Operation Inherent Resolve


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Port...ase 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.


Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
ISIS continues to use protected facilities for attacks > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

SOUTHWEST ASIA — On Dec. 15, a Coalition precision strike destroyed an ISIS command and control facility in a mosque in southern Hajin, Syria.

ISIS continues to use protected structures to launch attacks against our Coalition partners with complete disregard for the infrastructure and innocent human lives. At the time of the strike, this command and control node was occupied by over 16 heavily armed ISIS fighters who were using the structure to command attacks against Coalition partners. This strike killed these terrorists who presented an imminent threat, and eliminated another deadly ISIS operational capability from the battlefield.

ISIS continues to violate the Law of Armed Conflict and misuse protected structures like hospitals and religious sites, which causes the facility to lose its protected status. Despite these tactics, Coalition and partner forces continue to make offensive gains against ISIS with the assistance of Coalition precision strikes.

Standard Radical Islam tactics...........stage in places that are considered off limits to attacks.........so if hit the TALKING HEADS can say how the U.S. is attacking Mosques................Same as using hospitals and such like they always have done........
interesting that these Central Command releases have arabic translation right on the page , seems they want the arabic community to get the message.....

And of this coalition, i wonder how much involvement vs. political patronizing goes on?

The Global Coalition To Defeat ISIS: Partners

Many nations are conducting the strikes.......Not just the United States.........but for years we have done the Lion's share of the strikes. 60 to 65% of all the strikes since the beginning have been done by the U.S. military.

It also ignores the cost of us giving them financial support at the same time. We give military assistance to many of these partners. That is not in the financial equation of the 60 to 65% I posted.

It also doesn't equate to all the partners happily going along with the Kurds being the dominant ground force in the region.........taking the casualties that they don't have to give from failure to commit ground forces.

Which leads us to the primary problem there.........What about the Kurds and who controls the region after ISIS is dead..........ISIS in Syria is on it's last legs..............The problem isn't ISIS there anymore..........they are defeated.........with small pockets left...........it's what to do after.
Seems a rather sorted affair Eagle......how is this expected to sugar off?

It's not.............that is the problem...........and will always be the problem in the Middle East.

If we stay to protect the Kurds.........we are stuck there for decades more.............

If we leave.........Turkey and the other countries will attack them again..........

Damned if we do and damned if we don't.........

Bottom line a new alliance is being formed there. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Qatar, and Russia........
Seems a rather sorted affair Eagle......how is this expected to sugar off?

It's not.............that is the problem...........and will always be the problem in the Middle East.

If we stay to protect the Kurds.........we are stuck there for decades more.............

If we leave.........Turkey and the other countries will attack them again..........

Damned if we do and damned if we don't.........

Bottom line a new alliance is being formed there. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Qatar, and Russia........

yeah, i wuz afraid you'd mention the ongoing futility.

I guess we should be thankful for this coalition ,even if we're pitchin' more than our fair share for it

more world players might be a good thing , keep isis down

what's interesting are some of the countries that have signed on , for example those small african nations i can't pronounce.;....or spell for that matter......everyone is so focused on the M.E.....easy to overlook what isis is doing there

As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.

And eagle sidesteps the question. He can’t be critical of his master
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.
You're kidding right? I mean this place is always fulla bloody tRumpkins. Did you just notice?
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.

And eagle sidesteps the question. He can’t be critical of his master

ISIS has hardly any fighters left in Syria............No side stepping there..........That is the reports of Centcom Syria and the DOD.

They aren't the problem in Syria now.......it's the Kurds, and FSA ........not ISIS.
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.

And eagle sidesteps the question. He can’t be critical of his master

ISIS has hardly any fighters left in Syria............No side stepping there..........That is the reports of Centcom Syria and the DOD.

They aren't the problem in Syria now.......it's the Kurds, and FSA ........not ISIS.
So they’re not defeated...
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.

And eagle sidesteps the question. He can’t be critical of his master

ISIS has hardly any fighters left in Syria............No side stepping there..........That is the reports of Centcom Syria and the DOD.

They aren't the problem in Syria now.......it's the Kurds, and FSA ........not ISIS.
So they’re not defeated...
Less than 2000 of them in Syria..............that isn't no army............In Iraq..........they still have enough to continue keeping boots on the ground.

It's a mop up operation in Syria now............so yeah.........they are defeated there except for a few hold outs.
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.

