Only 3% of jobs posted on Tennessee's website offer more than $20,000 per year


Gold Member
May 28, 2020
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — There are more than 250,000 jobs available in Tennessee right now, but some lawmakers say there’s a catch with that number.
Only 3% of the jobs posted — about 8,500 as of Friday evening — pay $20,000 or more. The federal poverty line for a family of three is just under $22,000.

I'm not sure I see the problem. This is the issue with Americans, we're always complaining and wanting more. There is no reason why someone cannot work two full-time jobs and a part-time job. There are 24 hour in a day and 7 days in a week. Monday through Friday they work one job for 8 hours, then they got to another one for 8 hours. If they are making $20k/yr at both jobs, then they have $40k/yr. They can then work at least 16 hours on the weekend for an extra $8k/yr. That's $48k a year they could be making if they chose not to be so lazy and selfish. If that's not enough then while they are working they can go attend school to get a real skill so that when they graduate they can make $32k/yr working only one job. If they don't like living in TN because they don't make enough to pay rent, then why don't they move? How hard is it to move? You save up a money to pay for a new place, you get a rental truck, you move to your knew home, and you look for a new job while living off the six months of savings you have. It's not rocket surgery, people.

I'm so tired of the greedy poor trying to destroy country by constantly demanding more and more. Not only that, but I am tired of these communist corporations that give in by raising their wages for them. I don't understand why I have to pay for the some sour cream squirters rent and car payment just because Taco Bell decides to pay their employees $9.50/hr instead of a more reasonable wage. Those price increases are coming out of my pocket to pay for their lavish lifestyles. Communist redistribution of wealth doesn't just have to originate from government, it can come from woke corporations too. I am so tired of seeing retail and fast food workers driving far nicer cars than they should be driving, because I know that it was my hard earned money that paid for it.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — There are more than 250,000 jobs available in Tennessee right now, but some lawmakers say there’s a catch with that number.
Only 3% of the jobs posted — about 8,500 as of Friday evening — pay $20,000 or more. The federal poverty line for a family of three is just under $22,000.

I'm not sure I see the problem. This is the issue with Americans, we're always complaining and wanting more. There is no reason why someone cannot work two full-time jobs and a part-time job. There are 24 hour in a day and 7 days in a week. Monday through Friday they work one job for 8 hours, then they got to another one for 8 hours. If they are making $20k/yr at both jobs, then they have $40k/yr. They can then work at least 16 hours on the weekend for an extra $8k/yr. That's $48k a year they could be making if they chose not to be so lazy and selfish. If that's not enough then while they are working they can go attend school to get a real skill so that when they graduate they can make $32k/yr working only one job. If they don't like living in TN because they don't make enough to pay rent, then why don't they move? How hard is it to move? You save up a money to pay for a new place, you get a rental truck, you move to your knew home, and you look for a new job while living off the six months of savings you have. It's not rocket surgery, people.

I'm so tired of the greedy poor trying to destroy country by constantly demanding more and more. Not only that, but I am tired of these communist corporations that give in by raising their wages for them. I don't understand why I have to pay for the some sour cream squirters rent and car payment just because Taco Bell decides to pay their employees $9.50/hr instead of a more reasonable wage. Those price increases are coming out of my pocket to pay for their lavish lifestyles. Communist redistribution of wealth doesn't just have to originate from government, it can come from woke corporations too. I am so tired of seeing retail and fast food workers driving far nicer cars than they should be driving, because I know that it was my hard earned money that paid for it.
Do you want to guess why it is that so many businesses (gas stations, hotels, restaurants, nail salons.etc ) here are foreign-owned ? And why so many Middle Eastern and SE Asian Americans seem to all live in middle-class brick homes and expensive condos, driving brand new SUV's, usually $40k + BMW's Mercedes and Lexus. ...two words...


If the US bombs your country and you're lucky enough to survive, Uncle Sam will
take you in. If you're an armed services veteran, usually not as fortunate.

And what the SE Asians and Arabs don't own, the Chinese and the top .1% wealthiest
share what's left.
The cost of living is nothing here ain't norf crooklyn USA nigga!

