One of the better questioning of the Twitter Files journalists by a lessor known congresswoman

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Congresswoman Harriet Hageman.

She talks about the need this government has of sunshine as the best disinfectant. Several telling points were brought out by her and Biden voter Matt Taibbi,

Congresswoman: You stated "a focus of this growing network is making lists of people whose [posts] are deemed to be misinformation, disinformation or malinformation." end quote. What's interesting to me is what's missing from that list is "unlawful."

. . .

Congresswoman: What was the approximate percentage of FBI communication with Twitter based on the justification that a tweet violated Twitter policy?"

Taibbi: Congresswoman, I would say that was a standard disclaimer or standard disclosure in almost all the communications from the FBI to Twitter. There would usually be a line in there saying something like "for your consideration, we believe the following two hundred and seven accounts violated your terms of service." But, notably, they rarely focused on words like "truth" or "inaccuracy." Very often they used the words "malinformation," "disinformation," or "misinformation."

Clearly, the FBI was not going after individual tweets with disinformation that endangered national security, or broke the law in some way. They went after individual free speakers, and by the hundreds, not just one or two.

With the FBI working so hard to help Twitter enforce its terms of service, you would think Twitter would have been charged fairly high fees, as banks and other businesses are charged when they want uniformed police officers to act as security guards, or when neighborhoods contract for extra deputies on patrol.

But no.

It turns out that the FBI was paying Twitter. 3.5 Million dollars.

For what?

The party that likes to fuck kids showed up and humiliated themselves, as usual... :laughing0301: :laughing0301:


Congresswoman Harriet Hageman.

She talks about the need this government has of sunshine as the best disinfectant. Several telling points were brought out by her and Biden voter Matt Taibbi,

Congresswoman: You stated "a focus of this growing network is making lists of people whose [posts] are deemed to be misinformation, disinformation or malinformation." end quote. What's interesting to me is what's missing from that list is "unlawful."

. . .

Congresswoman: What was the approximate percentage of FBI communication with Twitter based on the justification that a tweet violated Twitter policy?"

Taibbi: Congresswoman, I would say that was a standard disclaimer or standard disclosure in almost all the communications from the FBI to Twitter. There would usually be a line in there saying something like "for your consideration, we believe the following two hundred and seven accounts violated your terms of service." But, notably, they rarely focused on words like "truth" or "inaccuracy." Very often they used the words "malinformation," "disinformation," or "misinformation."

Clearly, the FBI was not going after individual tweets with disinformation that endangered national security, or broke the law in some way. They went after individual free speakers, and by the hundreds, not just one or two.

With the FBI working so hard to help Twitter enforce its terms of service, you would think Twitter would have been charged fairly high fees, as banks and other businesses are charged when they want uniformed police officers to act as security guards, or when neighborhoods contract for extra deputies on patrol.

But no.

It turns out that the FBI was paying Twitter. 3.5 Million dollars.

For what?


The telling aspect of the FBI’s law breaking, they did break the law if you understand the meaning of the First Amendment, was it was all one sided. Meaning they censored only those Twitter accounts who supported Donny.

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