And eagle sidesteps the question. He can’t be critical of his master
Of course not. Have you seen the feeding frenzy when a tRumpkin steps outta line?

Sharks would be proud.
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.

And eagle sidesteps the question. He can’t be critical of his master

ISIS has hardly any fighters left in Syria............No side stepping there..........That is the reports of Centcom Syria and the DOD.

They aren't the problem in Syria now.......it's the Kurds, and FSA ........not ISIS.
The kurds?????


You don't have any real idea what is going on over there do you.
As the talking heads of the media continue to post anti Trump dogma everyday..........the War against ISIS continues..............

That is Operation Inherent Resolve....Saying Trump has abandoned the fight and other complete nonsense.

http://www.inherentresolve.mil/Portals/14/2018StrikeReleases/CJTF-OIR Strike Release 20180105-01.pdf?ver=2018-01-05-050143-310

latest update.


Official website for the fight.

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 16 – Dec. 29 > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Strike Summary

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR conducted 469 strikes consisting of 1,001 engagements in Syria, and conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements in Iraq.

In Syria, 469 strikes engaged 666 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 291 fighting positions, 153 staging areas, 67 supply routes, 27 command and control nodes, 27 petroleum oil lubricant storage facilities, 25 vehicles, 14 tunnels, 14 weapons cache, 13 improvised explosive device facilities, seven heavy weapons systems, six pieces of heavy equipment, seven buildings, five petroleum oil and lubricant tankers, five bridges, four armored vehicles, two caves, two vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two motorcycles, two vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, three mortar launching sites, one boat, one barge, and one unmanned aircraft system; and damaged seven fighting positions, four staging areas, two vehicles, one armored vehicle, one command and control node and one heavy weapon system; and suppressed 70 fighting positions, 12 vehicles, 10 staging areas and one armored vehicles.

In Iraq, nine strikes engaged one ISIS tactical units, and destroyed eight caves and five buildings.

There are six delayed reports for Coalition military force strikes. Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of eight engagements between Dec. 7 and Dec. 15 in addition to previously reported strikes.

In Iraq, six strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed one tunnel, two caves and two motorcycles.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 29, CJTF-OIR detected 222 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.

And eagle sidesteps the question. He can’t be critical of his master

ISIS has hardly any fighters left in Syria............No side stepping there..........That is the reports of Centcom Syria and the DOD.

They aren't the problem in Syria now.......it's the Kurds, and FSA ........not ISIS.
The kurds?????


You don't have any real idea what is going on over there do you.
Actually I do.............more so than you...............The Kurds are an issue........because the countries over there want to kill them again..............mainly Turkey...........Our Catch 22 is that we are in the way of any of them killing them.........

That catch would force us there another decade or more...........should we stay in the way.

ISIS is whooped there.........plain and simple.......and all I see from you is TDS talking points.
Wait, you mean we haven't won? Isis isn't defeated?

tRump lied?!?!???
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.

And eagle sidesteps the question. He can’t be critical of his master

ISIS has hardly any fighters left in Syria............No side stepping there..........That is the reports of Centcom Syria and the DOD.

They aren't the problem in Syria now.......it's the Kurds, and FSA ........not ISIS.
The kurds?????


You don't have any real idea what is going on over there do you.
Actually I do.............more so than you...............The Kurds are an issue........because the countries over there want to kill them again..............mainly Turkey...........Our Catch 22 is that we are in the way of any of them killing them.........

That catch would force us there another decade or more...........should we stay in the way.

ISIS is whooped there.........plain and simple.......and all I see from you is TDS talking points.
Lol, you really don't.
And the Lunatic Fringe enters the room.

And eagle sidesteps the question. He can’t be critical of his master

ISIS has hardly any fighters left in Syria............No side stepping there..........That is the reports of Centcom Syria and the DOD.

They aren't the problem in Syria now.......it's the Kurds, and FSA ........not ISIS.
The kurds?????


You don't have any real idea what is going on over there do you.
Actually I do.............more so than you...............The Kurds are an issue........because the countries over there want to kill them again..............mainly Turkey...........Our Catch 22 is that we are in the way of any of them killing them.........

That catch would force us there another decade or more...........should we stay in the way.

ISIS is whooped there.........plain and simple.......and all I see from you is TDS talking points.
Lol, you really don't.
Just because you say so...........Okie dokey.........and you are trolling .............no data on the issue whatsoever.

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