One-Month Old Child Among 32 Shot in Chicago - BLM Bro

And so now 'what to do' about the shitholes Marvin has pointed out?

Make the cities all white?
Take stronger gun violence measures against black people?
Allow the police to murder black people at will?

What are people like Marvin to do now that it's been declared that America's cities are shitholes?

Could it be that your entire country has become a racist and violent shithole Marvin?

You could be onto something?

Virtually all the racism and violence happens in the places run by people like you. I don't live in one of those, so it really doesn't bother me. But you're on to something, actually, something I've been saying for a long time: The surest way to die violently in America is to live in a place run by DemoKKKrats.
I'm a Canadian who has no dog in your fight and so your childish spamming isn't worth my time Marvin.

But I 'do' agree with you that America has become a shithole.

Of violence
Of hate.
Of racism.
Of childish politics.
Of white/black/white murder on the streets.
Of pseudo-christian bigotry.
Of corruption in government.
Of corruption of it's Scotus for political reasons.

The only sure way to die in America is to live in America.
At least Americans are not prosecuted for just saying Islam is controlled by violent people.
Marvin isn't going to walk back his comment on American cities being 'shitholes'.

If it wasn't understood as his rabid extremist political views then maybe it could be interpreted as Marvin's hate for his country.

Well, at least hate for America's cities.

Marvin's carelessness has resulted in him sticking his head up his own ass. Careless expression of his troubled feelings.

Who wants to second Marvin on his explanation of America's cities being 'shitholes'?

What a great opportunity to get that fact out of the way at least!
All heavily Democrat controlled cities are shitholes. Doesn’t mean the 98% of the remaining landmass is.
I'm quite sure you're right, and half of the American people who live in those shitholes are 'shit' too.

I'll repeat that which we have reached agreement upon:

But I 'do' agree with you that America has become a shithole.

Of violence
Of hate.
Of racism.
Of childish politics.
Of white/black/white murder on the streets.
Of pseudo-christian bigotry.
Of corruption in government.
Of corruption of it's Scotus for political reasons.
Many Democrat-run cities are shitholes.

When your homicide rate climbs 800% while your city's leadership provides port-a-potties, food, and hardened barriers to help domestic terrorists hold the sections of city they laid siege to and now holds, while they extort business owners, assault and kill citizens who live in their held city blocks, while the terrorists refuse to allow 1st responders to enter to provide medical care to the injured and dying...when the Mayor openly professes support for the criminals, thugs, and terrorists instead of law-abiding citizens...until they finally come for him / come to his house and threaten to burn HIS house down and threatens HIM with violence...your city is a shithole...

When your city routinely has 30 - 40 shootings, over a dozen murders, and 3-4 children shot EVERY weekend and your mayor blames COVID-19. the former President, 'Racism', & closed courts for the record-setting shooting/homicide rate while lying, claiming 'the number of shootings are actually going down', only to be pimp-slapped by reality the very next weekend when 97 people are shot, 16 dead, and 6 kids get shot...your city's a shithole ...

Or perhaps they are just run by a shitty failure of a Mayor.
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And so now 'what to do' about the shitholes Marvin has pointed out?

Make the cities all white?
Take stronger gun violence measures against black people?
Allow the police to murder black people at will?

What are people like Marvin to do now that it's been declared that America's cities are shitholes?

Could it be that your entire country has become a racist and violent shithole Marvin?

You could be onto something?

Virtually all the racism and violence happens in the places run by people like you. I don't live in one of those, so it really doesn't bother me. But you're on to something, actually, something I've been saying for a long time: The surest way to die violently in America is to live in a place run by DemoKKKrats.
I'm a Canadian who has no dog in your fight and so your childish spamming isn't worth my time Marvin.

But I 'do' agree with you that America has become a shithole.

Of violence
Of hate.
Of racism.
Of childish politics.
Of white/black/white murder on the streets.
Of pseudo-christian bigotry.
Of corruption in government.
Of corruption of it's Scotus for political reasons.

The only sure way to die in America is to live in America.
At least Americans are not prosecuted for just saying Islam is controlled by violent people.
Marvin isn't going to walk back his comment on American cities being 'shitholes'.

If it wasn't understood as his rabid extremist political views then maybe it could be interpreted as Marvin's hate for his country.

Well, at least hate for America's cities.

Marvin's carelessness has resulted in him sticking his head up his own ass. Careless expression of his troubled feelings.

Who wants to second Marvin on his explanation of America's cities being 'shitholes'?

What a great opportunity to get that fact out of the way at least!

Why would I walk back the well-documented fact that people like you have turned our cities into shitholes?
Many Democrat-run cities are shitholes.

