Orange County DA Dies from Covid...she was 46

Sad indeed. This virus is a blight on humanity.

The Blight on Humanity is the the creepy Glee with which the Covidians chortle over every supposedly unvaxxed person who dies from Covid.

In other news, 797 people were murdered in Chicago in 2021, most of them young and black.
Sorry Charlie { Starkist Commercial } that doesn't even remotely square.
Considering that Doctors and Hospital use Covid as both Diagnosis and
on Death Certificates.They get paid to list Covid as the cause.
Regardless of Cancer,Heart Disease or Pneumonia.
Occassionally word gets out that a famous Person died who recently got the
jab.Like Baseball Legend Hank Aaron.It was immediately listed as cause of
death { Natural Causes }. Case closed.No reporting to follow up on his Covid
jab.Now why was there No Hubub AT ALLL about his recent Covid Jab.
Or same thing with Marvin Hagler.The Lying NOT TO BE TRUSTED MSM
used the same ploy.Come out big time with a headline ...
- Fact Check : Boxing champ Marvin Hagler's Death Not caused by'
Covid 19 vaccine. - { USA Today.
However ... { Fellow Boxing Great Thomas Hearns } said different.
" A real true warrior Pray for the kind and his family.he;s in the ICU
fighting the aftereffects of the vaccine,"
Wrote Thomas Hearns on March 14 in a now deleted post.

That fellow boxing great later deleted his post. But, if the conspiracy theories keep you warm at night, by all means, carry on.
Sorry, but out of the 166,000,000 plus people who have been vaccinated, only 1,507 have died from COVID. That is statistically zero. And, none of those people who are in the stats have made the news. My point stands, nobody who has been vaccinated and died has made the news.

So you're saying Colin Powell didn't make the news when he passed????????? That's just one example. You're such a fucking lair, you've been hanging around commies too much. ROLMAO

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Conspiracy theory much? Weaponized virus? Really?
When one decides to grow up and Not rely on the Lying Left
and the MSM then all possibilities that make a lick of sense
seem bigger than Life itself.That actually it was True.We had a
weaponized DEEP STATE. That Agencies like the FBI have been
taken over.And of course Obama's Justice Dept. with Eric Holder.
Now it's seriously In our Face with Merrick Garland.
The 1973 Movie - Executive Action - makes verifiable sense today.
No so much in the 70's.
Or take the ACLU.Once { not long ago } considered a safe bastion of
lucid concerns over one's civil rights.
Not No Mores.Guess who is the ACLU's largest benefactor.
Try Super Bilderberger Billionaire George Soros.
Explains everything.Why the ACLU has basically closed it's doors.
Not one lick interested in any Whites having their Civil Rights denied.
No matter Jewish or Christian.
Another god-damned tragedy from this killer virus.

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Grace and peace to her family.

Fauxi should be tried for crimes against humanity for funding this bioweapon
That fellow boxing great later deleted his post. But, if the conspiracy theories keep you warm at night, by all means, carry on.
Due to excessive Pressure.? I don't trust dire serious posts that get
deleted.That is how Stalins Russia operated.
Good to know it doesn't bother you one lick.
Even Deer in a winter storm give a salt lick.
I find it interesting that a lot of the people who make the news who have died of the virus never received the vaccine as well as have spoken out against being vaccinated.

Matter of fact, I don't think I've heard of one person in the news who has died from COVID after being vaccinated. Yes, I've heard of people getting sick from it after being vaccinated, but their symptoms were mild, and I haven't heard of a death from contracting the virus after being vaccinated. Anyone got a link to say people have died from contracting COVID after vaccination?
Well the vaccinated are too busy dying from blood clots and heart attacks. But your masters have decided you don’t need to be concerned with it. So go get shot #4.

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