Every shithole fast food and dollar store has a help wanted sign
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — There are more than 250,000 jobs available in Tennessee right now, but some lawmakers say there’s a catch with that number.
Only 3% of the jobs posted — about 8,500 as of Friday evening — pay $20,000 or more. The federal poverty line for a family of three is just under $22,000.

I'm not sure I see the problem. This is the issue with Americans, we're always complaining and wanting more. There is no reason why someone cannot work two full-time jobs and a part-time job. There are 24 hour in a day and 7 days in a week. Monday through Friday they work one job for 8 hours, then they got to another one for 8 hours. If they are making $20k/yr at both jobs, then they have $40k/yr. They can then work at least 16 hours on the weekend for an extra $8k/yr. That's $48k a year they could be making if they chose not to be so lazy and selfish. If that's not enough then while they are working they can go attend school to get a real skill so that when they graduate they can make $32k/yr working only one job. If they don't like living in TN because they don't make enough to pay rent, then why don't they move? How hard is it to move? You save up a money to pay for a new place, you get a rental truck, you move to your knew home, and you look for a new job while living off the six months of savings you have. It's not rocket surgery, people.

I'm so tired of the greedy poor trying to destroy country by constantly demanding more and more. Not only that, but I am tired of these communist corporations that give in by raising their wages for them. I don't understand why I have to pay for the some sour cream squirters rent and car payment just because Taco Bell decides to pay their employees $9.50/hr instead of a more reasonable wage. Those price increases are coming out of my pocket to pay for their lavish lifestyles. Communist redistribution of wealth doesn't just have to originate from government, it can come from woke corporations too. I am so tired of seeing retail and fast food workers driving far nicer cars than they should be driving, because I know that it was my hard earned money that paid for it.
How many of those jobs are part time?
Sorry but for 20 grand nobody is going to show up when they can easily find a job that pays 4x that.
Sorry but for 20 grand nobody is going to show up when they can easily find a job that pays 4x that.

Folks who are in the market for a 20k job can’t easily find a job making 80k. Sure, some inner cities pay trash workers that much, but that is not the norm.
I would expect that these are very high turnover jobs as for that wage employers want people moving on after a short time.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — There are more than 250,000 jobs available in Tennessee right now, but some lawmakers say there’s a catch with that number.
Only 3% of the jobs posted — about 8,500 as of Friday evening — pay $20,000 or more. The federal poverty line for a family of three is just under $22,000.

I'm not sure I see the problem. This is the issue with Americans, we're always complaining and wanting more. There is no reason why someone cannot work two full-time jobs and a part-time job. There are 24 hour in a day and 7 days in a week. Monday through Friday they work one job for 8 hours, then they got to another one for 8 hours. If they are making $20k/yr at both jobs, then they have $40k/yr. They can then work at least 16 hours on the weekend for an extra $8k/yr. That's $48k a year they could be making if they chose not to be so lazy and selfish. If that's not enough then while they are working they can go attend school to get a real skill so that when they graduate they can make $32k/yr working only one job. If they don't like living in TN because they don't make enough to pay rent, then why don't they move? How hard is it to move? You save up a money to pay for a new place, you get a rental truck, you move to your knew home, and you look for a new job while living off the six months of savings you have. It's not rocket surgery, people.

I'm so tired of the greedy poor trying to destroy country by constantly demanding more and more. Not only that, but I am tired of these communist corporations that give in by raising their wages for them. I don't understand why I have to pay for the some sour cream squirters rent and car payment just because Taco Bell decides to pay their employees $9.50/hr instead of a more reasonable wage. Those price increases are coming out of my pocket to pay for their lavish lifestyles. Communist redistribution of wealth doesn't just have to originate from government, it can come from woke corporations too. I am so tired of seeing retail and fast food workers driving far nicer cars than they should be driving, because I know that it was my hard earned money that paid for it.
The reason all of those LOW paying jobs are listed is because the people who work those jobs are now making more on unemployment on these entry level jobs or bare minimum necessary to collect welfare jobs. Yeah hun, instead of having kids for welfare----you should get a good job, get married, and then have the kids that you not taxpayers support.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — There are more than 250,000 jobs available in Tennessee right now, but some lawmakers say there’s a catch with that number.
Only 3% of the jobs posted — about 8,500 as of Friday evening — pay $20,000 or more. The federal poverty line for a family of three is just under $22,000.

