Oprah accuses whites of lynching MILLIONS of blacks

I'm sure she was just exaggerating to make a point. We all do this. It's like me saying I've moved so far away from my hometown, it's like a million miles from here.
Your casual conversational exaggeration does not come close to Winfrey's reportorial comment in terms of political impact and social implications. Yours is a harmless rhetorical gimmick. Her exaggeration occurs more as a purposeful lie than a simple conversational device.
There were a lot more Native Americans killed than blacks - what makes blacks so "special"? In my state there were a lot more whites lynched than blacks - who do I blame for that?
Why are we even trying to place blame for something that happened all those years ago. What is happening now is what is important. Right now blacks are killing blacks more often than whites are killing blacks. So is this really a racial matter or is it something else?
Well, let's think it through.

In the FIRST place I didn't even MAKE an "argument" that blacks are JUST as responsible for the history of American slavery as are whites.

Sure you are unless you can tell me what the reason is for bringing up that blacks were sold by other blacks. I'm sure theres a point in there...no?

Agreed, for the sale not for the brutality that came afterwards

Agreed...The same with blacks in Africa who sold other blacks.

See how level headed everyone becomes when it not JUST about the blacks?

I see that it took some effort to GET you to become even mildly level headed.

You aren't quite there yet, however.

For, among other defects in your thinking, I don't recall making the argument that ALL black African "leaders" sold black Africans into slavery. NOR did I say that some black Africans who ended up getting kidnapped from Africa were not "stolen." And, for that matter, I also never made any argument even remotely akin to the one YOU made (some thing about equal responsibility for slavery).

All I did say (accurately) was that SOME slaves from Africa ended up being sold into slavery to the white/European slave traders when they were SOLD into slavery by other black Africans.

The CONCEPT of slavery in Africa was not a European import, for that matter:

Forms of slavery existed in Africa before Europeans arrived. Some countries in the African continent had their own systems of slavery. People were enslaved as punishment for a crime, payment for a debt or as a prisoner of war. However, African slavery was different from what was to come later.

Most enslaved people were captured in battle.
In some kingdoms, temporary slavery was a punishment for some crimes.
In some cases, enslaved people could work to buy their freedom.
Children of enslaved people did not automatically become slaves.
-- Africa Before Transatlantic Slavery: The Abolition of Slavery Project

Great and I also don't recall saying "all blacks" or using the term "black leaders" either.

There is a reason you keep mentioning blacks selling other blacks. What is the reason for communicating that? What is the message?
[There is a reason you keep mentioning blacks selling other blacks. What is the reason for communicating that? What is the message?

Truth hurts. HAHA

You loony libs need to face the fact that the enemy of blacks is other blacks... and liberals. Us conservatives want to just leave blacks alone and let them sink or swim on their own.
[There is a reason you keep mentioning blacks selling other blacks. What is the reason for communicating that? What is the message?

Truth hurts. HAHA

You loony libs need to face the fact that the enemy of blacks is other blacks... and liberals. Us conservatives want to just leave blacks alone and let them sink or swim on their own.

No i don't know that but that's not the issue anyway. AA helps blacks and hurts whites. That's the forking idea!! How do you rationalize that with the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.

So lets understand something.

AA helps more white women than any other group
This fact makes you believe AA helps blacks and hurts whites?

Except for the ones stolen.

I'm sure you play the same game with Jews who were Nazi's too. I bet that's different somehow right?

Ok. I agree with that. EXCEPT the ones who were stolen.

And any Jewish person who would knowingly become a Nazi is a turncoat and traitor. Maybe you can explain WTF that has to do with black Africans selling fellow black Africans as property to white (European) Slave traders. 'Cause, whatever the fuck argument you imagine you're making is not exactly all that -- intelligible.

Here: If blacks are "just as responsible" as whites for slavery. Are Jews "just as responsible" for the holocaust too?

failed comparison

BTW Dicklicker,

how about explaining how I'm a racist?

Do you have ant special insight into my personal life?

Can you link to all my racist posts on this board?

I'll be waiting
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I suppose it all depends on how you define "lynching."

If you include all the ignorant, drunken mean Southern Masters who might have destroyed their valuable property in some irrational fit, and especially, if you include all the people who died in the hell of the slave ships, or who died in the African wars instigated by slave traders, then I imagine the death toll would extend into the millions.
and who sold their people? The black kings and chiefs.

Arabs had been enslaving blacks far earlier...Of course this is going to be spin to be just a white thing.
Oooo...That seemed to touch a sore spot with you racists !! · · :D

Trying to draw attention away from the slave ships, eh? ... Won't work !!

And slave trading by African blacks is irrelevant. If there had not been a demand from the whites, it wouldn't have existed !! ("supply and demand"!! And you guys claim to be capitalists!! For shame!!)

Some of you apparently think Arabs are not whites.

But then, what can one expect from racists? · · :eusa_whistle:
And slave trading by African blacks is irrelevant. If there had not been a demand from the whites, it wouldn't have existed !! ("supply and demand"!! And you guys claim to be capitalists!! For shame!!)

Some of you apparently think Arabs are not whites.

But then, what can one expect from racists? · · :eusa_whistle:

Hey stupid. If african blacks had not supplied blacks for sale, there would have been no slave trade. Whites couldn't go into the jungle and round up the savages themselves.

