who dissents from Zionism and its grip on the country is liable to be persecuted. Its too bad because they are quite apolitical and passive, but vocal about their views. Thanks be to them and G-d bless them every one.
Hey, like I said, I do NOT make these videos. I was watching the video and totally shocked to see members of the public and the police abusing them. I guess ANYONE who dissents from Zionism and its grip on the country is liable to be persecuted. Its too bad because they are quite apolitical and passive, but vocal about their views. Thanks be to them and G-d bless them every one.

Abusing them?

They were trying to shield them from the Palestinian mob.

I don't get what gave you the idea of any abuse from the policemen.
Did you see the other videos? Watch them and then you will get it.
Okay, then.
I was trying to sympathetically present the plight of the orthodox in Israel "even-handedly" but what you obviously want is footage of jackbooted Israeli military/police thugs beating the crap out of helpless unarmed Hasidim, and you just won't rest 'til you get it, you bloodthirsty savages ;) ....

so I will have to oblige you:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGY5hxmFc2Y]Israel: Cops brutally disperse Orthodox Jews protesting new conscription law - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od-Vbj0AOIo]Eretz Israel-The police attack the Orthodox Jews. It's Unacceptable (1) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v37n0LBtseo]Israeli Police Attack Synagogue - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWS02V4Pq_s]Eretz Israel-Confrontation between the police and Orthodox Jews - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTmw9F9f-2c]The Anti-zionist Jews of Jerusalem 1/5 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg9roUobCII]Israel: Orthodox Jews march against army conscription - YouTube[/ame]

To me this man is so right. The essence of Judaism is TORAH STUDY, and army conscription will obliterat5e Jewish consciousness as it has existed for thousands of years.
I would be so glad to have a comment on this film in particular:

hey I like this one. HEY I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_W5LP3GrXI]Ultra-Orthodox Jews campaign for dismantling of Israel - RT 110612 - YouTube[/ame]
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Amity is so funny. What a relief to have her here to entertain us & take our minds off the real world of Palestinian terrorists & Middle East Muslims killing us infidels all over the world.

Amity, ever heard about "Own Goal"?

I think that before posting videos of "How Jews are treated in Israel" you should double check what you post, mate:D

You put this video


Where you trying to show are badly we treat orthodox Jews?

If you checked what you've posted you see a bunch of Palestinian terrorist try to beat up Jewish kids, and the wicked Zionist protecting them.

Is that your message?

Ok, we've got it!
You are extremely blase about the film footage i just presented of jackbooted israeli police thugs beating the crap out of helpless unarmed hasidim.

Don't you have any substantive comments ...

Like "Wow, I thought Israel was about protecting Jews! Maybe I better reconsider my Zionism."
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They were not even taken in Israel, so if the west treats them like crap, I don't see how it's our problem...

Lipush, bevakasha, please attempt to defend Israel concerning the film footage shown above, which WAS taken is Israel, IF YOU CAN!
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Amity is so funny. What a relief to have her here to entertain us & take our minds off the real world of Palestinian terrorists & Middle East Muslims killing us infidels all over the world.

Amity, ever heard about "Own Goal"?

I think that before posting videos of "How Jews are treated in Israel" you should double check what you post, mate:D

You put this video


Where you trying to show are badly we treat orthodox Jews?

If you checked what you've posted you see a bunch of Palestinian terrorist try to beat up Jewish kids, and the wicked Zionist protecting them.

Is that your message?

Ok, we've got it!

She certainly is entertaining, MJB. There are Jews in Brooklyn where some of these "Orthodox" Jews live and they have never heard of them. However, with the advent of the Internet and the hate sites, the other posters and viewers are certainly learning about these Jews, even though there group is quite small. How do you think Amity would look in a beard to join these fellows of whom she seems so fond?
Okay, then.
I was trying to sympathetically present the plight of the orthodox in Israel "even-handedly" but what you obviously want is footage of jackbooted Israeli military/police thugs beating the crap out of helpless unarmed Hasidim, and you just won't rest 'til you get it, you bloodthirsty savages ;) ....

so I will have to oblige you:

Israel: Cops brutally disperse Orthodox Jews protesting new conscription law - YouTube

Eretz Israel-The police attack the Orthodox Jews. It's Unacceptable (1) - YouTube

Israeli Police Attack Synagogue - YouTube

Eretz Israel-Confrontation between the police and Orthodox Jews - YouTube

The Anti-zionist Jews of Jerusalem 1/5 - YouTube

Israel: Orthodox Jews march against army conscription - YouTube

Clearly explained why Orthodox Jews refuse to serve in IDF - YouTube

hey I like this one. HEY I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

Ultra-Orthodox Jews campaign for dismantling of Israel - RT 110612 - YouTube

Ok, proper comment.

