Oprah accuses whites of lynching MILLIONS of blacks

Oprah is a racist herself...but she loves all that money she makes off them white folks..

she should go open another school in Africa or something...forget all the people here she gives only gives lip service about

I hope people finally wake up to her and stop watching her stuff...would serve her right

I thought a 70 yr old chick would have more to add than high school insults. You wasted 50 years of your life

the childish pot meets the idiot kettle.. you did that one without even trying...
I've forgotten more in life than you will ever grow up to experience..immaturity does that to people...try growing up little child...no one is impressed with you being a snot nosed ass.

Yes you have...too much in fact
I thought a 70 yr old chick would have more to add than high school insults. You wasted 50 years of your life

the childish pot meets the idiot kettle.. you did that one without even trying...
I've forgotten more in life than you will ever grow up to experience..immaturity does that to people...try growing up little child...no one is impressed with you being a snot nosed ass.

Yes you have...too much in fact

I don't have time to waste on rude, disrespectful asses like you who post just to see yourself post...
see ya...you are DISMISSED
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OMG. What an idiot!

Millions? Freaking millions? I really didn't think she was that dense. Geeze louise I guess making up shit is just par for the course these days for the left wing lunatic fringe.

Damn. I am a World War II baby (black) and not one soul has ever attempted to lynch me..I don't know..although to hear that millions of my brethern have been hung sort of scares me.

Geezz...you'd think that there would be more proof?? I mean - millions?? I've heard of "maybe" 20 or 30 but millions!?!?

I would think that our first mulatto president might look into that, though.....It would really serve his "racially diverse" attitude that he has recently taken on.......:cuckoo:

Someone should be along shortly from the party of tolerance to call you one of their hateful names for conservative black people.

I sit. Anxiously awaiting their thoughtful and reasoned response. :lol:
OMG. What an idiot!

Millions? Freaking millions? I really didn't think she was that dense. Geeze louise I guess making up shit is just par for the course these days for the left wing lunatic fringe.

Damn. I am a World War II baby (black) and not one soul has ever attempted to lynch me..I don't know..although to hear that millions of my brethern have been hung sort of scares me.

Geezz...you'd think that there would be more proof?? I mean - millions?? I've heard of "maybe" 20 or 30 but millions!?!?

I would think that our first mulatto president might look into that, though.....It would really serve his "racially diverse" attitude that he has recently taken on.......:cuckoo:

just wondering if you can help me Randall.., i am a pre WWII baby, i was born in Ohio, lived in Florida during most of WWII, my memories of relationships with "colored" people (kids, boys and girls my age) was quite limited yet we had gotten together on many occasions.., believe it or not, i recall "working" along side of those folks picking cotton, tobacco pickles and watermelons, we (my cousins and i) played together in the water after a hard rain naked, (that was my first time ever seeing a naked female) to me those kids were just kids of a darker color than i, we had separate schools and churches, i recall the elders referring to the "black" folks as "*******" and it seemed quite acceptable at the time (1940's)............, sooooooo, i presume you are in your late 60's, were you ever called a "******" to your face, (pre 1960) and if you were did you get offended, during the tumultuous 1960's and post 1960's i can understand being offended, i do not recall using the word "******" until those 1960's. today i believe all shades of people from lilly white to coal black can be a "******" simply by their actions.., would you agree ? i have great respect for many "colored" people and great disdain for those of any color who are thugs, rapists, murderers, thieves, hate mongers etc., i am reasonably sure you will agree................,

your comment please !

Thank you so much for your post. I grew up with my Father being one of the first Black Staff Officers in the "new at the time" Air Force. He retired in 1967 as a Brigadier General. I had the opportunity to travel with my folks all over the world at different bases. I have seen signs on restaurants that said "No Colored Allowed" in Kentucky and I have also seen signs that read "No Indians Served" in Arizona.

I have seen segregated public schools in Alabama and Mississippi. I have seen separate water fountains for blacks and whites in Missouri but I also saw "Nein Auslanders" (Non-Germans not welcome) in Munich. I have seen "We Do Not Serve Colored" at a barbershop in Dallas Texas and I have seen "Negroes need not apply" in Colorado and I've seen "Americans go home" in Turkey.

I've seen White only Churches in America and Muslim only Churches in Iran. I've seen open hatred for blacks in America and I've seen open hatred for Jews in Germany.

I've been called "******" in Los Angeles and Phoenix City Alabama. I have called whites "honky" and "cracker" in Lincoln Nebraska and Killeen, Texas.

As a post script: I also remember vividly, going to Daytona Beach in the 60s and not being allowed on the beaches there. The prevailing wisdom at the time was that it was a good idea to stay away....