And arabs are not whites.
There were a lot more Native Americans killed than blacks - what makes blacks so "special"? In my state there were a lot more whites lynched than blacks - who do I blame for that?
Why are we even trying to place blame for something that happened all those years ago. What is happening now is what is important. Right now blacks are killing blacks more often than whites are killing blacks. So is this really a racial matter or is it something else?

There were more blacks killed than Jews. What makes Jews so special?

Now I'll watch to see how you unravel yourself to explain
There were over 10 million black slaves, half of which were women

Almost no black female slaves were not raped, you do the math

Provide some proof that almost all black female slaves were raped. I'll wait.

Typical right wing denial of history.

You're right. It is a typical right wing denial of history. We complete deny "history" that has no evidence to support it. In fact, we deny almost everything with no evidence to support it. Which is why we are right wing and not left wing.
Oprah lost half her female base when she supported Hussein over Hillary. Only the stupid, mindless sheep follow her. I like to look at her beachball head.


Without her wig.

I can't stand the racist slut! :mad:

What the heck is wrong with you? There is no reason to call her that.
What the heck is wrong with you? There is no reason to call her that.

"Beachball head?" Her head is at least 50% bigger than it should be. And now she is wearing a ridiculous fuzz wig making it look even worse. What are these people thinking?? "Gee, I think today I will wear a wig that looks like I am being electrocuted!"

I can't stand the racist slut! :mad:

What the heck is wrong with you? There is no reason to call her that.

He got the racist part right. All blacks hate all whites even though whites give them affirmative action and welfare at 5 times the rate whites get welfare!!!! Maybe that's why they hate us - they know they need us to take care of them.
Damn. I am a World War II baby (black) and not one soul has ever attempted to lynch me..I don't know..although to hear that millions of my brethern have been hung sort of scares me.

Geezz...you'd think that there would be more proof?? I mean - millions?? I've heard of "maybe" 20 or 30 but millions!?!?

I would think that our first mulatto president might look into that, though.....It would really serve his "racially diverse" attitude that he has recently taken on.......:cuckoo:

just wondering if you can help me Randall.., i am a pre WWII baby, i was born in Ohio, lived in Florida during most of WWII, my memories of relationships with "colored" people (kids, boys and girls my age) was quite limited yet we had gotten together on many occasions.., believe it or not, i recall "working" along side of those folks picking cotton, tobacco pickles and watermelons, we (my cousins and i) played together in the water after a hard rain naked, (that was my first time ever seeing a naked female) to me those kids were just kids of a darker color than i, we had separate schools and churches, i recall the elders referring to the "black" folks as "*******" and it seemed quite acceptable at the time (1940's)............, sooooooo, i presume you are in your late 60's, were you ever called a "******" to your face, (pre 1960) and if you were did you get offended, during the tumultuous 1960's and post 1960's i can understand being offended, i do not recall using the word "******" until those 1960's. today i believe all shades of people from lilly white to coal black can be a "******" simply by their actions.., would you agree ? i have great respect for many "colored" people and great disdain for those of any color who are thugs, rapists, murderers, thieves, hate mongers etc., i am reasonably sure you will agree................,

your comment please !

Thank you so much for your post. I grew up with my Father being one of the first Black Staff Officers in the "new at the time" Air Force. He retired in 1967 as a Brigadier General. I had the opportunity to travel with my folks all over the world at different bases. I have seen signs on restaurants that said "No Colored Allowed" in Kentucky and I have also seen signs that read "No Indians Served" in Arizona.

I have seen segregated public schools in Alabama and Mississippi. I have seen separate water fountains for blacks and whites in Missouri but I also saw "Nein Auslanders" (Non-Germans not welcome) in Munich. I have seen "We Do Not Serve Colored" at a barbershop in Dallas Texas and I have seen "Negroes need not apply" in Colorado and I've seen "Americans go home" in Turkey.

I've seen White only Churches in America and Muslim only Churches in Iran. I've seen open hatred for blacks in America and I've seen open hatred for Jews in Germany.

I've been called "******" in Los Angeles and Phoenix City Alabama. I have called whites "honky" and "cracker" in Lincoln Nebraska and Killeen, Texas.

As a post script: I also remember vividly, going to Daytona Beach in the 60s and not being allowed on the beaches there. The prevailing wisdom at the time was that it was a good idea to stay away....

My Father told me, when I was a child, about "content of character". He also taught me about human nature. People lash out at what they don't understand or are afraid of. It's life. I have never taken "name calling" as a personal insult. Hell, I'm just as guilty as the next guy. We can either choose to wallow in ignorance or stand up and grow in intelligence.

I have had a wonderful life. I served in the Army for 22 years and retired as a CWO. I married the love of my Life. We have 2 wonderful kids and 4 beautiful grand children. I retired from a civilian occupation (25 years) and we now live on a large parcel of ground in beautiful Montana. I don't have many neighbors, but the ones I have (5 miles away) are kind and friendly people. The people here don't call me names under their breath. Trust me, I know what that's like.

Up here, we are more concerned about the hunting and fishing than we are about "skin color". We leave that to those "intellectual elites" down there in the "big cities".

when and where did you see open hatred for jews in germany?

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