One-Month Old Child Among 32 Shot in Chicago - BLM Bro

America's 'race' problem is unsolvable now and won't be even addressed until it comes to white people's little children up close and personal.

Which would involve what?
I'm imaging that it can't be long before black men start to take revenge on white America by hitting white people where it hurts most. Hasn't it already started?

That would be an attack on the other side's children. All that holds either side back is the fact that it would escalate quickly on both sides.

There's really nothing that can be done about America's racism (race) problem and so some original thinking is needed on the possible consequences.

Trump is obviously left with no other attraction than the escalation of his racism agenda. Until he's somehow eliminated there can be no easing of tensions. It can only get worse.
When Democrats release tens of thousands of violent felons early just because of the ChiCom Flu, bad things are going to happen.

The DemoKKKrats don't consider sky-high murder rates of blacks in their shithole cities a bad thing. It's a good thing for them. Part of their plan.
America's cities are definitely shitholes now.
And America has certainly created a 'race' problem that has black people murdering at sky-high rates as you suggest.

It's covered in the list of parameters that has made America slide so far down the list on quality of life.
Is that why no one wants to immigrate to Canada, just America?

Or do people like seeing the graves of thousands of the children of Native Peoples killed by your state run schools?
When Democrats release tens of thousands of violent felons early just because of the ChiCom Flu, bad things are going to happen.

The DemoKKKrats don't consider sky-high murder rates of blacks in their shithole cities a bad thing. It's a good thing for them. Part of their plan.
America's cities are definitely shitholes now.
And America has certainly created a 'race' problem that has black people murdering at sky-high rates as you suggest.

It's covered in the list of parameters that has made America slide so far down the list on quality of life.
Is that why no one wants to immigrate to Canada, just America?

Or do people like seeing the graves of thousands of the children of Native Peoples killed by your state run schools?
Do you really think that nobody wants to immigrate to Canada?

Act like an adult or you're going to be ignored.

And fwiw, the schools were 'Christian' run and our government wrongly entrusted the care of the children to evil hands.

In America the children were entrusted to their graves as the solution.
When Democrats release tens of thousands of violent felons early just because of the ChiCom Flu, bad things are going to happen.

The DemoKKKrats don't consider sky-high murder rates of blacks in their shithole cities a bad thing. It's a good thing for them. Part of their plan.
America's cities are definitely shitholes now.
And America has certainly created a 'race' problem that has black people murdering at sky-high rates as you suggest.

It's covered in the list of parameters that has made America slide so far down the list on quality of life.
Is that why no one wants to immigrate to Canada, just America?

Or do people like seeing the graves of thousands of the children of Native Peoples killed by your state run schools?
Do you really think that nobody wants to immigrate to Canada?

Act like an adult or you're going to be ignored.

And fwiw, the schools were 'Christian' run and our government wrongly entrusted the care of the children to evil hands.

In America the children were entrusted to their graves as the solution.
Only Canadian immigrants are those who didn’t make the US cut. Act like an adult and stop pretending Canadian quality of life is the best.
And so now 'what to do' about the shitholes Marvin has pointed out?

Make the cities all white?
Take stronger gun violence measures against black people?
Allow the police to murder black people at will?

What are people like Marvin to do now that it's been declared that America's cities are shitholes?

Could it be that your entire country has become a racist and violent shithole Marvin?

You could be onto something?

Virtually all the racism and violence happens in the places run by people like you. I don't live in one of those, so it really doesn't bother me. But you're on to something, actually, something I've been saying for a long time: The surest way to die violently in America is to live in a place run by DemoKKKrats.
And so now 'what to do' about the shitholes Marvin has pointed out?

Make the cities all white?
Take stronger gun violence measures against black people?
Allow the police to murder black people at will?

What are people like Marvin to do now that it's been declared that America's cities are shitholes?

Could it be that your entire country has become a racist and violent shithole Marvin?

You could be onto something?

Virtually all the racism and violence happens in the places run by people like you. I don't live in one of those, so it really doesn't bother me. But you're on to something, actually, something I've been saying for a long time: The surest way to die violently in America is to live in a place run by DemoKKKrats.
I'm a Canadian who has no dog in your fight and so your childish spamming isn't worth my time Marvin.

But I 'do' agree with you that America has become a shithole.

Of violence
Of hate.
Of racism.
Of childish politics.
Of white/black/white murder on the streets.
Of pseudo-christian bigotry.
Of corruption in government.
Of corruption of it's Scotus for political reasons.