I'm not sure I see the problem. This is the issue with Americans, we're always complaining and wanting more. There is no reason why someone cannot work two full-time jobs and a part-time job. There are 24 hour in a day and 7 days in a week. Monday through Friday they work one job for 8 hours, then they got to another one for 8 hours. If they are making $20k/yr at both jobs, then they have $40k/yr. They can then work at least 16 hours on the weekend for an extra $8k/yr. That's $48k a year they could be making if they chose not to be so lazy and selfish. If that's not enough then while they are working they can go attend school to get a real skill so that when they graduate they can make $32k/yr working only one job. If they don't like living in TN because they don't make enough to pay rent, then why don't they move? How hard is it to move? You save up a money to pay for a new place, you get a rental truck, you move to your knew home, and you look for a new job while living off the six months of savings you have. It's not rocket surgery, people.

I'm so tired of the greedy poor trying to destroy country by constantly demanding more and more. Not only that, but I am tired of these communist corporations that give in by raising their wages for them. I don't understand why I have to pay for the some sour cream squirters rent and car payment just because Taco Bell decides to pay their employees $9.50/hr instead of a more reasonable wage. Those price increases are coming out of my pocket to pay for their lavish lifestyles. Communist redistribution of wealth doesn't just have to originate from government, it can come from woke corporations too. I am so tired of seeing retail and fast food workers driving far nicer cars than they should be driving, because I know that it was my hard earned money that paid for it.
Many employers with better paying jobs are taking advantage of other sources for job recruiting, Indeed, Monster, their own websites, etc. Government job sites are handy for hiring the sorry, the shiftless, the unskilled, generally your $20k/year employee.
Our mill here is offering 26.75 to start, full bennies no experience necessary. $1500 signing bonus. They are showing 6 vacancies right now. Not too bad for a young single person planning to stay single
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — There are more than 250,000 jobs available in Tennessee right now, but some lawmakers say there’s a catch with that number.
Only 3% of the jobs posted — about 8,500 as of Friday evening — pay $20,000 or more. The federal poverty line for a family of three is just under $22,000.

I'm not sure I see the problem. This is the issue with Americans, we're always complaining and wanting more. There is no reason why someone cannot work two full-time jobs and a part-time job. There are 24 hour in a day and 7 days in a week. Monday through Friday they work one job for 8 hours, then they got to another one for 8 hours. If they are making $20k/yr at both jobs, then they have $40k/yr. They can then work at least 16 hours on the weekend for an extra $8k/yr. That's $48k a year they could be making if they chose not to be so lazy and selfish. If that's not enough then while they are working they can go attend school to get a real skill so that when they graduate they can make $32k/yr working only one job. If they don't like living in TN because they don't make enough to pay rent, then why don't they move? How hard is it to move? You save up a money to pay for a new place, you get a rental truck, you move to your knew home, and you look for a new job while living off the six months of savings you have. It's not rocket surgery, people.

I'm so tired of the greedy poor trying to destroy country by constantly demanding more and more. Not only that, but I am tired of these communist corporations that give in by raising their wages for them. I don't understand why I have to pay for the some sour cream squirters rent and car payment just because Taco Bell decides to pay their employees $9.50/hr instead of a more reasonable wage. Those price increases are coming out of my pocket to pay for their lavish lifestyles. Communist redistribution of wealth doesn't just have to originate from government, it can come from woke corporations too. I am so tired of seeing retail and fast food workers driving far nicer cars than they should be driving, because I know that it was my hard earned money that paid for it.

The answer is simple really.

Those are all fast food, store stocker, parking lot attendant, security guard, grocery bagger, gas station clerk, WalMart greeter, etc kind of jobs. The jobs for kids or old people who want something to occupy them with. Just piddly little do nothing jobs.