My Father told me, when I was a child, about "content of character". He also taught me about human nature. People lash out at what they don't understand or are afraid of. It's life. I have never taken "name calling" as a personal insult. Hell, I'm just as guilty as the next guy. We can either choose to wallow in ignorance or stand up and grow in intelligence.

I have had a wonderful life. I served in the Army for 22 years and retired as a CWO. I married the love of my Life. We have 2 wonderful kids and 4 beautiful grand children. I retired from a civilian occupation (25 years) and we now live on a large parcel of ground in beautiful Montana. I don't have many neighbors, but the ones I have (5 miles away) are kind and friendly people. The people here don't call me names under their breath. Trust me, I know what that's like.

Up here, we are more concerned about the hunting and fishing than we are about "skin color". We leave that to those "intellectual elites" down there in the "big cities".
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She's about the riches black on earth and she plays the victim. what a sad joke.

Why, are we not doing a good enough job of stopping them from killing each other or does she have whites confused with Planned Parenthood?

Once again, a liberal is race baiting, as if they haven't garnered enough anger already.

And when people criticize her for saying something so stupid, she'll chalk it up to racism.

The only person "race baiting" is ShootSpeeders.

Oprah didn't say anything about "white people".

Really? Who do you suppose she meant lynched those MILLIONS of blacks?
Blacks are free to invent the most outrageous lies in their war against whtes. The same whites who shower them with welfare and affirmative action.

Oprah Winfrey, Forest Whitaker Talk Lee Daniels' The Butler, Racism, and the N-word

On using the N-word:
Lee Daniels: It’s a word I used quite a bit, until Oprah sat me down and talked to me about its power.
Winfrey: You cannot be my friend and use that word around me. It shows my age, but I feel strongly about it. … I always think of the millions of people who heard that as their last word as they were hanging from a tree.
Forest Whitaker: I don’t use the word. Never did.
\Oprah is a rich, powerful, blowhard.
Language is a pretty powerful thing.
Would be nice if Oprah kept that in mind.
To accuse white people of lynching millions of blacks.....
Maybe her intent is to keep fueling the fire.
She's about the riches black on earth and she plays the victim. what a sad joke.

Why, are we not doing a good enough job of stopping them from killing each other or does she have whites confused with Planned Parenthood?

Once again, a liberal is race baiting, as if they haven't garnered enough anger already.

And when people criticize her for saying something so stupid, she'll chalk it up to racism.

The only person "race baiting" is ShootSpeeders.

Oprah didn't say anything about "white people".

Really? Who do you suppose she meant lynched those MILLIONS of blacks?

It surely couldn't have been this guy-----N000000. He's a senator! :eusa_whistle:

"white people are in denial", Oprah Winfrey


she said it on one of her shows years ago when I actually watched.

Stopped watching after that.

She also made the statement to a guest (and I don't remember the man) but her statement (paraphrased) was that You were born White. You were born into privilege. Everyday you wake up, you are White, and the world is great so you have no clue about race.

I heard it with my own ears.

Funny, I always wondered as a black man, what it must be like to be a media mogul and a billionaire. Oprah forgot the "black condition" about 990 million dollars ago......
Sorry bout that,

1. She wants white people to pay more, and of course we will, because we are so very guilty, slavery stopped in the 1800's, I think there was a war over slavery.
2. Who makes her relevant these days???

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Some one get this to Oprah so she can stop embarassing herself. Sheesh.

And tell her blacks weren't the only ones lynched. What a fool.

Lynchings: By State and Race, 1882-1968 *
State White Black Total
Alabama 48 299 347
Arizona 31 0 31
Arkansas 58 226 284
California 41 2 43
Colorado 65 3 68
Delaware 0 1 1
Florida 25 257 282
Georgia 39 492 531
Idaho 20 0 20
Illinois 15 19 34
Indiana 33 14 47
Iowa 17 2 19
Kansas 35 19 54
Kentucky 63 142 205
Louisiana 56 335 391
Maine 1 0 1
Maryland 2 27 29
Michigan 7 1 8
Minnesota 5 4 9
Mississippi 42 539 581
Missouri 53 69 122
Montana 82 2 84
Nebraska 52 5 57
Nevada 6 0 6
New Jersey 1 1 2
New Mexico 33 3 36
New York 1 1 2
North Carolina 15 86 101
North Dakota 13 3 16
Ohio 10 16 26
Oklahoma 82 40 122
Oregon 20 1 21
Pennsylvania 2 6 8
South Carolina 4 156 160
South Dakota 27 0 27
Tennessee 47 204 251
Texas 141 352 493
Utah 6 2 8
Vermont 1 0 1
Virginia 17 83 100
Washington 25 1 26
West Virginia 20 28 48
Wisconsin 6 0 6
Wyoming 30 5 35

Total 1,297 3,446 4,743
*Statistics provided by the Archives at Tuskegee Institute.