The only sure way to die in America is to live in America.
And so now 'what to do' about the shitholes Marvin has pointed out?

Make the cities all white?
Take stronger gun violence measures against black people?
Allow the police to murder black people at will?

What are people like Marvin to do now that it's been declared that America's cities are shitholes?

Could it be that your entire country has become a racist and violent shithole Marvin?

You could be onto something?

Virtually all the racism and violence happens in the places run by people like you. I don't live in one of those, so it really doesn't bother me. But you're on to something, actually, something I've been saying for a long time: The surest way to die violently in America is to live in a place run by DemoKKKrats.
I'm a Canadian who has no dog in your fight and so your childish spamming isn't worth my time Marvin.

But I 'do' agree with you that America has become a shithole.

Of violence
Of hate.
Of racism.
Of childish politics.
Of white/black/white murder on the streets.
Of pseudo-christian bigotry.
Of corruption in government.
Of corruption of it's Scotus for political reasons.

The only sure way to die in America is to live in America.

Once again, you're mostly right, but the shitholes are just the places run by people like you. The rest of the country is pretty awesome.
And so now 'what to do' about the shitholes Marvin has pointed out?

Make the cities all white?
Take stronger gun violence measures against black people?
Allow the police to murder black people at will?

What are people like Marvin to do now that it's been declared that America's cities are shitholes?

Could it be that your entire country has become a racist and violent shithole Marvin?

You could be onto something?

Virtually all the racism and violence happens in the places run by people like you. I don't live in one of those, so it really doesn't bother me. But you're on to something, actually, something I've been saying for a long time: The surest way to die violently in America is to live in a place run by DemoKKKrats.
I'm a Canadian who has no dog in your fight and so your childish spamming isn't worth my time Marvin.

But I 'do' agree with you that America has become a shithole.

Of violence
Of hate.
Of racism.
Of childish politics.
Of white/black/white murder on the streets.
Of pseudo-christian bigotry.
Of corruption in government.
Of corruption of it's Scotus for political reasons.

The only sure way to die in America is to live in America.

Once again, you're mostly right, but the shitholes are just the places run by people like you. The rest of the country is pretty awesome.
Children say the darndest things Marvin.
I'm fine with your 'shithole' description any way you define it.
Seems the BLM crowd is trying to break its own record:
Hell, the weekend hasn't even started.

the blm idiots ignore the fact that the overwhelming majority of blacks killed in the USA every year are killed by other blacks.
And the vast majority of whites are killed by other whites.
Were you aware of that, or just playing dumb :confused-84:
are you aware that way more blacks are killed then whites and way more blacks are in jail then whites. what do you think is the reason for that and it is not racism

Blacks are more likely to live in poverty and recruited into gangs/ drugs/ etc etc. Poverty, not race is the problemo. Oh yes, and don't believe a damn word Donnie says about black crime or Cliven Bundy says about "The Negro" ;)

candycorn We need ideology reform. The guns aren't the problem. The cars aren't the problem. Alcohol isn't the problem. All these things can be safe in good minds.
Ideology reform.

Sure... Meanwhile back in reality you don't hear about mass shooting in other first world nations as often. What do we have that they don't have? Oh yeah..a 2nd amendment.
You don't hear about mass shootings in other countries because they don't have a media working with the communist party.....unless they are already communist. How do you think they went communist in the first place? And why is the media encouraging mass shootings and criminals? Because of the 2nd Amendment.
Wow...that is one polluted stream of consciousness. Thanks for the chuckle.
The truth seems to confound you.

Guess who else the truth confounds :lol:

And so now 'what to do' about the shitholes Marvin has pointed out?

Make the cities all white?
Take stronger gun violence measures against black people?
Allow the police to murder black people at will?

What are people like Marvin to do now that it's been declared that America's cities are shitholes?

Could it be that your entire country has become a racist and violent shithole Marvin?

You could be onto something?

Virtually all the racism and violence happens in the places run by people like you. I don't live in one of those, so it really doesn't bother me. But you're on to something, actually, something I've been saying for a long time: The surest way to die violently in America is to live in a place run by DemoKKKrats.
I'm a Canadian who has no dog in your fight and so your childish spamming isn't worth my time Marvin.

But I 'do' agree with you that America has become a shithole.

Of violence
Of hate.
Of racism.
Of childish politics.
Of white/black/white murder on the streets.
Of pseudo-christian bigotry.
Of corruption in government.
Of corruption of it's Scotus for political reasons.