All the jobs that actually real money have been filled by people who want to work. But all the lazy low paying jobs can't be filled because the kids that used to gladly do them spent over a year being paid to do nothing, told the world is racist, the system isn't fair, and that they should be getting paid more money for doing even less.
The jobs for kids or old people who want something to occupy them with. Just piddly little do nothing jobs.
Those are jobs that employers need filled, and given employers aren’t charity, those are jobs that earn the employers money.
I don't understand why I have to pay for the some sour cream squirters rent and car payment just because Taco Bell decides to pay their employees $9.50/hr instead of a more reasonable wage
Then buy your own groceries, cook and prepare your own meals, or eat at more upscale restaurants.

You're going to pay people to cook your meals for you — afford them some sort of decent place to stay at night and keep their stuff locked up by day.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — There are more than 250,000 jobs available in Tennessee right now, but some lawmakers say there’s a catch with that number.
Only 3% of the jobs posted — about 8,500 as of Friday evening — pay $20,000 or more. The federal poverty line for a family of three is just under $22,000.

I'm not sure I see the problem. This is the issue with Americans, we're always complaining and wanting more. There is no reason why someone cannot work two full-time jobs and a part-time job. There are 24 hour in a day and 7 days in a week. Monday through Friday they work one job for 8 hours, then they got to another one for 8 hours. If they are making $20k/yr at both jobs, then they have $40k/yr. They can then work at least 16 hours on the weekend for an extra $8k/yr. That's $48k a year they could be making if they chose not to be so lazy and selfish. If that's not enough then while they are working they can go attend school to get a real skill so that when they graduate they can make $32k/yr working only one job. If they don't like living in TN because they don't make enough to pay rent, then why don't they move? How hard is it to move? You save up a money to pay for a new place, you get a rental truck, you move to your knew home, and you look for a new job while living off the six months of savings you have. It's not rocket surgery, people.

I'm so tired of the greedy poor trying to destroy country by constantly demanding more and more. Not only that, but I am tired of these communist corporations that give in by raising their wages for them. I don't understand why I have to pay for the some sour cream squirters rent and car payment just because Taco Bell decides to pay their employees $9.50/hr instead of a more reasonable wage. Those price increases are coming out of my pocket to pay for their lavish lifestyles. Communist redistribution of wealth doesn't just have to originate from government, it can come from woke corporations too. I am so tired of seeing retail and fast food workers driving far nicer cars than they should be driving, because I know that it was my hard earned money that paid for it.
What’s odd is, the same people who bitch and cry about low wages are the same people who beg wetbacks to invade our nation...Weird huh?
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — There are more than 250,000 jobs available in Tennessee right now, but some lawmakers say there’s a catch with that number.
Only 3% of the jobs posted — about 8,500 as of Friday evening — pay $20,000 or more. The federal poverty line for a family of three is just under $22,000.

I'm not sure I see the problem. This is the issue with Americans, we're always complaining and wanting more. There is no reason why someone cannot work two full-time jobs and a part-time job. There are 24 hour in a day and 7 days in a week. Monday through Friday they work one job for 8 hours, then they got to another one for 8 hours. If they are making $20k/yr at both jobs, then they have $40k/yr. They can then work at least 16 hours on the weekend for an extra $8k/yr. That's $48k a year they could be making if they chose not to be so lazy and selfish. If that's not enough then while they are working they can go attend school to get a real skill so that when they graduate they can make $32k/yr working only one job. If they don't like living in TN because they don't make enough to pay rent, then why don't they move? How hard is it to move? You save up a money to pay for a new place, you get a rental truck, you move to your knew home, and you look for a new job while living off the six months of savings you have. It's not rocket surgery, people.

I'm so tired of the greedy poor trying to destroy country by constantly demanding more and more. Not only that, but I am tired of these communist corporations that give in by raising their wages for them. I don't understand why I have to pay for the some sour cream squirters rent and car payment just because Taco Bell decides to pay their employees $9.50/hr instead of a more reasonable wage. Those price increases are coming out of my pocket to pay for their lavish lifestyles. Communist redistribution of wealth doesn't just have to originate from government, it can come from woke corporations too. I am so tired of seeing retail and fast food workers driving far nicer cars than they should be driving, because I know that it was my hard earned money that paid for it.
How do you feel about exporting manufacturing jobs to china and importing low income workers from india, pakistan and mexico?

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