Zone1 The Invisible Racialization of Whites

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Unfortunately, we live in a culture of complete double standards. White people are scrutinized to the nth degree looking for even the tiniest trace of racism, so much so that we are accused of imaginary "microagressions" if we fall even the tiniest bit short of rolling on our back and peeing on our belly in abject shame over our skin color. We are then accused of racism if we don't.

Meanwhile, blacks like those we see in this forum are free to spew their vicious racial hatred quite openly. They can act in the rudest ways imaginable, bully any white person they encounter and display behavior that would NEVER be allowed if it were the other way around.

The black posters here are not looking for discussion, only domination, and not seeking equality but superiority.

I, for one, am quite sick of the double standards.
I am another sick of the double standards. What you expressed is the truth of it.
Can't face the truth?
The truth can be found in Professor J. Philippe Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior." I will excerpt part of it.


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective, 2nd Special Abridged Edition, by Professor J. Philippe Rushton, University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2​

Modern science shows a three-way pattern of race differences in both physical traits and behavior. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, less sexually active, less aggressive, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole. Whites fall in the middle, but closer to Orientals than to Blacks...

Race differences start in the womb. Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Orientals. The three-way race pattern occurs in milestones such as sexual maturity, family stability, crime rates, and population growth...

In the U.S., Blacks are less than 13% of the population but have 50% of all arrests for assault and murder and 67% of all arrests for robbery. Fifty percent of all crime victims also report their assailants are Black, so the arrest statistics cannot be due to police bias...

On the other hand, Orientals are under-represented in U.S. crime statistics. This has led some to argue that the Asian "ghetto" has protected members from harmful outside influences. For Blacks, however, the ghetto is said to foster crime, so purely cultural explanations are not enough...

The same pattern is found in other countries. In London, England, Blacks make up 13% of the population, but account for 50% of the crime rate. A 1996 government commission in Ontario, Canada, reported that Blacks were five times more likely go to jail than Whites, and 10 times more likely than Orientals. In Brazil, there are 1.5 million Orientals, mostly Japanese whose ancestors went there as laborers in the 19th century, and who are the least represented in crime...

Race differences exist in sexual behavior. The races differ in how often they like to have sexual intercourse. This affects rates of sexually transmitted diseases. On all the counts, Orientals are the least sexually active, Blacks the most, and Whites are in between...

The World Health Organization takes note of sexual diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes and chlamydia. They report low levels in China and Japan and high levels in Africa. European countries are in the middle...

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups.


Professor Rushton was persecuted during his life. Efforts were made to fire him, even though he had tenure. Nevertheless his assertions are carefully documented. They are obvious to anyone with extensive experience with the three major races. Orientals are the model minority. Orientals and whites are the two civilized races.

The truth can be found in Professor J. Philippe Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior." I will excerpt part of it.


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective, 2nd Special Abridged Edition, by Professor J. Philippe Rushton, University of Western Ontario​

London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2​

Modern science shows a three-way pattern of race differences in both physical traits and behavior. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, less sexually active, less aggressive, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole. Whites fall in the middle, but closer to Orientals than to Blacks...

Race differences start in the womb. Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Orientals. The three-way race pattern occurs in milestones such as sexual maturity, family stability, crime rates, and population growth...

In the U.S., Blacks are less than 13% of the population but have 50% of all arrests for assault and murder and 67% of all arrests for robbery. Fifty percent of all crime victims also report their assailants are Black, so the arrest statistics cannot be due to police bias...

On the other hand, Orientals are under-represented in U.S. crime statistics. This has led some to argue that the Asian "ghetto" has protected members from harmful outside influences. For Blacks, however, the ghetto is said to foster crime, so purely cultural explanations are not enough...