The only sure way to die in America is to live in America.
At least Americans are not prosecuted for just saying Islam is controlled by violent people.
Seems the BLM crowd is trying to break its own record:
Hell, the weekend hasn't even started.

the blm idiots ignore the fact that the overwhelming majority of blacks killed in the USA every year are killed by other blacks.
And the vast majority of whites are killed by other whites.
Were you aware of that, or just playing dumb :confused-84:
are you aware that way more blacks are killed then whites and way more blacks are in jail then whites. what do you think is the reason for that and it is not racism

Blacks are more likely to live in poverty and recruited into gangs/ drugs/ etc etc. Poverty, not race is the problemo. Oh yes, and don't believe a damn word Donnie says about black crime or Cliven Bundy says about "The Negro" ;)

You're missing the main point. Racism on black people created the situation in which they became poor people. And then poor and destitute people turned to crime at higher levels than others.

White America never did allow black Americans to rise up out of poverty because opportunity was denied them because of their skin colour.

Generally speaking, America took a wrong turn in the 60's when it refused to let go of racism. Now a situation has been created that appears to be irreversible. The American south even turned to erecting monuments to honour racism!

Other countries handled the issue of moving away from racist attitudes but far too many Americans refused to let it go.

America created it's bad black population where other countries didn't.

Is there any sense in either side pretending it doesn't exist?
Seems the BLM crowd is trying to break its own record:
Hell, the weekend hasn't even started.

the blm idiots ignore the fact that the overwhelming majority of blacks killed in the USA every year are killed by other blacks.
And the vast majority of whites are killed by other whites.
Were you aware of that, or just playing dumb :confused-84:
are you aware that way more blacks are killed then whites and way more blacks are in jail then whites. what do you think is the reason for that and it is not racism

Blacks are more likely to live in poverty and recruited into gangs/ drugs/ etc etc. Poverty, not race is the problemo. Oh yes, and don't believe a damn word Donnie says about black crime or Cliven Bundy says about "The Negro" ;)

Funny how I dont worry about crime in third world nations while living in areas that don’t even have electricity, let alone 60” plasma tv’s and iPhone 12’s your ‘poverty’ areas have.
Donald H

You said it better than I did. Thanks for that. "Systemic Racism" aka Historical Racism robbed many blacks of wealth. Hell, they couldn't even own property until relatively recently - So very few blacks started with inherited wealth or property of any kind.


Chicago’s Bloody 4th of July Weekend: 92 Shot,

16 Fatally, 6 Children Among Injured

92 people were shot, 16 fatally in a bloody 4th of July weekend in Chicago. 6 children were among the injured in Chicago’s deadliest and most violent weekend of 2021.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is a total failure...

...but she is the perfect Democrat. Much like how the Democrats reacted to their FAILED 'Defund The Police' campaign in order to save their asses - they blamed the GOP and Trump, Lightfoot, in an attempt to save her own political ass - blamed President Trump for the massive surge in violence in Chicago.

:itsok: :auiqs.jpg:

Shot??? But guns are wonderful tools created to protect everyone. How can it be?

Yes, they are. When the cops don't protect you you had best be able to do so.

If you were smart you would be calling out the criminal justice system you claim to be a part of, for releasing violent crime suspects over and over again.

But no, ignorant jackals you wants to disarm the 99% of us who follow the law, instead of prosecuting the 1 percent who break the laws.

You truly are a special kind of stupid.
And so now 'what to do' about the shitholes Marvin has pointed out?

Make the cities all white?
Take stronger gun violence measures against black people?
Allow the police to murder black people at will?

What are people like Marvin to do now that it's been declared that America's cities are shitholes?

Could it be that your entire country has become a racist and violent shithole Marvin?

You could be onto something?

Virtually all the racism and violence happens in the places run by people like you. I don't live in one of those, so it really doesn't bother me. But you're on to something, actually, something I've been saying for a long time: The surest way to die violently in America is to live in a place run by DemoKKKrats.
I'm a Canadian who has no dog in your fight and so your childish spamming isn't worth my time Marvin.

But I 'do' agree with you that America has become a shithole.

Of violence
Of hate.
Of racism.
Of childish politics.
Of white/black/white murder on the streets.
Of pseudo-christian bigotry.
Of corruption in government.
Of corruption of it's Scotus for political reasons.

The only sure way to die in America is to live in America.
At least Americans are not prosecuted for just saying Islam is controlled by violent people.
Marvin isn't going to walk back his comment on American cities being 'shitholes'.

If it wasn't understood as his rabid extremist political views then maybe it could be interpreted as Marvin's hate for his country.

Well, at least hate for America's cities.