When your homicide rate climbs 800% while your city's leadership provides port-a-potties, food, and hardened barriers to help domestic terrorists hold the sections of city they laid siege to and now holds, while they extort business owners, assault and kill citizens who live in their help city blocks, while the terrorists refuse to allow 1st responders to enter to provide medical care to the injured and dying...when the Mayor openly professes support for the criminals, thugs, and terrorists...until they finally come for him / come to his house and threaten to burn HIS house down and threatens HIM with violence...your city is a shithole...

When your city routinely has 30 - 40 shootings, over a dozen murders, and 3-4 children shot EVERY weekend and your mayor blames COVID-19. the former President, 'Racism', & closed courts for the record-setting shooting/homicide rate while lying, claiming 'the number of shootings are actually going down', only to be pimp-slapped by reality the very next weekend when 97 people are shot, 16 dead, and 6 kids get shot...your city's a shithole ...

Or perhaps it is just run by a shitty failure of a Mayor.

Dipshit Donald H knows that, he just isn't willing to admit the reason those places are shitholes is because they're run by people like him.
Donald H

You said it better than I did. Thanks for that. "Systemic Racism" aka Historical Racism robbed many blacks of wealth. Hell, they couldn't even own property until relatively recently - So very few blacks started with inherited wealth or property of any kind.

I didn't ever assume that you didn't understand. It's all quite elementary fact that's not being debated with any commitment by either side of the political shitfight.

Is there a way out? A way back?
Now that Trump has used racism as his method of capturing the hearts and minds of the ordinary working class American?

And most important, are working class Americans who call themselves Democrats, immune to the Trump drawing card of racism?

I have to be careful in suggesting that the rat problem has to be attacked at it's roots. That must be left open to interpretation, but it should still be crystal clear.

America is at risk of a fascist takeover of it's democracy. I find it quite amazing that some patriotic American hasn't already acted to stop the evil.

Very few "patriots" on the Republican side of the aisle. Most of them are still down with The Big Lie and totally okay with Fascism. They should change their name to The Authoritarian Party or The Insurrectionist Party.
Many Democrat-run cities are shitholes.

When your homicide rate climbs 800% while your city's leadership provides port-a-potties, food, and hardened barriers to help domestic terrorists hold the sections of city they laid siege to and now holds, while they extort business owners, assault and kill citizens who live in their help city blocks, while the terrorists refuse to allow 1st responders to enter to provide medical care to the injured and dying...when the Mayor openly professes support for the criminals, thugs, and terrorists...until they finally come for him / come to his house and threaten to burn HIS house down and threatens HIM with violence...your city is a shithole...

When your city routinely has 30 - 40 shootings, over a dozen murders, and 3-4 children shot EVERY weekend and your mayor blames COVID-19. the former President, 'Racism', & closed courts for the record-setting shooting/homicide rate while lying, claiming 'the number of shootings are actually going down', only to be pimp-slapped by reality the very next weekend when 97 people are shot, 16 dead, and 6 kids get shot...your city's a shithole ...

Or perhaps it is just run by a shitty failure of a Mayor.

Dipshit Donald H knows that, he just isn't willing to admit the reason those places are shitholes is because they're run by people like him.
Yeah, when you call everyone who criticizes you for your failure to get exploding violence in your city under control a 'Racist', when you blame the massive Black-On-Black crime / homicides on 'Racism', then ban all reporters who aren't 'of color' from interviewing you because you consider reporters who asks you tough questions about exploding crime rates and your inability to do anything about it to be 'racists' you're a useless failure who doesn't need to be in charge.

Very few "patriots" on the Republican side of the aisle. Most of them are still down with The Big Lie and totally okay with Fascism. They should change their name to The Authoritarian Party or The Insurrectionist Party.
I love it when rabid leftist snowflakes attempt to speak for / claim to know what others believe / stand for. it's so entertaining.

I especially love when snowflakes who actually support Democrats proven to have sold out to our enemies - like the CCP and Russia - and who were proven to have been co-conspirators in Barry's failed treasonous coup attempt try to question anyone else's patriotism.


Very few "patriots" on the Republican side of the aisle. Most of them are still down with The Big Lie and totally okay with Fascism. They should change their name to The Authoritarian Party or The Insurrectionist Party.
I love it when rabid leftist snowflakes attempt to speak for / claim to know what others believe / stand for. it's so entertaining.

I especially love when snowflakes who actually support Democrats proven to have sold out to our enemies - like the CCP and Russia - and who were proven to have been co-conspirators in Barry's failed treasonous coup attempt try to question anyone else's patriotism.

What YOU believe is especially entertaining. :p
I'm going to leave it to Americans to discuss and decide how much of their country has become 'shitholes' and what parts of their country are/are not shitholes.

Marvin and the others have confirmed the fact and there's no possibility of any of them being able to walk it back now!

I'll just say that I'm in complete agreement with them. America's cities are shitholes and it's people like me who live in a small Canadian city that has made those big cities 'shitholes'. It's the librul, socialist, commie thing in we Canadians. We're all guilty as charged!