The same pattern is found in other countries. In London, England, Blacks make up 13% of the population, but account for 50% of the crime rate. A 1996 government commission in Ontario, Canada, reported that Blacks were five times more likely go to jail than Whites, and 10 times more likely than Orientals. In Brazil, there are 1.5 million Orientals, mostly Japanese whose ancestors went there as laborers in the 19th century, and who are the least represented in crime...

Race differences exist in sexual behavior. The races differ in how often they like to have sexual intercourse. This affects rates of sexually transmitted diseases. On all the counts, Orientals are the least sexually active, Blacks the most, and Whites are in between...

The World Health Organization takes note of sexual diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes and chlamydia. They report low levels in China and Japan and high levels in Africa. European countries are in the middle...

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups.


Professor Rushton was persecuted during his life. Efforts were made to fire him, even though he had tenure. Nevertheless his assertions are carefully documented. They are obvious to anyone with extensive experience with the three major races. Orientals are the model minority. Orientals and whites are the two civilized races.

No, that's not the truth. It's what those like you want to believe.
“Whites have, on average, more neurons and cranial size than blacks… Blacks have an advantage in sport because they have narrower hips — but they have narrower hips because they have smaller brains.”
--J. Philippe Rushton, speaking at the 2000 American Renaissance conference

If you are taking stuff fromm people who say things like this as truth then your problem is obvious. This is the same garbage Samuel Cartwright said in 1851.

But we aren't to hold you accountable for having the same beliefs as your great great grandparents.
The truth can be found in Professor J. Philippe Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior." I will excerpt part of it.


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective, 2nd Special Abridged Edition, by Professor J. Philippe Rushton, University of Western Ontario​

London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2​

Modern science shows a three-way pattern of race differences in both physical traits and behavior. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, less sexually active, less aggressive, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole. Whites fall in the middle, but closer to Orientals than to Blacks...

Race differences start in the womb. Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Orientals. The three-way race pattern occurs in milestones such as sexual maturity, family stability, crime rates, and population growth...

In the U.S., Blacks are less than 13% of the population but have 50% of all arrests for assault and murder and 67% of all arrests for robbery. Fifty percent of all crime victims also report their assailants are Black, so the arrest statistics cannot be due to police bias...

On the other hand, Orientals are under-represented in U.S. crime statistics. This has led some to argue that the Asian "ghetto" has protected members from harmful outside influences. For Blacks, however, the ghetto is said to foster crime, so purely cultural explanations are not enough...

The same pattern is found in other countries. In London, England, Blacks make up 13% of the population, but account for 50% of the crime rate. A 1996 government commission in Ontario, Canada, reported that Blacks were five times more likely go to jail than Whites, and 10 times more likely than Orientals. In Brazil, there are 1.5 million Orientals, mostly Japanese whose ancestors went there as laborers in the 19th century, and who are the least represented in crime...

Race differences exist in sexual behavior. The races differ in how often they like to have sexual intercourse. This affects rates of sexually transmitted diseases. On all the counts, Orientals are the least sexually active, Blacks the most, and Whites are in between...

The World Health Organization takes note of sexual diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes and chlamydia. They report low levels in China and Japan and high levels in Africa. European countries are in the middle...

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups.


Professor Rushton was persecuted during his life. Efforts were made to fire him, even though he had tenure. Nevertheless his assertions are carefully documented. They are obvious to anyone with extensive experience with the three major races. Orientals are the model minority. Orientals and whites are the two civilized races.

The Caucasians are giving the keys to the kingdom to the Asians. The Asians have answers for which we do not want to contemplate.
It is what you don't want to believe, even though you know it is true.
No, it's not true. You are the evidence of low IQ whiteness.
The Caucasians are giving the keys to the kingdom to the Asians. The Asians have answers for which we do not want to contemplate.
I am a realist in some things. Not all. Look at Africa....Look at Asia. Who is advancing faster? The movies will show Africa from outer space as propaganda now. But the truth is Asia is becoming the champion leaders of the world. The chilling part is will the United States blow up the world as the championship belt is exchanged to the Far East.
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