one nation, under god

okay, but the first denies the second. If belief has to be agreed to in order to pledge alliegance, we are, in fact, divided.
This is why it shouldn't be in there. But I am against forcing children to pledge overall.

I wasn't aware that children were being forced to pledge allegiance.

That is SSOO 1868

In many ways much of America is stuck in the 60's it would seem.
Well the 60's with mobile communication devices.
The problem is that, by saying that this "one nation" is "under god" we are saying that this god rules over us. Not the case. No god exists.

I often ask "conservatives" whether they think the laws of the USC or the bible take precedent. Many struggle with that question.


We're commanded to obey God's laws unless they contradict God's Laws.

And don't start pulling out all the old Leviticus 'blood laws', either. You should know by now how disingenuous that is.

Love your Father will all your heart
Love your neighbor as yourself

Those cover everything already in the 10 Commandments
Get your god..........

off the pledge
off the money
out of the politics


This nation has done exceptionally well for over 200 years with God's Name being invoked.

Now, because we have a high number of over-sensitive whiny atheists, we're expected to remove it all??

The freedom to say His name is what helped shore up your right to be a selfish bitch.
Yen and Yang

Most of us believe in God.Most of us believe Unalienable Right's, come from God. Do we hide in our closets with that belief or exercise it? This is not so much a Sect Issue, where we are divided. The exceptions are rare. To state One Nation Under God, surely has motives more relevant than offending Non Believers. I think it is more a question of tolerance. That and Who's tolerance of Whom?

it's easier to be tolerant when you're getting your way, imo.

if the purpose of the pledge is to unite us, why insert a reference to god, which divides us, however unevenly?

When and where have any of us been in total agreement? I've yet to know that experience.

To ask for God's blessing on the other hand, is another matter. Throughout History, God, and God's favor appears at the top of the list. For me, it's not about majority, minority, or offending anyone, that's really not in my personal equation. To me it is a reminder that there is an Authority higher than Government, and a good reminder that even Government does step outside of the natural order, when it forgets that government itself is not Divine or Infallible.
The problem is that, by saying that this "one nation" is "under god" we are saying that this god rules over us. Not the case. No god exists.

I often ask "conservatives" whether they think the laws of the USC or the bible take precedent. Many struggle with that question.

I don't see why it's a struggle. Personally, the bible. As a citizen, the USC. Not rocket science.

On topic: I believe that 'under God' is inappropriate in the Pledge. The country is not made up of just believers so it is best to remove it.

But... I am a rational human being who can understand that, liberty means having to support things I do not personally agree with. The pity is that there are too few people like me... and far more who think freedom is for them at the expense of others.

That's just a one-way street for so many, these days.
We must only support what "they" support.


Several More: Here He is

photoshop is a good tool for weak minded fools like you, Shitting Bull.

I was waiting to see if anyone would address ShittinBullshit's post.

Actually, they're probably not photoshopped.

It's the Texas Longhorn sign, is all

A 75% approval would suggest a mandate, not that anyone would or should be forced to acknowledge it. Matters of Conscience are the Property of the Individual, not the State.
Just out of curiosity... has anyone stopped to think how much it might actually cost to remove In God We Trust from all us currency currently in circulation...about to be circulated? To remake all plate, stamps, dies, etc.? Can't imagine it would be cheap.

Eh, just grind it off the old plates. :lol:

You don't have to replace current currency, just don't put it on the new stuff. Besides, this is about the "under god" in the pledge, not the US motto on coins. We don't require school children read their money every morning.

And we don't require children to say The Pledge, either. Now, do we??
Get your god..........

off the pledge
off the money
out of the politics


This nation has done exceptionally well for over 200 years with God's Name being invoked.

Now, because we have a high number of over-sensitive whiny atheists, we're expected to remove it all??

The freedom to say His name is what helped shore up your right to be a selfish bitch.
Yen and Yang


:confused: On pledge for about 60 years....on money about 100 years. Not how we started....seems to me the whiney ones are those that had it CHANGED to get their god some advertising.
Get your god..........

off the pledge
off the money
out of the politics


This nation has done exceptionally well for over 200 years with God's Name being invoked.

Now, because we have a high number of over-sensitive whiny atheists, we're expected to remove it all??