For others of different political persuasion I'll just 'suggest' that America has become something that may be described as a 'shithole', if given poetic license to describe it that way.

It's not good for any American, as it's destructive for both sides of the political fight. None of America's allies are going to tolerate being associated with that level of corruption that has become America.

What better description will do better than calling it a 'shithole'?
exploding violence in your city under control a 'Racist', when you blame the massive Black-On-Black crime / homicides on 'Racism', then ban all reporters who aren't 'of color' from interviewing you because you consider reporters who asks you tough questions about exploding crime rates and your inability to do anything about it

All of which is so undeniably true in America.
For others of different political persuasion I'll just 'suggest' that America has become something that may be described as a 'shithole', if given poetic license to describe it that way.

You hgave to give the Democrats credit for putting forth such great effort to accomplish this.
Shoot another American citizen for jesus. There's a 50/50 chance he/she will be your political enemy!
For others of different political persuasion I'll just 'suggest' that America has become something that may be described as a 'shithole', if given poetic license to describe it that way.

You hgave to give the Democrats credit for putting forth such great effort to accomplish this.
Marvin got the American 'shithole' thing right. I'm good with blaming it on the Demonrats.

There's no redeemable quality in any of the 'shithole's' politics.

The rest of the world's democracies is leaving America in their dust. Americans themselves have characterized their own cities as nothing but 'shitholes'.

Walk that back for Marvin! LOL
The U.S. ranks 14th in the world in the percentage of 25-34 year-olds with higher education (42%). have an upper secondary education are just 29% -- one of the lowest levels among OECD countries.

...and the largest teacher's union in the nation declared they are willing to take their fight to be able to teach CRT all the way to the Supreme Court, liberal Fake News media has begun a campaign attacking a vast majority of Americans by calling anyone who opposes CRT being taught an 'Idiot'. Democrats, who control K-12 public education and whose leftist extremists professors run most college classrooms are 100% committed to forcing extremely divisive CRT, that teaches Americans to hate each other and our country, on our children / kids.

...and as they do our children drop farther and farther behind other nations who actually focus on ACADEMICS instead of political indoctrination.

For others of different political persuasion I'll just 'suggest' that America has become something that may be described as a 'shithole', if given poetic license to describe it that way.

You hgave to give the Democrats credit for putting forth such great effort to accomplish this.
Marvin got the American 'shithole' thing right. I'm good with blaming it on the Demonrats.

There's no redeemable quality in any of the 'shithole's' politics.

The rest of the world's democracies is leaving America in their dust. Americans themselves have characterized their own cities as nothing but 'shitholes'.

Walk that back for Marvin! LOL

Again, why would I want to walk back the fact that most every place in America run by people like you is a shithole? It's a documented fact.
For others of different political persuasion I'll just 'suggest' that America has become something that may be described as a 'shithole', if given poetic license to describe it that way.

You hgave to give the Democrats credit for putting forth such great effort to accomplish this.
Marvin got the American 'shithole' thing right. I'm good with blaming it on the Demonrats.

There's no redeemable quality in any of the 'shithole's' politics.

The rest of the world's democracies is leaving America in their dust. Americans themselves have characterized their own cities as nothing but 'shitholes'.

Walk that back for Marvin! LOL

Again, why would I want to walk back the fact that most every place in America run by people like you is a shithole? It's a documented fact.
Is your country really a 'shithole' Marvin?
What better description will do better than calling it a 'shithole'?

For others of different political persuasion I'll just 'suggest' that America has become something that may be described as a 'shithole', if given poetic license to describe it that way.

You hgave to give the Democrats credit for putting forth such great effort to accomplish this.
Marvin got the American 'shithole' thing right. I'm good with blaming it on the Demonrats.

There's no redeemable quality in any of the 'shithole's' politics.

The rest of the world's democracies is leaving America in their dust. Americans themselves have characterized their own cities as nothing but 'shitholes'.

Walk that back for Marvin! LOL

Again, why would I want to walk back the fact that most every place in America run by people like you is a shithole? It's a documented fact.
Is your country really a 'shithole' Marvin?
It's a big country asshole, and like yours it has shitholes, but more because there are more shittier people in them. Sorry if you find that racist, but who are we kidding here?
Seems the BLM crowd is trying to break its own record:
Hell, the weekend hasn't even started.

Don't you know? Black lives only matter to BLM when they're killed by a white cop.
All Americans have to be fully aware of the huge racism problem in their country.

The next step is to finally reach the understanding that America created an everlasting 'RACE' problem in the 60's when it refused t address the problem.

Other democracies moved forward while America erected monuments to honour slavery and racism.

The Union of states demanded that southern racists had to be pacified by an acceptance that black people couldn't become equals.

Now there's no way out!
And of course Trump has capitalized on it to his advantage in the same way Hitler used the Jews as his drawing card.

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