OPINION: Rep. Mark Takano Trump's family separation policy echoes my family's WWII internment


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Opinion | Rep. Mark Takano: We were wrong to think America learned its lesson from internment camps

During World War II, my parents and grandparents were forced by the United States government to leave their homes. Almost 120,000 people — men, women and even young children — were moved into internment camps across the United States. They had been targeted for imprisonment for no reason other than their Japanese heritage.

The damage done to those interned by their own government was so undeniable that President Ronald Reagan signed legislation in 1988 formally apologizing for the Japanese internment and providing reparations to survivors. When Reagan took this action, it seemed as though America had learned the lessons of this mistake.

The news coming today from our southern border makes it clear that we have not.
I find it disturbing that one of our country's representatives whose family was actually interned during WWII would make such a disingenuous comparison to what is happening now on the U.S.'s southern border. The Japanese Americans who were interned during WWII were citizens who were dragged from their homes, their property and possessions confiscated and were incarcerated in internment camps for no reason other than their Japanese origins heritage.

This comparison is like someone showing up on your front porch because they heard you were someone who could be relied upon to help a person out and everyone being indignant if you don't open your home to them and their kids and provide for them until this "misunderstanding" can be sorted out and an appropriate place, other than your home, can be found for them.

I don't understand how someone who actually lived through the Japenese internment atroctiy could diminish what everyone there experienced by holding it up to this situation.
Ohhh so the new tale of woe is that Trump forced these criminals out of their homes and dragged them across the border.

Deport them all.

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