The freedom to say His name is what helped shore up your right to be a selfish bitch.
Yen and Yang


:confused: On pledge for about 60 years....on money about 100 years. Not how we started....seems to me the whiney ones are those that had it CHANGED to get their god some advertising. a businessman, I have often wondered what things would be like if I had "god's" advertising budget. In japan, folks who are devout and those who are not literally throw money into temple buildings when they visit shrines. What a racket.
Just out of curiosity... has anyone stopped to think how much it might actually cost to remove In God We Trust from all us currency currently in circulation...about to be circulated? To remake all plate, stamps, dies, etc.? Can't imagine it would be cheap.

Eh, just grind it off the old plates. :lol:

You don't have to replace current currency, just don't put it on the new stuff. Besides, this is about the "under god" in the pledge, not the US motto on coins. We don't require school children read their money every morning.

And we don't require children to say The Pledge, either. Now, do we??

Ever hear of peer pressure?
Just out of curiosity... has anyone stopped to think how much it might actually cost to remove In God We Trust from all us currency currently in circulation...about to be circulated? To remake all plate, stamps, dies, etc.? Can't imagine it would be cheap.


Get over it.​
Get your god..........

off the pledge
off the money
out of the politics


This nation has done exceptionally well for over 200 years with God's Name being invoked.

Now, because we have a high number of over-sensitive whiny atheists, we're expected to remove it all??

The freedom to say His name is what helped shore up your right to be a selfish bitch.
Yen and Yang


:confused: On pledge for about 60 years....on money about 100 years. Not how we started....seems to me the whiney ones are those that had it CHANGED to get their god some advertising.
"Creator", "God"....same diff

We used to be unafraid to say His name.
Now, with the arrival of extreme PC, we kick Him to the curb.

Not a wise move IMO
I doubt seriously they take the pledge of allegiance seriously at all anyway.. this is just another attack on religion, pure and simple. I'm sure they have the option of not participating, so, perhaps they should exercise that option... bit then they will clamor about their patriotism, etc.

Anyway, a handful of people now want the national pleadge changed to suit their world view? How many of these people are there nationally? 1,000,000.. maybe...? I know a few, they don't care about this shit one way or another.

Was it an attack on the non-religious when they first inserted it in 1954?

If no, please explain how inserting it isn't an attack on the non-religious and taking it away is an attack on the religious.

If yes, then explain why removing the attack on non-religious is a bad thing.

For a start, Motive. What was behind each movement? What percentage of support should merit change? Should it be the same bar?

I appreciate the response, but didn't really address my question.

I don't think percentages of support should matter in a republic with minority rights.
Eh, just grind it off the old plates. :lol:

You don't have to replace current currency, just don't put it on the new stuff. Besides, this is about the "under god" in the pledge, not the US motto on coins. We don't require school children read their money every morning.

And we don't require children to say The Pledge, either. Now, do we??

Ever hear of peer pressure?

Life is full of all sorts of pressures.
So we sanitize the planet to sooth your over-sensitive feelings??


That liquor store is too tempting for all the alcoholics that have to drive by it everyday. Remove it.

Remove the McDonalds for the sake of the obese.
ACTON (CBS) – The Pledge of Allegiance is becoming a sore subject in the Acton-Boxborough school district, all because of the words “under God.”

“Atheists and Humanists do not accept the notion of God,” says attorney David Niose.

An Acton family, who is atheist and chooses to remain anonymous, is suing the school district claiming they are discriminating against their children during the pledge. They want the words “under God” taken out

Acton Family Wants “Under God” Removed From Pledge Of Allegiance « CBS Boston


How did our nation manage to survive before "under God" was added in 1954?
ACTON (CBS) – The Pledge of Allegiance is becoming a sore subject in the Acton-Boxborough school district, all because of the words “under God.”

“Atheists and Humanists do not accept the notion of God,” says attorney David Niose.

An Acton family, who is atheist and chooses to remain anonymous, is suing the school district claiming they are discriminating against their children during the pledge. They want the words “under God” taken out

Acton Family Wants “Under God” Removed From Pledge Of Allegiance « CBS Boston


How did our nation manage to survive before "under God" was added in 1954?

We were a nation of hellbound heathens before gov't saved us from such a fate.

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