Oprah accuses whites of lynching MILLIONS of blacks

Number of Jews killed in the holocaust = 6 million

You can call me a **** if you like. I won't even take offense.

Number of Czechs killed by the Catholics in the Bohemian Wars during the 15th century: 2,000,000 (80% of Czech population).

Apparently what some people fail to realize is this...

Genocidal holocausts are as common as dust in history.
OMG. What an idiot!

Millions? Freaking millions? I really didn't think she was that dense. Geeze louise I guess making up shit is just par for the course these days for the left wing lunatic fringe.

Damn. I am a World War II baby (black) and not one soul has ever attempted to lynch me..I don't know..although to hear that millions of my brethern have been hung sort of scares me.

Geezz...you'd think that there would be more proof?? I mean - millions?? I've heard of "maybe" 20 or 30 but millions!?!?

I would think that our first mulatto president might look into that, though.....It would really serve his "racially diverse" attitude that he has recently taken on.......:cuckoo:

just wondering if you can help me Randall.., i am a pre WWII baby, i was born in Ohio, lived in Florida during most of WWII, my memories of relationships with "colored" people (kids, boys and girls my age) was quite limited yet we had gotten together on many occasions.., believe it or not, i recall "working" along side of those folks picking cotton, tobacco pickles and watermelons, we (my cousins and i) played together in the water after a hard rain naked, (that was my first time ever seeing a naked female) to me those kids were just kids of a darker color than i, we had separate schools and churches, i recall the elders referring to the "black" folks as "*******" and it seemed quite acceptable at the time (1940's)............, sooooooo, i presume you are in your late 60's, were you ever called a "******" to your face, (pre 1960) and if you were did you get offended, during the tumultuous 1960's and post 1960's i can understand being offended, i do not recall using the word "******" until those 1960's. today i believe all shades of people from lilly white to coal black can be a "******" simply by their actions.., would you agree ? i have great respect for many "colored" people and great disdain for those of any color who are thugs, rapists, murderers, thieves, hate mongers etc., i am reasonably sure you will agree................,

your comment please !
Maybe Oprah really thinks that no one but blacks were lynched.

She is one of the wealthiest women in the world, but in her head she is a slave. She has been deprived. She is suffering slavery's effects. Oprah is the woman who went to a store in Beverly Hills after it had just closed. She pounded on the door and demanded that it open just for her. The staff was racist for having hours of operation that didn't suit her.

Yes that is just the kind of person she is and an indication of the benefits that blacks get from racism and why they will never let it go.
She's about the riches black on earth and she plays the victim. what a sad joke.

Why, are we not doing a good enough job of stopping them from killing each other or does she have whites confused with Planned Parenthood?

Once again, a liberal is race baiting, as if they haven't garnered enough anger already.

And when people criticize her for saying something so stupid, she'll chalk it up to racism.

The only person "race baiting" is ShootSpeeders.

Oprah didn't say anything about "white people".

"white people are in denial", Oprah Winfrey
I'm sure she was just exaggerating to make a point. We all do this. It's like me saying I've moved so far away from my hometown, it's like a million miles from here.

HAHAHA. I knew you siwwy wiboowals would say that. Every time a white-hater is caught in a brazen lie, scum like you say she mis-spoke.
Blacks are free to invent the most outrageous lies in their war against whtes. The same whites who shower them with welfare and affirmative action.

Oprah Winfrey, Forest Whitaker Talk Lee Daniels' The Butler, Racism, and the N-word

On using the N-word:
Lee Daniels: It’s a word I used quite a bit, until Oprah sat me down and talked to me about its power.
Winfrey: You cannot be my friend and use that word around me. It shows my age, but I feel strongly about it. … I always think of the millions of people who heard that as their last word as they were hanging from a tree.
Forest Whitaker: I don’t use the word. Never did.

You're right it was only a couple hundred thousand....or a couple thousand...or just under a thousand. But really, is the number what upsets you or the topic?