The last video is pure trollism, I see no reason why posting anti-zionist crap by Anti-zionist crappies.

The Synagogue incident does look disturbing, I don't remember that being discussed.

2 other videos for some reason don't work.

And for the first video- It is a well remembered protest. Too bad they didn't break their bones. It was a protest against the Israeli high-court, which decided against descrimination of girls in the Neturei Karta fanatic societies, as part of the Emanuel incident. They wished to ban certain girls from their school, the court decided it's against the law, then they went out rioting.

I have no sympathy for that.
Ok, proper comment.

The last video is pure trollism, I see no reason why posting anti-zionist crap by Anti-zionist crappies.

The Synagogue incident does look disturbing, I don't remember that being discussed.

2 other videos for some reason don't work.

And for the first video- It is a well remembered protest. Too bad they didn't break their bones. It was a protest against the Israeli high-court, which decided against descrimination of girls in the Neturei Karta fanatic societies, as part of the Emanuel incident. They wished to ban certain girls from their school, the court decided it's against the law, then they went out rioting.

I have no sympathy for that.

Thanks, Lipush. I have learned some respect for you because you can be honest as well as thoughtful.

I appreciate and believe your explanations of the films, although I don't agree that breaking the bones of unarmed dissenters is ever justified. Of course I don't know what explanation the group in question would have for the issue under protest.

If you are able to find out anything about the synagogue incident please let us know.

Amity, you are really harbouring a lot of hate for Israel and Zionism .

I don't mean this as an insult, but, you really need some help.

You've racked up a ton of posts in a very short time and all you are doing is trashing Israel.
We get it, you hate Israel!

You spend your entire day trashing Israel and posting videos that have been posted here so many times. Do you really think anything you are saying is original??
You sound line a ranting lunatic.

To me this man is so right. The essence of Judaism is TORAH STUDY, and army conscription (and in the last analysis, Zionism itself) will obliterate Jewish consciousness as it has existed for thousands of years. Rabbi Shapiro is so brilliant, so right, this made me cry. When someone asked me a week ago or so if I love Jews too I was able to answer honestly YES! mainly because of what Rabbi Shapiro is talking about here.
I would be so glad to have a comment on this film in particular:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3SJYRkI2hM]Clearly explained why Orthodox Jews refuse to serve in IDF - YouTube[/ame]

Lipush? Anyone?
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Ok, proper comment.

The last video is pure trollism, I see no reason why posting anti-zionist crap by Anti-zionist crappies.

The Synagogue incident does look disturbing, I don't remember that being discussed.

2 other videos for some reason don't work.

And for the first video- It is a well remembered protest. Too bad they didn't break their bones. It was a protest against the Israeli high-court, which decided against descrimination of girls in the Neturei Karta fanatic societies, as part of the Emanuel incident. They wished to ban certain girls from their school, the court decided it's against the law, then they went out rioting.

I have no sympathy for that.

Thanks, Lipush. I have learned some respect for you because you can be honest as well as thoughtful.

I appreciate and believe your explanations of the films, although I don't agree that breaking the bones of unarmed dissenters is ever justified. Of course I don't know what explanation the group in question would have for the issue under protest.

If you are able to find out anything about the synagogue incident please let us know.


If they can descriminate girls and humiliate them in both mental and physical way, I see no reason why they cannot handle cops.

Maybe it's just me.

As for the synaguge, I'd try to find information about it, the video is disturbing, I don't justify any kind of violent behavior in a holy house of God, and I really don't remember this happening.

As for Neturei Karta, they should make a decision. Either they obey our laws and behave accordingly, or they don't. If they don't, then the cash they take from national security is not well deserved.
NK are NOT 'Orthodox' Jews: they are not part of the Orthodox movement of Judaism.

They are one tiny (?5,000) subset of Haredim. And in refusing to give service to the Jewish nation they are basically heretical - for ever since Sinai it's been 'Na'aseh v'nishma': http://www.myjewishlearning.com/hol...ebrating_Submission/Accepting_the_Torah.shtml Hearing/studying the Torah is not good enough.

They also are going against Hillel's words: "If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? If I am for myself alone, what am I? And if not now, when?"

Considering they seek all the benefits of living in Eretz Yisroel BUT refuse to obey its laws and insist only they are 'Klal Yisroel' - they are getting very close to being traitors to the Jewish People. And that has NOTHING to do with 'Zionism', but everything to do with their declaring themselves to be the only 'real' Jews and refusing to accept the entire mainstream of the Jewish People: it isn't for them alone to decide such things, so they are also in rebellion against YHVH.

Those are my personal opinions, not someone else's, not any kind of 'doctrine'.....
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