Lynching Statistics

you are RRRRRACIST in denying there were millions :D

Thank you so much for your post. I grew up with my Father being one of the first Black Staff Officers in the "new at the time" Air Force. He retired in 1967 as a Brigadier General. I had the opportunity to travel with my folks all over the world at different bases. I have seen signs on restaurants that said "No Colored Allowed" in Kentucky and I have also seen signs that read "No Indians Served" in Arizona.

I have seen segregated public schools in Alabama and Mississippi. I have seen separate water fountains for blacks and whites in Missouri but I also saw "Nein Auslanders" (Non-Germans not welcome) in Munich. I have seen "We Do Not Serve Colored" at a barbershop in Dallas Texas and I have seen "Negroes need not apply" in Colorado and I've seen "Americans go home" in Turkey.

I've seen White only Churches in America and Muslim only Churches in Iran. I've seen open hatred for blacks in America and I've seen open hatred for Jews in Germany.

I've been called "******" in Los Angeles and Phoenix City Alabama. I have called whites "honky" and "cracker" in Lincoln Nebraska and Killeen, Texas.

As a post script: I also remember vividly, going to Daytona Beach in the 60s and not being allowed on the beaches there. The prevailing wisdom at the time was that it was a good idea to stay away....

Now tell us about all the affirmative action in america. All the white people who have been told. "you're white so you can't have this job or go to this college or get this scholarship".
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Most of this thread proves we still have long way to go. All the comments about "white guilt" are just attempts to cover up history. It isn't about "convenient" omissions of what party did what, but a failure to recognize that we're still suffering the after effects 150 years later.

Thank you so much for your post. I grew up with my Father being one of the first Black Staff Officers in the "new at the time" Air Force. He retired in 1967 as a Brigadier General. I had the opportunity to travel with my folks all over the world at different bases. I have seen signs on restaurants that said "No Colored Allowed" in Kentucky and I have also seen signs that read "No Indians Served" in Arizona.

I have seen segregated public schools in Alabama and Mississippi. I have seen separate water fountains for blacks and whites in Missouri but I also saw "Nein Auslanders" (Non-Germans not welcome) in Munich. I have seen "We Do Not Serve Colored" at a barbershop in Dallas Texas and I have seen "Negroes need not apply" in Colorado and I've seen "Americans go home" in Turkey.

I've seen White only Churches in America and Muslim only Churches in Iran. I've seen open hatred for blacks in America and I've seen open hatred for Jews in Germany.

I've been called "******" in Los Angeles and Phoenix City Alabama. I have called whites "honky" and "cracker" in Lincoln Nebraska and Killeen, Texas.

As a post script: I also remember vividly, going to Daytona Beach in the 60s and not being allowed on the beaches there. The prevailing wisdom at the time was that it was a good idea to stay away....

Now tell us about all the affirmative action in america. All the white people who have been told. "you're white so you can't have this job or go to this college or get this scholarship".

You're wasting your time here sonny. Affirmative Action is one of the biggest impediments to race relations in 100 years. Now, read carefully...NO ONE SHOULD RECEIVE ANYTHING THAT THEY HAVEN'T EARNED - BE THEY WHITE, BLACK, MALE, FEMALE, GAY, STRAIGHT OR INFIRMED.

Is my position on affirmative action clear enough for you?
Every four days the number of black children murdered by abortion psychopaths exceeds the number of blacks strung from ropes in the 84 years that they were lynched, but as a person who has had intimate conversations on population control and the culling of the herd, it's not unexpected that the silly bitch Oprah would degrade herself with such nonsense.
Most of this thread proves we still have long way to go. All the comments about "white guilt" are just attempts to cover up history. It isn't about "convenient" omissions of what party did what, but a failure to recognize that we're still suffering the after effects 150 years later.

All the different races whether it be Asians, Blacks, Whites, etc etc have their racist and prejudices of others...

You aren't going to wipe it out ever and for you people to think you will is a joke...but it does give some people this high and mighty attitude like your post

Oprah is prejudiced against whites and that makes her a racist...don't like to hear it...too bad
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Sorry bout that,

Most of this thread proves we still have long way to go. All the comments about "white guilt" are just attempts to cover up history. It isn't about "convenient" omissions of what party did what, but a failure to recognize that we're still suffering the after effects 150 years later.

1. But you should learn a little history first, Lincoln the first Republican fought against the *Fucking Democrats* to end slavery.
2. Obama is a Democrat, and is still bound by racism.


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