The things you guys choose to get upset over is telling. The Lynching...No prob...Whoa!! Millions?!!?
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Some one get this to Oprah so she can stop embarassing herself. Sheesh.

And tell her blacks weren't the only ones lynched. What a fool.

Lynching Statistics

Some interesting stats there. Under 5000 lynchings from 1882 to 1968 and 25% were white. Lynchings weren't really about race, they were about criminals otherwise getting away with crimes. That's why i support the lynching of bankers and lawyers and federal congressmen and federal judges.
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Who cares about that fat freak? Her show and network have gone down the tubes. She is a has-been. No one gives a fck anymore...

She and chris christie oughta get married. Fat freaks is right. Both of them also money-grubbing crooks.
Oprah is a racist herself...but she loves all that money she makes off them white folks..

she should go open another school in Africa or something...forget all the people here she only gives lip service about

I hope people finally wake up to her and stop watching her stuff...would serve her right
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Oprah is a racist herself...but she loves all that money she makes off them white folks..

she should go open another school in Africa or something...forget all the people here she gives only gives lip service about

I hope people finally wake up to her and stop watching her stuff...would serve her right

I thought a 70 yr old chick would have more to add than high school insults. You wasted 50 years of your life
Oprah Winfrey sees herself as an oppressed slave struggling in a hostile world. No amount of money or power is going to change that. She's heard it all her life.
Oprah Winfrey sees herself as an oppressed slave struggling in a hostile world. No amount of money or power is going to change that. She's heard it all her life.

Yeah, she'll never be able to succeed with that attitude
Oprah Winfrey sees herself as an oppressed slave struggling in a hostile world. No amount of money or power is going to change that. She's heard it all her life.

Yeah, she'll never be able to succeed with that attitude

No matter how much success she has, it will never be enough. I've known black people, women, just like her. She will always see herself as a victim. She has homes in California, Florida, Hawaii, but will always see herself in a shack without running water hiding from the people who want to lynch her for being black.

It is really sad in a way that someone in her position could carry around that kind of baggage.
Oprah Winfrey sees herself as an oppressed slave struggling in a hostile world. No amount of money or power is going to change that. She's heard it all her life.

Yeah, she'll never be able to succeed with that attitude

No matter how much success she has, it will never be enough. I've known black people, women, just like her. She will always see herself as a victim. She has homes in California, Florida, Hawaii, but will always see herself in a shack without running water hiding from the people who want to lynch her for being black.

It is really sad in a way that someone in her position could carry around that kind of baggage.

With that victim mentality that's going to hold her back for her whole life. She'll never be a trillionaire
Yeah, she'll never be able to succeed with that attitude

No matter how much success she has, it will never be enough. I've known black people, women, just like her. She will always see herself as a victim. She has homes in California, Florida, Hawaii, but will always see herself in a shack without running water hiding from the people who want to lynch her for being black.

It is really sad in a way that someone in her position could carry around that kind of baggage.

With that victim mentality that's going to hold her back for her whole life. She'll never be a trillionaire

at least you admit black folks are not being oppressed by whitey
Oprah is a racist herself...but she loves all that money she makes off them white folks..

she should go open another school in Africa or something...forget all the people here she gives only gives lip service about

I hope people finally wake up to her and stop watching her stuff...would serve her right

I thought a 70 yr old chick would have more to add than high school insults. You wasted 50 years of your life

the childish pot meets the idiot kettle.. you did that one without even trying...
I've forgotten more in life than you will ever grow up to experience..immaturity does that to people...try growing up little child...no one is impressed with you being a snot nosed ass.
She's about the riches black on earth and she plays the victim. what a sad joke.

Why, are we not doing a good enough job of stopping them from killing each other or does she have whites confused with Planned Parenthood?

Once again, a liberal is race baiting, as if they haven't garnered enough anger already.

And when people criticize her for saying something so stupid, she'll chalk it up to racism.

The only person "race baiting" is ShootSpeeders.

Oprah didn't say anything about "white people".

"white people are in denial", Oprah Winfrey


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