Marvin's carelessness has resulted in him sticking his head up his own ass. Careless expression of his troubled feelings.

Who wants to second Marvin on his explanation of America's cities being 'shitholes'?

What a great opportunity to get that fact out of the way at least!
Marvin isn't going to walk back his comment on American cities being 'shitholes'.

If it wasn't understood as his rabid extremist political views then maybe it could be interpreted as Marvin's hate for his country.

Well, at least hate for America's cities.

Marvin's carelessness has resulted in him sticking his head up his own ass. Careless expression of his troubled feelings.

Who wants to second Marvin on his explanation of America's cities being 'shitholes'?

What a great opportunity to get that fact out of the way at least!

The Martian Lad is a f'n idiot - The only poster I have in IG. ;)
And so now 'what to do' about the shitholes Marvin has pointed out?

Make the cities all white?
Take stronger gun violence measures against black people?
Allow the police to murder black people at will?

What are people like Marvin to do now that it's been declared that America's cities are shitholes?

Could it be that your entire country has become a racist and violent shithole Marvin?

You could be onto something?

Virtually all the racism and violence happens in the places run by people like you. I don't live in one of those, so it really doesn't bother me. But you're on to something, actually, something I've been saying for a long time: The surest way to die violently in America is to live in a place run by DemoKKKrats.
I'm a Canadian who has no dog in your fight and so your childish spamming isn't worth my time Marvin.

But I 'do' agree with you that America has become a shithole.

Of violence
Of hate.
Of racism.
Of childish politics.
Of white/black/white murder on the streets.
Of pseudo-christian bigotry.
Of corruption in government.
Of corruption of it's Scotus for political reasons.

The only sure way to die in America is to live in America.
At least Americans are not prosecuted for just saying Islam is controlled by violent people.
Marvin isn't going to walk back his comment on American cities being 'shitholes'.

If it wasn't understood as his rabid extremist political views then maybe it could be interpreted as Marvin's hate for his country.

Well, at least hate for America's cities.

Marvin's carelessness has resulted in him sticking his head up his own ass. Careless expression of his troubled feelings.

Who wants to second Marvin on his explanation of America's cities being 'shitholes'?

What a great opportunity to get that fact out of the way at least!
All heavily Democrat controlled cities are shitholes. Doesn’t mean the 98% of the remaining landmass is.
Seems the BLM crowd is trying to break its own record:
Hell, the weekend hasn't even started.

the blm idiots ignore the fact that the overwhelming majority of blacks killed in the USA every year are killed by other blacks.
And the vast majority of whites are killed by other whites.
Were you aware of that, or just playing dumb :confused-84:
are you aware that way more blacks are killed then whites and way more blacks are in jail then whites. what do you think is the reason for that and it is not racism

Blacks are more likely to live in poverty and recruited into gangs/ drugs/ etc etc. Poverty, not race is the problemo. Oh yes, and don't believe a damn word Donnie says about black crime or Cliven Bundy says about "The Negro" ;)

You're missing the main point. Racism on black people created the situation in which they became poor people. And then poor and destitute people turned to crime at higher levels than others.

White America never did allow black Americans to rise up out of poverty because opportunity was denied them because of their skin colour.

Generally speaking, America took a wrong turn in the 60's when it refused to let go of racism. Now a situation has been created that appears to be irreversible. The American south even turned to erecting monuments to honour racism!

Other countries handled the issue of moving away from racist attitudes but far too many Americans refused to let it go.

America created it's bad black population where other countries didn't.

Is there any sense in either side pretending it doesn't exist?
However frightening the thought might be, have you ever considered that America has by far the most successful black population in the world? That would be a clear indicator of the abject failure of blacks as a demographic the world over.

Besides that, you're full of shit.
Donald H

You said it better than I did. Thanks for that. "Systemic Racism" aka Historical Racism robbed many blacks of wealth. Hell, they couldn't even own property until relatively recently - So very few blacks started with inherited wealth or property of any kind.

I didn't ever assume that you didn't understand. It's all quite elementary fact that's not being debated with any commitment by either side of the political shitfight.

Is there a way out? A way back?
Now that Trump has used racism as his method of capturing the hearts and minds of the ordinary working class American?

And most important, are working class Americans who call themselves Democrats, immune to the Trump drawing card of racism?

I have to be careful in suggesting that the rat problem has to be attacked at it's roots. That must be left open to interpretation, but it should still be crystal clear.

America is at risk of a fascist takeover of it's democracy. I find it quite amazing that some patriotic American hasn't already acted to stop the evil.

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